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1、1、概述 General1 1工程概述 General of the work焚烧装置位于5#路与W1管廊交汇点的北侧,该装置为钢结构框架,与W1管廊形成高14.7米,南北方向长11.9米,东西方向10.7米的联合钢结构,位于B15柱西侧的V4560排气筒,B15/B30之间的C4550焚烧炉,B30/B50,A40/W1-B之间的F4510,F4520水洗塔成为本装置设备安装的重中之重,特此编写此方案.The incinerator unit lies on the north side of the cross point of the road 5# and the pipe racks

2、 W1. The unit is a steel frame, and it constitutes a unite steel structure, which is 14.7 meters high, 11.9 meters long from south to north and 10.7 meters long from east to west, together with the pipe racks W1. The exhaust mast V4560 which lies on the west side of the column B15, the incinerator C

3、4550 which lies between B15 and B30, the water scrubber F4510 between B30 and B50 and F4520 between A40 and W1-B are the key points of the erection of the incinerator unit. Then we compiled this scheme.设备参数一览表List of the parameters of equipment序号No.名称Description位号 Tag No.重量 Weight规格Specification1排气筒

4、Exhaust mastV45607860*298002焚烧炉IncineratorC455053000*125503水洗塔Water scrubberF45108.942800*79554水洗塔Water scrubberF45200.755水洗塔Water scrubberV45302.056风机FanK45502.37风机FanK45250.78泵站Pump plantP4553/P45529泵站Pump PlantP4533/P453210泵 PumpAPC2.编制说明 Base for compiling2.1 TPT提供的设备平面布置图 The equipment layout p

5、lan supplied by TPT2.2 TPT提供的设备本体图.Equipment drawings supplied by TPT2.3设备到货清单.Lists about the delivery of equipment2.4 TPT提供的焚烧区的钢结构与基础布置图.The layout plan about steel structures and foundations in incinerator plant area supplied by TPT2.5 50吨汽车吊车性能表The performance table about the crane of 50T2.6上海科

6、学技术出版社“Practical manual for lifting” issued by Science and Technology Publishing House in Shanghai2.7化工工程建设起重施工规范HGJ20183;“Code of lifting work in chemical engineering construction” HGJ201-832.8炼油、化工施工安全规程SH350599;“Safety rules for oil refining and chemical engineering construction” SH3505-992、施工前的准

7、备工作及具备条件Preparation and conditions before construction2.1施工图纸已经全面会审,并进行了设计交底;We have checked the construction drawings completely and told all things about the design to the workers.2.2施工方案已编制完毕,并经有关部门审核批准且进行了全面的施工技术交底和安全技术交底;The construction scheme has been completed, and it has been checked and ap

8、proved by the relevant department; and all the things about technique and safety have been told to the workers.2.3设备基础已施工完毕,基础周围的杂物已清理干净;基础强度已达到设计要求,经检查验收合格并办理了中间交接手续;The equipment foundations have been completed, and the sundries around the foundations have been rid off; the strength of foundations

9、 have met with the design, and they have been checked and accept.2.4材料已到施工现场并能满足连续施工要求;The materials have been delivered to the site and they can meet with the needs of continuous construction.2.5人员、机具已到施工现场并能满足现场施工的需要;Manpower, machines and tools have arrived at the site, and they can meet with the

10、 needs of continuous construction.2.6施工场地已平整完毕;The construction field has been flattened.2.7施工所需的水、电、气等已接通,并能满足现场的施工要求。Water, electric and gas for construction can meet with the needs.3、主要施工程序及施工方法Main construction procedures and construction methods31主要施工程序 Main construction procedures设备验收 基础验收 V45

11、30安装 F4510,F4520安装 C4550安装V4560组对 V4560安装 其它设备安装Check and acceptance of equipment Check and acceptance of foundations Erection of V4530 Erection of F4510 and F4520 Erection of C4550 Pairing of V4560 Erection of V4560 Erection of other equipment32主要施工方法 Main construction methods设备C4550采用T50汽车吊站在5#路吊装

