已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1建设工程施工合同发包方(甲方)xxxxParty A: xxxx承包方(乙方)xxxxParty B: xxxx本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照中华人民共和国合同法、建筑安装工程承包合同条例以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx 年 x 月 x 日在 xx 签订。This con tract is sig ned by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxxaccord ing to the“ Con tractLaw of the People s Republic of China” , the “Regulationon Buildingand

2、InstallationCon tract ing Con tract ” , and other releva nt n ati on al laws and regulati ons, as well asthe specific n ature of this project第一条总则Article 1 General Prin ciples1.1 合同文件Con tract Docume nts本合同包含合同、展示、施工图纸、作法说明、招投标文件以及合同所指的其他文件,它 们均被视为合同的一部分。合同文件应该能够相互解释,互为说明。组成本合同的文件及优先 解释的顺序如下:本合同、中标通

3、知书、投标书及其附件、标准、规范及有关技术文件、图纸、 工程量清单及工程报价单或预算书。合同履行中,发包人承包人有关工程的洽商、变更等书面 下一或文件视为本合同的组成部分。This con tractin cludesthe con tractitself, exhibits,con struct iondraw in gs,explanationsof work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specifiedby the con tract. The con tract docume nts should

4、be mutually expla in able and mutually descriptive. Thedocume nts that con stituted the con tract and the priority hierarchy of expla nati ons of the docume nts areas follows: this con tract; the official letter of winning the ten der; Letter of biddi ng and its ann ex, sta ndards,guideli nes, and r

5、eleva nt tech nical docume nts, draw in gs, Bill of Quan tity (BOQ), quotati on of prices, andproject budget. During the impleme ntati on of the con tract, any writte n agreeme nts or documents betweentwo parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this con tract.1.1.1

6、项目概况Project In troduct ion1.1.2 工程名称:xxxxName of Project: xxxx21.1.3 工程地点:xxxxLocati on of Project: xxxx1.1.3.1 工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务, 用品以及其他保障工程进行所需的必要花费以完成下列工作:Scope of the project:uni ess otherwise expla ined by other articles in this con tract,Party B shall provideall services, u

7、tensils,and other necessary cost for theimpleme ntati on of this con tract; the scope of project in cludes, but no t limited to:室内装饰工程,详见附件一和附件二Inner decorati on, see appe ndix 1 & 2室外装饰工程(门窗、屋面、台阶等) ,详见附件一和附件二Fa?ade(i ncludi ng doors, win dows, roof and stairs) seeappe ndix 1 & 2电器工程,详见附件一和

8、附件二Electr onic Engin eeri ng, see appe ndix 1 & 2空调工程,详见附件一和附件二Air Con diti oning System, see appe ndix 1 & 2给排水及采暖工程,详见附件一和附件二Water Supply, Sewage and Heati ng System, see appe ndix 1 & 2消防工程Fire Con trol System, see appe ndix 1 & 2其他图纸上所列项目(任何对原定设计的变更应提供新的图纸并有甲方的签字确认)以上所 有的工程项目以下统称

9、为“工程”。Other items listed in the con struct ion draw ings (any cha nged draw ings shall beprovided and con firmedby Party A). All theseaforeme nti oned items are gen erallyreferred as “ project ” hereafter. 承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程质量,包安全,包文明施工的方式承包工程Nature of Con tract ing: Party B shall be resp on si

10、ble for both labor and materialsfor this project, and will responsiblefor the quality of this project, safety, as wellas code of con duct duri ng the con struct ion project.1.1.4 甲方工地代表由甲方指派。On-site represe ntative of Party A shall be appo in ted by Party A1.1.5 开工日期 xxxxDate of the project begi nni

11、ng: xxxx1.1.6 竣工日期 xxxxDate of the project completi on: xxxx1.1.7 工程质量:质量合格,达到本合同要求和国家质量验收标准,并确保竣工验收一次合格。 验收内容包括但不仅限于:隐蔽工程;分项工程;实验报告;材料检验报告。如果由 于验收未能一次通过而导致后续工程开工的延迟,乙方将按照每日工程总款的2%。金额赔偿给甲3方作为罚金,但最多不超过工程总价款的5%Quality of Project:The quality should be“ Excellent ” , and shall meet therequireme ntsby th

12、is con tractand the Nati onalQualityStan dards,and should beguaranteed tobe accepted at thefirst attempt uponprojectcompletion,and shall alsoLEEDcertified. The scope of as- built acceptanee includes, but not limit to: concealed work,itemizedproject, reports of experiments, and rep orts of material t

