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1、仿生矿化材料 无机纳米材料的仿生合成(软模板法) 复合纳米材料 珊瑚珊瑚 不溶性多糖几丁质和蛋白质 富有天冬氨酸等酸性氨基酸的可溶蛋白 (壳角蛋白)方解石文石生物分子诱导碳酸钙纳米颗粒的形成示意图 YYYYAspAspAspCa2+CO32-天冬氨酸界面分子或离子识别界面分子或离子识别成核成核生物矿物的特点生物矿物的特点 1)有机基质的预组织有机基质的预组织(超分子预组织): 在矿物沉积前构造一个有组织的反应环 境,该环境决定了无机物成核的位置。有机基质的预组织是生物矿化的模板前提, 预组织原则是指有机基质与无机相在分子识别之前将识别无机物的环境组织的愈好,则它们的识别效果愈佳,形成的无机相愈

2、稳定。该阶段是生物矿化进行的前提。2)界面分子识别界面分子识别 分子识别表现为有机基质分子在界面处通过晶格几何特征,静电电势相互作用,极性,立体化学互补,氢键相互作用,空间对称性和形貌等方面影响和控制无机物的成核的部位,结晶物质的选择,晶形,取向及形貌等。3) 生长调制(化学矢量调节)生长调制(化学矢量调节) 无机相通过晶体生长进行组装得到亚单元,同时形状,大小,取向和结构受有机基质分子组装体的控制;由于实际生物体内矿化中有机基质是处于动态的所以在时间和空间上也受有机基质分子组装体的调节。在许多生物体系中,分子构造的第三个阶段即通过化学矢量调节赋予了生物矿化物质具有独特的结构和形态的基础。4)

3、外延生长(细胞水平调控与再加工)外延生长(细胞水平调控与再加工) 在细胞参与下亚单元组装成更高级的结构。该阶段是造成天然生物矿化材料与人工材料差别的主要原因,而且是复杂超精细结构在细胞活动中进行最后的修饰的阶段。(-)无机纳米材料的仿生合成 将生物矿化的原理引入到无机材料的 合成中,以有机物的组装体为模板(软模板),去控制无机物的形成。制备具有独特的显微结构特点的无机材料,使材料具有优异的物理和化学性能。 近年来在纳米结构生物材料制备技术研究中,近年来在纳米结构生物材料制备技术研究中,从仿生构思出发的模板技术引人注目,从仿生构思出发的模板技术引人注目,生物模板生物模板可以选择生物分子(氨基酸、

4、蛋白质、多糖、可以选择生物分子(氨基酸、蛋白质、多糖、DNADNA等)、植物体、微生物、病毒等。等)、植物体、微生物、病毒等。 构成蛋白质的氨基酸有构成蛋白质的氨基酸有2020种;种; - -氨基酸氨基酸COOHCHH2NR不变部分不变部分可变部分可变部分 除甘氨酸和脯氨酸外,其他均具有如上结构通式,各种除甘氨酸和脯氨酸外,其他均具有如上结构通式,各种氨基酸的区别在于侧基氨基酸的区别在于侧基R R基上。基上。 氨基酸的结构通式氨基酸的结构通式COO-CHH3N+R-pK1+H+H+COOHCHH3N+RH+H+pK2-COO-CHH2NR 净电荷 +1 0 -1 正离子 两性离子 负离子 pH

5、pI 等电点 氨基酸的两性电离及等电点氨基酸的两性电离及等电点 Control over the crystal phase, shape, size and aggregation of calciumcarbonate via a L-aspartic acid inducing processBiomaterials 25 (2004) 39233929 天冬氨酸模板1.CaCl2(20ml,0.5mol/L) L-Asp-CaCl2 2. NaCO3(20ml,0.5mol/L) + L-Asp-CaCl2 (缓慢加入) CaCO33. 对比实验。 上述实验中不加L-Asp,以便分析L

6、-Asp对CaCO3结晶的影响.4. CaCO3沉淀用去离子超纯水洗涤,离心,干燥,测试 5. QCM测定(石英振荡微天平) 记录频率变化, 分析模板( Asp )的诱导作用不同量L-Asp(0,5,10,15,20,30,40mg)超声溶解37SEMXRDAspCa2+CO32-界面离子识别界面离子识别成核成核AspCa2+Asp-CaCO3Results and discussion1) Investigation of Ca2+/L-Asp complexation with QCMA QCM has been used as a mass sensor for a wide field