12、就位;设备V4560采用T50汽车吊站在5#路侧偏吊装就位;设备F4510,F4520采用T50汽车吊站在A40/W1-B,B30/W1-0之间的空地吊装就位;设备V4530采用T16汽车吊站在A40/W1-B,B30/W1-0之间的空地吊装到结构附近,采用手拉葫芦吊装到安装位置;设备K4525,P4553/4552,P4533/P4532,K4552采用T16汽车吊站在5#路吊装到结构附近,采用手拉葫芦吊装到安装位置;设备K4555采用T16汽车吊站在5#路吊装就位.The equipment C4550 and V4560 will be lift with crane of 50T on

13、 the road 5# to their positions; equipment F4510 and F4520 will be lift to their positions with crane of 50T in the space between A40/W1-B and B30/W1-0; V4530 will be lift near to the structure with crane of 16T in the space between A40/W1-B and B30/W1-0, and then it will be lift to its position by

14、using chain block; K4525, P4553, P4552, P4533, P4532 and K4552 will be lift near to the structure with crane of 16T on the road 5#, and then they will be lift to their positions by using chain block; and the equipment K4555 will be lift to its position with crane of 16T on the road 5#.4 F4510吊装抗杆核算

15、Arm resistance for the erection of F4510 查吊车性能表,T50汽车吊在杆长31.9M、回转半径7.5M能吊12吨, 见F4510吊装示意图After checking the performance table of crane, we know when the arm is 31.9 meters long and the turning radius is 7.5 meters, the crane of 50T can load 12T. (See the detail diagram about lifting of F4510) H = (

16、L2 - R2 ) 1/2 =( 31.92- 7.52 ) 1/2 =31 L1=(H+H0-19)*R/H =(31+1.8-19)*7.5/31=3.34 L1R1+B/2=1.5+0.5/2=1.75 式中:L吊车臂杆长度 R吊车回转半径 H0吊车回转中心离地面高度 R1设备的半径 B吊车臂杆宽度 In the formula: Llength of the crane arm Rturning radius of crane H0height from the turning center of crane to the ground R1radius of equipment Bw

17、idth of crane arm 经校核,吊车不抗杆,能满足吊装要求。 After checking, the crane arm doesnt resist the load and it can meet with the needs of lifting.5. 主要施工技术要求 Main technique requirements for construction51设备开箱应在建设单位有关人员参加下按下列项目进行检查,并应作出记录:The equipment should be checked by the relevant persons according to the fol

18、lowing items when the equipment are taken out of the boxes, and the records should be made:5.1.1箱号、箱数以及包装情况;Box No., quantity of boxes and the packages5.1.2设备的名称、型号和规格;Name of equipment, model and specification5.1.3装箱清单、设备技术文件、资料及专用工具;Packing list, technique documents for equipment and special tools

19、5.1.4设备有无缺损件、表面有无损坏和锈蚀等;Whether there is some part be absent and whether there is damage or rust on the surface.5.1.5其它需要记录的情况。Other items need to be record52平面位置安装基准线与基础实际轴线或厂房墙(柱)的实际轴线、边缘线的距离,其允许偏差为20mm;The permissible variation about the space between the erection datum line on plan position and

20、the actual axis of the foundation, actual axis of the wall/pole of the building or the edge line of the wall is 20mm.53设备定位基准面、线或点对安装基准线的平面位置和标高的允许偏差如下:The permissible variation about the plan position and elevation of the datum surface, line or datum point for orientation (relative to the erection

21、datum line)项 目Items允许偏差Permissible variation(mm)平面位 Plan position标高 Elevation与其它设备无机械联系Not mechanically connected to other equipment10+2-10与其它设备有机械联系Mechanically connected to other equipment2154预埋预留孔中的地脚螺栓符合:Embedding anchor bolts into pre-moded holes should comply with:地脚螺栓在预留孔中应垂直,无倾斜;The anchor b

