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1、实用文档一、将来进行时的构成将来进行时由will be+现在分词”构成。如:I ll be doing jobs about the house tomorro硼天我将要干些家务活。I ll be staying late at the office this evening我各在办公室里待至U 比较晚。二、将来进行时的主要用法1 .将来进行时表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作Hurry up!The guests will be arriving at any minute!快!客人就要来了 !A space vehicle will be circling Jupiter in five ye

2、ars航天器 5 年后斗各 time星飞行。Don t phone me between 5 and 6. We ll be having dinner then点之间不要给我打 电话,那时我们在吃饭。When I get home, my wife will probably be watching television.当我至U家时,我太太可能正在看电视。2 .将来进行时表示表示按时划或安排要发生的动作I will be seeing you next week. 我下个星期来看你。I ll be taking my holidays soon不久我将度假了。We shall be goi

3、ng to London next week.下周我们要去伦敦。Wd ll be spending the winter in Australia. (=we are spending) 我们将在澳大禾U亚过冬。Professor Craig will be giving a lecture on Etruscan pottery tomorrow evening. (=is giving)克雷格教授明晚作关于伊特拉斯坎陶器的讲演。3 .将来进行时表示委婉语气Will you be having some tea?喝点茶吧。Will you be needing anything else?你

4、还需要什么吗?试比较:When will you finish these letters? 你什么时候会处理完这些信件?(如上司对下属)When will you be seeing Mr White? 你什么时候会见到怀特先生?(如下属对上司)有时这两种结构在意义上确实不同,例如:Mary won t pay this bill玛丽不付账。(她拒绝付账)Mary won t be paying this bill.玛丽不会付账。(将来)Will you join us for dinner? 你来和我们一起吃饭好吗 ?(邀请)Will you bejoining us for dinner

5、? 你会和我们一起吃饭吗 ?(将来)Won t you come with us?你和我们一起去好吗 ?(邀请)Won t you be coming with us?你会和我们一起去吗 ?(将来)三、将来进行时与一般将来时的区别1 .两者基本用法不一样将来进行时表示将来某时正在进行的动作,一般将来时表示将来某时将要发生的动作:What will you be doing this time tomorrow? 明天这个时候你会在做什么呢?What will you do tomorrow? 你明天干什么?2 .两者均可表示将来,但用将来进行时语气更委婉,比较:When will you fi

6、nish these letters? 你什么什候处理完这些信件?(直接询问,如上司对下属)When will you be seeing Mr White? 你什么时候见怀特先生?(委婉地询问,如下属对上司)When will you pay back the money?你什么时候还钱?(似乎在直接讨债)When will you be paying back the money? 这钱你什么时候还呢?(委婉地商量)3 .有时一般将来中的 will含有 愿意”的意思,而用将来进行时则只是单纯地谈未来情 况:Mary won t pay this bill玛丽不肯付这笔钱。(表意愿)Mary

7、 won t be paying this bill不会由玛丽来付钱。(单纯谈未来情况)四、将来进行时与现在进行时的搭配使用像其他进行时态一样,将来进行时通常和某一时刻连用, 表示一个动作在该时刻之前开 始并且很可能在该时刻之后仍然继续。这种用法最好通过实例来了解。设想一个班的学生上午9点半在做什么,然后可以这样表达:Now they are sitting in their classroom. They are listening to a tape. This time tomorrow they will be sitting in the cinema. They will be w

8、atching a film. On Saturday there is no class. So on Saturday they will not be sitting in the classroom. They will be doing other things. Bill will be playing tennis. Ann will be shopping. George will still be having breakfast. 现在他正坐在教室 里。他们在听录音。明天这个时候他们会坐在电影院里看电影。星期六没有课。因此,星期 六这时候他们不在教室里。他们会做别的事情。比

9、尔会在打网球,安会去买东西,乔治会还在吃早饭。另外,进行时态也可以和一般现在时连用。如:WhPeter has been invited to dinner with Ann and Tom. He was asked to come at eight but tells another friend that he intends to arrive at seven. The friend tries to dissuade him, arrive they ll still be cooking the meOl得应邀与安和汤姆一起吃饭。他们要彼得8点到,但彼得却告诉另一位朋友说他自己想

