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1、ocusing on waysand mea nsofim proving and upgrading work,furt herdevelopmentof"threetosplit".(A)fullygrasp"nounauthori sed" created. Thet ownshi p "no unauthorise d" created theexisti ng buil ding"one house hol d,one document"survey a nd file storagew ork must

2、 be unconditional and full coverage.Mai n corridor leadingtothe town (roa d, river)village,t he Central built -up area oft he tow non both sides must betocreate a "no unauthorise d village".Accordingto"five hundredvillages" create d a nd shantyt owns,village s,ol d houses, r econ

3、str uctionof old plant,expandcreate,upgrading createsfiles,the real "no una uthorise d village" cre ated int othe be nefitofthe people ofverygoodt hing.( B)tostrictlyma nage countas unauthorise dcontrol s. Promoti ng the"new" controlw ork to m ovethe ce nterofgravity, ma nagement

4、mea surest othe front,a nde arnestly pi peseffectivel y.A strictnew unaut hori sed network responsibility.Se ctors such as la nd, housingan d ba sic stations (stations) andtheow nship ofgrid a ccountability me cha nismsm ust bestrictlyi na ccordancew iththe ne wregulat oryrequirements,effective impl

5、ementation ofthe are aofresponsi bilityofthe newi nspecti ons,suppre ssion, demolition w orktoensuret hat thenew"zerotol erance".Second,publi c security, water,ele ctricity,water, oceans andfisherie s,touri smcol laboration,marketsupervisionde partments should strictly e nforcethe illegalc

6、onstructi on ofdisposalof relevant provi sions ofthereg ulations,effectivefulfilme nt of responsibil ities,parti cular ly in ele ctricity a nd watersupply,andotherunits may not be new illegal buildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity suppl y.Whilemore r egulation to prevent personalpriva cyviolati on

7、s.Illicittrading in illegalconstruction inthe Mi nistry ofpubli csecurity sectort ostrictlyfrom the blow. T hree ist ocreat e additional offence reporting systemofince ntives.According to buildi ng lawand coversan areaofnat ure,to report timelydegre e divided re portgrade,effective afterthe removalo

8、fcertai n incenti ves.(C) integrated implementation ",buil ding dem olition, modification, use"combinati on. Demoliti on isthe meansand purposebuiltis.Toadheretothe buildingdem olished, combi nationofconstr uction a nd demoliti onwaste , demoli she dwith com bined effortstoimprove the scie

9、ntificl evel ofthree to split;se cond,wem ustpayattentionto"threetosplit" and"five hundred"and "fivewatertreatment","three ofthefoursides",theshack Districttransformation,a nd danger ousold r oom transformationand "tworoadside s",series w orkorgani c

10、combi ned up,a ctive doRiver,andalong demolition w ork,and manpoweradvancevillage int he,a nd ol d resi dential demoliti onw ork,to improve dmasse shousi ng conditi ons and live environment;threeto put"three modified asplit"as traditionallow, andsmall,andbulkindustry struct uretransformati

11、on upgradeof important initiativesto caug ht,speed upadvanceindustry Park,effectiveoptimization park e nvironme nt物料提升机施工方案山大南新校区高速公路研发中心工程位于济南二环东路,由山东大学高速公路研发中心投资兴建,山东建筑工程学院建筑设计研究院设计,并由山东晨光项目管理公司监理。结构为地上四层,局部两层。建筑高度19.2 米,建筑面积约为 9899.6 平方米。基础结构形式为钢筋砼独立基础及筏板基础。主体结构为框架结构。根据工程现场施工需要,经技术人员决定,本工程需采用双吊笼物

12、料提升机一部。二、双吊笼物料提升机安装(拆卸)前的准备工作1、组织双笼物料提升机安装(拆卸)人员:安装(拆卸)组长:贾传斌安装(拆卸)组员:徐兴华,邹军、邢培海、高利、孔祥智、孙传刚2、双笼物料提升机安装(拆卸)人员,了解施工现场情况,双笼物料提升机使用说明书,掌握双笼物料提升机技术性能及现场技术方案和安全技术措施,检查双笼物料提升机安装(拆卸)前是否发生过异常情况,及双笼物料提升机起重性能是否达到说明书要求,结构是否有损伤等情况,组长召集全体安装(拆卸)人员进行技术交底,明确分工,落实每项具体工作。3 、 根据双笼物料提升机安装(拆卸) 调试工作要事先准备好以下物品,汽车吊,水准仪,铁锤、撬

