1、JarringTeem SparseEmpowerPseudonymDocumentAestheticCelebrateIncommensurateRudimentary PrimitiveFairness ObjectivityRemove Strip awayIntelligible ReadableJarringJarring: 1.causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness2.to make a harsh or discordant sound的:astounding, blindsiding, jolt
2、ing, startling, stunningSparse & TeemSparse: less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable 少量:exiguous, meager, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, sparing, stingySparse & TeemTeem:possessing or covered with great numbers or amounts of something specified大量:a
3、bundant, ample, awash, cornucopian, flush, fraught, lousy, replete, swarming, thick, throngingEmpowerEmpower: to give official or legal power to :accredit, certify, charter, commission, empower, enable, invest, license, qualify, vest, warrantPseudonymPseudonym: a fictitious name 假名:alias, nom de gue
4、rreDocumentDocument:1.to show the existence or truth of by evidence 2. to create a record of (something) through writing, film, photography, etc.证明:demonstrate, document, establish, substantiate, validateAestheticAesthetic: of or relating to art or beauty美:pulchritudinous, aesthetic, attractive, bea
5、utiful, comely, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, lovely, pretty, ravishing, seemly, stunning, taking, well-favoredCelebrateCelebrate: to proclaim the glory of al赞扬:bless, carol, celebrate, emblazon, exalt, extol (also extoll), glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, resoundIncommensurateIncommensurate: not comme
6、nsurate, disproportionate Rudimentary & PrimitiveRudimentary & Primitive: being in the earliest stages of development初始的:incipient, nascent, primitive, primordialRemove & Strip awayRemove: to get rid of : surgicallyeliminate remove a tumorto strip away something, especially something that hides the
7、true nature of a thing, means to remove it completely.EvadeEspousedExaggerateLoath favorSycophancy obeisanceUnderstandable intellectualCalm quiescenceElicit Draw CynicismReveal ManifestIntricate ConvolutedEvadeEvade: to avoid dealing with or facing (something)Evade questions/issues/sb/responsibiliti
8、esTaxes/capture/ones eyes躲避,避免:avoid, dodge, duck, eschew, evade, finesse, scape, shirk, shun, sidestep, weaselEspouseEspouse: to take up and support as a causeEspouse cause/belief/policy支持,拥护:embrace, take on, take up support, bolster, advocate, champion, endorse, upholdExaggerateExaggerate : 1: to
9、 enlarge beyond bounds or the truth : overstate 夸大: embellish, magnify, overstate, hyperbolize, overdo, overdraw, put onLoathloath:unwilling or reluctant; disinclined 不情愿的,讨厌的:disinclined, indisposed, reluctant, dubious, unwillingFavorIn favor of sth.Favor A over BSycophancy & ObeisanceSycophancy: o
10、bsequious flattery; also : character or behavior of a sycophantthe拍马屁: flatter, adulate, fawn, cower, cringe, flatter, grovel马屁精: sycophant, groveler, flatterer,toadySycophancy & ObeisanceObeisance : a movement of the body made in token of respect or submissionPay/make obeisance to sb.敬礼,尊重:obeisanc
11、e, deference, reverence veneration恭顺的: amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obeisant, obsequious, servile, subservient, tractableUnderstandable &IntellectualUnderstandable : capable of being apprehended or understood可以理解的:fathomable, apprehensible, clear, comprehensible, intelligible,
12、 palpable, patent, pellucid, plain,accessible ,lucidUnderstandable & Intellectualintellectual: 1. of or relating to the ability to thinkin a logical way 2. a smart serious study and thoughtwho enjoys智力的,思想的:cerebral, eggheaded, highbrow, highbrowed, intellectualist, intellectualistic, long- haired:
13、illuminati, clerisy, intelligentsia, literati, sage, wit, brainCalm & quiescenceClam :a state of tranquilityQuiescence :being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive平静,静止: quietude, quiescence, sere tranquility, dull, inert, lethargic, sluggish, torpid,dormancyElicit&DrawElicit :to draw forth or bring ou
14、telicit a positive response/an outcry激起,唤起:arouse, evoke, excite, inspire, provoke, raiseCynicismCynicism: cynical beliefs : beliefs that people are generally selfish and dishonest 怀疑讥讽挖苦 Cynicism about something is the belief that it cannot be successful or that the people involved are not honourab
15、le. This talk betrays a certain cynicism about free trade. 这番流露出一种对自由贸易不看好的态度 She viewed his new interest in her with cynicism愤世嫉俗者: cynic, misanthrope, naysayer, pessimistReveal& ManifestManifest :to make evident or certain by showing or displaying 显现,显露: bespeak, betray, demonstrate, display, evin
16、ce, expose, reveal, showIntricate & ConvolutedIntricate : having many complexly interrelating parts or elementsConvoluted : complicated; intricate复杂的:byz, complicated, convoluted,elaborate, fancy, intricate, knotty, labyrinthine, lavish, tangled, baroque, involute, involved, knotty, labyrinthine, so
17、phisticatedEvocative Open-ended PolemicalDiffidentReliable Erratic PurportShiftAdvanced ConsciousHonorific Reliability DisputedDiminutive MinusculeExtremist ZealotUtilitarian FunctionalConjectural SpeculativeEvocative & open-ended & PolemicalEvocative: evoking or tending to evoke an especially emoti
18、onal response 唤起的:suggestive, reminiscent,expressive, stirring, touching; exciting, provocative, provoking, rousing, stimulatingEvocative & open-ended & Polemicalopen-ended:not rigorously fixed: asa :adaptable to the developing needs of asituationb :permitting or designed to permitspontaneous and un
