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1、2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)16一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1 .The maple trees turn a brilliant red in autumn, adding another to the colors in the harvest season.A. disciplineB. distributionC. districtD. dimension【答案】D【解析】 discipline 纪律, 自律; distribution 配, 分布; district 区, 地区, 区域; dimension

2、 维度, 风采。 dimension 此处理解为“色彩;风采”。句意:枫叶在秋天变成了鲜红的红色,为丰收的季节增添了另一抹色彩。2 .He wasn t begging for a handout but surely appreciated the help in a situation.A. deliberateB. desperateC. definiteD. delicious【答案】B【解析】deliberate故意的;desperate绝望的;definite明确的,肯定的;delicious美味的,可口的。句意:他不是在乞求施舍,但是由衷地感谢在绝望之际的这份帮助。3 .Howe

3、ver, I soon that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of camps among tons ofrubbish.A. discoverB. debateC. decideD. advocate【答案】A【解析】discover发现;debate争论;decide决定;advocate提倡。句意:然而,我很快发现,自从那些令人不安的关于营地周围有成吨的垃圾的报道出现以来,情况发生了很大的变化。4 .We d better discuss everything before we work out the p

4、lan.A. in delightB. in debtC. in demandD. in detail【答案】D【解析】in delight 兴高采烈地;in debt 负债; in demand 有需要;in detail 详细地。句意:我们最好在制定计划之前,详细讨论一下一切。5 .We don t know to do with such a difficult problem. Could you tell us we deal with it?A. how, howB. what, whatC. how, whatD. what, how【答案】D【解析】 how to deal w

5、ith=what to do with 如何 /怎么处理。句意: 我们不知道如何处理这样一个困难的问题。你能告诉我们怎么处理吗?6 .The dictionary is : many words have been added to the language since it was published.A. out of controlB. out of dateC. up to dateD. out of reach【答案】B【解析】out of control失去控制;out of date过时的;up to date最新式的,现代化的;out of reach够不着的。句意:这本字典过

6、时啦:自从它出版以来,这门语言已经添加了许多单词。7.1 t is impossible for him to change his mind once he has doing something.A. depended onB. debated onC. counted onD. decided on【答案】D【解析】depend on依靠,取决于;debate on就某事辩论;count on依靠;decide on决定,选定。句意:一 旦决定做某事,他是不可能改变主意的。8.Six months after suffering our on the spring practice fi

7、eld, we won our first game and our second, andcontinued to improve. A. defeatB. declineC. deadlineD. desire【答案】A【解析】defeat打败;decline下降,婉拒,拒绝;deadline最后期限;desire意欲,愿望,要求。句意:在 春季训练赛场遭受失败的六个月之后,我们赢了第一场以及第二场,继续提升。9.These carpets are with beautiful traditional patterns and can fetch a high price on the i

8、nternationalmarket.A. dealtB. furnishedC. equippedD. decorated【答案】D【解析】dealt 处理合适;furnished 供应; equipped 装备; decorated 装饰, 此处指地毯被图案装饰,故选 D。句意:这些地毯装饰着美丽的传统图案,在国际市场上可以卖到很高的价格。10.1 t is recently reported that quite a number of applications from Appleare not saoffeficial APP. Stto use. A. distributedB.

9、downloadedC. draftedD. drilled【答案】B【解析】download“ 下载”,符合语境。句意:根据最近的报道,从苹果官方应用程序里下载的许多软件并不安全。11 .As the final examinations students begin to busy themselves with reviewing.A. draw inB. drop outC. draw nearD. drop in【答案】C【解析】draw in 引诱,吸引;drop out 退出,辍学;draw near 接近; drop in 偶然(或顺便)走访。句意:随着期末考试的临近,学生们开

10、始忙于复习。12 .Different peoples at different festivals in different ways because of their cultural or religious .A. dress upB. dress inC. dress downD. get dressed【答案】A【解析】dress up 盛装打“扮 ”,符合语境。句意:因为他们的文化或宗教信仰,不同的人在不同的节日用不同的方式来盛装打扮。13 .The CCTV program an Avenue of Stars gives ordinary people a platform

11、to their talents.A. displayB. delayC. determineD. discover【答案】A【解析】展示才能,应用动词display。 delay 耽搁,拖延,推迟,延期play 玩,演奏,演出,参加比赛;determine 决定,决心,确定;discover 发现。句意:中央电视台的星光大道栏目给普通百姓提供了一个展示才能的平台。14 . Cathy, in my opinion, is very . Absolutely! She prefers home life to going out.A. domesticB. energeticC. dynami