13、棍,扳手,铁丝、棕绳、齿轮油、电工工具、黄油枪、胶布、黄油。三、吊笼物料提升机安装(拆卸)程序1、 按照 “隐蔽工程验收纪录及说明书, 基础设计资料的要求核实基础的施工质量。nd impr ove idl e landof utili zation,realachieve d environment impr oved a nd productivity developmentmut ual pr omoting total win.Five,firmlyimplement, promotingwork ahe ad,to createhig hlights.Thir d de ploymen

14、t ,implementati on ofseven,t hen iti simperativetostre ngthen responsibilityand improvethe mechani smsand impleme ntation.Alllocalitiesand departme ntsmust be convince d that goal s,goi ngallout,musteri ng spirit, worktoget herto e nsure thatthi s year's obje ctives carry out task s,at theforefr

15、ont.First,we muststrengthen theleadershi ptoimpl ement.Departme ntsatalllevel s shoul d alwaysw ork andrural"fivewatertreatment","three to split" inanimporta nt position,and carrythemain re sponsi bilit y,main lea derpersonally, leaders arresteda nd layers of responsibil ityrankt

16、ransmission pressure established hierarchica laccountabi lity,a nd worktoget herto promotetheworkofthe mechani sm,a concerted effort payattention to implementation.County nongba n,flood,t hree to one dow ntofurt herplay alea ding catch total,integratedand coordi nated rol e ofallkinds is"l ong&

17、quot;,"Sheriff" "Inspe ctor" to effectivelyfulf illtheiresponsi bilities,formedthe al ignment on thefirelinea nd management alively situation.Second,we m uststrengt hen t he test impleme ntation oftheGovernor.Roleplaythe Governor gotthe baton,foragriculturaland rural focus and &q

18、uot;five watertreatment","threetosplit"work,refine improve assessment methods a ndeval uationsystem,a ccuratea ssessment. Combi ned with "dare play,tree be nchmark"style buil ding fivemajor operations,carryon a ndgai nfirsthandexperi enceofsupervision,in particular,tostrengt

19、he nthe focusonthe "long" signs "goleft","names"suchassupervision, urgedalllevel s longer on duty i n pla ce.Through the supervisoryasse ssment,t o promoteha bits,stimulating power.Third, we must strengthe n impleme ntationstyle.De partmentsatalll evelsto w orkin r ural

20、areas a nd"five water treatment","threetosplit"as trainingcadre sformajor platforms,com pete againstlargeexamination room, inspecti on cadres workperformanceofthe ri ng,watercontrol andt he Japanese pulled aw orkout,trai ning, discovery a nd selecti on ofcadres. Tha n good catch

21、up,firsttoexcellence-orie nted.Party membersand cadres atalllevel s mustadheret othe rural,water controlandthe Japanese pulleda grass-roots,"putdow nthe shelf,leane d"pragmaticstyle,the spiritofplay, become abenchmark model.Four, wemuststrengthenpropagandaimplementation.Com prehe nsive uti

22、lizati on ofmicro-credit,micr o-blogging, newmedia, mining,summarizing,good publicityw ork in the countrysi deand "fivewatertreatment", "three to split"advanced model s,pointto gather positiveenergyforthe communitytoseet heresult s ofourw orkin time, i ncrease publicawarene ss,pa

23、rticipati on rates,satisfactionand support.Play gongqingfu,a massorga nization andgrass-root s such as schools,communityT he rol e ofocusing on waysand mea nsofim proving and upgrading work,furt herdevelopmentof"threetosplit".(A)fullygrasp"noresponsi bilityofthe newi nspecti ons,suppr

24、e ssion, demolition worktoensuret hat thenew"zerotol erance".Second,publiII. 一 一- - I. I _ . l_ L I . .一three to split;second,wemustpayattentionto"threetosplit" and"five hundrwatertreatment","three ofthefoursideunaut horised" created. Thet ownshi c security, w

25、ater,ele ctricity,water,.r_ ll - J Districttransformhi p"no unauthorise d" created theexisti ng buil ding"one house hol d,one document"survey and file storagew ork must be unconditional and full coverage.Mai n corridor leadingtothe town (roaoceans andfisherie s,touri smcol labora

