已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit oneI. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following: protectionism domestic market interference direct investmentrestriction be first voiced bydominate mercantilismconsume outflow of currencycurrency portfolio investmentII. Fill in the blanks with proper English terms: 1) Merchandi

2、se exports 2) Service exports and imports 3) Merchandise imports4) International trade5) Direct investment (FDI)6) Portfolio investmentIII. Choose a suitable word for each of the blanks in the following paragraph: trade; liberalization; facilitate; competition; increasinglyV. (P10) Translate the fol

3、lowing paragraph into Chinese:一个国家出现贸易盈余或贸易顺差,是指该国当前进口货物和服务的价值小于出口货物和服务的价值。在重商主义时期,这一差值通过转移黄金弥补,但是在今天是通过持有贸易赤字国家的货币或以该国货币表示的投资来弥补。实质上,盈余国家在给予赤字国家信贷。如果此种信贷最终不能买回足够的货物和服务,所谓的贸易顺差结果实际上可能对盈余国家不利。I. Give the Chinese equivalents for the following English terms: 1) 绝对优势理论 2)比较优势理论 3)国际劳动分工 4) 要素禀赋理论 5)土地密集

4、型产品 6)劳动密集型产品 7)资本密集新产品 8)获得优势 9)天然优势 10)文化要素差异II. (p18-19) Translate the following sentences into Chinese according to the patterns:1. 即使所有产品都具有绝对优势的国家,因其必须放弃产出效率低的产品转而生产产出效率高的产品,也会从贸易中获益。2. 尽管美国产茶与产麦均有绝对优势,可它只在麦子生产上具有相对优势,因其产麦的优势较其产茶的优势更大。3. 要素禀赋理论认为,较丰富的生产要素比相对稀缺的要素更加廉价。4. 为了做好国际贸易,公司经理除需要掌握业务经营知

5、识,还需要掌握基本的社会科学知识。Unit TwoI. (p27) Find out the whole forms of the following short forms:MTO Multilateral Trading GSP Generalized System of PreferenceUNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentWTO World Trade OrganizationMFN Most Favored NationLDC less developed countriesGATT General Ag

6、reement on Tariffs and TradeEC European CommunityIIFill in the blanks with proper words: 1) policies; discourage 2) government 3) 117; 36%; 24% 4) negotiations; to; trade 5) free; would accept/permitI. (p35-36) Identify in the text the English equivalents for the following:prohibitive tariff value a

7、dded taxregulatory tariff ad valorem tariffprotective tariff dutiable priceretaliatory tariff retail pricecountervailing tariff wholesale pricepunitive tax licenseSpecial Drawing Right clandestinerevenue tariff non-tariff barriersgovernment procurement coordinationinfant industry customs valuationII

8、. (p36) Translate the following into Chinese:大多数国家目前就估价的程序达成了一致。海关官员首先必须采用发票金额。若没有发票金额或其真实性可疑的情况下,必须以同类商品价值为基础估价。若找不到同类商品,就必须以基本同时期进海关的相似产品为基础进行估价。III. Complete the following sentences:1. the customs; import/export goods2. Tariff or duty; under3. dumping; levying anti-dumping tariff4. duty; value5.

9、increasing; imported; gainIV. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions: of; on; with; from; with; for; to; at; by; atI. (p44) Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:foreign currency retention tariff exemptionpreferential condition monitorexport credit certificatedirect consign

10、ment Generalized System of Preferencetariff union preference-giving countryeconomic union preference-receiving countrycommon market signatory nationprinciple of the place of origin tariff regionfree trade zone regional economic integrationinternational financial market National Commercial Inspection

11、 Bureau and its subordinatesII. (p44-45) Translate the following into Chinese:进出口数量限制最常见的形式是配额(制度)。从进口角度讲,配额频频使用的目的是为了限制某一特定年份所允许进口产品的数量。这一数量常常反映出国内生产厂商在特定年份拥有国内市场中一定份额的保障(额度)。很多年来,美国进口糖配额使美国(国内)糖业生产厂商占据了近一半国内市场。III. (P45) Find a suitable term to fill in each of the following blanks:1) Economic Unio

12、n 2) A free trade zone3) the average tax refunding 4) total tariff exemption5) Form A6) GSP7) encourage export production8) justifiableUnit Three I. (p51) Give the Chinese equivalents for the following English terms:1) 固有/内在属性2) 光泽、款式、结构3) 适销性4) 社会属性5) 适用性6) 耐用性7) 卫生8) 以消毒/杀菌II. Translate the follow