19、guided responses开放式的:indefinite, uncertain, imprecise, undefined ,vague, laxEvocative & open-ended & PolemicalPolemic : an aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another, a controversial argument争论的:controversial, disputatious, polemical, scrappy, contentious,argumentati
20、ve ,polemic, quarrelsome,Diffidentdiffident : hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence He entered the room with a certain diffidence.怯生生的不自信的: unassured, bashful, retiring, self- effacing, withdrawn, backward, coy, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, sheepish,Reliable&Errat
21、icReliable :suitable or fit to be relied on : dependable.可靠的: calculable, reliable, responsible, safe, secure, solid, trustable, trustworthyReliable&ErraticErratic : acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual : not consistent or regular善变的:changing, fluctuating, irregular, un
22、equal, unstable, unsteady, varying异常的: bizarre, eccentric, offbeat, outlandish, out-of-the-way, peculiar, quaint, queer, remarkable, screwy,spaced-out, way-out, weirdPurportPurport :to claim to be or do a particular thingwhen this claim may not be true ;,声称:affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch,avow,
23、 declare, insist, maintain, profess, purport, warrant, contend,Shiftshift: a change in emphasis, judgment, or attitude转变:exchange,interchange,swap,switchAdvancedAdvanced: 1being beyond the elementary orintroductory 2 greatly developed beyond an initial stage 高级的:developed, evolved, forward, high, hi
24、gher, improved, progressive, refinedHonorific&Reliability&DisputedHonorific:giving or expressing honor or respect尊敬的: estimable, irreproachable, honorable, reputable, respectable, honorary , venerable, commendable, creditable, meritorious, praiseworthy, esteemed, prestigious,Honorific&Reliability&Di
25、sputedDisputed : to call into question 质疑 : contravene, challenge, contest, impeach, oppugn, query, question, doubt, mistrust; kick(about), object (to), resist; combat, oppose,Diminutive & Minusculediminutive : a word or suffix that indicates that something is smallMinuscule: very small in size 微小的:
26、atomic, infinitesimal, microscopic, miniature, minute, tiny, diminutive, slight, subnormal, microscopic , miniature, minute, teeny-weeny, weenyExtremist&ZealotExtremist: the quality or state of being extremeZealot:a zealous; especially: a fanaticalpartisan狂热者:acolyte, apostle,adherent, devotee, disc
27、iple, fan, fanatic, zealot, activist, crusader, partisan, red hot, extremist, revolutionary, revolutionistUtilitarian&FunctionalUtilitarian: made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortableFunctional: designed to have a practical use功能的: applicative, applied, functional, practicable, ap
28、plicableConjectural &SpeculativeConjectural: an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidenceSpeculative : A piece of information that is speculative is based on guesses rather than knowledge推测的:hypothetical, speculative, conjectural, suppositional, supposed, theoretical, ideal, platon
29、icGalvanize ImpotencyContradictedConsistentAbsorbing NaysayerJudiciousObligatory JettisonDisparities Variancesunconventional quirkyNovel OriginalSlippery Elusivegalvanizegalvanize:to cause (people) to become so excited or concerned about an issue, idea, etc., that they want to do something about it刺
30、激:electrify, excite, exhilarate, galvanize, intoxicate, pump up, titillate, turn on, goad, prod, spur, stimulate, provoke, agitate, motivateimpotencyImpotency :(=impotence ) the quality or state of being impotent: lacking in power, strength, or vigor:impotence, inadequacy, incapability, incapacity,
31、incompetence, incompetency, ineptitude, insufficiency, powerlessnesscontradictedContradict:to assert the contrary of; to imply the opposite or a denial of: deny, disaffirm,否认,反驳;相disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, disown, gainsay, negate, negative, refute, reject, repudiateconsistent withconsistent with
32、 :If one fact or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other.一致:accordant, coherent, compatible, concordant, conformable (to), congruent, congruous, consonant, correspondent (with orto), harmonious, noningNaysayer & absorbingNaysayer:one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is ske
33、ptical or cynical about something者:misanthrope, cynic, pessimistNaysayer & absorbingAbsorbing: fully taking ones attention : engrossing 吸引人的:interesting, arresting, consuming, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, immersing, intriguing, involving, rivetingjudiciousjudicious: havi
34、ng, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment : 明智的,慎重的:intelligent, judgmatic, prudent, tactical, wise, discreet, cautious, chary, circumspect, forehanded, foresighted, discerning, discriminating, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, canny, provident; perspicacious, sagacious, shrewdobligatory& jett
35、isonobligatory : of the nature of an obligation;compulsory强制性的: compulsory, imperative, involuntary, peremptory, required, forced, incumbent, involuntary, necessary, nonelective, obligatoryobligatory& jettisonjettison: to cast overboard or off 丢弃,投弃:discard, dump, junk, scrap, throwing away, cashier, cast (off), chuck, ditch, dump, exorcise, fling (off or away), junk, pitch, reject, shed, shuck (off), throw away, throw out, toss, unloaddisparities & variancesDisp
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