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1、五年级人教版英语下册阅读理解专项精选练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。It''s 1st February. The Blacks are cleaning their house because tomorrow is the Spring Festival. Look! Peter is carrying water with his brother Paul. Sam is cleaning the windows. Sally is sweeping the floor. Mr and Mrs Black are cleaning the kitc

2、hen. They will make delicious food for the family.Two hours later, the house is nice and tidy.( )(1)Today is the Spring Festival.( )(2)The Blacks are cleaning their house.( )(3)Sally is carrying water with his brother Paul.( )(4)Mr and Mrs Black are making delicious food for the family in the kitche

3、n.( )(5)Two hours later, the house is nice and tidy.2. 阅读短文,判断正误。Today is Monday .It is a sunny day. The sun is shining .The sky is blue. Mr. Smith and his family are staying at home. There are four people in his family.Mr. Smith and his wife are watching TV. Tom is doing his homework in his room .

4、Mary is playing computer games. She is very busy. They have a good time.( )(1)Today is Monday.( )(2)Today is a rainy day.( )(3)There are three people in Mr. Smith''s family.( )(4)Mary is playing computer games in her room.( )(5)Mr Smith and Mrs. Smith are watching TV.3. 读一读,判断,对的写T,错的写F。In s

5、ome countries, Mothers Day is a holiday celebrated(庆祝) on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when children honor(尊敬) their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers.On that day, many children go out and buy some flowers. After their mothers get up, they will say “Happy Mothers Day!” and give their mo

6、thers the flowers. Mothers will be very happy and say “How beautiful the flowers are! Thank you!” Then, the children are going to do all the housework for their mothers, and let them take a rest for a day.1Mothers Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May. (_)2On Mothers Day, the

7、children will play with their mothers. (_)3The children give some flowers to their mothers after their mothers get up. (_)4When their mothers receive some beautiful flowers, their mothers feel angry. (_)5On Mothers Day, the children go out to play with their friends. (_)4. 阅读理解。H

8、ello! My name is Peter. I am a student. I often have busy days. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. I eat breakfast at home. Then I go to school at 7:10. I read books at 7:30. I play sports at 11:45. In the afternoon, we have English class class. After school, I play football with my friends. In the ev

9、ening, I do my homework or watch TV . I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day.(1)I am a _.A.teacherB.studentC.policeman(2)I _ at 7:10.A.go to schoolB.get upC.have breakfast(3)I usually _ after class in the afternoon.A.read booksB.play the pianoC.play football(4)I often play football with my _.A.sistersB

10、.brothersC.friends(5)In the evening, I often _.A.go shoppingB.do my homeworkC.go hiking5. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Tom. I come from Guangzhou and live with my grandparents and parents. Now it is in July. It''s my summer holiday. I'' m visiting my uncle and aunt in Sydney. But it is wi

11、nter in Sydney. I don''t have a thick (厚的) coat for cold days. Because it''s not so cold in Guangzhou even in winter. I will buy one with my aunt this weekend. I think I also need a pair of warm shoes and something else warm. I will buy some presents for my cousin, Bill. So I will be

12、 very busy this weekend.(1)Tom is a boy from _.A. Beijing B. Sydney C. Guangzhou(2)Tom is visiting his _ for his summer holiday.A. grandpa and grandma B. father and mother C. uncle and aunt(3)When it''s summer in Guangzhou, it''s _ in Sydney.A. spring B. winter C. summer(4)It'

13、9;s_ in Guangzhou even in winter.A. not so cold B. hot C. so cold(5)Tom will_ with his aunt this weekend.A. go shopping B. go camping C. visit his friends6. 阅读理解,根据短文的意思,选择最合适的答案。Last Sunday, it was raining. Sam couldn''t play basketball. So he was sad. He stayed at home. He helped his mum c

14、lean the room. After that, he finished his homework. Then, the rain stopped. Sam went out to play. He was happy. He had a good time with friends.(1)Last Sunday, it was _.A.  snowingB.  rainingC.sunny(2)Sam was sad, because he couldn''t _.A.play footballB.play basketballC.

15、play volleyball(3)Sam helped mum _.A.wash clothes       B.clean the room  C.cook noodles.(4)The rain stopped, Sam _.A.did homework      B.cleaned the room   C.went out to play(5)Sam had a good time with _A.brot

16、herslB.friendsC.sisters7. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Tom is a schoolboy. He''s twelve years old. He comes from England. He''s a primary school student. There are four people in his family. They are his father, his mother, his brother and Tom. His father is an engineer (工程师). He''s forty yea

17、rs old. He works very hard. He often works until very late. His mother is a nurse. She''s thirty-eight years old. She works in a hospital. She often helps doctors and patients (病人). She loves her work very much. She''s a good nurse.Today is Saturday. Tom, his brother and their friend