7、 of applications in chemistry, biology and environmental, food and clinical analysis. Its resonant frequency decreases with the increase of mass on the QCM electrode in a nanogram level. Fig. 1.Frequency shifts (F) as a function of the Asp/Ca2+ complex time.Fig. 2.Frequency shifts (F) as a function

8、of the L-Asp concentraton at Ca2+ concentration 0.01 mmol/ml.QCM:研究研究Ca2+和和L-ASP之间相互作用之间相互作用Fig. 3.XRD petterns of CaCO3 in the presence of Asp with different concentration: ( ), - - - diffraction peak of calcite; ( ),*- - - - diffraction peak of vaterite. (a) CAsp=0.0mg/ml; (b) CAsp=0.25mg/ml; (c)

9、CAsp=0.5mg/ml; (d) CAsp=1.5mg/ml.2) XRD patternFig. 4.The ratio of the intensities for the 104 calcite peak Ic, and 110 vaterite peak Iv as a function of the Asp concentration.XRD二次图二次图二次图很重要Fig.5 SEM images of calcium carbonate polymorphs crystals grown in the presence of different concentration l-

10、Asp: (a) amorphous calcite crystals grown in reaction solution without Asp; (b) layered and rhombohedral calcite crystals grown in reaction solution containing 0.25mg of Asp per ml 3) SEM images of calcium carbonate polymorphs crystals grown in the presence of different concentration l-Asp(c) vateri

11、te sphere and layered and rhombohedral calcite crystals grown in reaction solution containing 0.5mg of Asp per ml(d) vaterite spheral crystal and a few calcite crystal grown in reaction solution containing 0.75mg of Asp per ml; (e) all vaterite spheral crystals grown in reaction solution containing

12、1.0 mg of Asp per ml; and (f) vaterite spheral crystals grown in reaction solution containing 1.5mg of Asp per ml. 先拍摄整体先拍摄整体,再局部放大再局部放大;选择均匀具有代表性的部选择均匀具有代表性的部分拍摄分拍摄;注意同一体系不同形貌的注意同一体系不同形貌的颗粒颗粒,在一张图上尽可能形在一张图上尽可能形貌相同貌相同,均一均一;Fig.6 TEM images of vaterite spheral crystals grown in reaction solution cont

13、aining 1.5 mg of Asp per ml. (a) Scale bar 300.0nm (b) Scale bar 50.0 nm. According to classical Gibbs free energy formula, the driving force for the formation of stable vaterite (Gv) is given by the equation as follows: Gv =-R Tg / n S(1) where R, Tg and S are gas constant, absolute temperature and

14、 supersaturation, respectively. According to the GibbsThomson formula of classical nucleation theory: J =Aexp-B(InS)-2(2)where J and S are nucleation rate and supersaturation,A and B are constants, respectively.4) Formation mechanism of the nanoparticles用到的热力学公式:Fig.7 The Scheme Of Growth- and Fusio

15、n-limited AssumptionFormation mechanism of the porous nanoparticles1. There is strong interaction between Ca2+ and L-Asp and Ca2+/L-Asp complexation acts as the organic template to induce the nucleation of calcium carbonate crystal.2. With the control of L-Asp, vaterite can be formed and is able to

16、maintain its stability compared with the crystals formed in the absence of L-Asp.3. L-Asp realizes its control over the nucleation and the growth of crystallization in terms of increasing the rate of nucleation and limiting the growth of crystal. The assumption of growth- and fusion-limited aggregat

17、ion mechanism can interpret the formation of nanoscale hierarchic structure and the porous sphere of vaterite. Crystal growth of calcium carbonate with various morphologies in different amino acid systemsDL-Asp, L-Lys, L-Tyr, and L-CysJournal of Crystal Growth, 285(2005)436-443 The precipitation of

18、CaCO3 was carried out at room temperature. A certain amount of four kinds of amino acid (L-Cys, L-Tyr, DL-Asp and L-Lys )and amino acid /Mg2+ were added into Ca(NO3)2 aqueous solutions ( 5mmolL-1) respectively, the molar ratio of every kind of amino acid to Ca was 1:1 and that of Mg2+ to Ca2+ was 4:

19、1. Adjusted the solution to pH 7.0 by using HCl and NaOH diluted solution, and then Na2CO3 solution (250ml, 5mmolL-1) was joined into the pH-adjusted solution under stirring. Continue stirring for about 10 min, then the glass beaker was sealed and the solution was aged for 1d before it was centrifug

20、alized. The obtained CaCO3 was rinsed with distilled water and anhydrous alcohol at least five times, then centrifugalized, dried and collected for the determination of SEM, FT-IR and XRD.R-C-COOH(氨基酸)+Ca(NO3)溶液 NH2CaCO3 CaCO3 CaCO3 干燥样品 加入Na2CO3溶液缓慢搅拌搅拌10分钟封口静置24h依次用二次水、无水乙醇洗涤三次FT-IRSEMXRD Fig.1 SE

21、M images of CaCO3 particles obtained in pure water solution, pH 7.0.Fig.2 SEM images of CaCO3 particles obtained in the presence of different amino acid systems. (a) L-Cys, (b) L-Tyr, (c) DL-Asp, (d) L-Lys, amino acid / Ca =1:1(molar ratio), pH 7.0. 2000150010005001086745dcba712876108414851798712745

22、876108414857127458761470712876108314681798 %TransmittanceWavenumbers(cm-1)Fig.3 FT-IR spectra of CaCO3 particles obtained in the presence of different amino acid systems. (a) L-Cys, (b) L-Tyr, (c) DL-Asp, (d) L-Lys, amino acid / Ca =1:1(molar ratio), pH 7.0.红外分析需观察:1)谱带位置的变化; 2)谱带强度的变化; 3)谱带半峰宽的变化;4

23、)谱带数目的变化(包括新峰的产生,老峰的消失,峰的分裂等,还可对红外谱图进行二次处理,包括二阶导,退卷积,曲线拟合)20304050110104VVVVCCCCCCCC:CalciteV:Vateritedcba2-theta(degree)Fig.4 XRD patterns of CaCO3 particles obtained in the presence of different amino acid systems. (a) L-Cys, (b) L-Tyr, (c) DL-Asp, (d) L-Lys, amino acid / Ca =1:1(molar ratio), pH

24、7.0.分析分析: :同一物质不同的晶型有不同同一物质不同的晶型有不同的的XRDXRD谱谱, ,与标准卡片与标准卡片( (JCPDS No. .?) )对照对照; ;晶体优先生长的晶体优先生长的”面面”; ;对于纳米颗粒对于纳米颗粒, ,可从峰强看出可从峰强看出其纳米颗粒的结晶程度其纳米颗粒的结晶程度; ;对于球形纳米颗粒对于球形纳米颗粒, ,可根据公可根据公式计算颗粒的大小式计算颗粒的大小: :Scherrer formula:L= K / cos K is the Scherrer constant, is the wavelength of X-ray, , are the half w

25、idth of peak and half of the Bragg angle, respectively. 可以根据公式计算C,V的含量:ABBIXIXABBIXIX 比例常数,取决于组成成分由XRD图可见,L-酪氨酸体系中得到的碳酸钙是方解石和球霰石的混合物,这与FT-IR分析结果一致根据公式:再由实验数据分析得到:求得L-酪氨酸体系中方解石和球霰石比例为1:1,球霰石含量50%; DL-天冬氨酸中方解石和球霰石比例为1:3.85,球霰石含量约80%; L-赖氨酸中方解石和球霰石比例为1:19.8,球霰石占95%以上。 Fig.1 SEM images of CaCO3 particle

26、s obtained from different Mg2+/Ca2+ molar ratio systems. (a) 1:1; (b) 2:1; (c) 4:1; (d) 8:1. Inset of top right corner in (b) showed a high magnification of an intact spinose sphere The role of Mg2+ and Mg2+/amino acid in controlling polymorphand morphology of calcium carbonate crystalMaterials Chem