22、olts should be vertical inside the pre-moded holes.地脚螺栓任一部分离孔壁的距离应大于15mm;地脚螺栓底端不应碰孔底;The space between any part of the anchor bolt and the wall of the hole should be larger than 15mm; the bottom of anchor bolt should not touch the bottom of hole.地脚螺栓上的油污和氧化皮等应清除干净,螺纹部分应涂少量油脂;Oil, oxide skin and othe

23、r sundries should be got rid off, and the threads should be brushed with litter grease.螺母与垫圈、垫圈与设备底座间的接触均应紧密;The contact between the nut and washer, washer and equipment should be tight.拧紧螺母后,螺栓应露出螺母,其露出的长度宜为螺栓直径的1/32/3; After fastening the nut, the bolt should stick out of the nut, it is suitable t

24、hat the length of exposed part is 1/22/3 of the diameter of bolt.应在预留孔中的混凝土达到设计强度的75%以上时拧紧地脚螺栓,各螺栓的拧紧力应均匀。The anchor bolt should be fastened when the design strength of the concrete in the pre-moded hole is more than 75%, and the force used to fasten the bolt should be equal.55当设备的负荷由垫铁组承受时,垫铁组的位置和数

25、量应符合下列要求:When the weight of the equipment is burdened by a group of shims, the positions and quantity of the shims should comply with:每个地脚螺栓旁边至少有一组垫铁;There is at least one group of shims beside each anchor bolt;垫铁组应放在靠近地脚螺栓和底座主要受力部位下方;The shims should be put on the positions near and below the main

26、weighted parts of the anchor bolts and foundations;相邻两垫铁组间的距离宜为5001000mm;It is suitable that the space between the adjacent two groups of shims is 5001000mm.设备底座有接缝处的两侧应各垫一组垫铁。A group of shims should be put on each side of the joint of equipment foundation.56每一垫铁组宜减少垫铁的块数且不宜超过5块,并不宜采用薄垫铁。放置平垫铁时,厚的宜放

27、在下面,薄的宜放在中间且不宜小于2mm,并宜将各垫铁相互用定位焊焊牢;The quantity of shims in each group should not be more than 5 pieces, and the shims should not be thin ones. And when placing the shims, the thickest one should be put at the bottom, the thinnest one should be put in the middle and it should not be thinner than 2mm

28、, and the shims should be fastened with each other by using tack weld.57每一垫铁组应放置整齐平稳,接触良好。设备调平后,每组垫铁均应压紧;Each group of shims should be placed orderly and stably, and they should well contacted with each other; after the leveling of equipment, each group of shims should be pressed tightly.58设备调平后,垫铁端

29、面应露出设备底面外缘;After the leveling of equipment, the end of shim should stick out of the edge of equipment bottom.59安装在金属结构上的设备调平后,其垫铁均与金属结构用定位焊焊牢;After the leveling of the equipment installed on metal structure, all the shims should be tack welded with the metal structure.510基础的验收及处理Check, acceptance an

30、d dealing of equipment foundations土建交付的基础,应标有清晰的纵横向轴线,标高基准点,各项预埋件,预留孔洞,地脚螺栓孔的中心线位置应标志清楚,且应提交中间交接证书,具有标高、中心及各部位尺寸的实际记录。On the foundations submitted by the civil subcontractor, there should be clear longitudinal and transversal axis, datum point for elevation, all items of embedded elements, pre-moded

31、 holes and clear mark of the center lines of anchor bolts. Certificates of completion of handing over charge should be submitted, and record about elevation, center and dimensions of each parts should be made.对基础外观进行宏观检查,不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、露筋等缺陷。Visual check should be made on the foundations, there should

