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1、Chapter EightMeasurement And Scaling: Fundamentals And Comparative Scaling第8章 测量与量表:基本原理和比较量表赵冬阳 讲师经济与管理学院市场营销博士生e-mail: sunny_Chapter Objectives本章目标1. Introduce the concepts of measurement and scaling and show how scaling may be considered an extension of measurement.2. Explain the characteristics

2、of description, order, distance, and origin and how they define the level of measurement of a scale. 3. Discuss the primary scales of measurement and differentiate nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.4. Classify and discuss scaling techniques as comparative and non-comparative, and describe

3、 the comparative techniques of paired comparison, rank order, constant sum, and Q-sort scaling.1理解测量和量表的概念,并说明如何将量表视为测量的一个扩充。2. 解释描述、顺序、距离和原点的特征,和如何定义量表测量尺度3.讨论测量的主要尺度并区分定类、定序、定距和定比尺度。4. 讨论并将量表技术分类比较和非比较量表,描述比较量表中的配对比较量表、 等级顺序量表、常量量表和Q 分类量表。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University2Chapter Outline章

4、节提纲1) Overview2) Measurement and Scaling3) Scales CharacteristicsDescriptionOrderDistanceOrigin概要测量和标度尺度的特征描述比较程度原点2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University3Chapter Outline4) Primary Scales of Measurement i.Nominal Scaleii.Ordinal Scaleiii.Interval Scale iv.Ratio Scale 5) A Comparison of Scaling Te

5、chniques主要的测量尺度定类尺度定序尺度定距尺度定比尺度量表技术的比较2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University4Chapter Outline6) Comparative Scaling Techniquesi.Paired Comparison ii.Rank Order Scalingiii.Constant Sum Scalingiv.Q-Sort and Other Procedures7) Verbal Protocols 8) International Marketing Research9) Ethics in Marketin

6、g Research10) Summary比较量表技术配对比较等级顺序量表常量和量表Q分类和其他方法2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University5Measurement and Scaling测量和标度Measurement means assigning numbers or other symbols to characteristics of objects according to certain pre-specified rules. One-to-one correspondence between the numbers and the

7、characteristics being measured. The rules for assigning numbers should be standardized and applied uniformly. Rules must not change over objects or time.测量意味着根据某些预先指定的规则配给对象的特征分配数字或其它符号。数字和被测的特点一一对应关系。编号分配规则应标准化和统一使用。规则不能对象或时间更改。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University6Scale Characteristics尺度特征 By

8、 description, we mean the unique labels or descriptors that are used to designate each value of the scale. All scales possess description. Description By order, we mean the relative sizes or positions of the descriptors. Order is denoted by descriptors such as greater than, less than, and equal to.

9、Order 是指用某一特定的词或标识来代表划分的每个等级。 比如“是”与“否”,“同意”与“反对”描述性(description) 指的是描述的相对规模。关键词“相对”,包括“大于”、“等于”、“小于”之类的用语。不是所有的量表都有比较性。比较性(order)2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University7Scale Characteristics The characteristic of distance means that absolute differences between the scale descriptors are known an

10、d may be expressed in units. Distance The origin characteristic means that the scale has a unique or fixed beginning or true zero point. Origin 程度的特性意味着尺度描述符之间的绝对差异已知并可以单位表示。程度 原点特征是指尺度具有唯一或固定起点或真正的零点的位置。原点2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University8量表尺度上的不同特征2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua Universit

11、y9Measurement and Scaling测量和标度Scaling involves creating a continuum upon which measured objects are located. Consider an attitude scale from 1 to 100. Each respondent is assigned a number from 1 to 100, with 1 = Extremely Unfavorable, and 100 = Extremely Favorable. Measurement is the actual assignme

