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1、ocusing onway sand means of improvi ng and upgrading w ork, furtherdevel opme nt of "threeto split".(A) fully grasp"nounauthorise d" created.Thet ownshi p "no unauthorised" createdthe existingbuilding "one househol d,onedocument"surveyandfil estoragew ork must

2、 be unconditionalandfull coverage. Main corri dorlea ding tot he town (road, river)village,theCentral built -upareaofthe t own on bot h sides must beto create a"nounauthorised village".According to "fivehundred villages"createda nd sha ntytowns,village s,ol d houses,re constructi

3、on ofold pla nt,expa ndcreate, upgradi ngcreate sfiles,the real"no unauthorise dvillage"create d into t hebenefitofthe people ofvery good thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanagecount as unauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the "new" controlworktomovet hecenter ofgravity,mnagement measurestot

4、hefront,a nd earnestly pipes effectively.Astri ctnew unauthorise dnetw orkresponsi bility.Sector s such as land,housing a nd basi cstations(stations)and theow nship ofgrid accountabilitymechanismsm ust be strictly i naccordance withthenewregulat oryrequirement s,effectiveimplementation ofthearea ofr

5、esponsibilityofthenewi nspecti ons,suppre ssion, demolitionw orktoe nsure thatthe new"zer o tolera nce".Se cond, public security, water,el ectricity,wate r,oceansand fisheries,tourismcolla boration,market supervi sionde partments shouldstrictlye nforcetheillegal construction ofdi sposal of

6、relevant pr ovisions oftheregulations,effectivefulfilmentofresponsibiliti es, particul arly inel ectricitya nd watersuppl y,a nd other unitsmay notbe new illegal buil dings t osupply waterandele ctricity supply.While moreregulationto preve ntpersonal priv acyviolations.Illicittradi ng in illegalcons

7、tr uction inthe Ministry of public securityse ctorto strictlyfromtheblow. Threei s to createadditionaloffencereporting systemofince ntives.According t obuildi ng lawa nd covers anarea ofnature , to reporttimelydegre edivi ded r eport grade , effective aftertheremovalof certain incentives.(C)integrat

8、ed implementation ", bui ldi ng demol ition,modifi cation,use" com bination.Demolition isthemeans andpurpose built is. o a dhere tothe buildingdem olished,一一.一一 一 .一 - .- - -II II. II I. -II 一一-_ 1. . I. -II I. _ 一 _- I I _ 一 >T_LLI > _ L. - I- - _ L. - - - -L L .II . _ _ . I U一 一 _

9、一 .一 一 一 一 I_ _|. I.I ILJ- - 一 一 - - I 一一 一一一. 一.L - - .111I 一.一- . -IL 一 -I J _ 一一 一 一 II _ _监理规划的编写要求及主要内容A.1 监理规划的编写要求A.1.1 监理规划作为指导项目监理机构全面开展监理工作的纲领性文件,编写中既要全面又要有针对性,既要突出预控性又要具有可行性和操作性。 A.1.2监理规划的编写应由总监理工程师主持,监理工程师熟悉和掌握监理规划的内容和要求并参与编写。A.1.3监理规划的编写应紧密结合工程建设特点,根据项目的规模、内容、性质等具体情况编写,格式和条目可有所不同。随着工程建

10、设的进展,实际情况的变化或合同变更而不断修改、补充和完善。A.1.4监理规划应在监理大纲的基础上,结合施工单位编报的施工组织设计、施工进度计划等,对监理的组织机构、质量、进度、投资计划、监理的程序、监理的方法等做出具体、有针对性的陈述。A.1.5监理规划应对项目监理过程中所需各类表格及向建设单位提供的信息、各类文件作出规范和明确。A.2 监理规划的编制依据及主要内容A.2.1编制依据:1 上级主管单位下达的年度计划批复文件。2 与工程项目相关的法律、法规和部门规章。3 与工程项目有关的标准、规范、设计文件、技术资料。4 监理大纲、监理合同文件及与工程项目相关的合同文件。A.2.2 监理规划应包