13、esting. In the eve nt of project fails to beaccepted at the first in specti on and thus in curs delays begi nning of the subseque nt projects. Party B shallcompe nsate Party A at thedaily rate of 2%o of the total con tract amount as pen alty, but the total amount shallnot exceed 5% of the total con

14、tract amount.1.1.8 工程资质:在实施此合同所涉及的工程时,乙方应确保其具有相关资质。如乙方因为不具备相关资质导致甲方的损失或工程进度的滞后,乙方承担全部责任。Qualificati ons:Party B represe nts and warra nts it is compete nt and legitimateto carryout the services that set forth un der this Agreeme nt whe n impleme nti ng this con tract.Party B shall be responsiblefor

15、any delay of the construction induced by theirin sufficie nt qualificati ons.1.2 合同价款:Con tract Amount本合同价款为人民币xxxx,为固定总价合同价款。The total con tract amount is xxxx, which is fixed con tract amount本合同包括设备材料费、人工费、机械费、管理费、利润、税金、代办费用、保险费、运输费、 劳务费用、总承包服务费以及为完成工程所必须的其他一切费用,和工程各系统检验检测、安 装调试等费用。该款项为甲方应付给乙方的全部费

16、用,并已经包含物价变动因素。This agreement includes the cost of equipment and materials, labor cost, machinery cost, man ageme ntcost, profit, tax, gover nment charges on behalf of Party A, in sura nee, tran sportati on, labor, subc on tractservice fee, and all other cost for the completi onof the project, as wel

17、l as every system testing,installation,and commissioning costs.This total con tract amoun t is exact amount that Party A shall pay to Party B and it in cludes the fact of pricefluctuatio n.1.3 工程结算Final Audit of project1.3.1 本工程计价依据 GB50500-2008建设工程工程量清单计价规范采用固定总价,除施工 期间甲方要求变更现有图纸及发生的增减项洽商,甲方将作价格调整。

18、This project is using fixed total amount accord ing to GB50500-2008 the PricingGuideli nes by Code of Quan tity in Con struct ion Projects, except that Party A may make price adjustme ntin the event of the existi ng con struct ion draw ings are cha nged or add or remove any con struct ion workaccord

19、 ing to the request of Party A41.3.2 所有的人工费用都不得以任何理由进行过调整,结算时只接受投标文件中约定的价格。All labor cost shall NOT be adjusted in any eve nt. Only the prices stimulated inthe biddi ng docume nts are accepted at the final audit after completi on.1.3.3 因工程调整而产生的工程洽商,如洽商费用超过人民币五万元整,则洽商文件必须在工 程中期验收当日被提交给甲方,所产生的洽商费用在交付

20、中期款时一并核算结清。如洽商费用 低于五万元人民币整,则洽商文件必须在工程验收当日内提交给甲方,所产生的费用在交付工 程验收款时一并核算结清。If the cost of change orders are over RMB50,000 Yuan, then all change orders issued because of thecon struct ion adjustme nts shall be submitted to Party A on the same day of the con struct ionmid-termcheck and accepta nee, and t

21、he approved amount will be paidto Party B with the con structi on mid-term payme nt; if the costs of the cha nge orders are less tha n 50,000Yuan, the n all cha nge orders issued because of the con structi on adjustme nts shall be submitted to PartyA on the same day of the con struct ioncompleti onc

22、heck and acceptanee, and the approved amount willbe paid to Party B with thecon struct ion completi on payme nt.第二条:政府批复Article 2 Gover nment Approvals2.1 乙方负责协助甲方办理此项施工需要办理的所有政府报批,包括但不仅限于消防、环保的 报批与其他与本工程相关的报批,甲方负责政府行政审批的费用。Party B shall be responsible to process government approvals related to the

23、project, in cludi ng but notlimited to: fire con trol, en viro nment protect ion and other approvals related to this Project. Party A is resp onsible for the costs of these approvals2.2 乙方负责其工程报备Party B shall be resp on sible for con struct ion applicatio ns, approvals and related costs.2.3 乙方应承担 2.

