1、八年级上期期末综合测试卷英语试题A卷共70分A卷I选择题50分第一局部 根底知识运用共 40小题,计40分一、选择填空共 25小题,每题1分;计25分A 从下面方框中选出与以下各句中画线局部意思相同或相近,并能替换画线局部的选项。共4小题,每题1分;计4分A. enjoyed B. take care of C. goes to school by bus D. more tha n()1. We had fun learning some En glish songs yesterday.()2. He takes a bus to school every day.()3. We have
2、 got over 1000 letters, faxes and email from our readers about their New Year's resoluti ons.()4. Could you please look after my dog when I am away?B. 从各题的三个选项中正确答案。共17小题,每题1分;计17分()5. -How ofte n do you exercise?A. Hardly everB. I n the morni ngC. For two hours()6.are the most popular tran spor
3、tati on in Chen gdu because they're easy ride to any where.A. BikesB. BusesC. Subways()7. She is going to find a part-time job tosome money n ext year because she wants to travel around Chi na.A. useB. spendC. get()8. -What are you going to be whe n you grow up?-I'm going to bebecause I like
4、 to meet differe nt people and write stories.A. an artistB. a pilotC. a reporter()9. Iwell last ni ght because I had a terrible stomachache.A. sleptB. did n't sleepC. don't sleep .()10. My friend is more athletic tha n me. He alwaysme in tennis.A winsB. beatsC. gets()11. Alice is very. She r
5、eally loves art and she can paint well.A.shyB. outgo ingC. tale nted()12. -Where are you going to move whe n you grow up?-I'm going to move to the countryside. I think everything is cheaper there and I can spendmoney.A. moreB. lessC. no()13. -Could you go hiki ng with us this weeke nd?-I have to
6、 study for the test.A. Sure, I'd love to B. Sorry, I ca n'tC.I don't have time()14. -I have a.What should I do?-You should drink some hot water with hon ey.A. sore throatB. backache C. toothache()15. -What are you going to do this Friday after noon?-Therea basketball match at school. I
7、39;m going to watch it.A. is n't going to be B. wasC. is going to be()15. The clothes in Renhe Clothing Store arein Chengdu. As a student, I can't afford them .A. the worst B. the cheapest C. the most expe nsive()16. Mary's New Year's resolution is to learn to play an instrument. She
8、's going to takelessons.A. actingB. pia noC. la nguage()17. Most mentak ing out the trash, they may think it's easy and they can stay outside for some time.A.hateB. likeC. are()18. -do you practice speak ing En glish?-In the En glish club at school.A. Where B. WhyC. When()19. -Excuse me, who
9、's that boy over there?-He's an excha nge stude nt from America. He's new here and he hasfriends here. Let me in troduce you to him.A. fewB. a fewC. little()20. -When were you born?-I was bornMay 5th,1996.A.o n B. in C. atC .补全对话。根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话,并将选项的编号依次填入题前括号内。共4小题,每题1分;讣4分A:
10、You look worried, madam. Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I n eed to see a friend of mine. He's ill in hospital. 21?A: OK. First walk to the bus stop.B:23 ?A: It's about 500 meters.B:24 ?A: About one hour.B: Oh, tha nk you so much!A: You're welcome.'22 .You can get off the bus at Yidu
11、Road Stop. And the hospital is n ear there.A How long does it take from here to the hospital.B. Then take the No. 93 BusC. How far is it from the bus stopD. How can I get to the No. 1 People's Hospital()21.()22.()23.()24.二、完形填空。通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。共15小题,每题1分;计15分ANew Year '
12、 s Resolution Survey ResultsWe got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e- mails from our readers about their New Year' s Resolutions. Many readersgoing to work 25 in school this year. To be healthy, lots of readers are going to play 26 and some readers said they are going to eat more vegetables. Some
13、girls said 27 are going to exercise more to 28 . Some parents are going to 29 the subjects their childre n lear n at school. They want to com muni cate better30their kids. An oldlady said she found a job as a foreig n Ian guage31. She is going to teach in China n ext year.25. A. higherB. harderC. fa
14、sterD. earlier26. A. musicB. the guitarC. sportsD. the games27. A. sheB. theyC. heD. you28. A. go outB. have funC. keep fitD.get up29. A. studyB. watchC. thi nkD. pass30. A. withB. ofC. inD. at31. A. cookB. doctorC. workerD. teacherMaria was a 42-year- old lady. She always said she had one of the wo
15、rld32 Shdbestrkedfor Natio nal Park Service at the Statue of Liberty 自由女神雕像in New York City. “ 33 come here from all over the world, Maria said. “ Helping them learn about Lady Liberty ' is really 34 .Maria bega n her day just like one of the visitors. She took a fiftee n-mi nute boat35to Libert
16、yIsla nd, where the statue 36 . Then she helped visitors see the exhibits in the museum. The museum is 37_ the famous statue. In the museum, Maria often talked with visitors38 they climbed to thestatue ' s crow.皇冠."It ' s fun to talk with all these people she said. “Besides, it 39 me my
17、 exercise. Thereare 154 steps on the way to the crown. 32. A. jobsB. placesC. parksD. museums33. A. ReadersB. LearnersC. Reporters D.Visitors34. A. boringB. i nteresti ngC. specialD. terrible35. A. runB. hikeC. rideD. travel36. A. restedB. stayedC. madeD. stood37. A. onB. overC. i nsideD. beh ind38.
