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1、2021 年中考完成句子被动语态练习一、完成句子(共78 小题;共78 分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。1. 报据新的禁烟条列,不久在我国的任何公共场所都不准吸烟了。According to the new smoking ban, smoking in China soon. 根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。2. 电台说,所有的票都已经售完了。The radio said that all the tickets had been .根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。3. 自 2003年以来,已有多少位中国航天员被送入了太空?How many Chinese astronaut

2、s into space since 2003?4. 应该多关注漓江两岸的环境。More attention should sides of the LijiangRiver. 根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。 5. 把盐从海水中分离出来很容易。 The salt can be sea water easily.6. 广州的公园每年都种很多树。Every year, a lot of trees in the parks in Guangzhou.7. 学生们每周都清洁教室的窗户。The classroom windows by the students every week.8. 那个学

3、生因为懒惰经常被别人取笑。The student by others because he is lazy.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。9. 在瑞士,垃圾进行分类并回收。In Switzerland, waste things and then recycled.根据语境和提示,填写适当的单词。10. 足球比赛因天气不好而取消了。The football match was because of the bad weather.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。11. 除了约翰,汤姆也受到了惩罚。Tom John.12. 到目前,这栋楼已经竣工了。So far, the buildi

4、ng .13. 杂志不能被带出阅览室。The magazines out of the reading room.14. 不好意思!我淘气的孩子肯定是让你受不了了。I am really sorry! You mad my naughty kid.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。15. 会议期间,手机应当关掉。Mobile phones should during the meeting.16. 他们的筷子是用金做成的。Their chopsticks gold.17. 这瓶子里有大量的水。The bottle water.18. 纸是用树木做的,所以我们要节约用纸。Paper wood,

5、 so we should save paper.19. 学生不允许带手机回校。Students not to bring their mobile phones to school.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。20. 无论什么时候需要他,他都会尽他所能做好每件事。He will do his best to do everything well .根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。21. 我们被分成两组。We two groups.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。22. 这个国家由大约20 个岛屿组成。This country .根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。23. 在那

6、里,白象不被允许去干活。White elephants work there.24. 根据校规要求,学生在校期间不允许使用手机。According to school rules, students use mobile phones at school.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。25. 厚厚的白雪笼罩万物,每年这个时候打雪仗真是欢乐无穷!Everything in snow and it's fun to play snowball fights at this time of year.26. 龙被视为中华民族的象征。(完成译句)The dragon is a symbo

7、l of the Chinese nation.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。27. 一年分成四个不同的季节。A year four different seasons.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。28. 没有人喜欢被别人嘲笑。No one likes by other people.29. 在中国人民的帮助下,肯尼亚在几个月前建成了一条新的现代化铁路。With the help of the Chinese people, a new and modern railway in Kenya several months ago.30. 罗马不是一天建成的。Rome in a d

8、ay.31. 父亲给他买了一本书作为生日礼物。A book him as his birthday gift by his father.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。32. 周星驰导演的电影美人鱼大获全胜,备受关注。The film Marmaid directed by Stephen Chow was so .根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。33. 亚运会之前,广州建立了许多体育场馆。the Asian Games, many sports stadiums in Guangzhou.34. 刘老师去年教了我们这首英语歌。This English song us by Miss

9、 Liu last year.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。35. 太遗憾了!过去政府很少重视对太湖蓝藻的处理。What a pity! Little attention blue-green algae in Taihu lake by the government in the past.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。36. 刘翔的表现被拿来和世界一流运动员的进行比较。Liu Xiang's performance was the world's best sport stars.37. 我在出差的时候,汤姆在宠物酒店受到了很好的照顾。Tom in the pe

10、t hotel when I was on business.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。38. 这项工程很快就会完成。The project soon.39. 这些照片将被张贴在学校网站上。The photos will be on the school website.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。40. 如果你不遵守公司规定,你就会被开除。If you break the company's rules, you will be .根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。41. 我们的学校旅行由于恶劣天气已经被取消了吗?the bad weather?42. 教室里的灯