24、2 所述报备不全而导致的政府罚金,并且不能顺延工期。Party B shall be resp on sible for any gover nment fines due to in complete approval processes, andshould NOT cause delay in the con struct ion period.第三条:甲方的权利和义务Article 3 Rights and Obligatio ns of Party A3.1 向乙方提供经确认的施工图纸或做法说明五份,并向乙方进行现场交底,向乙方提供施工 所需要的水电设备,并说明使用注意事项。Part

25、y A shall provide FIVE copies of con firmed con structi ondraw ings andexpla nati ons of work procedures, and shall con duct tech ni cal clarificati on. Party A shall provide Party Bwith n ecessary water and power equipme nt and the in structi ons on using the equipme nt.3.2 指派 xxxx 为甲方驻工地代表,负责合同的履行

26、。对工程质量、进度进行监督检查,办理验 收、变更事宜。甲方的工地代表如果认为乙方的某雇员行为不当或散漫不羁,或甲方认为该雇 员不能胜任,则乙方应立即进行撤换,并且未经甲方实现书面许可,乙方不得在施工中再行雇 佣该等人员。被撤换的任何人员应尽可以能立即由甲方代表所批准的胜任的人员代替。Party A appo ints xxxx as the on-site represe ntative to supervise the fulfillme nt of con tract5obligations, to oversee the quality control and check the pro

27、ject progress, and to handle issues such asaccepta nee and variati ons. In the event of the on-site represe ntativeof Party A believes that any employee of Party B hasimproper con duct or misbehaviors,or if Party A con sider such employee is not compete nt for the releva nt work, Party Bshall dismis

28、s and replace this employee immediately; and uni ess havi ng received consent by Party A inwriti ng in adva nee. Party B shall no Ion ger hire the specified employee in the followi ng phase of this project.Party B should make every effort to replacethe dismissed employee with compete nt pers onnel a

29、uthorized by on-site represe ntativeof Party A.3.3 甲方按照付款约定向乙方支付工程款。Party A should make payme nts to Party B accord ing to the payme nt terms.3.4 如甲方认为乙方确已无能力继续履行合同的,则甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须在接到甲方 书面通知后两周内撤离场地以便乙方继续施工。对乙方完成工程量的结算不作为撤离场地的条 件,结算应在竣工一个月之内完成,付款方式按照本合同条款。In the event of Party A con sider Party B is

30、 in deed un able to further fulfill its con tract obligati ons, the n PartyA has the right to termi nate the con tract, and Party B should vacate the project site with in two weeks afterreceiv ing Party As no tice,so that PartyA can resume con struct ionas soon as possible. Con firmati onof fini she

31、dqua ntity shallNOT be regarded as a prerequisite to Party Bs vacati on of the project site, and the confirmation should beprocessed withinone month after the project completion.Payme nt shall be made accord ing to the payme nt terms in this con tract.3.5 甲方有权要求乙方按照甲方的组织设计和施工工期进行施工,乙方如对甲方的要求和指令 不予执行

32、的,则按照乙方违约处理,乙方应承担违约责任。Party A has the right to in struct Party B to do the con struct ion accord ing to PartyAs orga ni zati on and pla nned con struct ion period; in the event of Party B ignores and refuses to observeParty As in struct ions, Party B will be deemed as breach of the con tract, and Pa

33、rty B shall be held resp onsible for the liabilities of breach ing the con tract.3.6 甲方有权要求乙方服从甲方的统一安排和管理,乙方的施工人员必须遵守各项规章制度。 对于乙方施工人员违规操作所产生的后果,乙方承担全部责任。甲方有权从工程总价款中扣除 相应的款项。Party A has the right to in struct Party B to observe the gen eral arra ngeme nt and man ageme nt by Party A,and the con struct

34、 ion staffs of Party B must observe all rules and regulati ons. Party B shall be fully resp onsible for the con seque nces of such violati ons by the staff of Party B. Party A has the right to directly deductthe corresp onding amount from the total con tract amount.3.7 甲方所有的通知可以以书面或口头形式发出,乙方接获甲方的通知后

35、应根据通知规定的内 容执行。All notices from Party A can be madeboth in writing and orally, but the oral instructions are only applicable tothe represe ntative of Party A. Party B shall, upon receiv ing no tices from Party A, execute the corresponding matters accord ing to the content of the no tices.3.8 未经甲方同意,乙

36、方不得将工程转让或分包,对于乙方将工程擅自转让或分包的,甲方有 权解除合同,乙方必须接受并承担由此造成的一切后果。6Party B shall NOT tran sfer or subc on tract the project to any third party without the consent ofParty A; in the event of Party B tran sfers or subc on tracts the project to any third party without the consentof Party A, Party A has the righ