27、istry and Physics 101 (2007) 8792Fig.5 SEM images of CaCO3 produced in different Mg2+/ amino acid system at pH 7.0.(a) L-Cys, (b) L-Tyr, (c) DL-Asp, (d) L-Lys,The molar ratio of Mg2+ to Ca2+ to amino acid was 4:1:1. 氨基酸氨基酸/ /镁离镁离子体系调控碳子体系调控碳酸钙晶体生长酸钙晶体生长研究研究 综上所述,四种氨基酸都诱导方解石和球霰石的形成,而且按照L-胱氨酸、L-酪氨酸、 D

28、L-天冬氨酸、L-赖氨酸的顺序,诱导球霰石的形成能力依次增强。氨基酸和其他的羧酸类添加剂一样,对碳酸钙晶体的调控作用源于它和钙离子之间的配位作用,而球霰石的稳定存在源于氨基酸在碳酸钙表面的吸附作用。氨基酸与钙离子之间的配位作用越强,它在碳酸钙表面的吸附作用越强,从而更加有效的抑制了球霰石向方解石的转变,最终产物中球霰石的含量也就越高。 多羟基多羟基的的醛醛或或多羟基多羟基的的酮酮及其缩聚物及其缩聚物和衍生物的统称和衍生物的统称 糖类的概念糖类的概念 气相扩散法 Ca2+溶液,气相法通入CO2(碳酸钙的制备方法有多种) Fig.1. SEM images of CaCO3 particles o

29、btained in pure water and different concentrations of cellusiose solution systems:(a) pure water,(b)cellusiose concentration:0.2%, (c)cellusiose concentration:0.4%。203040506070abccccccccccccvcvccvvvcvvcvv2 (degree)C:CalciteV:VateriteFig.2.XRD patterns of CaCO3 particles obtained in pure Water and di

30、fferent celluioes aqueous solution systems: (a):pure water,(b)cellusiose concentration:0.2%, (c) cellusiose concentration:0.4%利用公式计算C 和V 的含量控制合成文石型碳酸钙控制合成文石型碳酸钙高等学校化学学报,2004(8):1403-1406 依据生物矿化的基本原理, 在动态条件下以葡聚糖为模板, 采用仿生的方法控制合成了具有独特形貌并含有少量葡聚糖的碳酸钙复合材料. 结果表明, 所得CaCO 3 为文石晶型, 外貌类似菜叶. 进一步的研究发现, 在CaCO 3 结

31、晶过程中葡聚糖与CaCO 3 之间存在超分子相互作用, 并讨论了这种作用的可能机理. 形貌与结构表征形貌与结构表征: X 射线粉末衍射(XRD) 扫描电子显微镜(SEM ) 傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱(FT IR) 电导率测定 热重-差热分析Na2CO35mm无水CaCl25mm 将5.30 g (0.05mo l)粉末状无水Na2CO 3 和5.55 g (0.05mo l) 无水CaCl2 分别平铺于250 mL 大烧杯和100 mL 小烧杯底部, 再将小烧杯置于大烧杯中, 然后分别向两个烧杯中缓慢地加入纯水和一系列不同质量分数(0.1% , 0.2% , 0.3% , 0.4% , 0.5%

32、 和1.0% ) 的葡聚糖溶液。当纯水或葡聚糖溶液加至将小烧杯淹没, 并使液面高于小烧杯上沿约5mm 之后,将反应体系在(251)恒温条件下静置结晶10 d, 然后对各反应体系抽滤, 并将所得晶体分别用纯水和无水乙醇洗涤3 次, 在40恒温下真空干燥48 h。+纯水和葡聚糖溶液 实验部分Fig.1 SEM image of the crystals formed in water (en large 3 000 times)Fig.2 SEM image of the crystals formed in 0. 5%glucan solution (en large 3 000 times)F

33、ig. 3 The XRD pattern of the crystals formed in glucan solution Peaks with a letter“a”are the diffraction peaks of the aragonite.热重-差热分析: 葡聚糖溶液中所得晶体在200 左右有放热峰出现, 同时样品失重, 这是由于样品中所含的葡聚糖燃烧所致。 随着葡聚糖浓度的增大, 样品的失重稍有增加。 在质量分数为0.1% 1.0% 葡聚糖溶液中所得到的晶体,其葡聚糖的质量分数在0.4% 2.8% 之间变化,说明进入晶体中的葡聚糖随葡聚糖溶液含量的增加稍有增加。 如质量分数