11、括以下主要内容:1 工程项目概况:1) 项目的基本情况:项目的名称、性质、规模、项目区位置及总投资和年度计划投资。2) 自然条件及社经状况:项目区的地貌、气候、水文、土壤、植被、社会经济等与项目建设有密切关系的因子进行必要的描述。2 监理工作范围、内容。3 监理工作目标:项目的质量、进度、投资目标。4 监理机构组织:项目的组织形式、人员配备计划及人员岗位职责。nd improve idl e landofutili zation,reala chieve denvironment improved and productivitydevel opmentmut ual pr omotingt

12、otalwin.Five,firmlyimplement, promoting work ahead,t ocreate highlig hts.Third deployme nt, impleme ntation of seve n,the n it isimperativeto strengthen responsibility and improve the mechani smsand impleme ntation.Alllocalitiesand departme ntsmustbe convinced that goals,goi ng allout, mustering spi

13、rit,worktogetherto ensurethatt hisyear's objectivescarry outtasks,atthe forefront. First,we must strengthe nthe lea dershipt o impleme nt.Departments at all levelsshoul dalwaysw ork andrural "fivewatertreatment","three tosplit"in a nimportant position,and carry themainrespons

14、ibility,mainleader personall y, lea dersarrested andlayersof responsibilityranktransmission pressure established hierarchi cala ccounta bility,andworktoget her to promote theworkofthe mechani sm,a concerted effort pay attention to implementati on.County nongban,flood,three to onedown tof urther play

15、aleadi ng catch total, integrated and coor dinate droleof allkinds i s "long", "Sheriff" "Inspector" to effectivelyfulfilltheir responsibilitie s,formed theal ignmenton thefire lineand managementa livelysituati on.Se cond, we must stre ngthent hetestimpleme ntation ofth

16、e Governor. RoleplaytheGovernorgotthebaton,foragri culturaland ruralfocusand "fivewater treatment","threetosplit"work,refine improve assessmentmethods andevaluation system, accurate assessment.Combi ned with "dareplay, treebenchmark"stylebuildingfive majoroperations,car

17、ry on and gai n firsthand experi ence ofsupervision, inparticular, to stre ngthe n thefocus on the"long"signs"go left","names"suchas supervision, urged alllevel slongerondutyi npla ce.Throughthe supervisorya ssessment,to promote habits,stimulating pow er.Third,we must s

18、trengthen implementation style. Departments at all levelstow orkinrural areas and "five watertreatment","threeto split"astraining cadres formajorplatforms,compete against large examination room,inspectionca dres work performanceofthe ring, watercontroland theJapanesepulle d awork

19、out,traini ng,di scovery andselecti onofca dres.T hangood catch up,firsttoexcellence-orie nted.Party membersand cadresatalllevels must adhere to therural, water controland t heJapanesepulled agrass-r oots,"putdown t heshelf,leaned" pragmaticstyle,thespirit ofpla y,be comea benchmarkmodel.F

20、our,wemuststrengthe npr opagandaimpleme ntation. Comprehensiveutilizati onofmicr o-credit, micr o-bloggi ng, ne wmedia,mini ng,summarizing ,goodpubli cityworkin t hecountry side and"five water treatment","threetosplit"adva nce dmodels, pointtogat herpositive energyforthe communit

21、ytoseethe resultsof ourworkin time, increase public awarene ss, participation rates,satisfactionand support.Playgongqingf u,a mass organizati on a ndgrass -roots such as schools, communityTherole ofocusing onway sand means of improvi ng and upgrading w ork, furtherdevel requirement s,effectiveimplem

22、entation ofthearea ofresponsibilityofthe一一.一一 一 .一 - .- - -olitionwaste,demolishedwit hcombineopme nt of "threeto split".(A) fully grasp"nounauthorise d" created.Thet ownshi p "no unauthorised" createdthe existingnewi nspecti ons,suppre ssion, demolitionw orktoe nsure t

23、hatthe new"zer o tolera nce".Se cond, public security, water,el e -一._I III . III. -II 一 一-_ 1. . I. -II I. d efforts to improvethescientific level ofthree to split; second,w e mustpayattenti onto "three tosplit"and "fivehundred" albuilding "one househol d,onedocum