32、not be any cracks, combs, empty holes, exposure of steel bars or other defects on the foundations.按基础图和技术文件,对基础的外形尺寸,坐标位置进行复测检查,其允许偏差按下表规定:Check the shape and dimension of equipment and recheck the coordinate position according to the drawings of foundation and technique documents. The permissible v

33、ariation of them are shown as the following:基础尺寸位置允许偏差 Permissible variation of dimension and position of foundation项次No.项 目 名 称Item No.允 许 偏 差Permissible variation1坐标位置(纵横轴线) Coordinate (longitudinal and transversal axis)202不同平面的标高 Elevations of different surfaces-203平面外形尺寸 Appearance and dimension

34、 of surface204平面水平度 Levelness of surface (1) 每米 Each meter5 (2) 全长 Total length105预埋地脚螺栓 Embedded anchor bolt (1) 标高(顶端)Elevation (top)20 (2) 中心距 Center distance26垂直度 Uprightness (1) 每米 Each meter5 (2) 全长 Total length107预留地脚螺栓孔 Embedded anchor bolt (1) 中心位置 Center position10 (2) 深度 Depth+20 (3) 孔壁垂直

35、度(全深)Uprightness of hole walls (total depth)10基础复检合格后,对二次灌浆的基础表面,应铲出麻面、麻点深度不应小于10mm,密度以每平方米内35点为宜,表面不得有疏松层或有油污等杂物。After the foundations are qualified after recheck, the pock marks should be got rid off the surface of back grouting foundations; then the depth of the holes left should not be less than

36、 10mm, and the density of the marks should be 35 marks in each square meters. There should not be any loose layers, oil or other sundries on the surfaces.螺栓孔内的碎石、泥土等杂物和积水,必须清除干净。The broken stones, earth, water and other sundries inside the holes for bolts should be cleaned up.511静置设备 Still equipment

37、设备安装前,应仔细核对设备的方位,确认无误后方可就位。设备的找正与找平应按基础上的安装基准线(中心标记、水平标记)对应设备上的基准测点进行调整和测量。设备各支承的底面标高以基础上的标高基准线为基准;Before the equipment installation, the position and direction of equipment should be checked carefully, then the equipment can be put onto its position. When centering and leveling the equipment, the d

38、atum lines for erection (center mark and level mark) on the foundation should be corresponding to the datum point on the equipment. The elevation of the bottom of support for equipment should refer to the datum line of elevation on the foundation.卧式容器安装应能够保证设备的自由膨胀伸缩,标高、中心和水平度;To the erection of hor

39、izontal vessel, it should be ensured that the equipment can flex freely for expansion, and the elevation, center and levelness should also be ensured.设备找正,立式设备找正采用两台经纬仪分别在0、90两个方向同时测量,Centering of equipment: to the centering of vertical equipment, two theodolites should be used to measure on the dir

40、ection of 0and 90.设备找平时,根据要求用垫铁进行调整,不允许用紧固或放松地脚螺栓及局部加压等方法,其安装误差应符合规范规定;While leveling the equipment, shims should be used according to the requirements, methods of fasten or loose anchor bolts and pressurize partly mustnt be used, and the deviation of erection should comply with the specifications.预

41、留螺栓孔安装的设备,先用临时垫铁对设备进行初找正、找平后,进行地脚螺栓的灌浆工作,待混凝土强度达到75%以上时,在地脚螺栓旁布置垫铁进行最终的找正、找平工作;To the equipment with pre-moded holes for bolts, first temporary shims should be used for centering and leveling, then grout for the anchor bolts; after the strength of concrete is over 75%, shims can be put beside the an

42、chor bolts for the final centering and leveling.对于非金属设备的安装应严格按照业主要求进行安装,并对设备采取保护措施,防止设备损坏;The erection of non-metal equipment should be performed strictly according to the requirements of the owner, and measures should be taken to prevent the equipment from been damaged.6. 施工措施 Construction measures