34、为0.5% 的葡聚糖溶液中所得的晶体在200 310 温度范围内有一缓慢的放热峰, 样品持续失重约为2.2% ,说明其中葡聚糖含量为2.2% , 这个含量与鲍鱼贝壳中的有机组分含量十分相近, 表明所得晶体为CaCO 3葡聚糖复合材料。c (CaCl2)/ k1(CaCl2)/ k2 (CaCl2- (k=k1-k2)/ c(CaCl2)/ k1(CaCl2)/ k2(CaCl2- (k=k1-k2)/ (molL-1) (mScm-1) glucan)/ (mScm-1) (molL-1) (mScm-1) glucan)/ (mScm-1) (mScm-1) (mScm-1) 0.01 2.

35、58 2.24 0.34 0.05 8.36 7.38 0.98 0.02 4.23 3.71 0.52 0.06 9.95 8.93 1.02 0.03 5.59 4.81 0.78 0.07 10.71 9.40 1.31 0.04 6.48 5.62 0.86由表中列出的电导率测定结果可看出,与纯CaCl2 溶液的电导率相比,CaCl2-葡聚糖混合溶液的电导率明显下降,下降值随Ca2+ 浓度的增加而增大,分别从0.34 到1.31 mS/cm 不等, 表明Ca2+ 与葡聚糖之间有相互作用, 以致于降低了Ca2+ 的迁移速度,从而降低了电导率,这种相互作用可能是葡聚糖对CaCO3 晶体成核

36、和生长造成影响的原因之一。Table 1 Conductivity of CaCl2and CaCl2-glucan电导率测定结果电导率测定结果:动态红外光谱测定结果动态红外光谱测定结果通过对比葡聚糖(左图 谱线a) 与Ca2+-葡聚糖的FTIR 光谱图(左图 谱线b) 发现,葡聚糖分子中的O-H 键的伸缩振动峰和弯曲振动峰均发生了位移, 前者由3450 cm-1位移至3441cm -1,后者由1421,1371 和1346cm -1分别位移到1413,1364 和1329cm -1处。羟基红外光谱的改变可归因于葡聚糖与Ca2+之间存在配位相互作用,这可能是上述电导率降低的本质。由此可推测,C

37、a2+ 与葡聚糖的作用位点主要在葡聚糖分子的OH 基团上。FTIR spectra relative to glucana. Pure glucan; b. Ca2+-glucan. GrowingTime/d: c. 3; d. 6; e. 9; f . 12. 与纯水体系的结果相比, 在葡聚糖存在下所得CaCO3 的晶型和晶貌完全不同,这显然是由于葡聚糖对CaCO3 结晶的成核和生长产生诱导造成的。 电导率测定结果表明,葡聚糖对CaCO3 结晶的控制可能首先是通过与Ca2+ 的配位作用来实现的,而FT IR 结果则表明,葡聚糖与Ca2+的作用位点是在葡聚糖分子中的-OH 官能团上。 -1,

38、3-葡聚糖的每个葡萄糖残基在螺旋轴方向上的间距约为0.313 nm ,这正好与文石型CaCO3的Ca2+ -Ca2+距离(0.3 0.65 nm ) 相近,这种主-客体的立体结构匹配性可能是在葡聚糖诱导下得到文石晶体的主要原因,也可能是葡聚糖作为CaCO3结晶模板的本质所在。 综上所述,可推测葡聚糖影响CaCO3结晶的作用机理:葡聚糖的-OH 与Ca2+之间的强烈相互作用,使Ca2+沿葡聚糖螺旋轴间隔聚集,从而吸引CO32-形成介稳态的文石型CaCO3晶核,这种作用模拟了生物矿化作用中的矿物相的配位环境,反映了无机材料与有机基质之间结构和立体化学互补性的特定要求,使得沿葡聚糖螺旋方向的CaCO

39、3 具有文石型晶体所要求的较高局域过饱和度,降低了文石型CaCO3的成核活化能,从而使文石型晶体优先成核和取向生长。因此无机物/有机物间的静电匹配和立体化学互补是葡聚糖作用的本质。 利用生物膜双模板,通过模板控制,尝试同步诱导合成Se半导体一维纳米材料。 实验试剂: KBH4含量94%、Se粉含量 99.95%、 分析纯;NaAc、无水乙醇、HAc,均为分析纯;灯芯草1.在氮气的保护下,将干燥的灯芯草浸在0.2mol/L KHSe溶液的烧杯中(0.048gKBH4,0.072gSe溶解在20mL蒸馏水)3h.2. 将浸泡后的灯芯草从含Se2-离子溶液中取出,用蒸馏水淋洗后,转入盛有pH=5的N