11、已经开了一整天了,离开前不要忘记关掉。The lights in the classroom . Don't forget to turn them off before you leave.根据语境和提示,填写适当的单词。43. 他已经被派往上海工作了。He to work in Shanghai.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。44. 她常去的那家电影院已经拆除了。The cinema she used to visit has been .45. 我认为那个重要的时刻不应该被忘记。I think that the important moment should .46. 我们

12、必须阻止人们污染环境。People from polluting the environment by us.47. 这款智能手机能够用来操纵汽车。This type of smart phones to operate cars.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。48. 老师说教室必须每天保持干净。The teacher says the classroom must be every day.49. 人们应该照顾好宠物。The pets well.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。50. 青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服。Teenagers choose their own clothe

13、s.51. 为了使湖水更清澈,我们应该采取更多措施。To make the lake cleaner, by us.52. 离开之前所有的灯必须关掉。All the lights before leaving.53. 支付宝能用于网上购物。Alipay do some shopping on the internet.第 4 页(共 15 页)54. 我们应该正确停放共享单车。Sharing bikes in the right place.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。55. 我们必须阻止人们污染环境。People from polluting the environment by u

14、s.56. 大家应该意识到垃圾必须扔进垃圾桶。Everyone should realize that rubbish the dustbin.57. 这些书本必须在一周内归还给图书馆。These books to the library in a week.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。58. 夏天到了,应该要求岸边所有救生人员齐心协力防止孩子们独自下河游泳。(require)Summer is coming. All the life-guards on the bank should in the river.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。59. 这台电脑必须连接到打印机上。

15、This computer must that printer.60. 一定要做点什么事情来保持自然界的平衡。Something done to keep the balance of nature.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。61. 李明宁愿被嘲笑也不愿和其他男孩子争斗。Li Ming fight with other boys.62. 应该鼓励孩子在做了错事后说实话,而不是编造谎言。A child should instead of making up a lie whenever he or she has done something wrong.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空

16、一词。63. 课本应该被好好地利用。The textbooks should .根据语境和提示,填写适当的单词。64. 超市里应该使用购物袋吗?the shopping bags in the supermarket?根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。65. 玻璃可以回收并制成新的玻璃制品。Glass can and new glass.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。66. Factories pouring polluted water into river and lakes.必须阻止工厂向江河湖泊排放污水。(prevent)67. 你认为学校应该允许学生早点放学回家,你会这样表达

17、:Students should in the evening.根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空一词。68. 汤姆和杰克,谁更幽默?is , Tom or Jack?69. 稻子生长在中国的南方。Rice in the south of China.70. 我现在要去练习钢琴了。I'm going to the piano now.71. 20% 的钱是你的。Twenty percent of the money yours.72. 我妈妈告诉我,好朋友就像一面镜子。My mother told me a good friend a mirror.73. 他的电话号码是537-6344。

18、His is 537-6344.74. 托尼的汉语讲得比汤姆好。Tony speaks Chinese Tom.75. 我们学校大约55% 的学生是女生。In our school, about 55 percent of the students girls.76. 我在早上学英语效果最好。I learn English in the morning.77. 我们必须认真地对待这些问题。We must these problems .根据所给中文意思完成句子,一空多词。78. 这位男演员演技出众,常被误认为是个真警探。The actor acts so well a real detecti

19、ve.第 11 页(共 15 页)答案第一部分1?. will ; not; be; allowed ; in ; any; public; places【解析】not be allowed 不被允许,根据soon 可知用一般将来时,在not 前加 will ; in any public places在任何公共场所2?. sold out【解析】sell out卖光了;由于从句主语是the tickets,所以使用被动语态。3?. have ; been; sent【解析】astronauts航天员;have been done构成现在完成时的被动语态;sent into送入;space太空

20、4?. be ; paid; to; the; environment; on; both; two【解析】pay attention to关注,固定短语,attention与pay之间是被动关系,所以 attention作主语时,后面应使 用被动语态,即系动词加上动词过去分词,前面有情态动词should,后面的be动词使用原形,后面接pay的过去分词 paid,然后再接to; environment环境,名词;on both/the two sides两岸,两边。5?. separated from【解析】be separated from从之中被分离出来。6?. are, planted【

