1、一期末考试分析题思路以及材料The checklist of linguistic and stylistic categories:(看到文章,从这四个方面分析)A: Lexical categoriesB: Grammatical categoriesC: Figures of speechD. Cohesion and context细则: A: Lexical categories:1.GENERAL.Is the vocabulary simple or complex?formalor colloquial?descriptiveor evaluative?general or s
2、pecific?How far does the writer make use of the emotive and other associations of words,as opposed to their referential meaning?Does the text contain idiomatic phrases, and if so, with what kind of dialect orregister语域 are these idioms associated?Is thereany use of rare or specializedvocabulary? Are
3、 any particularmorphologicalcategories noteworthy (e.g. compound words, words with particular suffixes)?To what semantic fields. do words belong?The checklist of lexical categories and their stylistic functions:1) NOUNSabstract *(抽象) society/idea, or concrete(具体) house/cat?What kinds ofabstract noun
4、s occurevents : war/eruption,perceptions: understanding/consciousness,processes : development,moral : virtuesocial : responsibility,qualities: braveryWhat use is made of proper names? Are there any collective nouns people/staff?2)Adjectivereferring to what attribute?Physical: woolenpsychological: jo
5、yfulVisual : hilly square/snowyAuditory: bubbling/sizzlingsensory : slippery/smoothColor : dark/redreferential: big dog/white houseEmotive : exited/happyEvaluative: good/fat/ bad/lazyGradable : young/tall/usefulor non-gradable: atomic/British?Attributive: an utter foolor predicative he is ashore ?Re
6、strictive the exact answer?Intensifying the simple truth /a complete victory/a slight effort?stative tall/longor dynamic abusive/ambitious?3)VerbsAre they stative cost/believe/remain, or dynamic walk/arrive?Do they refer to movements climb/jump/slide,physicalactsspread/smell/taste/laugh,orspeechacts
7、persuade/decline/beg,psychologicalstatesoractivitiesthink/feel/imagine/know/love. or perceptions see/hear/feel?Aretheytransitiveshutthe door,intransitivethedoorshuts,or linkingbe/sound/seem/taste/ smell?Aretheyfactiveknow/regret/forget/rememberornon-factivebelieve/assume/consider/suppose/ think/ ima
8、gine?4)Adverbs5)What semantic functions do they perform?Manner anxiously/ carefully/ loudly/ willingly?place away/along/across/upstairs/elsewhere?direction backwards/forward/up/down/in/out?time ago/already/finally/shortly/immediately?degree almost/completely/partly/deeply/much?Are there any signific
9、ant use of sentence adverbs?1) adjuncts like happily, proudly, now, outside?2) conjuncts like so, therefore, however?3) disjuncts like certainly, obviously, frankly?B: Grammatical categories1. SENTENCE TYPESDoes the author use only statements (declarative sentences), or does he also usequestions, co
10、mmands, exclamations. or minor sentence types (such as sentences with no verb)?If these other types are used, what is their function?2. SENTENCE COMPLEXITY.Do sentences on the whole have a simple or a complex structure?What is the average sentence length (in number of words)?What is the ratio of dep
11、endent to independent clauses?Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another?Is complexity mainly due to (i) coordination, (ii) subordination, (iii) parataxis(juxtaposition of clauses or other equivalent structures)?In what parts of a sentence does complexity tend to occur?For instance
12、, is there any notable occurrence of anticipatory structure (e.g. of complex subjects preceding the verbs, of dependent clauses preceding the subject of a main clause)?3 CLAUSE TYPESWhat types of dependent clause are favored: relative clauses, adverbial clauses,different types of nominal clauses (th
13、atclauses, wh clauses, etc)?Are reduced or non-finite clauses commonly used, and if so, of what type are they(infinitive clauses, ing clauses, ed clauses, verbless clauses)?.4.CLAUSE STRUCTURE.Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects,complements, adverbials; of tr
14、ansitive or intransitive verb constructions)?Arethereanyunusualorderings(initialadverbials,frontingofobjectorcomplement, etc)?Do special kinds of clause construction occur? (Such as those with preparatory it or there)?5 NOUN PHRASESWhere does the complexity lie (in pre-modification by adjectives, no
15、uns, etc, or in post-modification by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, etc)?Note occurrence of listings (eg sequences of adjectives), coordination, or apposition.6. VERB PHRASES.Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense?For example, notice occurrences and the
16、functions of the present tense; of theprogressiveaspect(egwaslying);oftheperfectiveaspect (eghas/hadappeared);modal auxiliaries (eg can, must, would).7 OTHER PHRASE TYPES.Is thereanythingtobe saidabout otherphrase types:prepositionalphrases,adverbphrases adjective phrases?8 WORD CLASSES.Havingalread
17、yconsideredmajororlexicalword classes, we may hereconsider minorword classes ( function words ):prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections.Are particular wordsofthese typesused for particular effect (eg the definite orindefinite article; first person pronouns I, we
