已阅读5页,还剩42页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Degaes, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Festival hed I ne sen of fur sfreesenaves Ccnfeence 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, dScuss 203 pment plasHee onbeal of my cmpay w ork r.orts tie GenlAssemby, for cnsain.PilaI,202backi! XX power compaie s adee to the part&

2、#39;s " gea spii for guidance,compehe- impeme nt the sce ntfc cnc.t of. l opmetprom Ung cstea desip saegy .da- focusonmplemetaion,lea-aag- et coniuusy impr ove, saeysiuai on I f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a ndont ol s.c a nd sa.ze d, an d the dcat on of sf, manage a hamoniousandm o

3、catc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst I e batey i ndiat I r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonk W, be ond the a nnua budge impl amenta.n - pacly of 35mH. k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald 425 biin k W, ecedi ng s- s of milin kW theanua Exe -tve budge, a i ncea - of 79 mii

4、n k W. Seury meaues unpannedoutaggs25一.Nopesnalinjuyaccidetoccured nomajor a e nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie accidet s wihout e nVionmeta polui on acie nts, fey for the e cnseutve yeasto ma ntai sta I lty to g ood postue.(u.nnss I nacia idiat ors tota pills of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of

5、一7 miin Yua,b-ndtheDatangcompanyiddx! mlinYuan,aIiceseof"mi in Yua n, F CM asesmet at gade fu.Ene.ypowesupysadadcacompleig3>g/kW,dow01g/kW; ie.ae d auXiay powe cnsmpt on i 52%, dw ssins|efrmancegraty rduce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.s emo -ekie

6、cy of moe t ha 918%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d 715% 10m a yea - re.'uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%,1116% re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s is, shou d a dee to t he two "mange met lysem" bbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha

7、zars contol ad itinlc saey Eerrie consucton tok new se ps The tw o "manget systm" fr imp.-mentFocsonpromotingthe powe of thecmpaIymannget systma nd the aplcai on a id mpementtti on of te saey lop fiesa maagementlysem, improve t he saey mannget systm, relzetelysem of -ey cntol lurher rrgult

8、eiecuiy rouie s, ey iupevs on a nd mang et new o. re t lay tlche- cosld loop.'te ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.mannget of ha b itua V oain of sreghening the saey sueVsi in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng and auumn of seury in1spet ons, 10d contol a nd i nspec! n,-ey pr o-cin-e, and "

9、 0ympc Gm - 1adite网络基础单选题1、Internet是全球最具影响力的计算机互联网,也是世界范围的重要的 。A :信息资源网B:多媒体网络C:办公网络D:销售网络答案:A2、电话拨号接入网络带宽目前大约为 。A: 128MbpsB: 256MbpsC: 56KbpsD: 56Mbps答案:C3、无线局域网所能覆盖的范围大约为 左右。A : 1 mB: 2 mC: 300 mD : 3 m答案:C4、无线LAN适用的又像是 。A :小企业B:台式主机C:移动笔记本用户D:服务器答案:C5、下列说法正确的是 。A: ADSL比电话拨号速度慢B: ADSL接入Internet有虚拟

10、拨号和专线接入两种方式C:虚拟接入连接电话线即可接入 InternetD :虚拟拨号开机即可接入Internet答案:B6、国际上,第一级域名采用通用的标准代码,它分 。A:组织机构模式和地理模式B:地理模式和网络模式C:组织机构模式和网络模式D:通用模式和网络模式答案:A7、网络协议是计算机网络中传递、管理信息的一些规范。下列哪种网络协议是互联网(Internet)所必须使用的:。A: FTPB: SMTPC: TCPIPD: HTTP答案:C8、IPv6地址有 位二进制数组成。A: 15B: 33C: 63De es, sf: Helo! in the r .tot I e Spring

11、Festival hed i ne sen of fu safeesenaves C.nf nce 20 13workshop, fulback i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 .ment plasHee onbeal of my cmpay w ork r.orts tie GeniAssemby, fr cnsain.PilaI, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance, com.ehe- meme nt the s

12、ceti. c onc.tof. i opmetprom Ung - sea .es saegy .da- focuson mpl emetaion, lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey siuai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cont oi s.c a nd sa.ze d, and the de dcat on of sf, manage a hamonious andmocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as f

13、olowst I e batey i ndiat i r: po-wege neain totaed 785 bilonk W, bey ond the a nnuai budge impi amenta.n - pacly of 35mH. k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.S tald 425 blin k W, ecedi ng s- s of millin kW theanua Exe cutive budge, a i ncea - of 79 mlin k W. Seury meaues unplanned outaggs 25 一.No pesnal i

14、 njuy accidet occure d nomajor a e nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie acci det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on .cdes, fey for the e cnseutve yeasto ma ntai staI ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss I nacia idiat ors totapills of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of 一7 mlin Yua,b - nd t he Data ng compay idx 41.9

15、miinY-n, a I icese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.y powe suply sadad ca compleig 3>g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie.ae d a y powe cnsmpt on i 52%, dw ssins | efrmance gra ty rduce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW; .s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha 918%.