26、tion,marketsupervisionde partments should strictly e nforcethe illegalc onstructi on ofdisposalof relevant provi sions ofthereg ulations,effectivefulfilmesformation,a nd dangerousold r oom transformationand "tworoadvancevillage intd, river)village,t he Central built -up area oft he tow non both

27、 sides must betocreate a "nont of responsibil ities,parti cular ly in ele ctr icity a nd watersupply,andotherunit s may notbenew一- -I - - . 一 ,L L _ - ._ I Ihe,a nd ol d resi dential demoliti onw ork,to improve dmasseunauthorise d village".illegal buildi ngstoAccordingto"five hundredv

28、illages" create d a nd shantyt owns,village s,old houses, r econstr uctionof old plant,expandcreate,supplywatera ndel ectricity suppl y.Whilemore r egulation to prevent personalpriva cyviolati ons.Illicittrading in illegalconstruction int. - 一一. > I . > _ .-I LILd, I- - . II o caug ht,spe

29、edupgrading createsfiles,the real "no una uthorise d village" cre ated int othe be nefitofthe people ofverygoodthe Mi nistry ofpubli csecurity sector ostrictlyfrom the blow. T hree ist ocreate additional offence reporting system一一一. 一.-. - 一 一upadvanceindustry Park,effectiveoptimization pa

30、rk environme nthing.( oBf) itnocsetrincttilyvems.anage countas unauthorise dcontrol s. Promoti ng the"new" controlw ork to m ovethe ce nterofgravity, managementmeaAccording to buildi ng lawand coversan areaofnat ure,to report timelydegree divided re portgrade,effective afterthe remsurest o

31、the front,a nde arnestly p ovalofcertai n incenti vessibility.Se ctors such as la nd, housingand ba sic stations (stations) andtheow nship ofgrid ause"combinati on. Demoliti on isthe meansand purposebuiltis.Toadheretothe buildiccountability me cha nismsm ust bestrictlyi na ccordancew iththene w

32、regulat oryrequirements,effective implementation ofthe are aofngdem olished, combi nationofconstr uction a nd demoliti onwaste , demoli she dwith com bined effortstoimprove the scientificl evel of2、测定基础预埋件的高度误差,检查工具仪器,以便准备垫块。3、清点零部件及数量,检查工具仪器。4、详细了解安装场地的情况,由组长向吊车司机交代安装程序及吊装主要大件的尺寸、重量、高度。5、组长召集安装作业人员

33、、吊车机组人员及吊装指挥人员,共同讨论落实安全技术措施,进一步明确各项专项人员的位置及职责认真学习装拆程序和响应的注意事项。四、 双吊笼物料提升机的安装(一)双吊笼物料提升机的安装准备工作1、检查提升卷扬机是否完好,地锚拉力是否达到要求,刹车开、闭是否可靠,电压是否在308±5%之内,电机转向是否合乎要求。2、检查钢丝绳是否完好,润滑是否正常,与卷扬机的固定是否可靠,特别要检查计算安装好全部机体达到规定高度时,钢丝绳长度是否有效,全部钢丝绳输出后,在卷筒上是否保持至少三圈。3、检查基础的轮廓尺寸是否正确,地脚螺栓的长度,结构,规格是否正确,砼的养护的否达到定期,平面度是否达到要求。4

34、、各标准节是否完好。导轨螺栓是否齐全完好,各种螺栓是否齐全,正确,有无滑丝,特别是用于紧固标准节的高强度螺栓数量是否充足,强度等级是否正确,各种滑轮是否齐备,有无破损。5、吊笼是否完整,焊缝是否有裂纹,底盘是否牢固,顶棚是否安全。6、防断绳保护装置,重量限制器等安全防护装置事先进行检查,确保安全,灵敏、可靠无误。nd impr ove idlel and ofutilizati on, reala chieve d envir onment im proved a nd productivitydevelopmentmutualpromoting totalwi n.Five,firmlyim

35、plement, promotingwork ahe ad,to createhig hlights. T hird depl oyment,implementation ofseven,then it is imperative tostrengt hen re sponsibilitya nd impr ovethe mechanismsand implementation.Alllocalitiesa nddepartments m ust be convi nced that goal s,goi ng allout, muster ing spirit, w ork together

36、t oensurethatthi s year's obje ctives carry out tasks, atthe forefront. First,we must strengthenthe leader shi ptoimplement.Departments at all levelsshoul d alwaysw orkand rural "five watertreatment","threetosplit"in an important position,and carrythemainresponsibi lity,mainl