13、ing, paying attention to the underlined terms:1) Not only should we take into consideration the intrinsic quality and outer form or shape, but also individual consumer tastes.2) To strengthen the competitiveness of Chinas export commodities, we must improve their quality.3) 日本质量管理方法称为“全面质量管理”(TQM),是

14、日本公司为达到质量要求所遵循的程序。4) 竞争力战略应优先考虑以下四方面:效率/成本、可靠性、质量和灵活性。5) 在日本,质量是指“产品上乘,顾客不会想到转向其它卖家”。III. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:to; in; in; of; by; on; in; withoutI. (p55) Give the Chinese equivalents and explain them in simple English:1) 检验销售2) 代表性样品3) 参考样品4) 复样5) 产权6) 技术资源7) 对等样品8) 商检II. (P6

15、0) Translate the following into Chinese: 规格 修改修订 维修/保养 保质期/质保期 精选 水产品 补充 仲裁 示意图/ 图纸 消费 安装 相关部门奢侈食品 跨国公司III. Put the following into English: quality first quality reliable products customer first quality inspection system quality indicator superior quality correspond with samples not the same as the

16、sample intangible assets famous brand productsstrong and pliable booklet/manualIV. Find a proper word for each blank: select; location; largest; northern; conscious; terms; attract; fast; afford; earningsI. (p64) Give the Chinese equivalents to the following English terms:1) 允许误差 2)质量公差3)可变范围4)灵活性5)

17、鸭绒含量II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese according to the hints:1) 某些部件是定制的,需要买卖双方的工程技术人员多次谈判才能确立正确的规格。2) 一些优等蔬菜、水果在消费品市场上打开了销路。3) 汽车旅馆是服务周到的范例,可视为一种不同的消费产品。一些疲劳的驾驶者总是满意于入住的第一家汽车旅馆,图的是方便。Unit Four I. (P71) Here given in the following are short forms for some units of measure and weight

18、. Please give the complete form of each.t ton oz ounce lb poundmi mile yd yard gal gallonkm kilometer kg kilogram g gramsq m square metre bu bushel l litreII. (p72) Fill in the blanks with proper propositions in the following paragraphs:in; by; by; by; in; in; in; for; in; of; in; in; of; on; of; fo

19、rI. (p76) Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:gross weight price fluctuationnet weight computed tareconditioned weight unit weight moisture content customary tarenet net weight theoretical weightreal tare more or less clauseaverage tare uniform customs and practice (UCP) for d

20、ocumentary creditlegal weightII. Find English expressions of the underlined parts in the following:Related laws in Britain stipulate that if the seller delivers a quantity of goods less than agreed, the buyer may reject the delivery. If the seller delivers a quantity greater than that called for in

21、the contract, the buyer may only accept the agreed quantity but reject the excess portion, or reject the entire delivery. However, United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) stipulates that the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery of part or whole

22、 of the excess quantity, but in the case of under-delivery, the seller may make up any deficiency in the quantity of the goods delivered before the date for delivery, provided that the exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or unreasonable expanse.III. Translate t

23、he following sentences into Chinse:1) 日本二战前主要出口生丝、绿茶、棉织物、陶瓷品和玩具等,但是战后日本重工业的发展给出口结构带来了巨大变化,轿车、钢铁和船舶等的出口货值相当庞大。2) 虽然最近估计的中国外债和之前估计相比少得多,但是中国确实还将大举借债为现代化融资。3) 降价的确吸引顾客,所以营销人员经常利用临时性降价来加速把新产品打入市场。4) 广告的首要任务是引起注意,若达不到这一效果,有多少人看到或听到广告都没有用处。5) 销售代表可能整个周末都在思考和计划如何做好下周一半小时的产品推介会。Unit Five I. (p83) Translate

24、the following into Chinese:裸装货 单体运输包装散装货 集合运输包装包装货 运输包装坛子 集装袋/软包装箱 麻袋柳条/板箱 捆托盘/货盘 包转运区域 桶桶 铁罐IV(p85)Put the following into English:glass container fluid material fresh or live goods air circulationpacking material oversizedoverweighted stipulate explicitly thatI. (p86) Find in the text the English e

25、quivalents to the following terms:consuming/consumer taste gift packingprettify products/commodities portable packingnational customs transparent packingcreative design suspensible packingII. (P86) Translate the following sentences into English:1) In the selection of packing material and its design,

26、 what should be considered is the quality and value of goods.2) High-end goods should go with corresponding packing, which adds to their superiority.3) Packing low-end commodities with expensive material will increase cost excessively, and thus affect their sales.4) However, too much emphasis attach