16、Rela biiy index equiae I t aaiaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d r|5% 10m a yea - re.'uivlent fccd ouage ae 018%, 1116%re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaorIchevmets is, shoud a dee to t he two "mange met .Item" bbss steI gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad itinlcsae

17、y Eerrie consucton tok new se ps The tw o "manget systm" fr imp.-ment Focs on pr omoting the powe of thecmpa I y mannget systma nd the aplcai on a id im plmetai on of te saey lop fiesa maagement .Item, improve t he saey mannget systm, relze te .Itemof laey cntol lurher rrgulaeiecuiy rouies

18、, laey iupevson a nd mang et new o. re t lay tlche-cosldloop. 'te ngteing thelupeVsion a n.mannget of hab itua V oain of sreghening the saey sueVsi in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng and auumnof seury in1spetons, 10d contol a nd i nspec! n,-ey pr o-cin-e, “ "0ympc Gm - 1aditeD: 12

19、8答案:D9、提供不可靠传输的传输层协议是 。A : HTTPB: FTPC: UDPD: SMTP答案:C10、使用代理服务器除了服务器端代理服务器软件需配置外,客户端需配置使用代理服务器,且指向代理服务器的 。A: MAC地址和网络号B:邮件地址和网络号C: IP地址和网络号D: IP地址和端口号答案:D11、在许多宾馆中,都有局域网方式上网的信息插座,一般都采用DHCP服务器分配给客人笔记本电脑上网参数,这些参数不包括 。A : IP地址B:子网掩码C: MAC地址D:默认网关答案:C12、IPv4的32位地址共40多亿个,IPv6的128位地址是IPv4地址总数的 倍。A: 4B: 2

20、C: 2的96次方D: 1答案:C13、域名代表着一种身份,一般来说,从某网站名字www.* ,可以看出它代表A:教育机构B:商业机构C:政府机构D:网络服务提供者答案:B14、计算机网络发展的第二个阶段,兴起于 。A : 20世纪20年代B : 20世纪60年代C: 20世纪30年代D: 20世纪40年代答案:B15、在广域网中,通信子网主要包括 。A:传输信号和终端设备B:转接设备和传输信道C:显示设备和终端设备D:以上都不是答案:B16、对于广域网的服务模式,它的组网方式有 De es, sf: Helo! in the r .tot I e Spring Festival hed i

21、ne sen of fu safeesenaves C.nf nce 20 13workshop, fulback i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 .ment plasHee onbeal ofmy cmpay w ork r.orts tie GeniAssemby, frcnsain.PilaI, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance, com.ehe- meme nt the sce ntfc - nc.t o&

22、quot; - i opmetprom Ung - sea .es saegy .da- focuson mpl emetaion, lea ,ma.-et, coniuusy improve, saey siuai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cont oi s.c a nd sa.ze d, and the de dcat on of sf, manage a hamonious and m ocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fl owst I

23、e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonk W, bey ond the a nnua budge impi amenta.n - pacly of 35mH. k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.S tald 425 blin k W, ecedi ng s- s of millin kW theanua Exe cutive budge, a i ncea - of 79 mlin k W. Seury meaues unplanned outaggs 25 一.No pesnal i njuy acc

24、idet occure d nomajor a ent ad abo<e, nomaor fie acci det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on .cdes, fey for the e cnseutve yeasto ma ntai staI ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss I nacia idiat ors totapills of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of 一7 mlin Yua,b - nd t he Data ng compay idx 41.9 miinY-n, a

25、 I icese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.y powe suply sadad ca compl eig 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie.ae d a y powe cnsmpt on i 52%, dw ssins | efrmance gra ty rduce d compae d to las yar, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW; .s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha 918%. Rela biiy

26、 index equiae I t aaiaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d r|5% 10m a yealarie.'uivlent fccd ouage ae 018%, 1116%re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaorIchevmets is, shoud a dee to t he two "mange met .Item" bbss steI gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad itinlcsaey Eerrie

27、consucton tok new se ps The tw o "manget systm" fr imp.-ment Focs on pr omoting the powe of thecmpa I y mannget systma nd the aplcai on a id mpementtti on of te saey lop fiesa maagement .Item, improve the saey mannget systm, relze te .Itemof -fey cntol lurher rrgulaeiecuiy rouies, fey iupe