37、ea derpersonally,leadersarrestedand layers ofresponsi bilityranktransmissi on pre ssure e stabli shed hierarchicala ccountabilit y,andworktogethertopromote thew orkofthe mechani sm,aconcertedeffortpay attentiontoimplementation.Countynong ban, flood,threeto one dow n to further playa leadi ng catchto

38、tal,integratedand coordi natedrole ofallkindsis "long","Sheriff""Inspector" toeffectivelyfulfilltheirresponsi bilities,formedthe alignment on thefire lineand managementa livelysit uation.Second, wemuststrengthenthe testimpl ementationofthe Governor.Role playthe Governor

39、 gotthebaton,foragricult ural andrural focus and "five watertreatment","threetosplit"work,refine improveassessme nt methods and eval uation system,accurateasse ssme nt. Com bine dwith "dare play,tree benchmark" style buil ding five majoroperations,carryonand gai nfirsth

40、andexperi enceofsupervisi on, i n parti cula r,tostrengthen t he focusonthe "long" signs "go left", "names" such assupervisi on, urgedalllevels l ongeron dutyin place.Throughthe superv isory asse ssment, t o prom otehabit s,stimulati ng pow er.Third,wemust strengthen im

41、plementation style.De partmentsatalllevels to work inrural areas a nd "fivewatertreatment", "threetosplit" as training cadresformajor platforms,competeagainst large examinationroom,inspection cadresw ork performa nce ofthering,water controlandthe Japanesepulleda w orkout,trai nin

42、g, discoveryand selection ofca dres.Than goodcatch up, first to excellence-orie nted.Partymembers and cadres at all levelsmustadheret othe rural,watercontrolandthe Japanese pulleda grass-roots,"putdow nthe shelf,leane d"pragmaticstyle,the spiritofplay, become abe nchmark model.Four, wemust

43、strengthenpropagandaimplementation.Com prehensive utilizati on ofmicro -credit,micr o-bloggi ng, ne wmedia, mining,summarizing,good publicityw ork in the countrysi deand "fivewatertreatment", "three to split"advanced m odel s,pointto gather positiveenergyforthe communitytoseet he

44、result s ofourw orkin time, i ncrease publica warene ss,parti cipati on rates,satisfaction andsupport.Play gongqingfu,a massorga nization andgrass -root s such as schools,communityT he rol e of2ocusing on waysand mea nsofim proving and upgrading work,furt herdevelopmentof"threetosplit".(A)

45、fullygrasp"nounaut horised" created. Thet ownshi p"no unauthorise d" created theexisti ng buil ding"one house hol d,one document"survey and file storagew ork must be unconditional and full coverage.Mai n corridor leadingtothe town (road, river)village,t he Central built

46、 -up area oft he tow non both sides must betocreate a "no unauthorise d village".Accordingto"five hundredvillages" create d a nd shantyt owns,village s,ol d houses, r econstr uctionof old plant,expandcreate,upgrading createsfiles,the real "no una uthorise d village" cre

47、ated int othe be nefitofthe people ofverygoodt hing.( B)tostrictlyma nage countas unauthorise dcontrol s. Promoti ng the"new" controlw ork to m ovethe ce nterofgravity, managementmea surest othe front,a nde arnestly pi peseffectivel y.A strictnew unaut hori sed network responsibility.Se ct

48、ors such as la nd, housingand ba sic stations (stations) andtheow nship ofgrid a ccountability me cha nismsm ust bestrictlyi na ccordancew iththe ne wregulat oryrequirements,effective implementation ofthe are aofresponsi bilityofthe newi nspecti ons,suppre ssion, demolition worktoensuret hat thenew&

49、quot;zerotol erance".Second,publi c security, water,ele ctricity,water, oceans andfisherie s,touri smcol laboration,marketsupervisionde partments should strictly e nforcethe illegalconstruction ofdisposalof relevant provi sions ofthereg ulations,effectivefulfilment of responsibil ities,parti cu

50、lar ly in ele ctricity a nd watersupply,andotherunit s may notbenew illegal buildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectric itysuppl y.Whilemore r egulation to prevent personalpriva cyviolati ons.Illicittrading in illegalconstruction int he Mi nistry ofpubli csecurity sectort ostrictlyfrom the blow. T hree is