21、解析】种植plant,根据句意 广州的公园每年都种很多树”可知,要用一般现在时的被动语态,其构成为am/is/ are done。故答案为are planted。7?. are, cleaned8?. is, often, laughed, at9?. are ; separated; into; different ; groups【解析】separate into分成,根据句子讲述的是现在状况用一般现在时,主语 waste things (垃圾)是被分类的因此用一般现在时的被动语态,be动词用are。different groups不同的组,separate into differentg

22、roups 分成不同的组,即是分类。10?. called ; off【解析】call off取消,与主语是动宾关系,结合was可知是被动语态,故使用过去分词。11?. was ; also; punished; besides【解析】punish 惩罚,动词与主语是动宾关系,用被动语态,且根据句意“收到了 ”可知时态是一般过去时,主语是 Tom ,因此用 was punished; also副词,也;besides介词,除了 以外(包含在内)12?. has, been, built13?. can, not, be, taken14?. must, be, driven, by【解析】根据

23、句意,使受不了,应用短语drive mad;主语是you,故应使用被动语态,本句又是表肯定的推测,所以应使用情态动词 must。故答案为 must be driven ; by15?. be ; kept; off【解析】keep off关掉;主语和动词 keep之间是被动关系,前面有情态动词should,所以是带有情态动词的被动语态,结构是should be done,应该被做,keep的过去分词是 kept。16?. are, made, of17?. is, filled, with18?. is, made, from19?. are, allowed20?. whenever he

24、is needed【解析】whenever无论什么时候;he他,主格;be done构成被动语态;whenever弓I导的时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,故 be动词用is; need需要,动词。21?. are ; divided ; intowe,所以 be动词用 are。【解析】be divided into 被分成;根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语是22?. is made up of about twenty islands【解析】make up of 组成,构成,动词,主语country 与谓语动词make up of 是动宾关系,因此用被动语态,be+过去分词

25、,主语是 country, be动词用is, make的过去分词为 made; about大约,介词; twenty二十,基数词;island岛屿,可数名词,前面有基数词twenty,所以用复数形式,island的复数形式为islands。23?. are ; not; allowed ; to【解析】be allowed/permitted to do sth. 被允许做某事;本句可能是一般过去时也可是一般现在时,主语是复数形式,相应的谓语部分也用复数形式。24?. are, not, allowed, to25?. is ; covered; deep【解析】cover 覆盖,动词,与主语

26、everything 是被动关系,时态为一般现在时,故此处应使用iscovered; deep/thick 厚厚的,形容词。26?. regarded ; as【解析】regard. as. 视 为 ,这里句子用被动语态,be regarded as. 被视为 。27?. is divided into【解析】be divided into被分成;主语是单数名词,故 be用is。28?. being ; laughed; at【解析】laugh at嘲笑;like doing sth喜欢做某事;be+动词的过去分词构成被动语态,表示被 29?. was ; built【解析】build 建造,

27、动词,railway 与 build 是被动关系,故此处应使用被动语态,根据句中的severalmonths ago 可知时态为一般过去时,故此处应使用was built。30?. wasn't ; built【解析】此句是一般过去时的被动语态,其构成是be动词+过去分词,否定形式是be+not+过去分词;主语是Rome所以be动词用 was; build,修建,过去分词是built。31?. was ; bought; for【解析】buy买,动词,与主语是被动关系,所以用被动语态be+过去分词;表示过去发生的动作,用一般过去时,主语是 a book,故be动词用 was; buy

28、sth. for sb.为某人买某物;故此处用 was bought for。32?. successful that it was paid much attention to【解析】successful成功的,形容词;sothat如此以至于;pay attention to关注,与主语it之间是动宾关系,由主句的was可知用一般过去时。33?. Before ; were; set; up【解析】before在之前;set up建立,与sports stadiums(复数名词)是动宾关系,用被动语态,由建立了 “可知是一般过去时,助动词be用were, set的过去分词是 set。34?.