40、aAc-HAc缓冲溶液中,保证每50ml溶液中浸泡不超过10根灯芯草,将烧杯敞口置于空气中静置24h.3. 待灯芯草表面布满棕红色絮状物后取出,依次用水和乙醇洗涤,小心的用玻棒将灯芯草内、外部的产品转入盛有无水乙醇的烧杯中.(a)(a)灯芯草整体形貌灯芯草整体形貌(b)(b)导管的内外不同形貌导管的内外不同形貌图图1 灯芯草灯芯草SEM图像图像 右图是在灯芯草外部得到的产物TEM照片。 可以看到利用灯芯草的生物膜的外部结构作为模板,合成了直径为60nm、臂的长度分别为1.5m左右、形貌为规则“个”字行的Se 纳米棒。产物的电子衍射图片显示产物为单晶结构。 右图是在灯芯草内部得到的产物TEM照片

41、。由图可看出,利用灯芯草的生物膜的内部结构为模板,可合成直径为150nm、长度为10001100nm左右,形貌极其规则的Se纳米条。电子衍射照片中全部出现了清晰的衍射斑点,说明内部产物是单晶结构。a.内部产物 b.外部产物 通过X射线粉末衍射表征,图中所示的衍射峰均可认为六方相的硒,a=0.437 c=0.495nm,表征结果与JCPDS 卡NO.6-0362基本一致。 实验条件的选择对具有取向生长纳米材料的生成、反应的进行以及产物的形貌有一定的影响。其中最重要的是选择溶液体系,本实验所用的缓冲溶液能够抵抗外加的少量酸、碱影响而保持自身的pH值不发生显著的变化,并且pH值能够影响物质的晶化行为

42、。 pH值过小,将不能为生物膜提供适合反应的环境; pH值过大,则会影响反应产物的形貌。本实验经过酸碱条件探索,发现pH =56时,为反应最佳条件。由于生物膜的特殊活性,温度以室温由于生物膜的特殊活性,温度以室温适宜。适宜。Fig. 1. Photographs of SBS (a), SBS/Fe2+/Fe3+ (b), SBS/Fe3O4 (c) and the SBS/Fe3O4 fragments in a vial under external magnetic field (d). The solutions are all pure water.Green synthesis o

43、f soya bean sprouts-mediated superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticlesJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,322 (2010) 29382943Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Capsicum annuum L. extractGreen Chem. 2007, 9, 852-858 This paper describes a useful method to generate silver nanoparticles

44、and also has some advantages over the traditional methods. Fig. 1 (a) UV-vis spectra of the solution (I) recorded as a function of time; the inset is the UV-vis spectrum of Capsicum annuum L. extract. (b) Plot of the intensity of the surface plasmon resonance at 440 nm against the reaction time; the

45、 insets are photos of the solution changes with reaction time (A, B, C and D at 0, 5, 9 and 11 h, respectively).Rapid, room-temperature synthesis of amorphous selenium/protein composites using Capsicum annuum L extractNanotechnology 2007, 18, 405101Figure 1. SEM images of CaOxa precipitates obtained

46、 in different systems after 5 h of reaction: (a) without E. coli, (b) with E. coli (0.5 wt.-%). The inset in (a) is a magnification.Figure 2. XRD patterns of CaOxa precipitates obtained in different systems after 5 h of reaction: (a) without E. coli, (b) with E. coli(0.5 wt.-%). The peaks of COD are

47、 labeled with an asterisk.Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 3201-3207. The Role of Escherichia coliform in the Biomineralization of Calcium Oxalate Crystals (5 5)细菌作为模板)细菌作为模板Figure 3. SEM images of CaOxa precipitates obtained in two systems at different reaction times: (a)(d) concentration of CaOxa of 2.