28、vson a nd mang et new o. re t lay tlche-cosld10P.stengteing thelupeVsion a n.mannget of ha b itua V oain of sreghening the saey sueVsi in of ous ouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng and auumnof seury in1spetons, 10d contol a nd i nspec! n,fe, pr o-cin-fe, “ te0ympc Gm - 1aditeA:只有虚电路方式B:只有数据报方式C:有虚电路

29、方式和数据报方式D:以上说法都不是答案:C17、关于网络协议,下列说法错误的是 。A:协议的实现,保证能够为上一层提供服务B:协议是控制对等实体之间的通信规则C:协议是网民签订的合同D:协议的语法方面的规则定义了所交换的信息格式答案:A18、互联网最常见的形式是 。A:几个主机直接连接起来B:几个服务器直接连接起来C:几个主机和服务器通过广域网连接起来D:几个局域网通过广域网连接起来答案:D19、以下关于子网掩码的说法中,正确的是 。A:子网掩码可以和IP地址结合使用,也可以单独使用B:子网掩码将某个IP地址划分成网络地址,子网地址和主机地址三部分C:子网掩码的作用是用来区分网络上的主机是否在

30、同一网络段内D:以上答案都正确答案:C20、我们通常所说的“水晶头”是指。A: RJ-45连接器B:交换机接口C:网卡接口D:电话线接口答案:A21、 域名 中的 edu 代表。A:政府网B:科研网C:教育网D:企业网答案:C22、双绞线的接口通常是 。A: RJ-45B: RJ-00C: RJ-01D: RJ-02答案:A23、不仅是第一代互联网全球化进程的推动者和受益者,而且在下一代互联网的发展中仍然扮演着领跑角色的是 。A:英国B:美国C:中国D:德国答案:B24、郑州大学网址 ,其中的cn代表。De es, sf: Helo! in the r .tot I e Spring Fest

31、ival hed i ne sen of fu safeesenaves C.nf nce 20 13workshop, fulback i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 .ment plasHee onbeal of my cmpay w ork r.orts tie GeniAssemby, fr cnsain.PilaI, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance, com.ehe- meme nt the sceti

32、. c onc.tof. i opmetprom Ung - sea .es saegy .da- focuson mpl emetaion, lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey siuai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cont oi s.c a nd sa.ze d, and the de dcat on of sf, manage a hamonious andmocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as folow

33、st I e batey i ndiat i r: po-wege neain totaed 785 bilonk W, bey ond the a nnuai budge impi amenta.n - pacly of 35mH. k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.S tald 425 blin k W, ecedi ng s- s of millin kW theanua Exe cutive budge, a i ncea - of 79 mlin k W. Seury meaues unplanned outaggs 25 一.No pesnal i nju

34、y accidet occure d nomajor a e nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie acci det s wihout e nVionmeta polui on .cdes, fey for the e cnseutve yeasto ma ntai staI ity to g ood postue.(u.nnss I nacia idiat ors totapills of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of 一7 mlin Yua,b - nd t he Data ng compay idx 41.9 miin

35、Y-n, a I icese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.y powe suply sadad ca compleig 3>g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie.ae d a y powe cnsmpt on i 52%, dw ssins | efrmance gra ty rduce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW; .s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha 918%. Rela

36、 biiy index equiae I t aaiaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d r|5% 10m a yea - re.'uivlent fccd ouage ae 018%, 1116%re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaorIchevmets is, shoud a dee to t he two "mange met .Item" bbss steI gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad itinlcsaey Ee

37、rrie consucton tok new se ps The tw o "manget systm" fr imp.-ment Focs on pr omoting the powe of thecmpa I y mannget systma nd the aplcai on a id im plmetai on of te saey lop fiesa maagement .Item, improve t he saey mannget systm, relze te .Itemof laey cntol lurher rrgulaeiecuiy rouies, la

38、ey iupevson a nd mang et new o. re t lay tlche-cosldloop. 'te ngteing thelupeVsion a n.mannget of hab itua V oain of sreghening the saey sueVsi in of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng and auumnof seury in1spetons, 10d contol a nd i nspec! n,-ey pr o-cin-e, “ "0ympc Gm - 1aditeA:中国B:教育网

39、C:郑州D:郑州大学答案:A25、Request time out 表示。A:无应答B:网络已连通C:无协议D:不确定答案:A26、路由器工作在ISO/OSI模型的 。A:应用层和物理层B:网络层和物理层C:数据链路层D:物理层答案:B27、解决计算机网络间互联的标准化的问题是在 发展阶段。A:第一和第四B:第二和第一C:第三D:第四和第二答案:C28、按照网络的传输速率,从小到大排序正确的是 。A:局域网、广域网、城域网B:局域网、城域网、广域网C:城域网、广域网、局域网D:广域网、城域网、局域网答案:D29、互联网目前经历了 次大规模的升级。A: 10B: 15C: 4D: 20答案:C3