18、s go to Shanghai. Some of their friends are from Guangzhou, some are from Tianjin, and the others are from Beijing. They can speak English very well. They are very happy.( )(1)Where does Tom come from?A.He''s from Australia.B.He''s from England.C.He''s from China.D.He comes f

19、rom America.( )(2)How many people are there in Tom''s family?A.There are five people.B.There are four people.C.There are three people.D.There are six people.( )(3)What does Tom''s father do?A.He is a teacher.B.He is a worker.C.He is a doctor.D.He is an engineer.( )(4)Where does Tom&#

20、39;'s mother work?A.She works in a school.B.She works in a bank.C.She works in a hospital.D.She works in a hotel.( )(5)Which city do Tom and his brother go to?A.Beijing.B.Guangzhou.C.ShanghaiD.Tianjin.8. 根据短文内容填空。Mike is my friend. Hes thirteen. He is Engl

21、ish. We are in the same school. We are not in the same class. His father Mr Black is a driver. He is forty. His morher is not a driver. She is a&

22、#160;nurse. She is forty-three. Mike has a sister. 1. Mike is _ years old.         2. Mr Black is a  _  .3. Mikes mother is a _ . 

23、   4. Mike has a  _  .5. Mr Black is Mikes   _ .9. 读短文,选择正确的答案。Dear Zhang Peng.I''m your Family Doctor Robot. We know everyone wants to be healthy. How can you be healthy? Here is some advice(建议) for you. Pl

24、ease eat healthy breakfast. It is very good for your health. It''s a good beginning(开始) of the day. Please go to bed and get up early. It is a good habit(习惯). If you sleep well, you''ll have energy( 精力) to read books play sports, and do what you want to do. Please eat some

25、fruit like apples, oranges, bananas and so on(等等).You know vegetables can make you healthy, too. | Please don''t eat the junk food, because it''s really bad!Do these above, you''ll be healthy.Rocky() (1)Who is the litter to?A. Zhang Peng. B. The Family Doctor Robot.

26、 C. Rocky.() (2)What should we have for breakfast?A. B. C.() (3)The underlined phrase(画线短语) 'junk food' meansA.垃圾食品 B.绿色食品 C.有机食品() (4)What''s the passage about?A. How to eat breakfast. B. How to be healthy. C. How to be thin.() (5)Which of the following is right?A. Please eat at KFC

27、 every day. It''s really good.B. There are four ways to be healthy in the passage.C. Go to bed and get u late, you''ll have energy to do what you want to do.10. 阅读理解。Hello, I''m Sam. Last summer holiday, I went to Australia with my aunt. We went there by plane. We left Beijin

28、g in August. It was summer in Beijing. But it was winter in Australia. I like Australia because I like playing with snow. I went skating and took many pictures. I bought many presents for my friends too. I was tired, but I was very happy.( )(1)I went to Australia with myA. parents B. aunt C. brother

29、( )(2)It was        in Beijing.A. summer B. winter C. spring( )(3)What did Sam do in Australia?A. He went skating and bought many presents.B. He played football and ate good food.C. He went skating and played football.( )(4)How did Sam feel in Australia?A. He

30、felt tired and unhappy.B. He felt bored and tired.C. He felt tired, but he was very happy.11. 阅读短文,判断正误。    Hello, I''m Oliver. I study in Hope School. I have Chinese and English every day. I don''t have maths on Fridays. But I have music on Fridays. I love music.

31、 Our music teacher is old and funny. I have art on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Thursdays, I have the computer class. I have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  1. Oliver has Chinese every day. () 2. Oliver doesn''t have maths on Fridays. () 3. Oliver likes the computer class very much. () 4.

32、Oliver doesn''t have PE on Wednesdays. () 5. Oliver has English, Chinese and art on Wednesdays.() 12. 阅读理解。I''m an American student. My name is Peter. I''m twelve. I have one brother. He''s Steven. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. We go to school fi

33、ve days a week. On Sundays, we go to the park, there we catch insect. On Saturdays, we watch TV at home. My parents are teachers.They teach Chinese. I can speak Chinese. But Steven can speak only a little. I like to read books.Now I am reading a book about China. I like China very much. I hope to vi

34、sit China some day(将来某一天).阅读短文,判断正误( )(1)Steven can speak Chinese well.( )(2)Steven and Peter are in the same class.( )(3)They go to school from Monday to Friday.( )(4)Steven comes from America.( )(5)They watch TV on Saturdays.13. 读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。Hi, Im Amy. This is my bedroom. Look, this is my

35、 big bed. I like it very much. There is a desk near the bed. There are many books on the desk. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, its on the chair. The chair is near the desk. Look, there is a photo of my family. Its on the wall. I like my bedroom very much!1There is a desk and a chair in Amys bedroom.(_)2A