12、nt of a number from 1 to 100 to each respondent. Scaling is the process of placing the respondents on a continuum with respect to their attitude toward department stores. 标度涉及产生一个将被测物体连续区间上的定位。考虑态度的尺度从 1 到 100。每名回答都指定一个从1到100的编号。1 = 极为不喜欢和 100 = 极为喜欢。测量是每个回答的介于 1 到 100 实际分配。标度是根据他们对百货公司的态度在连续区间定位回答的

13、过程。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University10Primary Scales of Measurement2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University11Primary Scales of Measurement :Nominal Scale测量的主尺度:定类尺度The numbers serve only as labels or tags for identifying and classifying objects. When used for identification, there is a st

14、rict one-to-one correspondence between the numbers and the objects. The numbers do not reflect the amount of the characteristic possessed by the objects. The only permissible operation on the numbers in a nominal scale is counting. Only a limited number of statistics, all of which are based on frequ

15、ency counts, are permissible, e.g., percentages, and mode.数字只作为用于对象的识别和分类的标签或标志。用于识别时,数字和对象之间有一一的对应。数字并不反映对象所拥有的特征的数量。只允许对定类尺度中的数字进行计数操作。只允许计算少数的基于频率计数的统计量,例如,百分比、众数、卡方和二项式检验。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University12用于不同尺度的问题例子(1) 1.请标出你的性别: 男 女 2.选出所有你可能购买的品牌: 索尼 增你智 美国无线公司 科蒂斯.马西斯 3.你是否同意“当你需要的

16、时候,德尔塔旅游公司已为你准备好了。”这句广告语? 同意 反对定类尺度的问题132011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua UniversityPrimary Scales of Measurement:Ordinal Scale测量的主要尺度:定序尺度A ranking scale in which numbers are assigned to objects to indicate the relative extent to which the objects possess some characteristic. Can determine whether an

17、 object has more or less of a characteristic than some other object, but not how much more or less. Any series of numbers can be assigned that preserves the ordered relationships between the objects. In addition to the counting operation allowable for nominal scale data, ordinal scales permit the us

18、e of statistics based on centiles, e.g., percentile, quartile, median.在定序尺度中,被分配给对象的数字表明对象拥有某些特征的相对程度可以确定一个对象是否有更多或更少程度的某种特色,但没有反应对象间差别的大小。可以分派任何保持对象之间顺序关系的数字序列。除了对其技术操作外,还可以使用基于百分位的统计量,例如百分位数、 四分位数、 中位数、序列相关等。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University14用于不同尺度的问题例子(2)15 1.请根据你的喜好排列以下品牌,你的首选请标“1”,其次标

19、“2”,依此类推。 阿里特 卫士 男士 2.在下列每对(2个)百货店中,选出一对你最喜欢去光顾的。 凯国特与第一国民商店 第一国民商店与A&P A&P与凯国特 3.根据你的看法,你认为沃尔玛的价格: 高于西尔斯 与西尔斯差不多 比西尔斯低定序尺度问题2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua UniversityPrimary Scales of Measurement: Interval Scale测量的主要尺度:定距尺度Numerically equal distances on the scale represent equal values in t

20、he characteristic being measured. It permits comparison of the differences between objects. The location of the zero point is not fixed. Both the zero point and the units of measurement are arbitrary. Any positive linear transformation of the form y = a + bx will preserve the properties of the scale

21、. It is not meaningful to take ratios of scale values. Statistical techniques that may be used include all of those that can be applied to nominal and ordinal data, and in addition the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and other statistics commonly used in marketing research. 尺度上数值相等的距离代表了被测量的特性的

22、相等值。它允许对象之间差异的比较研究。零点的位置不被固定。零点和度量单位是任意的。y = a + bx形式的任何正的线性变换都将保持尺度的属性。计算尺度值的比例是没有意义的。可能使用的统计技术包括所有的可以应用于定类和定序尺度数据,另外可以计算通常用于市场研究算术平均值、 标准偏差和其他统计数据2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University16用于不同尺度的问题例子(3)17定距量表的问题1.请根据总体偏好划分以下品牌的级别 2. 用圆圈标出你对以下几句话的同意程度: 品牌品牌排列(用圈划出)排列(用圈划出)非常差非常好蒙特.布兰克12345678910派