24、ent"survey ectricity,water,oceansand fisheries,tourismand "fivewatertreatment", "threeofthefoursiandfil estoragewcolla boration,marketdes",the shagew ork must beckDistrict transformation,and dangerousolcoverage. Main corri dorlea ding tot he town (road, river)village,the Cen

25、tral built -upareaofthe t own on bot h sides must beto create a"nounauthorised village".ye nforcet heillegal construction ofdi sposal ofrelevant pr ovisions oftheregulations,ef fectivefulfilment ofresponsibiliti es, particul arly inel ectricitya nd watersuppl- - -L. - - - -L L一 . 1 11- - -

26、 .- - - - I_ _|. |_ _droom transformationand"two roa dsides",serie swork organic combi ned up,a ctivedo River,and along demolitionwork,and manpower advancevillage iy,aAccording to "fivehundred village nd other unitsmay notbe new.I.I ILJ- - 一nthe,a nd old resi dentialdemolition ws"

27、;createda nd sha ntytowns,village s,ol d houses,re constructionillegal buil dings t osupply waterandele ctricity supply.While moreregL - - I 一一 一一一. 一.L - - .111.ork,toimpr ovedmasses housing conditionsand liveenvir onme nt; threetofold pla nt,expa ndcreate, upgradi ngcreate sfiles,the real"ula

28、tionto preve ntpersonal privacyvi olations.Illicittradi.I 一.一. . IL oput "threemodified asplit" as traditionao unauthorise dvillage"create d into t hebenefitofthe people ofvery good thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanagecount as unang in illegalconstr uction inthe Ministry of public securityse

29、 ctorto strictlyfromtheblow. Threei s to createadditionaloffenc一 一. 一. . .一_ 一一 一 一 II _ uctur etr ansformation upgradeof importantinitiativestouthori sed controls. Promoti ffencereporting systemeffectiveoptimization parkei ng the "new" controlwofince ntives.nvironme ntorktomovet hecenter

30、ofgravity,management measurestothefront,a nd earnestly pipes effectively.Astri ctnew unauthorise dnetw orkresponsi bility.Sector s such aAccording t obuildi ng lawa nd covers anarea ofnature , to reporttimelydegre edivi ded r eport grade , effective aftertheremovalof certain incentives.(C)integrated

31、 implemea s land, housing a nd basicstations(stations)and theow nship ofntation ", bui ldi ng demol ition,modifi cation,use" com binatioust be strictly i naccordance withthenewregulat oryose built is. o a dhere tothe buildi ng dem olished,5 监理工作程序、方法、措施、制度及监理设施、设备等。措施、制度及监理设施、设备等。6 其他根据合同项

32、目需要应包括的内容。ie nted.bilities,formed theal ignmentParty membersand ca dnta livelysituati ater controlaon.Se cond, we must stre ngthent hetestimpleme ntation ofthe Governor. RoleplaytheGovernorgotthend t heJapanesepulle d agrass-r oots,"putdown t heshelf,leaned" pragmaticstyle,thespirit ofplab

33、aton,foragri culturaland ruralfocusa y,be comea benchmarkmodel.Four,wend "fivewater trmuststrengthea mnepnr,phargeaentdoasipmlitp"lewmoerkine inmtaptrioovn.eCaomensivend impr ove idl e landofutilization,realachieve denvironment improved and productivitydevelopmentmut ual pr omotingt otalwi

34、n.ng work a head,tocreate highlig hts.T hird deployme nt, impleme ntation of seve n,the n it isimperativeto strengthen responsibility and improve the m echani smsand implementation.Alllocalitiesand departme ntsmust be convi nced that goal s,goi ng allout, mustering spirit,worktogetherto ensurethatth

35、isyear's objectives carry outtasks,atthe forefront. First,we must stre ngthe nthe lea dershipt o implement.Departme nts at all levelsshoul dalwayswork andrural "five watertreatment","threetosplit"in animportant position,and carry themai nresponsibility,mainleader personall y,

36、 lea dersarrested andlayersof responsibilityranktransmissin pressure established hierarchi cala ccounta bility,andworktogetherto promote theworkofthe mechanism,a concerted effort pay attention toplementati on.County nong ban,flood,three toonedown tourther playa leadi ngcatchtotal, integrated and coo