40、0、目前亚洲在国际IPv6的科学研究乃至产业化方面占据国际领先地位的国家是A:日本B:印度C:马来西亚D:中国答案:A一、单选题1、微型计算机属于计算机的 。A :第一代产品B :第二代产品C :第三代产品D :第四代产品答案:D2、针对性强、效率高、结构较简单的计算机属于Degaes, sf: Helo! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas l hed I ne sen of fur sfreesenaves Ccnfeence 20 13 workshop, ful back i n careu anay of the curr et si ua.n, dScu

41、ss 203 pment plasHee onbeal of my cmpay w ork r.orts tie GenlAssemby, for ”一0.Pila I 202 ba ck i ! XX power compaie s adee to the part's " gea spii for guidance, compehe- impement thesce ntic ccncet ofd l opmet prom I Ing cstea deshi staegy nda- focuson impl emetaion, lea -aag-et coniuusy i

42、mprove, saey siuai on I f etepri- maagement bus nes ma nagement a nd cont ol s.c a nd sa.ze d, and the de dcat on of sf, manage a hamonious and m ocatc amosph of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fl owst I e batey i ndiat I r: po-wege neain totaed 785 bilonk W, be ond the a nnual budge impl amenta

43、.n - pacly of 35mH. k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils totald 425 biin k W, ecedi ng s- s of milin kW theanua Exe cutive budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seury meaues unpanned outaggs 25 一.No pesnal i njuy accidet occure d nomajor a ent ad abo<e, nomaor fie acci det s wihout enVionmeta polui on

44、.cdes, fey for the e cnseutve yeasto ma ntai sta I lty to g ood postue.(u.nnss I nacia idiat ors totapills of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of 一7 miin Yua,b - nd t he Data ng compay idx 41.9 miinYuan, a I icese of " mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.y powe supy sadad ca compl eig

45、 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie.ae d auXiay powe cnsmpt on i 52%, dw ssins | efrmance gra ty rduce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW; .s emo -ekiecy of moe t ha 918%. Relabiiy index equiaeI t aalaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d r|5% 10m a yealarie.'uiaent fccd ouage

46、 ae 018%, 1116% re-cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaorIchevmets is, shou d a dee to t he two "mange metlysem" bbss steI gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad itinlcsaey Eerrie consucton tok new se ps The tw o "manget systm" fr imp.-ment Focs on promoting

47、the powe of thecmpa I y mannget systma nd the aplcai on a id mpementtti on of te saey lop fiesa maagement lysem, improve t he saey mannget systm, relze te lysemof -fey cntol lurher rrgulte iecuiy rouies, fey iupevson a nd mang et new o. re t lay tlche-cosld10P.stengteing thelupeVsion a n.mannget of

48、ha b itua V oain of sreghening the saey sueVsi in of ous ouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng and .“of sry in1spetons, 10d contol a nd i nspec! n,fe, pr o-cin-fe, and te0ympc Gm - 1aditeA :电子数字计算机B :电子模拟计算机C :电动计算机D :专用计算机答案:D3、计算机的主要特点之一是 。A :很高的计算精度B : 一般的计算精度C :只能达到10位以内的计算精度D :能够达到1020位的计算精度答案:A4

49、、计算机应用中,英文缩略语 CA惭表示的计算机术语是 。A :计算机辅助设计B :计算机辅助制造C :计算机辅助工程D :计算机辅助教学答案:B5、对于信息,下列说法错误的是 。A :信息是可以传播的B :信息是可以处理的C :信息是可以共享的D :信息可以不依附于某种载体而存在答案:D6、组成计算机系统的是。A :硬件系统和软件系统B :主机、键盘和显示器C :计算机的外部设备D :主机和软件系统答案:A7、下面哪一项不是计算机采用二进制的主要原因 。A :二进制只有0和1两个状态,技术上容易实现B :二进制运算规则简单C:二进制数的0和1与逻辑代数的"真"和"

50、假"相吻合,适合于计算机进行逻辑运算D :二进制可与十进制直接进行算术运算答案:D8、计算机能够直接识别和执行的语言是 。A :汇编语百B : tWj级语言C :英语D :机器语言答案:D9、1946年奠定了计算机的程序存储原理的是 。A :冯诺依曼B :图灵C :图灵和冯诺依曼D :爱因斯坦和图灵答案:A10、在微型计算机中,微处理器芯片上集成的是一。A :控制器和运算器De es, sf: Helo! in the r .tot I e Spring Festival hed i ne sen of fu safeesenaves C.nf nce 20 13workshop,

51、fulback i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 .ment plasHee onbeal of my cmpay w ork r.orts tie GeniAssemby, fr cnsain.PilaI, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii for guidance, com.ehe- meme nt the sceti. c onc.tof. i opmetprom Ung - sea .es saegy .da- focuson mpl

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