18、 A. asB. un tilC. forD. though39. A. plansB. givesC. helpsD.does笫三局部阅读理解共10小题,计20分二、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子旳止误。止确旳涂“A,错误的涂 B。共4小题,每题2分;计8分Yesterday Paul had a busy day .In the morning he cooked some no odles for his family. He went to visit his aunt at 9 : 30. In the afternoon he played soccer ball with h
19、is classmates. After that he cleaned the room because it was dirty. He was a little tired , but very happy. After dinner he did his homework. Then he watched TV for about two hours. He went to bed at nine o'clock.40. Paul had a busy and happy day off.41. In the morning he cooked some hamburgers
20、for his family.42. In the after noon he played soccer ball with his pare nts.43. He clea ned his room in the after noon.44. He watched TV first then he did his homework.四.根据文章内容选择正确答案。共6小题,每题2分;计12分AMany teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe tha
21、t their family members, and in particular their pare nts don 'tk now them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite ofte n for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they only go to their friends for getting ideas.It is very importa nt for tee nagers to have a f
22、riend or a circle of frien ds. Even whe n they are not with their frien ds, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone. These conversations are very important in children 'growing up, because they can discuss someth ing difficult to their family members.Parents often try to choose the
23、ir children 'sfriends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of choice" is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the following questions?Who choose your frien ds?Have you got a good friend your parents don 'tlike?Your an
24、swers are welcome.45. When the teenagers stay alone, they.A . go to the cinemaB . talk with their parentsC. watch TV at homeD . talk with their friends46. Your answers are welcome" meansA . you can answer your children ' questionB . you have got a good ideaC. you can tell us your ideasD . y
25、ou don 'trouble anyone47. Which is the best title for the passage?A . Only parents can chooseB . Teenagers need friendsC. The trouble of familiesD . The most difficult questi onsB"Cool" is a word with many meanin gs. It can be used to express feeli ngs of in terest i n almost everyth i
26、ng. When we see a famous car in the street, maybe we will say, "It's cool. " When we see a famous sin ger, we may say, "She's cool."Today, we use the word "cool" to replace ( 替代)many words, such as "great" or "nice". Here's an interesting
27、 story about the word "cool". A teacher asked his stude nts to write about a large hall. One of his stude nts wrote just one senten ce, "It's so cool." Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But it also tells us that we should think of many other w
28、ords to describe things we see and feel.()48. Today, the word "cool" hasA. only one meaningB. differe nt meaningsC. not any meanings()49. In the first paragraph, the un derl ined word almost meansA. n earlyB. mostlyC. completely()50. The stude nt in the 2nd paragraph used the word "co
29、ol" to describeA. a famous carB. a famous sin gerC. a great hallB卷共50分一、完成对话,在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词含缩写词。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。共10小题,每题1分;计10分Mum: Hon ey, it's time for a rest. Come and have a cup of milk.Yang: OK. Mum, some students from the US visited our school this morning.When we talked,
30、I found some differe nces in schoollbetwee n us.Mum: Oh? Tell me someth ing about it.Yang: For example, each class lasts持续fifty minutes in the US. It is a little 2than that in China becausewe usually have forty or forty-five 3 in each class.Mum: I see.Yang: 4 differenee is that they have less break(
31、课间休息 )time between classes. Althoughmorning classes finish at 12 O'clock in most schools in 5 coun tries, our noon break is much Ion ger. They only have an hour- long break, so they n eed to eat lunch quickly. Their _ 6 classes begi n at l: 00 pm and school is over around 3:00 pm. Then they join
32、 in7 club activities or play sports.Mum: That's in teresti ng !Yang: Many Chin ese stude nts 8work duri ng their high school years, but the US stude nts like to find a part-timejob in their 一9time. They work to get 10 and life experience(经验)at the same time.Mum: in China, stude nts n eed n't
33、 work for money but have to study hard to get good grades...10.、短文填空。用下面方框中单词或词组的适当形式填人短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺每词限用一次 将答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。共10小题,每题1分;计10分big buy chair fewer friend goodbye hi read he look at one seriouslyMorris and Fitch were two old bachelors 单身汉living together in an old, brown h
34、ouse. The house was small but clea n. Then they had a problem: A rich man 1 the place where they lived, so every one there had to move out. It was time to say 2.The move wasn't hard for Morris. He did n't have many thin gs. He was a nice man with a 3 smile. People liked him at once. Anyone l
35、iked to be his n eighbor.Fitch was different. He was very shy. He liked his newspaper and comfortable chair. He like looking after the house and he liked Morris, but he looked 4 when he came to a new place. 5 others knew him “ Don't worry, said Morris," we'll find a place. "The nex
36、t week, they put their things into boxes and then onto a car. Morris6 thehouse aga in and aga in, and drove away.Their new home was great. It was much 7. "How do you like it?" asked Morris. Fitch walked around, sat in8 chair and felt very happy. Just before he could an swer, Their9 visitor
37、 came an old lady. Fitch got up fromhis 10 and walked over to meet her. "A nd who's this?" "This," said Morris, "is Fitch, my cat. And of course, he's my best frien d."..10.三、阅读理解。共10小题,每题1分;计10分A根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的编号依次填人题号后。共5小题,每题1分
38、;计5分The starfish 海星One day, a man went to the beach for a walk. _J_ The boy was picking up something and throwing it into the sea. The man called out, "Good morni ng! What are you doin g?"2 "Why are you throw ing starfish into the sea? "3 "Butyoung man, don't you know th
39、at the beach 海滩 is very long? You can't throw all. starfish into the sea. You can't make a differe nee!" The boy liste ned.4 He said," Look! It made a differe nee to that on e. "5 We must find our starfish.And if we throw our starfish cleverly and well, the world will be much
40、better.A. We all can make a differe nee.B. When he was walk ing, he saw a boy.C. Then he picked up ano ther starfish and threw it i nto the sea.D. The boy stopped pick in g, looked up and said, "Throw ing starfish, into the sea."E. "The sun is up and the tide潮is going out. If I don't throw them into the sea, they'll die."1.2. 3. 4. 5.B。阅读下面课文,根据其内
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