10、在7点到。那位朋友劝阻他说:“你到的时候,他们还在做饭呢!”五、将来进行时与现在进行时的区别现在进行时表示一种经过考虑的、将来要进行的动作,而将来进行时通常表示正常过程中会发生的动作,因此将来进行时不如现在进行时那样肯定,比后者偶然性要大一些:I am seeing Tom tomorrow. 明天我要和汤姆见面。I ll bseeing Tom tomorrow.明天我会见至U汤姆。第一句意指汤姆或说话人已经特意安排了这次会面,而第二句则意指汤姆和说话人将在通常进程中见面(也许他们在一起工作)。不过这种差别并不是在任何情况下都很重要,而且常常两者都可以使用。可以这样说:He ll be ta

11、king his exam next week.他下周要参加考试。 也可以这样说:He is taking his exam next week. 他下周要参加考试。He won t be coming to tharty.他不参加这次聚会。 也可以这样说:He isn t coming to the party.不参加这次聚会。现在进行时用于表示最近将来的动作时,必须有确定的时间,而将来进行时可以和确定的时间状语连用,也可以不连用。它既可以表示最近将来的动作,也可以表示较远将来的动作。可以说:I am naeeting him tomorrow. 我明天和他会面。但是说:I ll be me

12、eting him tomorrow / next year / some time /.我明天 / 明年 / 某时将与他会面。六、将来进行时与“ will+动词原形”的比较1 .相似性比较“will+动词原形”和将来进行时之间的差别与“ will+动词原形”和现在进行时之间的 差别基本上相同。“ will+动词原形”表示将来的意图,将来进行时表示未经过考虑将来便 要进行的动作。比较:I ll write to Mr Pitt and tell him about Tom我要写信HwhoUSet生关于汤姆的新房子的事。在这个例句中黑体的动词表示意图,说话人根据自己的意愿宣布一个经过考虑的、将来

13、要进行的动作。但在下面这句中:I ll be writing to Mr Pitt and I ll tell him about TomBt:会写信给皮 new加Use.诉他关于汤姆的新房子的事。2 .差异性比较“will+动词原形”可以表示邀请,或表示有礼貌的请求,或者发出命令。如:Will you have a cigarette?请抽烟。Will you help me to lift the piano? 请你帮我抬一下钢琴,好吗 ?You will work in this room. 你在这个房间里工作。而将来进行时则无上述这些含义:一 Will you please bring

14、 the piano in here?请你把钢琴搬进这里来,好吗 ?一 Yes. sir. / OK. 一好,先生。/ 好的。过去将来时一、概念过去将来时的动词表示对过去某一时间来说将要发生的动作或呈现的状态。这个时态常用在宾语从句中。二、过去将来时用法1. should/would +动词原形例如:He said he would be there before Monday.他说他星期一以前将在那里。 (be动词肯定式)We hoped she should not go the next week.我们希望下星期她不去。(do动词的否定式)注意:这个时态是一个相对的时态,立足于过去某时,

15、从过去的观点看未来。在一定的语境中也可于其他从句或句子中。例如:It was a problem whether he would support us.他是否会支持我还是个问题。It was seven o clock. The sun would soon set. 这时是七点钟,太阳即将落山。2. was/were going +动词不定式过去将来时的这种表达形式可以表示过去曾经打算或计划准备要做的事。例如:They told me that they were going to have a picnic.他们告诉我他们将要举行一次野餐。We were going to have a

16、meeting.我们曾经打算开个会。过去将来时的这种形式可以表示过去将要发生或很有可能发生的事,但未实现的动作。I was just going to ring him up when she came.我刚要给他打电话,她就来了。(电话没打成)有时也用 was/were + coming 表示过去将来时。例如:She didnt know when they were coming again.她不知道他们时候会再来。3. was/were about +动词不定式表示在过去看来正要做某事。例如:They were about to leave when the telephone rang