23、克12345678910克罗斯12345678910陈述陈述非常不同意非常不同意非常同意非常同意我总是期待降价12345我喜欢户外活动12345我喜欢烹饪123452011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua UniversityPrimary Scales of Measurement:Ratio Scale测量的主要尺度:定比尺度Possesses all the properties of the nominal, ordinal, and interval scales.It has an absolute zero point. It is meaningful t

24、o compute ratios of scale values. Only proportionate transformations of the form y = bx, where b is a positive constant, are allowed. All statistical techniques can be applied to ratio data. 拥有定类、 定序和定距尺度的所有属性。它有一个绝对零点。这是计算尺度值的比率有意义。质允许y = bx形式的转换,其中 b 是一个正的常数。所有统计技术可以应用于定比数据。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang P

25、anzhihua University18用于不同量表的问题例子(3)19 1.请写出你的年龄: -岁 2.上个月你在7分店11分店中购买商品超过5美元的次数? 0 1 2 3 4 5 更多(次数) 3.你认为一个人想要购买100,000美元的寿险,每年的保险金多少比较合理? -美元 4.当你准备遗嘱时,你会考虑律师劝告的百分比是多少? -%比例量表的问题2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua UniversityIllustration of Primary Scales of Measurement测量的主要尺度的说明 Table 8.1Nominal ScaleO

26、rdinal Scale Interval Scale Ratio Scale No. Store Preference Rankings Preference Rankings $ spent last 3 months1-7 11-171. Parisian77951502. Macys2257172003. Kmart88241404. Kohls3306161005. J.C. Penney 1107172506. Neiman Marcus 553515357. Marshalls99541408. Saks Fifth Avenue 6615151009. Sears 445616

27、010.Wal-Mart10115212102011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University20Primary Scales of MeasurementTable 8.22011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University21Primary Scales of Measurement主要的测量量表Table 8.22011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University22A Classification of Scaling Techniques量表技术的分类Scaling Techniques

28、 量表技术Comparative Scales 比较量表Paired Comparison配对比较量表Rank Order等级顺序量表Constant Sum常数和量表Q-Sort and Other ProceduresQ分类量表及其他方法Noncomparative Scales 非比较量表Continuous Rating Scales联续评分量表Itemized Rating Scales分项评分量表Likert利克特量表Semantic Differential语义差异量表Stapel斯坦普尔量表Figure 8.22011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua Un

29、iversity23A Comparison of Scaling TechniquesComparative scales involve the direct comparison of stimulus objects. Comparative scale data must be interpreted in relative terms and have only ordinal or rank order properties. 涉及对刺激物体的直接比较。例如,调查对象可能被问及他们更喜欢可口可乐和还是百事可乐。 比较量表的数据必须以相对的关系来解释,并且只有定序性质。比较量表20

30、11/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University24A Comparison of Scaling Techniques each object is scaled independently of the others in the stimulus set. The resulting data are generally assumed to be interval or ratio scaled. In noncomparative scales 又称单独量表,每个物体独立于刺激物体背景众的其他物体而被计量,所产生的数据通常被假定为定距或定比的。 例如可

31、能要求调查对象用一个1到6的喜好程度尺度评价可乐(1=一点也不喜欢,6=非常喜欢) 可以是连续评分量表或者分项评分量表。非比较量表2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University25Relative Advantages of Comparative Scales比较量表的相对优点2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University26Small differences between stimulus objects can be detected.Same known reference points for all re

32、spondents. Easily understood and can be applied. Involve fewer theoretical assumptions.Tend to reduce halo or carryover effects from one judgment to another. 发现刺激物体间的微小差别。调查对象从相同的已知参照点考虑排序任务。容易理解和应用涉及较少的理论假设。减少了从一个判断到另一个判断过程中的光环或遗留效应。Relative Disadvantages of Comparative Scales相对缺点2011/2/17ZHAODongy