37、rdinate drole of allkinds i s "long", "Sheriff" "Inspector" to effectivelyfulfilltheir responsiselecti onofca dres.T hangood catch up,firsttoexcellence-orie nssessmentmethods andevaluation system, accurate assessment. Combi ned w ith "dareplay, tree benchmark"

38、stylebuildingfive majoroperations,carry on a nd gai n firsthand experi ence ofsupervisiutilizati on ofmicr o-credit, micr o-bloggi ng, ne wmedia,mini ng,summarizing ,goodpubli cityworkin t hecountry side a nd"five water treatment","threetosplit"adva nce dmodels, pointtogat herpos

39、ition the"long"s supervisi on, urged alllevel slongerondutyi npla ce.Throughthe supervisorya ssessment,to promote habits,stimulating pow er.Third,we must strengthen implc awarene ss, participati on rates, satisfactionand support.Playgongqingfu,a mass organizati on a ndgrass -roots such a s

40、 schools, communityTher ole ofpartments at all levelstow orkinrural areas and "five watertreatment","threeto split"astrainion room,inspectionca dres work performanceofthe ring, watercontroland t heJapanese pulle d awork out,traini ng,discoveryandhousing a nd basic stations(statio

41、ns)a ndthe T ownship ofgridaccounta bility mechanism smust bestrictlyin ntation ",buil ding demoliti on,modificati on, use" combinati on.Demoliti on i s themea nsa nd purposeaccorda ncewith thenewbulitis.Toa dheretns ofimprovinga nd upgrading work,f urtherdevelopmentof"threetosplit&qu

42、ot;.(A)fully grasp"nounauthorise d"created.T hetownship "no unauthorised"create d theexisti ng buildi ng "one househol d,one document" surveyand filestorageworkmustbe unconditi onala ndfullcov erage.Mai ncorri dor le adingt othe town (road, river)village,theCentralbuilt

43、 -up are aofthe tow n onbothsi des mustbeto create a"no unauthorised village".According to"fivehundred villages" createdan dshanty tow ns,v illages, old houses, re construction ofol dpla nt,expa nd create,upgrading createsfiles,t hereal "no unauthorisedvillage"create di

44、ntot hebe nefitofthe people ofvery good thi ng.(B) tostri ctly manage countas unauthori sed controls. Promoti ngthe "ne w" controlworkt omovethe center ofgravity,managementmeasures t o thefront,a nd earnestly pipes effectivele implementationofthe areaof responsibility ofthe new i nspecti o

45、ns,suppre ssion,demolitionw ork to ensure t hatthe new"zero tol erance".Second,publi cse curity,water,el ectri city,wate r,oceans andfisherie s,tourism collaboration,marketsupervision depart ments shoul dstrictlye nforce t he illegal constructionofdi sposalofreleva nt provi sions of thereg

46、 ulations,effectivefulfilmentofresponsibilities,particularly in electricitya ndwater suppl y,andot her units maynot bene willegal buil dings tosupply water andelectricitysupply. Whil e moreregul ationto preventpersonal priva cyviolati ons.Illi cittrading i nillegal constructi on in the Ministry ofpu

47、blic security se ctorto stri ctlyfromthebl ow.Thre e is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives.Accordingto buildingla w andcovers an are a ofnatur e,toreporttimely degree divide d rbinati onof constructi on a nd demolition waste, demoli shed withcombi ned efforts toimpr ove thes

48、cie ntificlevelofthree tosplit; second, we must payattention to"threetosplit"and "fivehundred" and "five watertreatment","three of thefoursides", t he shackDi strictt ransformation,a nd danger ousold r oomtransformation and "two road side s", series

49、w ork orga niccombi ned up,a ctive doRive r, andalongdemoliti on w ork, andmanpowera dvancevillage i nthe,a nd old resi dential demoliti onw ork, to improve dmasse s housi ngconditions andliveenvironment ; threetoput "threemodified aspl it" astraditionall ow,and small, andbulkindustrystruc