18、, etc; demonstratives such as thisand that; negative words such as not, nothing, no) ?9 GENERAL.Note herewhetherany generaltypesofgrammaticalconstructionareused parativeorsuperlativeconstructions;coordinativeorlistingconstructions; parenthetical. constructions; appended or inte
19、rpolated structures such as occur in casual speech.Do lists and co-ordinations (e.g. lists of nouns) tend to occur with two, three or more than three members?C: Figures of speechHere we consider the incidence of features which are fore-grounded by virtue ofdeparting in some wayfrom general normsof c
20、ommunication by means ofthe languagecode;for example, exploitation of regularities of formal patterning, or of deviationsfrom the linguistic code. For identifying such features, the traditional figuresof speech (schemes and tropes) are often useful categories.1 GRAMMATICAL AND LEXICAL SCHEMES.这(一部分会
21、和稍后说的第四部分略有重合)Are thereany casesofformaland structuralrepetition(anaphora, parallelism,etc)or of mirror image patterns (chiasmus)?Istherhetoricaleffectofthese oneof antithesis,reinforcement,climax,anticlimax, etc.?2 PHONOLOGICAL SCHEMES.Are there any phonological patterns of rhyme, alliteration, ass
22、onance, etc?Are there any salient rhythmical patterns?Do vowel and consonant sounds pattern or cluster in particular ways?How do these phonological features interact with meaning?3 TROPES修辞 .Are there any obvious violations of, or departures from the linguistic code?For example, are there any neolog
23、isms (such as Americanly)?deviant lexical collocations (such as portentous怪异的 infants)?semantic, syntactic, phonological, or graphological deviations?Such deviations will often be the clue to special interpretations associated withtraditional figures of speech such as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche,
24、 paradox,irony.Ifsuchtropes occur,whatkindof specialinterpretationis involved(egmetaphorcan be classified as personifying, animizing, concretizing, synaesthetic, etc)?D: Context and cohesionUnder COHESION 衔接 ways in which one part of a text is linked to another areconsidered: for example, the ways i
25、n which sentences are connected.This is the internal organization of the text.Under CONTEXTwe consider theexternalrelationsof a text or a part ofa text, seeingit as a discourse presupposing a social relation between its participants (authorand reader; character and character,etc), and a sharing by p
26、articipantsof knowledgeand assumptions.I.COHESION.Does the text contain logical or other links between sentences (eg coordinatingconjunctions, or linking adverbials)?Or does it tend to rely on implicit connections of meaning?What sort of use is made of cross reference by pronouns (she, it, they, etc
27、)? bysubstitute forms (do, so, etc), or ellipsis?Alternatively,isany usemade ofelegantvariation theavoidanceofrepetitionby the substitution of a descriptive phrase(as, for example, the old lawyer orher uncle may substitute for the rep- etition of an earlierMr. Jones )?Aremeaningconnectionsreinforced
28、byrepetitionofwordsandphrases or byrepeatedly using words from the same semantic field?2.CONTEXT.Does the writer address the reader directly, or through the words or thoughts ofsome fictional character?What linguistic clues (first-person pronouns I, me, my, mine) are there of theaddresser-addressee
29、relationship?What attitude does the author imply towards his subject?If a characters words or thoughtsare represented, isthisdone by directquotation:directspeech), orby some othermethod (eg indirectspeech.freeindirectspeech)?Are there significant changes of style according to who is supposedly speak
30、ing or thinking the words on the page?以下这篇是老师给的一个例子:(咱们可以当作模版来用,但如果题目不一样,照上面)题目: From Joseph Conrad, The Secret SharerOn my right hand therewere lines offishing stakes resembling amysterious systemof half-submergedbamboo fences,incomprehensiblein itsdivisionofthe domain oftropical fishes, and crazy
31、of aspect as if abandoned for ever by some nomad tribeof fishermennow gone to theother end of the ocean;forthere was no sign of humanhabitation as far as the eye could reach(1). To the left a group of barren islets,suggesting ruins of stone walls, towers, and blockhouses, had its foundations setin a
32、 blueseathatitselflookedsolid,so stilland stablediditlie belowmy feet;even thetrackoflightfromthewestering,sun shone smoothly,withoutthatanimatedglitter which tells of an imper-ceptible ripple(2). And when I turned my head totake a parting glance at the tug which had just left us anchored outside th
33、e bar,I saw the straight line of the flat shore joined to the stable sea, edge to edge,with a perfect and unmarked closeness, in one leveled floor half brown, half blueunder the enormous dome of the sky(3).Correspondingintheirinsignificanceto theislets of the sea, two small clumps of trees, one on e