37、t to term in ate the con tract, and Party B must accept and be resp on sible forany con seque nee of such violatio n.3.9 甲方有权制定专业分包商,并按照乙方在投标文件中承诺的配合管理费率向乙方支付配合 管理费。Party A has the right to appo int specialsub-c on tractors,and shall pay the man ageme ntfee toParty B accord ing to the rate of subc o

38、n tractman ageme nt and coord in ati on fee stipulatedin the biddi ng docume nts3.10 按照招标文件中的相关条目,甲方有权自行采购材料供给乙方,并按照乙方在投标文件的 相关条目中汲取人工费、机械费、辅助材料费等向乙方支付费用。甲方没有义务向乙方支付其 他费用。Party A has the right to purchase and provide Party B with materials on its own, and shall pay labor cost,mach inery cost, and ac

39、cessory cost to Party B accord ing to the releva nt terms in the biddi ng docume nts.Party A has no obligati ons to pay any other costs to Party B第四条:乙方的权利义务Article 4 Rights and Obligatio ns of Party B4.1 参加甲方组织的施工图纸或做法说明的现场交底,拟定施工方案和进度计划,交由甲方审 定。施工过程中,乙方按照甲方的有关指示及修改变更要求进行相应调整。Party B shall particip

40、ate in the tech ni cal clarificati on on con struct ion draw ings andexpla nati onsof work proceduresorga ni zedby Party A, and should develop thecon struct ion pla n and the progress schedule for Party A to review. During con struct ion, Party B shouldmake such adjustme nt to the con struct ion pla

41、 n and the progress schedule per Party As in struct ion andcha nge-orders.4.2 指派 xxxx 为乙方驻工地代表,负责合同的履行,按照要求组织施工,保质保量、按期完成施工任务。解决由乙方负责的各项事宜。乙方驻工地代表在本公司的工作时间不得少于90 加作日。Party B appo ints xxxx as the on-site represe ntative of Party B to take charge offulfilli ngthe con tractobligati ons.The on-siterepr

42、ese ntativeof Party B shallorga nize the con struct ion accord ing to con tract requireme nts so that the project can be completedaccording to the quality and quantityrequirements and on a timely manner.The on-site represe ntative of Party B shall work on the project site for no fewer tha n90% of th

43、e total worki ng days.4.3 严格执行施工规范、安全操作规程、防火安全规定、环境保护规定。严格按照图纸或做法说 明进行施工,做好各项质量检查记录,参加竣工验收,编制竣工资料及工程结算。Party B shall strictly observe con struct ion guideli nes, safety requireme nts, firesafety regulati ons, environment protectio n regulati ons and LEED requireme nts. PartyB shall do the con struct

44、 ion by strictly adheri ng to the con structi on draw ings and expla nati ons of workprocedures, and shall effectively record each QA/QC in spect ion. Party B shall atte nd the completi onaccepta nee, and develop at-built submittals and final project audit.74.4 根据甲方和设计方一致通过的设计图纸进行施工,遵从甲方工地代表和设计方的指示,

45、如 乙方发现在工程标准和设计图之间存在不一致时,应以书面形式通知甲方和设计方。Party B shall carry out the con struct ion accord ing to the desig n draw ings agreed upon by bothParty A and the desig ner,shall observe the in struct ionsof desig ner and therepresentative of Party A; in the event of Party B finds inconsistenee between projec

46、t sta ndards and desig ndraw in gs, Party B should inform the desig ner and Party A in writi ng.4.5 遵守国家或地方政府及有关部门对施工现场管理的规定及甲方的规章制度,妥善保护好施 工现场周围的建筑物、设备管线等不受损坏。做好施工现场保卫、消防和垃圾消纳等工作,处 理好由于施工带来的扰民问题及周围单位(住户)的关系;如果由于乙方导致任何设施、设备 或管道在工地内外受损。将由乙方赔偿损失。乙方负责与甲方的施工协调事项,并独自完全承 担所有相关责任。Party B shall observe poli

47、cies of on-site management by the state and local government authorities as wellas Party As rules and regulati ons; Party B shall compe nsate for the losses to any facilities, equipme nt orpipeli nes both in side and outside of thecon struct ion yard caused by party B. Party B shall be resp on sible

48、 for the coord in atio n of con struct ionissues with party A, and shallin depe nden tlyand fully assumescorresp onding resp on sibilities.任何原建筑物结构的拆改或设备管道的挪移,乙方应向甲方申报;在甲方批复前,不得擅自动 工。Party B should report to party A of any demoliti on of or variati on to any origi nal buildi ng structure orre-positi