27、ed to cost-effectiveness and clothing high-end commodities in cheap packing material can also affect sales.I. (p91) Give the Chinese equivalents to the following terms:模印 识别姓名首字母 指示性标志/唛头收件人/收货人 保险单据发票 几何图形转运 核实/确认简称 陆路共同点通用产品代码 尺寸指定品牌 腐蚀性物品放射性物品 易燃品III. (P92) Translate the following sentences into

28、Chinese:1) 包装必须适合海运,足够结实,能耐粗暴搬运。2) 打包件需压实,内衬防水保护,在以高品质帆布包裹,外加箍带,捆包成件。3) 包装箱或其它外包装外形总体尺寸应保持最小,充分保护货物即可。4) 包装件的两面和上下其中一端都必须以大号普通字体用优质油墨模印出全套唛头和运输号。5) 所有打包件都须标注有“勿钩”字样。Unit 6I. (p102) Find in the text the English equivalents to the following:export goods inspection liabilityFOB liner terms customs clea

29、ranceFOB under tackle trimmingmulti-modal transportation ships railinland waterway stowageII. (P102) Translate the following passage into Chinese:铁路运输时,如果货物数量达到乘车皮,卖方须以适当的方式装载车皮或装载集装箱。铁路方或代表铁路方的另一方接收已装载货车皮或已装载集装箱后,交付完成。当货物数量未达到整车皮或集装箱整箱装时,卖方在铁路收货处移交了货物或将货物装入由铁路方提供的装载工具中后,交付完成。I. (P108) Find in the c

30、ontext the English equivalents to the following terms: unloading charges effect insurance CFR ex tackle CFR ex ships hold documentary transactions liner CFR liner terms symbolic deliveryII. (p109) Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) 订立保险合同应找保险承销商或有良好声誉的保险公司。2) 可转让提单须包含合同货物;提单签发日期在约定装运期

31、内;能让买方在目的地从承运人手中提取货物。3) 有时候在货物贸易中,货物在海运途中被买走,在这种情况下,贸易术语后要加上“路货”字样。4) 若按CFR和CIF贸易术语成交,货物灭失或破损的风险(此时)已经由卖方转移到了买方。5) 运输合同确定有关移交货物给承运人运输过程中发运人或托运人的义务。III(p109) Please complete the following sentences:1) freight is paid with C terms2) the buyer3) the buyer4) the buyer5) C & F terms6) US $ 11.0007) C

32、arriage Paid to ( Named Place of Destination); Cost and Freight; Cost, Insurance and FreightI. (P117) Give the Chinese equivalents to the following English terms:边境交货目的港船上交货目的港码头交货目的地完税交货目的地未完税交货II. Fill in the blanks with proper words:1) formalities; payable 2) sufficient; delivery 3) communicate;

33、referred toIV. Translate the following into Chinese:1) 贸易术语受incoterms1990约束,并遵照其解释。2) 以FOB(装运港船上交货)计价,含5%佣金。3) 成本、保险费加运费纽约交货价,每打20美元CIF,含佣金3%;佣金在卖方收到全部应收货款后给付。4) 温哥华装运港船上交货价,每公吨1200美元FOB,含平舱理舱费;总价1,200,000美元。5) 以装运期内三个月伦敦金属交易所99.85%高等级锡价卖方上午均价为基础,(按纯度)分别为:99.95%加9.00美元99.90%加5.00美元99.85%减3.00美元 5)合同

34、订立后不得调整价格。IV. Judge whether the following price terms are correct or not. If not, why?1) 错误。未明确货币(改为:US$ 3.50)2) 错误。未明确货币(改为:Sterling£ 300)3) 错误。未明确重量单位(改为:per m/t)4) 错误。未明确贸易术语(改为:FF 650 per dozen CIF Marseille less than 1% discount)5) 正确。V. Translate the following sentences into English, usin

35、g the terms given:1) When the contract enters into force, the price clause herein shall bind upon both parties no matter whether the exchange rate fluctuates or not.2) When the contract is signed, any change in freight and additional import tax should be covered by the buyer.3) In case cost of raw m

36、aterial changes before delivery, the buyer is entitled to adjust the price.4) Calculation of commission and discount is usually based on the invoice value of goods.Unit Seven I. (P129) Fill in the blanks with proper words from the text above:1) contracted; physical 2) Symbolic; transfer 3) upon; bef

37、ore; expires; claims 4) cigarette leaves; get damp 5) CPT; departure 6) unload; of; before; first 7) boat; deliver 8) name of the country; sameII. Translate the following into English:1) Shipment shall be made 30 days after the receipt of L/C which shall reach the seller not later than the stipulate

38、d date.2) Shipment from Dalian to Tokyo, with transshipment and partial shipment prohibited.3) The seller shall notify the buyer by telegram specifying shipping quantity, invoice value, name of the vessel, loading port and expected date of departure, so that the buyer can effect insurance.III. Pleas