36、mys bed isnt big. (_)3Amys schoolbag is on the desk. (_)4The photo is on the desk. (_)5Amy likes her bedroom very much. (_)14. 阅读短文,回答问题。Aunt Bear is going to make a big cake. She wants someone to help her. 'Hi, Zoom!' says Aunt Bear, 'Come and help me make a cake, pl

37、ease.' 'Sorry, Aunt Bear. I''m not feeling well today. I have a toothache,' Zoom answers.'Zip, can you help me?''Sorry, I''m not very well. I have a headache,' Zip says.'Monkey, what about you?'Monkey answers, 'No. My throat is sore. I think I

38、have a cold.'Aunt Bear has to make the cake by herself. Zoom, Zip and Monkey play happily outside. When they walk back home, they are hungry and tired. Aunt Bear comes out of her house to greet them. 'Hello, children. I''m sorry you don''t feel well today. You should eat well

39、 and go to bed early. Come and share my big cake.' Zoom, Zip and Monkey feel their faces go red.(1)What''s Aunt Bear going to do?(2)What''s the matter with Zoom?(3)What''s the matter with Zip?(4)What''s the matter with Monkey?(5)Do you think they are ill? If not,

40、why do they tell a lie(撒谎)?15. 阅读对话,判断正误。One day, a tall man (M) Tom and a short woman (W) Rose are talking in the room.M: When do you go to work every day, Rose?W: At 7: 45, Tom.M: Do you walk there?W: No, I always get there by bicycle. What about you?M: I go to work on foot. Which subject do you t

41、each?W: I teach Musi C. But I can''t play the piano well. How about you?M: I teach P. E. , because I''m a P. E. teacher.W: Do you often play football after school?M: Yes, I like playing it very much. It''s interesting.W: I don''t like playing football. It''s t

42、oo difficult for me.( )(1)Rose goes to work at a quarter to seven.( )(2)They both go to work on foot.( )(3)Rose is a music teacher.( )(4)Rose can play the piano.( )(5)Rose and Tom both like playing football after school.16. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空,完成下列句子。It''s one o''clock in the afternoon. Th

43、e park is quiet. A young boy is sleeping under a big tree, with a book on his face. Next to the boy, a girl is listening to musi C. A dog beside the girl is playing with a ball. The ice cream man is taking a nap (打盹). There is a bird on his fridge. In the lake, some ducks are swimming. A man and a w

44、oman are having a picnic by the lake. An old man with a hat is fishing. He is taking a nap, too. A cat is eating his fish. A kite is flying in the sky.(1)The boy under the tree is    .(2)A dog beside the girl is    .(3)Some ducks are    

45、60;in the lake.(4)A man and a woman are     by the lake.(5)A cat is    .17. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。There are four people in Sam''s family. They are Father, Mother, Lily and Sam. Next Sunday they will have a holiday. Sam''s father wants to see the G

46、reat Wall. But his mother wants to go swimming in Qingdao. Sam and Lily are pupils. Lily wants to do her homework at home. What about Sam? He wants to see the Sea World in Sanya. They don''t know where they are going.( )(1)There are five people in Sam''s family.( )(2)Sam''s f

47、ather wants to see the Great Wall.( )(3)Sam''s mother wants to go swimming in Sanya.( )(4)Lily wants to see the Sea World in Sanya.18. 阅读小短文,判断对错。Mike is new at school, but he has many friends at school. He likes playing football with his classmates. He likes talking with Lily on the phone.

48、He often gets emails from his friends. They email him photos, too. He often reads books in the library. Books are his friends, too.1Mike likes playing basketball. (_)2He often calls Mary. (_)3He often email photos to his friends. (_)4He often gets emails from his classmates. (_)5

49、Mike often reads books in the library. (_)19. 阅读理解。Today is March 15th. I put some flower seeds(种子) into a big pot. I put in some water, too. Now it''s in the sun. Today is April 1st. I am so excited. I can see a sprout (芽). It''s small and green. It''s so lovely. I wate

50、r it again and put it in the sun. Today is April 15th. My plant(植物) has two green leaves. I water it every day and make sure it gets lots of sun. Today is May 1st. My plant is one month old! It''s tall and strong, but it has no flowers. Oh, come on! I can hardly wait!(1)On _, I put some seed

51、s into a pot.A. April 1st B. April 15th C. March 15th(2)On _, the plant has a sprout.A. April 1st B. April 15th C. March 15th  (3)On _, the plant has two green leaves.A. April 1st B. April 15th C. March 15th  (4)How old is the plant on May 1st?_.A. One year old B. One month old C

52、. A day old   (5)What''s the plant like?_A. It''s tall and strong. B. It''s tall and thin C.It''s short and strong.  20. 阅读判断。Today Daming ate a hamburger for breakfast. He likes hamburgers.But his little sister doesn''t like hamburgers . She likes hot do


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