43、吊装C4550时由于C4550设备为玻璃钢设备,吊耳离上段法兰口距离为1715mm,直接挂吊索容易造成设备损伤,为了避免损伤设备,采用吊装平衡梁措施吊装,措施图如下:Because the equipment C4550 is made of fiberglass reinforced plastics, and the space between the lugs and the upper flange is 1715mm, then if the hanging rope is hung to it directly, it is easy to damage the equipment

44、. So in order to prevent the equipment from damage, we use the weigh beam for lifting (see the following diagram): f122 Steel pipe of f89 Steel plate of d=10 M10454 80 3150 1107、主要施工安全技术要求 Main technique requirements about safety in construction71施工方案已经批准并进行了全面的安全技术交底;Construction scheme has been ap

45、proved, and all techniques about safety have been told to the workers.72所有施工人员必须经过安全培训教育合格后方可进入厂区施工;All workers should attend the safety education and should be qualified before they enter the site to perform the construction.73进入施工现场必须按规定佩戴好安全帽,登高作业必须正确系挂好安全带;The workers should wear hard hats accor

46、ding to the rules when they enter the construction field; safety belts should be worn in elevation work.74所有用电设备及机械必须接地或接零;All electrical equipment and machines must be grounded or connected to neutral.75吊装作业时必须有专人指挥,指挥信号必须做到传递准确、迅速;The lifting work should be performed under the direction of a speci

47、fied man, and the command signal should be exact and rapid.76所有机索具使用前必须认真仔细查,检查有无损坏、断裂、断丝等缺陷,确认无误后方可使用;All machines and tools must be checked carefully before using them, there should not be any damage, cracks or any other defect on them.77班前班中严禁喝洒、酗酒;Its forbidden to drink alcohol before the work o

48、r during the work.78工作中严禁打闹、开玩笑;No horseplay is allowed in the work.79多人作业时必须相互配合协调,以防碰伤、砸伤手脚等When many workers work together, they should cooperate and coordinate with each others so as to prevent them from injuring.710吊装吊耳必须焊接牢固可靠,正式吊装前经确认无误后方可正式吊装;The lugs for lifting should be welded fastened an

49、d reliably, then they should be checked before the lifting.711吊装机索具使用前应仔细核对其载荷,确认无误后方可使用;The load of the machines and tools for lifting should be checked carefully before they are used.712两台吊车共同吊装时,应做到吊装缓慢平稳、动作协调一致;When two cranes are used for lifting together, the work should be done slowly and sta

50、bly; and the two cranes should be operated in phase and unitedly.713各工种、各岗位必须严格按本工种、本岗位的有关规章制度进行施工;The work of different types of work and different positions should be performed strictly according to the relevant regulations of their own.714严格按厂方有关规章制度进行施工;The construction should be performed stric

51、tly according relevant regulations and rules of the owner.8、质量保证措施 Precautions for quality control81建立健全质量保证体系。质保体系如下:Set up and complete the quality control system. (See the following diagram) TPT 质 保 体 系杭 州分公司 质 保 体 系项目负责人王 菁质量负责人 陈 广 艳材料负责人 史 方 东安全负责人唐 如 贵钳 工黄 勇电焊工张新和气焊工齐太明起重工李进举技术负责人 陈 广 艳 TPTQu

52、ality control systemTCC Hangzhou BranchQuality control systemProject formanWang JingQuality chiefChen GuanyanMaterial manShi FangdongSafety guardTang RuguiFitter Huang YongElectric welderZhang XinheGas welderQi TaimingLift manLi JinjuTechnique chiefChen Guangyan82上工序必须对下工序负责,上工序不合格不能转入下道工序施工;Only wh

53、en one procedure is qualified, the next procedure can be done.83发挥质量保证体系作用,使整个施工质量始终处于受控状态;Exert the function of quality control system, and make the whole construction quality is always under the control.84牢固树立“着想用户 交满意工程;服从第一 让用户满意”的思想。Build up the ideal “consider the client, hand in satisfying engineering; obey is the first, and satisfy the client”.9


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