17、.他们正要走,电话铃响了。I was just about to go to bed when she came to see me. 我正要睡觉, 她来看我了。4. was/were + 动词不定式表示定于过去某时将要做某事。例如:He was to meet her at 10 on the street.他约定和她 10点钟在街上见面。注意:若表示过去没有实现 (或被取消)的计划,则用 was (were) to+动词完成时。 例如:They were to have left at 7 last night. 他们本来计划昨晚 7点离开的。5. would (should ) +动词原

18、形把助动词be变为过去式,把 will, shall变为过去式。例如:I told them that I would not go with them , if it rained.我告诉他们,如果下雨我就不和他们一起去了。He didn t know how to do it. What would be their ideas ?他不知道该怎么办,他们会有什么想法呢?6. would (should ) +动词原形 过去将来时常可用来表示过去习惯性的动作。此时,不管 什么人称,一律用 would。例如:Whenever she had time , she would do some r

19、eading.她一有时间,总是看书。I would play with them when I was a child.当我还是孩童时,总是和他们一起玩。现在把将来进行时与过去进行时用法归纳如下表:将来进行时构 成will /shall be + 现在分词K法1)表示将来某一时间正在进行或持续的动作一2)表示按计划或安排要发生的动作3)表示委婉语气,有时用将来进行时可使语气更委婉注 意项1)为避免will给人误以为是表示 意愿”的情态动词,口语中表示单纯的将来 时常用将来进行时2)条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用现在进行时代替将来进行时过去将来时构 成would+ 动词原形 /was (wer

20、e) going to/was (were) about+ 不定式 /was (were)+不定式K k法1) would do表小从过去看某事将要发生2)用was (were) going to do 表小过去某时计划或安排要做某事3)用was (were) about+不定式表小在过去看来正要做某事4) was (were)+不je式,表小过去计划安排将要发生的动作,语气较为正式注 意项1)表小过去没有实现(或被取消)的计划,则用was (were) to+动词完成式2)在条件和时间状语从句中,要表示过去将来须用一般过去时代替过去将来 时3) come , go , leave , arr

21、ive , start等动词引用过去进行时代替过去将来时将来进行时专项练习一、单项填空1. The Blacks with us for the time being.A. will stay B. would stay C. have been staying D. will be staying2. The plane at the present speed until it crosses the mountain at about ten tonight.A. would go B. went C. will be going D. goes3. Mr. Smith will not

22、 be ableto attend the meeting tonight because then.A. he must have a classB. he will be teaching a classC. he teaches a classD. he will have been teaching a class4. I won t be able to watch the concert on TV tonight because Ihomework at that time.A. shall have done B. shall be doing C. shall do D. h

23、ave been doing5. I my boss at three this afternoon.A. shall be picking upB. shall be pickedC. shall have been picking upD. shall have picked6. You can t miss Frank. He a dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you.A. is wearing B. will wearC. wears D. will be wearing7. -Could you give these boo

24、ks to Mr. Black?-Absolutely,him at five o clock this afternoon.A.I will have a talkB. I have a talk withC.I can have a talk with D.I will be having a talk with8. I m afraidwon t be available then. I a friend off at three this afternoon.A. see B. am seeing C. will seeD. will be seeing9. Next Friday I

25、 will go to another concert .They some thing by Mozart at that time.A. play B. will be playing C. are going to play D. are to play.10. -What are you doing, Jack?-Make a model plane. I it in the science class at 10 o clock tomorrow morning.A. will be showing B. am going to show C. showD. have showed1

26、1. We a debate on some environmental issues all afternoon tomorrow.A. will be having B. am having C. am going to have D. have12. What do you think you at this time next year?A .will doB. will be doing C. are about to do D. do13. -What will you do tomorrow evening?-1 my favorite program between 8 and

27、 11, then I will go out to drink in my usualbar.A. will watchB. am about to watchC. will be watchingD. am watching14. -When will you come to see me, Dad?-1 will go to see you when you the training course.A. will have finished B. will be finishing C. are finishingD. finish15. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend,up in no time. |A. to standB. standingC. stood D. would stand二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. He(lie) on one of the sunny beaches in Hawaii all day when he spends his holiday there.2. Don t call me between 2:00 and 4:00 this afternoon. I(have) an test the


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