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1、工学工学Lesson专业英语专业英语2022-3-14Contents 无机化合物命名 Inorganic Chemical Nomenclature Unit 3逐步聚合反应 Step -Growth Polymerization2022-3-14无机化合物命名 (Inorganic Chemical Nomenclature)1、元素命名(元素周期表)(Periodical Table)2022-3-14A doubly charged molecule containing two atoms of sulfur, each atom having the atomic number 1

2、6 and mass number 322022-3-14Names and Symbols(符号符号) for Some Chemical Elements2022-3-142022-3-14For the naming of compounds of metals (oxides, hydroxides and salts) in which the metal may exhibit more than one oxidation state: The oxidation state of the metal is shown by a Roman numeral in parenthe

3、ses immediately following the English name of the metal which corresponds to its oxidation number. No numeral is used if the metal has only one common oxidation numbere.g. NaCl: sodium chloride; Al(OH)3: aluminum hydroxide FeBr2: iron (II) bromide; Cr2(SO4)3: chromium (III) sulfate2022-3-14如果不用罗马数字表

4、明其价态,也可用离子的名如果不用罗马数字表明其价态,也可用离子的名称表示称表示e.g. FeCl2 : ferrous chloride (iron (II) chloride) FeCl3: ferric chloride (iron (III) chloride)2022-3-14Some Common Ions(共离子)(共离子) (Cation)2022-3-14Some Common Ions (Anion)2022-3-14Naming nonmetal oxidesUsing the Greek prefixes for both the number of oxygen ato

5、m and that of the other element in the compoundsThe prefix used are: (1) mono- (mon-); (2) di-; (3) tri-; (4) tetra-; (5) penta-; (6) hexa-; (7) hepta; (8) octa-; (9) nona-; (10)deca-. Generally the letter “a” is omitted from the prefix (from tetra on) when naming a nonmetal oxide and often “mono-”

6、is omitted from the name altogether 2022-3-14Name of some nonmetal oxides2022-3-142022-3-142022-3-14Acid salt (Acid containing acid hydrogen)Names are formed by adding the word “hydrogen”, with numerical prefix when necessary, to denote the replaceable hydrogen in the salt. Hydrogen should be follow

7、ed without space by the name of the anionAnion: 阴离子;阴离子;Cation: 阳离子阳离子e.g. NaHCO3 : sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate);LiH2PO4 : lithium dihydorgenphosphate;Na2HPO4 : Disodium hydrogenphosphate2022-3-14Exercises H2S; HNO3; Ca(OH)2; NaH2PO4; Potassium acetate; Trisodium phosphate; Sulfurou

8、s acid; Sodium sulfite; P2O5; NaHCO3; MgSO4; BaCl2; NaClO3; 亚氯酸钾亚氯酸钾 Hydrochloric acid; Ar 五聚体;五聚体; 六聚体;六聚体; 结晶;结晶; 苯磺酰胺苯磺酰胺1. Translate the words into English or Chinese2022-3-142. Translate the following into English Be careful with that bottle. Its cyanide. a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bival

9、ent or trivalent metallic element; a trace element in plant and animal nutrition. a white powder comprised of calcium hydroxide, chloride, and hypochlorite and used to bleach and/or disinfect. The conversion of nitrite is slowed down as contrasted to the conversion of ammonium ions to nitrite. As th

10、e chloride ion and in the hypochlorite ion, it has valence 1; in the chlorite, chlorate, and perchlorate ions, it has higher valences.2022-3-14UNIT 3 Step -Growth Polymerization逐步聚合反应逐步聚合反应 Many different chemical reactions may be used to synthesize polymeric materials by step-growth polymerization.

11、 These include esterification, Amidation, the formation of urethanes (氨基甲酸氨基甲酸酯酯), aromatic substitution, etc. Polymerization proceeds by the reactions between two different functional groups, e. g., hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, or isocyanate and hydroxyl groups.Proceed with: “继续进行,重新进行继续进行,重新进行”e.

12、g. Please proceed with your work.科技英语特点:大量的专有名词科技英语特点:大量的专有名词2022-3-14All step-growth polymerizations fall into two groups depending on the type of monomer (s) employed. The first involves two different polyfunctional monomers in which each monomer possesses only one type of functional group. A poly

13、functional monomer is one with two or more functional groups per molecule. “Fall into”: 分为(几类);属于;落入分为(几类);属于;落入All changes of matter may fall into two broad classes: physical and chemical changes.2022-3-14“Fall into disuse” 停止使用停止使用First of all, this method has fallen into disuse (out of use).“Fall