12、cD. enthusiastic【答案】A【解析】domestic 喜爱家庭生活的;energetic 精力充沛的;dynamic 有活力的;enthusiastic 热情的。句意:“在我看来,凯西很喜爱家庭生活。”“ 确实!她宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。”15 .This kind of plants are . Some day they will forever.A. dying off, die outB. dying away, die offC. dying down, die outD. dying out, die away【答案】A【解析】die off相继死去;die out灭

13、绝,消失;die away(声音、风、光)慢慢变弱;die down逐渐变弱,逐渐平息。句意:这种植物正在相继死去,终有一天它们将会永远灭绝。16 . How shall I take the medicine? You can follow the on the bottle.A. dialoguesB. debatesC. discussionsD. directions【答案】D【解析】dialogue对话;debate辩论,争论;discussion讨论;direction说明。句意:这药怎么服用?"你可以按照瓶子上的说明去服用。”17 .Those thoughts are

14、 crazy and not worth thinking about so you might as well them from your mind.A. discoverB. disappearC. distinguishD. dismiss【答案】D【解析】dismiss sth. from one ' s mnd考虑,置之不理。句意:那些想法是疯狂的,不值得考虑,所以你还是置之不理为好。18 .The young parents are making too much a pet of their son, which is bound to him in the end.A

15、. desertB. destroyC. defeatD. defend【答案】B【解析】destroy 破坏,毁坏。句意:这对年轻的父母太宠爱他们的儿子,这一定会最后毁了他的。19 .The knowledge and skills the trainees have learned can help them make a clear between what is rightand wrong.A. distanceB. distinctionC. donationD. defense【答案】B【解析】distance距离;distinction区别,差别;donation捐款;defe

16、nse防卫,防护。句意:受训者所学到的知识和技能可以帮助他们区分对错。20.In a competitive marketplace, finding the key factor that your business from others is highly valuable.A. defendsBB. distinguishesC. differsD. discorages【解析】 defends保卫;distinguishes 区另1J; differs 与不同; discourages 阻止。distinguish from 使不同于。句意:在竞争激烈的市场中,找到你的企业与其他企业

17、区别的关键因素是非常有价值 的。21.At first, the car was ahead but halfway because there was something wrong with it.A. dropped offB. dropped back C. dropped down D. dropped in【答案】B【解析】dropped off 减少; dropped back 落在后面;dropped down 落下; dropped in 探望,串门。句意:开始时这辆车在前面,但是半路上由于出故障落在了后面。22.1 n a courtroom it is sometimes

18、 difficult to who is innocent and who is guilty.A. distributeB. developC. designD. distinguish【答案】D【解析】distribute 分配,分布;develop 发展; design 设计; distinguish 区别,区分。句意:在法庭上有时很难辨别谁是无辜的,谁是有罪的。23.According to school bus safety rules, when a school bus stops on the road to or pick up students, othervehicles

19、 behind it must stop to wait.A. drop offB. drop outC. drop inD. drop back【答案】A【解析】drop off 让人下车“ ”,符合语境。句意:根据最新的交通规则,当校车在路边停靠让学生下车或者接学生的时候,其它的机动车辆必须停止并且等待。24.Some top American universities are accused of Asian-American applicants using race as a factor.A. deletingB. demandingC. denyingD. decusing【答案

20、】C【解析】deleting 删除; demanding 需求,要求;denying 拒绝(给予、承认或接受); deducing 演绎,推论,推断。句意:一些顶尖的美国学府被指控将种族作为一个因素拒绝亚裔美国人的申请。25.1 my luggage in a locker at the station, saving the trouble of dragging it around when shopping.A. discountedB. depositedC. distributedD. delivered【答案】B【解析】discount 打折扣;deposit 存款、寄存;dist

21、ribute 分配; deliver 运送。句意:我把行李箱寄存在车站的柜子里,免去了带着它购物的麻烦。26.Don t be angry any more. I m sure he ignored you by accident and not .A. by chance, by accidentB. by design, by accidentC. by accident, by designD. by chance, by design【答案】Cby chance 和 by accident 都表示 “偶然 ”; by design 故意。句意:别再生气了。我敢肯定,他忽视你 是偶然的,

22、而不是故意的。27 .Nowadays the roles of husband and wife are not as clearly as before, especially when both partnerswork and earn money for the family.A. decoratedB. deducedC. definedD. defended【答案】C【解析】define给下定义,解释;'符合语境。句意:现在丈夫和妻子的作用不象以前定义的那么明确,尤其是双方都工作为家庭挣钱的时候。28 .You are subject to punishment if y