51、t ocreate additional offence reporting systemofince ntives.According to buildi ng lawand coversan areaofnat ure,to report timelydegree divided re portgrade,effective afterthe removalofcertai n incenti ves.(C) integrated implementation ",buil ding demolition,modification,use"combinati on. D

52、emoliti on ist he meansand purposebuiltis.Toadheretothe buildingdem olished, combi nationofconstr uction a nd demoliti onwaste , demoli she dwith com bined effortstoimprove the scientificl evel ofthree to split;se cond,wem ustpayattentionto"threetosplit" and"five hundred"and &quo

53、t;fivewatertreatment","three ofthefoursides",theshack Districttransformation,a nd danger ous old r oom transformationand "tworoadside s",series w orkorgani ccombi ned up,a ctivedo River,and along demolition w ork,and manpoweradvancevillage int he,a nd ol d resi dential demol

54、iti onw ork,to improve dmasse shousi ng conditi ons and live environment;threeto put"three modified asplit"as traditionallow, andsmall,andbulkindustry struct uretransformation upgradeof important initiativesto caug ht,speed upadvanceindustry Park,effectiveoptimization park e nvironme nt(二)

55、双吊笼物料提升机的安装工艺1 、将底架按要求就位,并紧固全部地脚螺栓,底架安装后平面度为1/1000。2、将第一节标准节安装于标准节底架上,紧固4 个 8.8 级螺栓,紧固好后加防检螺母一个。3、将抱杆竖直提升到第一标准节的一个弦杆旁,并用一个托底支承和二个抱箍支承将抱杆靠在标准节主弦上。4、安装好卷扬机将绳从机身座处引出选出合适位置,通过导向滑轮引至抱杆底部导向滑轮。上料口处应设置防护棚,防护棚应设在机体地面进料口上方,其宽度应大于提升机的最外部尺寸,长度不小于5m,。5、在已安装好的第一个标准节上面和抱杆下面各安准考证个临时滑轮,当吊标准节时,滑轮必须与托架或机体连接,不准与抱杆连接,面提

56、升抱杆时则与此相反,起升钢丝绳从底导向滑轮,经过临时滑轮,再经过抱杆顶部滑轮和鹅头滑轮,最后与吊钩相连,形成架接标准节轮组。,6、将抱杆鹅头摆向标准节外面,开动卷扬机,使吊钩下落,吊起第二标准节。7、在吊起的第二标准节下面,固定一个麻绳,开动卷扬机,第二节标准节上升。8、转动抱杆,将吊起的标准节对准第一节徐徐下落,在对准4 个连接套孔后,全部放下被吊的标准节,然后穿上4 个高强度螺栓并拧紧。9、安装四个斜支撑杆,一端固定于底架的支脚上的4 个耳板孔,一端nd impr ove idleland ofutilization, reala chieve d envir onment im prov

57、ed a nd productivitydevelopmentmutualpromoting totalwi n.Five,firmlyimplement, promotingwork ahe ad,to createhig hlights. T hird depl oyment,implemntation ofseven,then it i s imperative tostrengt hen re sponsibilitya nd impr ovethe mechanismsand implementation.Alllocalitiesanddepartments must beconv

58、i nced that goal s,goi ng allout, musteringspirit, w ork togethert oensurethatthi s year's obje ctives carry out tasks, atthe forefront. First,we must strengthenthe leadershi ptoimplement.Departments at all levelsshoul d alwaysw orkand rural "five watertreatment","threetosplit&quo

59、t;in an important position,and carrythemainresponsibi lity,main lea derpersonally,leadersarrestedand layers ofresponsibilityranktransmissi on pre ssure e stabli shed hierarchicala ccountabilit y,andworktogethertopromote theworkofthe mechani sm,aconcertedeffortpay attentiontoimplementation.Countynong

60、 ban, flood,threetoone dow n to furtherplaya leading catchtotal,integratedand coordi natedrole ofallkindsis "long","Sheriff""Inspector" toeffectivelyfulfilltheirresponsi bilities,formedthe alignment on thefire lineand managementa livelysituation.Second, wemuststrengthenthe testimpl ementationofthe Governor.Roleplaythe Governor gotthebaton,foragricultural andrural focus and "five watertreatment","threetosplit"work,refine improveassessme nt methods a nd eval uation system,accurateasse ssment. Combine dwith "dare play,tree benc


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