14、 off”: 衰落,减少,下降衰落,减少,下降The demand for the chemical has fallen off.“Fall short of ”未达到,缺乏未达到,缺乏The result fell short of our expectation.“Fall under” 归入归入类,属于类,属于This subject falls under the head of chemistry.“Fall to (sink to)”下降到下降到In 1933, industrial output in the USA fell to 65 percent of the outp

15、ut in 1929.2022-3-14The second involves a single monomer containing both types of functional groups. The synthesis of polyamides illustrates both groups of polymerization reactions. Thus, polyamides can be obtained from the reaction of diamineswith diacids or from the reaction of amino acids with th

16、emselves2022-3-14The two groups of reactions can be represented in a general manner by the equations as followsReaction (3. 1) illustrates the former, while (3. 2) is of the latter type. (并列分句)(并列分句)2022-3-14Polyesterification, whether between diol and dibasic acid or intermolecularly between hydrox

17、y acid molecules, is an example of a step-growth polymerization process. The esterification reaction occurs anywhere in the monomer matrix where two monomer molecules collide, and once the ester has formed, it, too, can react further by virtue of its still-reactive hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. The n

18、et effect of this is that monomer molecules are consumed rapidly without any large increase in molecular weight. “By virtue of ” 依靠依靠的力量,由于的力量,由于Whether与与if的区别的区别Whether 和和if 作作“是否是否”讲时,均可引导从句。讲时,均可引导从句。但但Whether可引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语可引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句,而从句,同位语从句,而if只能引导宾语从句只能引导宾语从句Once引导时间状语从句,by vitu

19、e of 是主句的方式状语2022-3-14Whetheror not; whether or not; whether or no; whether or noI. Whether 可用于可用于“疑问词疑问词whether+不定式不定式”结构,结构,if则则不能不能 (infinitive)It is not yet decided whether to do this work at the very start. (一开始一开始)II. Whether 引导主语从句,引导主语从句,if则不能则不能Whether the materials could stand the test is

20、still a question.III. Whether或或if均可引导宾语从句均可引导宾语从句(1). So far there has been no news about whether they havearrived there.(2). We dont know whether (if) it is right.2022-3-14IV. Whether引导表语从句,引导表语从句,if则不能则不能The question is whether he should have a low opinion of this test.V. Whether 引导同位语从句,引导同位语从句,i

21、f则不能则不能They asked him the question whether an electric current can be produced by magnetism.VI. Whether引导让步从句引导让步从句 (concessive clause)These working conditions are applicable whether the product is pure or not.“Whether or no”引导名词从句时,作引导名词从句时,作“是否是否”讲,不引讲,不引导从句时,作导从句时,作“无论如何无论如何”讲讲Whether or no they

22、designed this kind of machine, I dont know I should do it, whether or no.2022-3-14主句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语时,主句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语时,whether引导的为引导的为让步从句:让步从句:All substances, whether they are (be) gaseous, liquid or solid, are made up of atoms.让步从句省略让步从句省略“Whether”时,谓语用原形动词时,谓语用原形动词 (一般一般为为be),主语、谓语颠倒,主语、谓语颠倒All magnet

23、s (磁体)(磁体)behave the same, be they large or small. Be it so, we must continue to do the test.2022-3-14Fig.3.1 illustrates this phenomenon. Assume, for example, that each square in Fig. 3.1 represents a molecule of hydroxy acid. After the initial dimer molecules form (b), half the monomer molecules h

24、ave been consumed and the average degree of polymerization (DP) of polymeric species is 2. As trimer and more dimer molecules form (c), more than 80% of the monomer molecules have reacted, but DP is still only 2. 5. “Assuming (that)”:假定:假定When a beaker of water is heated from below the water at the

25、bottom become less dense (assuming it is above 4) and rises.2022-3-14Fig. 3.1 Schematic diagram(示意图)(示意图) of step-growthpolymerization (a) Unreacted monomer; (b) 50% reacted; (c) 83.3% reacted; (d) 100% reacted; (Dotted lines represent reacting species)2022-3-14When all the monomer molecules have re

26、acted (d), DP is 4. But each polymer molecule that forms still has reactive end groups; hence the polymerization reaction will continue in a stepwise fashion, with each esterification step being identical in rate and mechanism to the initial esterification of onomers.“Identically equal to”: 恒等于恒等于Th

27、e force acting on the air is identically equal to the mass of air times its acceleration.2022-3-14Thus, molecular weight increases slowly even at high levels of monomer conversion, and it will continue to increase until the viscosity build-up makes it mechanically too difficult to remove water of esterification or for reactive end groups to find each other.“Until” 到到为止(肯定句),直到为止(肯定句),直到以前(否定句)以前(否定句)(1) They work from 6 oclock in the morning until 2 oclock in the afternoon.(2) A body at rest will never move until a force compels it.“I


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