49、 on of equipme nt pipes; Party B will refrain from any such work prior to receiving Party A s approval4.7乙方应保护所有设备以及工程成品,并承担竣工移交前所引起损坏的损失赔偿。Party B should protect all equipment and finishedparts, and shall assume compensationresp on sibilities of any losses prior to completi on han d-over.4.8乙方负责用扩展

50、保险责任批单为与建筑物相关的工程以及工程所需的材料购买工程一切 险,乙方及乙方分包商(以下简称“分包商”)应对工程进行中自己或其他方的财产出资购买 相应的保险,这些财产包括:工棚,铁架塔,脚手架,工具及其他的一些材料。Party B shall purchase Con structi on All Risks In sura nee for the project and required materials related tothe buildi ng structure by using exte nded coverage en dorseme nt;duri ng con stru

51、ct ion,Party B and its subc on tractors(hereafter abbreviated assubc on tractors)should purchase corresp onding in sura nee for their own or otherparties properties, such as temporary con struct ion barracks, ir on frames and towers,scaffoldi ng, ute nsils and other materials.4.9 从工程开始至工程竣工验收报告上所列明的

52、日期之日止,乙方应全权负责整项工程。不管 任何原因导致的工程的损坏,乙方负责修理还原,以使整个工程竣工时能完全依照合同要求以 及甲方工地代表的指示,状况良好。From the begi nning of con struct ion to the completi on date stipulated by the as-built accepta nee report,Party B will be fully resp on sible for the en tire project. Party B shall fix and rein state and damages to thep

53、roject items regardless of the cause, so that the project shall be in good con diti onupon completi on,accord ing to the con tract8requireme nts and the in struct ions of Party As represe ntative.4.10 除非合同另有规定,乙方应就下列事项独自完全承担如下赔偿责任,并确保甲方完全免责:与因工程施工及维修而对人身造成的任何伤害或损害或对财产造成任何损害有关的所有损失及 权利要求。但在下列情形下的赔偿或补

54、偿除外:Uni ess otherwise specified, Party B should in depe nden tlyand fully assume the follow ingcompensation liabilities, and exempt Party A from all liabilities:all injury and rightsclaims related to any pers onal injuries or property damage or loss as a result of the con struct ion project,except f

55、or the followi ng compe nsati on or reimburseme nt:4.10.1工程或其任何部分永久性使用或占用工地。Perma nent use or occupati on of land by the project or any part of the project.4.10.2 甲方享有在任何土地上,下,里或穿越其施工的权利。Party A has the right to traverse the con struct ion site fromabove, ben eath, or in sidethe site.4.10.3根据合同规定对财产

56、的损伤或伤害是工程施工或维修之不可避免的后果时。The property damage or loss is an in evitable loss causedby the con struct ion or repairaccord ing to the con tra requireme nts.4.11 乙方保证施工现场清洁,符合环境卫生管理的有关规定,交工前清理现场达到甲方要求,如达不到甲方的要求,乙方承担因自身违反规定造成的损失和罚款。Party B shall keep the con struct ion site clea n and meet the regulatio n

57、sof en viro nmentsan itati on, and make sure the con diti on of the site meets the requireme nts of PartyA. If the con diti on of the con struct ion site does NOT meet the requireme nts of PartyA, Party B shall be resp on sible for any loss or fine as a result of its own violati onof such regulati o

58、ns.4.12乙方必须要按照施工图所显示的设计要求施工,并符合施工规范规定。所有因对施工图的误解或疏忽引起的施工错误,须返工者,其一切费用均有乙方自负,且不得因此延长完工期 限。Party B MUST adhere to the desig n requireme nts in the con struct ion draw in gs, and must meet therequireme nts of con struct ion guideli nes. Party Bshall be fully resp on siblefor any cost of rework on con s

59、truct ion mistakes as a result of misun dersta nding of the con struct iondraw ings or n eglige nee, and shall NOTdelay the completi on of the project.4.13乙方应与每位施工人员订立务工合同,办理合法务工证件并承担费用。Party B should sig n labor con tract with all its con struct ion staffs, and issue properworkBe resp on sible for

60、the corresp onding cost.4.14 乙方应每月按时向每位施工人员发放工资,如果乙方未按规定发放工资而给甲方带来的任 何损失,则乙方承担完全赔偿责任。Party B should make salary/wagespayment to all constructionstaffs in time on a monthlybasis, and will be fully resp on sible for any liabilities caused by any loss or damage to Party A as a result ofParty Bs failure to pay salaries and w


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