33、ang Panzhihua University27Ordinal nature of the data Inability to generalize beyond the stimulus objects scaled.定序性质无法推广到被计量的刺激物体之外。Comparative Scaling Techniques Paired Comparison Scaling比较量表技术-配对比较量表2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University28A respondent is presented with two objects and asked to

34、 select one according to some criterion. The data obtained are ordinal in nature. Paired comparison scaling is the most widely used comparative scaling technique.With n brands, n(n - 1) /2 paired comparisons are required.Under the assumption of transitivity, it is possible to convert paired comparis

35、on data to a rank order. 给调查对象提供两个物体,并要求他们根据某些标准来选择一个。所获得数据在性质上是定序的。配对比较量表是最广泛使用的比较量表技术。对n 种品牌,n(n - 1) /2 次配对比较包括了所有可能的物体配对。在可传递的假设下,可以将配对比较数据转换为一个等级顺序。Obtaining Shampoo Preferences Using Paired Comparisons 用配对比较法获得香波偏好的信息2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University29Paired Comparison SellingThe most

36、 common method of taste testing is paired comparison. The consumer is asked to sample two different products and select the one with the most appealing taste. The test is done in private and a minimum of 1,000 responses is considered an adequate sample. A blind taste test for a soft drink, where ima

37、gery, self-perception and brand reputation are very important factors in the consumers purchasing decision, may not be a good indicator of performance in the marketplace. The introduction of New Coke illustrates this point. New Coke was heavily favored in blind paired comparison taste tests, but its

38、 introduction was less than successful, because image plays a major role in the purchase of Coke.A paired comparison taste test2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University30Comparative Scaling Techniques Rank Order Scaling比较量表技术等级顺序量表2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University31Respondents are presente

39、d with several objects simultaneously and asked to order or rank them according to some criterion. It is possible that the respondent may dislike the brand ranked 1 in an absolute sense. Furthermore, rank order scaling also results in ordinal data. Only (n - 1) scaling decisions need be made in rank

40、 order scaling. 同时向调查对象呈现几种物体,并要求他们根据一些标准将这些物体进行排序。调查对象可能在绝对意义上并不喜欢名列第一的品牌。等级顺序量表还导致了定序数据。只需做(n - 1) 剂量决定,在配对量表中是n(n+1)/2次决定。Preference for Toothpaste Brands Using Rank Order Scaling使用等级顺序量表获取牙膏品牌的偏好信息Fig. 8.4Instructions: Rank the various brands of toothpaste in order of preference. Begin by pickin

41、g out the one brand that you like most and assign it a number 1. Then find the second most preferred brand and assign it a number 2. Continue this procedure until you have ranked all the brands of toothpaste in order of preference. The least preferred brand should be assigned a rank of 10. No two br

42、ands should receive the same rank number. The criterion of preference is entirely up to you. There is no right or wrong answer. Just try to be consistent.2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University32Preference for Toothpaste Brands Using Rank Order Scaling使用等级顺序量表获取牙膏品牌的偏好信息 Brand 品牌品牌 等级顺序等级顺序Rank O

43、rder1. Crest _ 2. Colgate _ 3. Aim _ 4. Gleem _ 5. Sensodyne _6. Ultra Brite _7. Close Up _8. Pepsodent _ 9. Plus White _ 10. Stripe _Fig. 8.4 cont.Form2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University33Comparative Scaling TechniquesConstant Sum Scaling 常量和量表2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University34Resp

44、ondents allocate a constant sum of units, such as 100 points to attributes of a product to reflect their importance.If an attribute is unimportant, the respondent assigns it zero points. If an attribute is twice as important as some other attribute, it receives twice as many points. The sum of all the points is 100. Hence, the name of the scale. 调查对象根据一些标准在一组刺激物中分配一个单位,比如要求调查对象对一种刺激物


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