48、5102 with aging times of 5 min, 30 min, 3 h, and 3 d, respectively, with 0.5 wt.-% E. coli; (e), (f) concentration of CaOxa of 2.5103 and aging times of 3 h and 3 d,respectively, with 0.5 wt.-% E. coli.Figure 4. XRD patterns of CaOxa precipitates obtained in two systems at different reaction times:

49、(a)(d) concentration of CaOxa of 2.5102 with aging times of 5 min, 30 min, 3 h, and 3 d,respectively, with 0.5 wt.-% E. coli; (e), (f) concentration of CaOxa of 2.5103 and aging times of 3 h and 3 d, respectively, with 0.5 wt.-% E. coli. The peaks labeled with an asterisk correspond to COD.Figure 5.

50、 TEM images of the products obtained by drying the reaction solution containing 2.5103 CaOxa and 0.5 wt.-% E. coli after aging for 12 h (a): CaOxa-centered area; (b): bacteria-centered area and electron-diffraction (ED) patterns of the crystals obtained (c): CaOxa-centered area; (d): bacteria-center

51、ed area.The arrows in (b) point to CaOxa crystals grown in cells of E. coli.Figure 6. FTIR spectrum of CaOxa particles obtained from the reaction solution containing 2.5103 CaOxa and 0.5 wt.-% E.coli after aging for12 h. The inset shows the magnification of the bands located at 1618 and 1640 cm1. Th

52、e peak labeled with an asterisk is the amide I band of the E. coli proteins.Figure 7. (a) SDS-PAGE data showing the proteins that were originally bound to the surface of the COM crystals grown in the presence of E. coli. (b) UV/Vis spectrum of the proteins obtained by treatment of COM crystals grown

53、 in the presence of E. coli with NaOCl.Figure 8. Zeta potential of the E. coli secretions in aqueous solution (E. coli: 0.5 wt.-%).Figure 9. FTIR spectra of (a) E. coli aqueous solution (E. coli:0.5 wt.-%) and (b) E. coli/CaCl2 aqueous solution (E. coli: 0.5 wt.-%; CaCl2: 5103 ). The amide I and II

54、bands of the E. coli proteins are labeled with an asterisk.审稿人对该文章的评价 This paper demonstrated the influence of E.coli on the nucleation and growth of calcium oxalate and attempted to provide a guide for clinical research. It is a smart topic that could be of interest to many research fields such as

55、biomineralization, crystal growth and clinical research. The paper is well presented, could be accepted for publication in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. Influence of Bacillus subtilis on the growth of calcium oxalateFig. 1 SEM images of CaOx crystals obtained in different conditions: (a, b) without B. subtil

56、is, (c, d) with B. subtilis. Photographs (b) and (d) are higher magnification photographs of (a) and (c) respectively.Cryst. Res. Technol., 2007, 42(9): 881-885.Semiconductor Nanohelices Templated by Supramolecular RibbonsEli D. Sone, Eugene R. Zubarev, and Samuel I. StuppAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. ,2002

57、 , 41: 1705 1709模板模板树枝状高分子作为模板树枝状高分子作为模板Stupp等人发现经过特殊设计的嵌段大分子能自组装形成螺旋的带,CdS 纳米晶可以沿着螺旋带的一个面定向生长,最终形成CdS 的纳米螺旋。The dendron rodcoils (DRC) molecules investigated can hydrogen bond in head-to-head fashion through dendron segments and self-assemble into nanoribbons, thus causing the gelation of various o

58、rganic solvents. From crystallographic studies on model compounds it can be inferred that each ribbon is held together by hydrogen bonds between hydroxy and carbonyl groups of the hydrophilic dendron segments and - stacking interactions of the aromatic rod segments. Stupp reported previously that th

59、e DRC nanoribbons tend to be flat in dichloromethane, with a consistent width of 10 nm and a thickness of 2 nm.Fig.1 Bright-field TEM micrographs of DRC nanoribbons formed in EMA: a) unstained sample prepared from a 5 wt.% gel of the DRC in EMA; b) helical nanoribbons after addition of mineralizatio

60、n precursor (1.5 wt.% of a 0.2 solution of Cd(NO3)24H2O in THF). The inset shows schematic representations of twisted (left) and coiled (right) helical morphologies.Most of the ribbons in the micrograph show dark parallel bands across the width of the structure, spaced 15 25 nm apart. This pattern i


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