



1、2022年冀教版六年级英语下册语法填空同步专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择合适的词填空。1Would you like_(any / some)water?2He likes eating_(potatoes / potatos).3He has_(a few / a little)bananas in his desk.4In a healthy diet , we should drink_(a little / a lot of)water every day.5We shouldn t eat too_(much/many)sweet food because it is bad

2、 for our health.2. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1We_(drink) tea in the afternoon and watched TV.2I want to_(buy) the new film magazine in the bookstore.3We_(see) some animals in the zoo last weekend.4Your feet are_(big) than mine.5Did you go_(swim) last Sunday?6I like_(draw) pictures very much.7Now, I_(go) cycling

3、every day.8Its 7:00 am. Sarah is_(do) morning exercise.9Miss Li usually_(play) sports on the weekend.3. 填空题。1I want_(surprise) Li Ming.2In winter, I like_(make) a snowman.3I often_(play) sports with my friends.4Li Ming sometimes_(teach) Danny_(skate).5Tomorrow she_(visit) her uncle.4. 按要求写单词。1. get(

4、现在分词) 2. go(第三人称单数)3. have(第三人称单数) 4. come(过去式)5. eat(现在分词)5. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Lets_(put) on our new clothes.2He wants_(go) swimming.3Lets have a good time_(one).4Here_(be) some toys for you.5_you going to_(watch) cartoons?6Shall we_(clean) the classroom now?7What about_(go) shopping?Good idea!6. 写出下列单词

5、的-ing形式1play 2skate3run 4swim5boat 6cheer7watch 8pass7. 根据提示完成单词或词组。1Where did you go_(上周日)?2I_(野营) with my friends last weekend.3Are you_(身体好)?4John_(骑马) yesterday.5Mike_(从跌落) his bike and hurt his foot.8. 选一选,在横线上填上所缺的单词。A.longB. bigC. heavyD.tallE. old1. How_are you?Im 162 cm. Im taller than you

6、now.2. How_is your brother?Hes 46 kg.3. How_are you?Im 13 years old.4. How_is your hair?Its 30 cm. My hair is longer than yours.5. How_are your feet? They are 23 cm. My feet are bigger.9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I want to be a_, because I like_(travel).2They come from different_(country).3January is the first_

7、(month) of a year.4Lets_(show) you the pictures of our country.5I always take many_(photo) every year.6Will you_(bring) me some fruit?Yes.7They are talking about their_(plan) for the holiday.10. 选词填空。(1) I have fifteen _. I like drawing with them.(2) How _ books do you see?(3) My school is big and _

8、 .(4) _ in your hand?(5) Do you _ any toy cars?11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Look, I_(have) a new bike.2Who_(see) my pen?Helen did.3Jack is a_student. He studies all his subjects_. (good)4The boy always_(cry). I dont know why.5Why did you become_(happy)?Because I got a red packet.6Dont shout. Your brother_(do)

9、his homework.12. 选择合适的单词补全句子。1Did you_(see/saw) a film?2I like_(swim/swimming).3He usually_(watches/watched) TV on Sundays.4My sister is 7 years_(old/older).5I_(sleep/slept) a whole day yesterday.6We didnt_(stay/stayed) at home last weekend.7He can_(make/makes) the beds.8Im_(heavy/heavier) than you.

10、9Is he taller than both of_(we/us)?10The sun_(goes/went) down every day.13. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He has a cold(感冒). He needs_(drink) more water.2My grandfather likes_(go) fishing.3There are some_(vegetable) and_(fruit) on the table.4How often_(do) Danny eat donuts?Three times a day.5Whats_(she) favorite fo

11、od?14. 用be动词的适当形式填空。1. It_going to rain soon.2. I_having a picnic with my friend.3. Sam_ flying a kite in the park.4. They_sing an English song.5._ you cleaning your room?15. 按要求写词。dont(完全形式)_ walk(第三人称单数)_run(现在分词)_ do(过去式)_they(宾格)_ different(反义词)_one(序数词)_ salt(形容词)_work(名词)_ tomato(复数)_16. 根据首字母

12、提示写出所缺单词,补全句子。1Dont_here!2Which season do you like best?I like_best. Because I can_.3What can you see on the desk?A_.4_(欢迎) to my home.5In s_, its h_. Its not cold. The s_shines and shines. We can stay at h_. We can e_ice cream. We can swim i_the river.6Whats this?Its a_.17. 填空题。1你的鞋比我的鞋大。Your shoes

13、 are_.2它的尾巴有多长?_is its tail?3他们打算去伦敦旅行。They are_to London.4小猪猪迷路了,帮它找到回家的路并写出最近线路所组成的一句话。答案:18. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1.sun(形容词) 2.cold(反义词)3.cool(反义词) 4.wind(形容词)5.go(-ing形式)19. 根据句意,选择适当的内容填空。1Many people like to_(visit) the Bund in Shanghai.2Too_(many) plastic is bad for the Earth. We shouldnt use too_(many) plastic bags or bottles.3Tuesday comes be


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