39、e write out the technical Chinese versions of the following sentences:1) 目的港:安特卫普、阿姆斯特丹、汉堡,买方任选。2) 买方须于船只预定抵达第一个卸货港五天前通告承运人确定的目的港并承担由此产生的择港费用。3) 承运人在运输全程中负责货物运输的安全。4) 货物装运后,并且卖方已获得必需单据,我们可以说卖方按照象征性交货已完成交货任务。I. (p137) Find in the text the equivalence for the following terms: oil tanker voyage charter

40、 lighter aboard ship time charter roll on/roll off ship demise charter sailing schedule charter party weight ton charged by ad valerom measurement ton bunker adjustment factor demurrage liners freight tariff dispatch money stowing and trimming currency adjustment factor transshipment surchargeport c

41、ongestion surcharge loading and unloadingII. Judge whether the following statements are true or false:1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) TIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) 班轮运费包含装卸费用。2) 不止一种运输方式可供选择时,我们应考虑选用合适的运输方式。3) 班轮公司通常将其船期表刊登在报纸上或分发给托运人(发货人)。4) 租船按定期和/或定程租用。5) 光船租赁中,船主只租给租船人船只,租船

42、人自行招募船员。I. (P141) Find in the text the equivalents to the following terms:pilferage flat rack containerparcel reefer containersettle the payment steel containerair waybill dry cargo containerfacilitate livestock containerless than container load container yardcontainer load plan collapsible containe

43、rfull container load container freight stationdock receipt (containerized) combined transport receiptII. Explain the following terms in your own words of English:Small sizedifferent modes of transportcontainer for unpacked goodscontainer in which garments are hanginga yard where containers are store

44、dIII. Translate the following into Chinese:1) 集装箱费用有多种,其中有各项附加费用。在基本费率和附加费率的基础上进一步计算得出集装箱运费。2) 集装箱运费率是按特定的运费率对一个集装箱所装货物所收取的费用。3) 某些集装箱承运人对班轮运价表里货物等级低于8级的货物以8级运费率收取运费。4) 在支付铁路或空运的货物款项时,银行结算货款时通常需要信用证。III. Find another word to explain the italicized word in each expression:1) theft 2) realize 3) loadi

45、ng 4) make 5) foldableI. (P150) Find in the text the English equivalents to the following terms: air waybill direct B/L received for shipment B/L transshipment B/L negotiable freight to collect blank endorsement original short form B/L consignee through B/L shipper/consignor groupage B/L long form B

46、/L order B/L on board B/L clean B/L combined transport B/L special endorsement multi-modal transport documentsII. (omit)III. Put the following into English:1) The clauses printed on the back of a B/L stipulate the rights, obligations and exemptions of the carrier and the consignor.2) The B/Ls issued

47、 by shipping companies generally stipulate that the B/L be governed by the law of the carriers country.3) Since the carrier includes both the ship owner and the charterer, the name of the country whose laws and regulations apply is generally specified when a B/L is issued.IV. Replace the italicized

48、words with suitable terms from the text above:1) rate 2) liabilities/obligations; consignor 3) consignee; duplicates 4) vessel 5) discharge portUnit 8 I. (P159) Find in the text the English equivalents to the following terms:insured general averageinsured amount salvage chargesextraneous risks insur

49、ance policyconstructive total loss perils of the seasue and labor charges fortuitous accidentsinsurer particular averagepremium loss evaluation chargesII. Judge whether the following statements are true or false:1)T 2) F 3) F 4)T 5) T 6)T 7)FIII. Put the following into English:1) Goods for marine tr

50、ansport should generally be put into the ships hold.2) Insurance companies do not insure goods that should have been put in the ships hold but are actually placed on deck.3) When goods are insured according to clauses intended for goods in the ships hold, but actually placed on deck, the insurance c

51、ompany is not liable to compensate for the losses incurred.4) Some goods that are so bulky to be placed in the ships hold or so toxic as to be placed on deck only, may be insured with the permission of the insurer.5) On deck risk covers only the risk of goods dropping into the sea and does not cover the risks of rain damage or sea water damping.I. (p168) Put the following into Chinese:1) 海上货物运输险 2)战争险3)基本险承保范围 4)附加险承保范围 5)水渍险6)赔付7)中国保险条款8)偷盗、提货不着险9)串味10)陆上运输险11)邮运包裹保险12)平安险13)运输契约14)航空运输货物保险15)仓对仓条款16)受热受潮险17)淡水雨淋险18)混杂玷污险II. Combine each of


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