23、ou fail to to the customs when carrying the prohibited articles listedabove.A. declineB. declareC. announceD. deliver【答案】B【解析】decline下降,婉拒,拒绝;declare宣布,申报;announce宣布,宣告;deliver投递,递送,传送。句意:如果你携带上述违禁物品未向海关申报的,将受到处罚。29 . Our boss says the company is at the crossroads. Yes, it is both challenging and ,

24、but we shouldn t lose confidence.A. disturbingB. delightingC. demandingD. disgusting【答案】C【解析】disturbing 令人不安的;delighting 令人高兴的;demanding 要求高的;disgusting 令人厌恶的,令人作呕的。句意: “我们老板说公司正处在十字路口。”“ 是的, 这不但具有挑战性,而且要求也高,但我们不应该失去信心。”30.The scene was horrible, because in a short time, thousands of soldiers aboard

25、 fell into the sea, .A. deathB. diedC. dyingD. dead【答案】D【解析】dead 作伴随状语。句意:这样的场景真是可怕。因为在很短的时间里,船上成千上万的士兵掉进了海里,死了。二、完形填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)Jayce began noticing when he was in kindergarten that he looked different from his classmates. They had two arms. He had one.It started when one boy _1_ h

26、im, said his mother, Lewis. He d return to his home with questions:am I _2_? Why me? His mother recalled he was actually mad at God for making him that way and that it was a heavy _3_ to his heart.Lewis _4_ she didn t know what to do at that point. A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news

27、 story about an eighth grader, Trashaun, becoming an Internet hit after _5_ videos of his slam dunks ( 灌篮 ),and, like Jayce, he _6_ most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. To her surprise, Jayce was immediately_7_. At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun was _8_ an inspiring moment for Ja

28、yce he saw arole model with a similar _9_. If it had stayed just that, Lewis would have been happy enough. But little didshe know that a family friend had already _10_ to the newspaper to help set up a _11_ with Trashaun to build Jayce s confidence.The boys met and instantly _12_ with each other as

29、both of them were in the same condition. They rodebikes, took photos, and shot basketball on the court. Instead of spending the whole day feeling _13_ forthemselves, they had a lot of fun. However, Trashaun did get _14_ with Jayce sometimes. They talked abouthis left arm. He told Jayce he was perfec

30、t the way God made him. He also told him not to let anyone _15_ himand not to let those words shake his _16_.Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a noticeable _17_ in her son. As for Trashaun, his relationship withJayce made him _18_ to help more kids. “ Hon_e_s_tl1y,9i_t_ a lot to know that I changed

31、 Jayce s life,Trashaun says. Still, he never dreamed that his _20_ would have such an impact. “ I just thought my friends would see them, and be li ke, Oh, he dunked it! ”He certainly did.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。Jayce Crowder 左臂残缺,受到同学嘲笑,母亲不知如何向他解释。同样左臂残缺的Trashaun Willis 在网络上上传了自己扣篮的视频,很快变得受欢迎。Jayce Crowder和

32、他的母亲看到他的视频,信心大增。Trashaun Willis 和 Jayce Crowder 见面后很快成为朋友, Jayce Crowder 意识到世界上还有和他一样的人,对自己的未来充满信心。1. A. supportedB. teasedC. cheatedD. pleased【答案】B【解析】句意:他母亲说到,事情开始于一个男孩嘲笑他。A. supported支持;B. teased嘲笑;C. cheated欺骗; D. pleased 使高兴。根据后文可知,小男孩因为别人嘲笑而恼怒,故选B。2. A. lonelyB. sillyC. differentD. ordinary【答案

33、】C【解析】 句意: 他回到家问到,为什么我跟其他人不一样,为什么是我?A. lonely 孤独的;B. silly 愚蠢的;C. different 不同的;D. ordinary 普通的。根据前文可知,小男孩只有一只胳膊,跟别人不一样,故选C。3. A. dutyB. breathC. debtD. blow【解析】句意:他母亲回忆,这对他来说一个巨大的打击。A. duty责任;B. breath呼吸;C. debt债务;D. blow 打击。根据后文可知,他母亲找别人求助,故可知对孩子影响很大,故选D。4. A. debatedB. promisedC. suspectedD. admi

34、tted【答案】D【解析】句意:Lewis承认那个时候不知道该做什么。A.debated争论;B.promised承诺;C.suspected怀疑; D. admitted 承认。通过后文知道,Lewis 通过电视节目找到了解决办法,故选D。5. A. downloadingB. postingC. buyingD. watching【答案】B【解析】句意:Lewis 看到一个电视新闻,在播放了其灌篮视频之后,这个八年级的孩子成为一个网络红人,像Jayce一样,这个孩子几乎没有左臂。A. downloading下载;B. posting张贴;C. buying买;D. watching 观看。