29、 was ; taught; to【解析】由last year可知用一般过去时;teach教,动词,与主语this English song是动宾关系,要用被动语态bedone,主语是单数名词,be动词用was; to给,介词。35?. was paid to dealing with【解析】pay attention to doing sth.重视做某事,attention与pay是被动关系,故用被动语态,一般过去时,故此处应使用was paid; deal with 处理。36?. compared ; with【解析】compare with和进行比较。这里是被被比较,应用 be don

30、e形式。37?. was, looked, after, well38?. will ; be; finished【解析】will 将,接动词原形;finish/complete 完成,与project 是动宾关系,用被动语态,谓语结构是be done, finish 的过去分词是finished ; complete 的过去分词是completed。39?. put, up 40?. kicked ; off【解析】kick sb. of把某人开除,根据句意你就会被开除”可知用一般将来时的被动语态,be动词后用过去分词,kick 的过去分词是kicked 。41?. Has our scho

31、ol trip been cancelled because of【解析】school trip学校旅行;cancel取消;because of因为。42?. have been on for a whole day 【解析】be on 开; a whole day 一整天。由句意可知教室里的灯已经保持开的这种状态,故用现在完成时。43?. has ; already; been; sent44?. pulled ; down【解析】pull down拆除,由句意和 has been可知用现在完成时的被动语态,been后用过去分词,pull的过去分词是pulled。45?. not ; be;

32、 forgotten【解析】moment 作主语时,谓语应该用被动形式,人是实施动作的主体;forget 的过去分词是forgotten ;情态动词后的be动词用原型;否定词not放在情态动词之后。46?. must, be, stopped47?. can, be, used 【解析】分析句子可知,这里考查被动语态。能够用来应该表述为can be used。48?. kept ; clean【解析】keep clean保持干净;be kept clean被保持干净49?. should, be, looked, after50?. should ; be; allowed; to【解析】sh

33、ould 应该,根据题意应该用被动语态,allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,变成被动形式为:sb.be allowed to do sth. 某人被允许做某事。51?. more ; action; should; be; taken【解析】more action 更多的措施;should 应该;措施是被实施,所以用被动语态should be done; take采取,其过去分词为taken。52?. must ; be; turned; off【解析】must必须,情态动词,接动词原形; turn off关掉,与lights是动宾关系,用被动语态,谓语结构是 be do

34、ne, turn 的过去分词是turned。53?. can ; be; used; to【解析】can能,接动词原形;use使用,动词,与 Alipay是动宾关系,用被动语态,be used to do sth.被用于做某事。54?. should, be, placed55?. must ; be; stopped【解析】must必须,情态动词,接动词原形;stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,stop与people是被动关系,故此处应使用被动语态。56?. must ; be; thrown ; into【解析】must 必须,情态动词,后接动词原形;be do

35、ne 被做,被动语态;rubbish 和 throw 是动宾关系,用被动语态;throw into 扔进。57?. must ; be; returned【解析】must必须,情态动词,情态动词后用动词原形;return归还,动词;此处 books和return是被动关系,应该用用被动语态be returned。58?. be required to pull together to stop kids swimming alone【解析】require 要求,动词,be required to do sth. 被要求做某事;pull/work together 齐心协力;stop/preve

36、nt sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事;kids/children 孩子们,名词复数形式;swim 游泳,动词; alone 独自,副词;by themselves/on their own 独自。59?. be ; connected; to 【解析】be connected to与有联系,与 有关联;与 连接,固定短语;情态动词must后应用动词的原形。60?. must ; be【解析】must情态动词,必须,后接动词原形;由句意和done可知用被动语态,过去分词done前用be。61?. would rather be laughed at than【解析】would rather do sth. than do sth.宁愿做某事,也不愿做某事;be laughed at被嘲笑。62?. be encouraged to tell the truth【解析】encourage to do sth. 鼓励做某事,与主语child 是被动关系,故此处应使用被动语态,情态动词should 后接动词原形,故此处应使用be encouraged; tell the truth 说实话。63?. be ; put; to; good; use【解析】be put


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