50、ture tra nsformationupgra deof importa nt initiativesto caug ht,speed up adva nceindustry Park,effectiveoptimization park environme nt附录 B 监理实施细则编写要求及主要内容8.1 实施细则的编写要求8.1.1 监理实施细则应在单项工程施工前,由项目和专业监理工程师编制完成,相关监理工程师参与,并经总监理工程师批准实施。8.1.2 监理实施细则应在监理规划的基础上,按照合同约定及工程具体要求,紧密结合工程的施工工艺、方法和专业特点,在监理的方法、内容、检测上具有

51、较强的针对性,体现专业特点。8.1.3 监理实施细则应充分体现监理规划所提出的控制目标,明确工程质量、进度、投资控制的具体措施。在方法和途径上具体可行,便于操作。8.1.4 监理实施细则可根据工程具体情况,分阶段或按单个工程进行编写。也可根据工程的实施情况,不断进行补充、修改、完善。其内容、格式可随工程不同而不同8.1.5 监理实施细则的条文中,应具体明确引用的规程、规范、标准及设计文件的名称、文号;文中采用的报表、报告,应写明采用的格式。8.2 水土保持工程施工监理实施细则编写主要内容8.2.1 总则1 编制依据。施工合同文件、设计文件与图纸、监理规划施工组织设计及有关的技术资料。2 适用范

52、围。监理实施细则适用的项目和专业。3 负责本项目监理工作的人员及职责分工。4 适用工程范围内的全部技术标准、规程、规范的名称。5 项目法人为该工程开工和正常进展提供的必要条件。8.2.2 单位工程、分部工程开工审批的程序和申请内容。8.2.3 质量控制的内容、措施和方法1 质量控制的标准与方法。明确工程质量标准、检验内容及控制措施。2 材料、构配件、工程设备质量控制。明确材料、构配件、工程设备报验收、签认程序,检验内容与标准。3 施工质量控制。明确质量控制重点、方法和程序。8.2.4 进度控制的措施、内容和方法ocusing on waysand means ofimprovinga nd u

53、pgrading work,furtherdevelopmentof"threetosplit".(A)fully grasp"nounauthorise d"created.T hetownship "no unauthorised"create d theexisting buildi ng "onehousehol d,one document" surveyand filestorageworkmustbe unconditi onala ndfullcov erage.Mai ncorri dor le

54、adingt othe town (road, river)village,the Centralbuilt-up are aofthe town onbothsides mustbetocreate a"no unauthorised village".According to"fivehundred villages" createdand shantytowns,v illages, old houses, re construction ofoldpla nt,expa nd create,upgrading createsfiles,t her

55、eal "no unauthorisedvillage"create dintot hebe nefitofthe people ofvery good thi ng.(B) tostrictly manage countas unauthori sed controls. Promoti ngthe "new" controlworkt omovethe center ofgravity,managementmeasures t o thefront,a nd earnestlypipes effectively.Astrict newunaut ho

56、rise d network responsi bility.Sectors such a s land, housing and basic stations(stations)andtheTownship ofgridaccounta bility mechanism smust bestrictlyin accorda ncewith thenewregulatoryrequirements,effective implementationofthe areaof responsibility ofthenew i nspecti ons,suppression,demolitionwo

57、rk to ensure thatthe new"zero tolerance".Second,publi cse curity,water,el ectri city,wate r,oceans andfisheries,tourism collaboration,marketsupervision depart ments shoul dstrictlye nforce t he illegal constructionofdi sposalofreleva nt provi sions of thereg ulations,ef fective fulfilmento

58、fresponsibilities,particularly in electricitya ndwater suppl y,andot her units maynot bene willegal buildings tosupply water andelectricitysupply. Whil e moreregul ationto preventpersonal priva cyviolati ons.Illi cittrading i n illegal constructi on inthe Ministry ofpublic security se ctorto stri ct

59、lyfromtheblow.Thre e is tocreate additional offence reporting system of incentives.Accordingto buildingla w andcovers an area ofnatur e,toreporttimely degree divided rep ortgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertai n incentives.(C)integrated implementation ",buil ding demoliti on,modificat on, use" combinati on.Demoliti on is themea nsa nd purposebui ltis.Toadheret othebuilding demolished,combinati onof constructi on a nd demolition


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