34、ach side of the only faultin the impeccable joint, marked the mouth of the river Meinam we had just left onthe first preparatory stage of our homeward journey; and, far back on the inlandlevel, a larger and loftier mass, the grove surrounding the great Paknam pagoda,was the only thing on which the e
35、ye could rest from the vain task of exploring themonotonous sweep of the horizon(4).Here and theregleams as ofa few scatteredpiecesof silver marked the windings of the great river; and on the nearest of them, justwithin the bar, the tug steaming right into the land became lost to my sight, hulland f
36、unnel and masts, as though the impassive earth had swallowed her up withoutan effort, without a tremor(5). My eye followed the light cloud of her smoke, nowhere, now there, above the plain, according to the devious curves of the stream,but always fainterand fartheraway,tillI lostitat lastbehindthemi
37、ter-shapedhill of the great pagodas(6). And then I was left alone. with my ship, anchored atthe head of the Gulf of Siam.Analysis: 1.Lexical featuresnouns1)almost half the concrete nouns refer to things which divide the field of visioninto geographical areas: domain, ocean, islets, sea, shore, sky,
38、river, earth andso on.2)abstract lovative nouns,indicatinggeometricalfeatures: lines,division, end,track, head, line, edge, joint and so on.All these nouns refer to objects of vision.General : an accountofthe relationbetweenthevisualworldand itsobserver,whotries to comprehend and interpret it.the wo
39、rd "eye"isused repetedlyinabstractnouns implyingperception(aspect,sign,glitter, ripple, glance)and verbs like see, mark and lookTherefore,thepassageisnotonlywithobjectsof perception,butwiththeprocessof perceiving them.The writeravoidsusingverbswitha human agent,the"eye"insteadasi
40、fhad a willof its own. This evokes the feeling that the narrator is detached and powerless inthe face of this immensity.The adjectives express strangeness or lack of definition, like half-submerged,mysterious, incomprehensible, unmarked.These allsuggesta congruitybetweentheeye which thingsare "
41、imperceptible"andthe mind to which things are "incomprehensible".2.Grammatical featuresSentence length: in words: 66-59-61-88-61-44-18Only after we have felt the isolation of the speaker in all its details and haveseen the lastvestigeofhuman lifedisappearoverthe horizon,thatwe can und
42、erstandthe force of the simple statement.Sentencestructureimitatesthemovementfromtheobserver'seyetowardsthedistance.Sentencestendtoend ina evocation ofvastnessand remoteness,as theeyereachesits limit of vision.Prepositions : Unusually large number of prepositions (9), particularly those ofplace
43、and direction.The role of "of" is to relate two noun expressions together, and the former alwaysan abstractnoun and collecvenoun,"agroupofbarrenislets","twosmallclumpsoftrees".This suggests that perception and cognition go hand in hand.3.Figures of speech: Simile ,metap
44、hor4.cohesion and context: No conspicuous use of logical and referential links.Mostsentencesbeginwitha reference tothefirst-personnarrator.Inthefinalsentenceattentionisabruptlybroughtback from theremote horizontotheobserverhimself.二其它题使用材料(1)修辞手法有以下10 种:1. Simile明喻1). as .asas white as a sheet /snow
45、; as bold/brave as a lionas cool as a cucumber; as free as a birdas hungry as a hunter/hawk/bear/wolfas happy as a princeJim looks like his brother Bill. (not simile)Jim and Bill are as alike as two peas in a pod. (simile)As innocent as a baby; as light as a featherAs poor as a church mouse; as stub
46、born as a muleAs quick as a lightning/a flashHurry up! You walk as slow a snail.2). Like/asMy heart is like a singing birdwhose nest is in a watered shoot.我的心像只鸣啼的小鸟在柔润的技条上筑着巢Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.有天资而无学识,好比树木不结果实。Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.I wandered lon
47、ely as a cloud.Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last.3). As if (as though)It rained as if the flood-gates of Heaven were opened, and it lighted awfully.He was a beautiful horse that looked as though he had come out of a painting by Velasquez.4). Liken to Doctors usual
48、ly liken the heart to a pump.Life has often been likened to a journey.5). Compare to Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.Life is poetically compared to the morning dew6). The way (in which)I should smell it the way a cat smells a mouse.7). Might as well asYou might as well throw your money int
49、o the ditch as give it to him.8). A is to B what C is to DWit and humor are to conversation what salt is to food. (What salt is to food, that wit and humor are to conversation.)What lungs are to the body, what parks are to the city.9) No more thanHe had no more idea of money than a cow.10). A and BLove and cough cannot be hid.A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled.Fish and visitors stink in three days.Trut
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