35、根据文章可知,灌篮视频放出来之后,引起轰动,故选B。6. A. lostB. hurtC. usedD. recovered【答案】A【解析】句意:Lewis 看到一个电视新闻,在播放了其灌篮视频之后,这个八年级的孩子成为一个网络红人,像Jayce 一样,这个孩子几乎没有左臂。A.lost失去;B.hurt受伤;C.used使用;D.recovered恢复。根据本句like Jayce 可知,这个男孩只有一只胳膊,故选A.7. A. satisfiedB. confusedC. boredD. attracted【答案】D【解析】句意:让她感到惊讶的是,Jayce立刻被吸引住了。A.satis

36、fied满意的;B.confused困惑的;C. bored枯燥的;D.attracted吸引的。根据后文可知,Jayce对这个男孩感兴趣,故选 D。8. A. hardlyB. simplyC. stillD. never【答案】B【解析】句意:此时,观看Trashaun的视频似乎对Jayce是一个鼓励他的时刻。A. hardly几乎不;B. simply仅仅;C. still仍然;D.never绝不。本句讲述视频对Jayce的影响,故选B。9. A. responseB. familyC. problemD. education【答案】C【解析】句意:他看到了一个有着相似问题的榜样。A.

37、response 回应; B. family 家庭; C. problem 问题;D. education教育。根据前文可知,网络红人与 Jayce有着相同的问题,故选C。10. A. reached outB. looked outC. got outD. turned out【解析】句意:但是他母亲却不知道一个家族的朋友联系了新闻报刊帮助与Trashaun 见面来帮助Jayce提升信心。A. reached out 寻找;B. looked out 当心;C. got out 从出来;D. turned out 结果是。根据后文可知,通过报刊联系上了这个网络红人,故选A.11. A. ga

38、meB. fightingC. trapD. meeting【答案】D【解析】句意:但是他母亲却不知道一个家族的朋友联系了新闻报刊帮助与Trashaun 见面来帮助Jayce提升信心。A. game 游戏; B. fighting 斗争; C. trap 陷阱; D. meeting 见面。根据后文可知,通过报刊联系上了这个网络红人,故选D。12. A. bondedB. competedC. dealtD. raced【答案】A【解析】句意:两个男孩相遇后,由于情况相同,他们很快就建立了联系。A. bonded 联系; B. competed竞争; C. dealt 处理,对付;D. rac

39、ed 比赛。根据本句后文可知,由于处境相同,因而很快成为好朋友,故选A。13. A. happyB. gratefulC. sorryD. fearful【答案】C【解析】句意:没有整天为他们自己感到遗憾,他们在一起很开心。A. happy 愉快的;B. grateful 感激的;C. sorry 抱歉的;D. fearful 害怕的。根据文章可知,两人在一起很开心,没有为他们自己感到遗憾,故选C。14. A. angryB. seriousC. toughD. dynamic【答案】B【解析】句意:但是,有时候Trashaun 对 Jayce 很严肃。A. angry 生气的;B. seri

40、ous 严肃的;C. tough困难的;D. dynamic 精力旺盛的,有活力的。根据本句however 可知,尽管在一起很开心,但是有时候很严肃,故选B。15. A. approachB. comfortC. discourageD. leave【答案】C【解析】 句意: 他告诉 Jayce 不要让任何人使自己灰心丧气,不要让任何话语动摇自己的信心。A. approach靠近;B. comfort安慰;C. discourage使灰心丧气;D. leave离开。本句为鼓励 Jayce的话语,故选 C。16. A. confidenceB. patienceC. sadnessD. hone

41、sty【答案】A【解析】句意:他告诉Jayce不要让任何人使自己灰心丧气,不要让任何话语动才§自己的信心。A. confidence信心s B. patience耐心;C. sadness 悲伤;D. honesty诚实。根据前文可知,Jayce没有信心,故选 A。17. A. advantageB. scarC. drawbackD. change【答案】D【解析】句意:从那次见面之后,Lewis看到了儿子显著的变化。A. advantage优势;B. scar伤疤;C. drawback 缺点;D. change改变。根据后文可知,Jayce变化很大,故选 D。18. A. ex

42、pectB. agreeC. hesitateD. decline【答案】A【解析】句意:对于Trashaun来说,与Jayce的关系让他期待能够帮助更多的孩子。A. expect期望;B. agree同意; C. hesitate 犹豫; D. decline 婉拒。根据后文可知,这件事情对Trashaun 也有很大的意义,故选 A。19. A. caresB. meansC. savesD. takes【答案】B【解析】句意:老实说,我改变了Jayce 的生活,这对我来说意义非凡。A. cares 关心; B. means 意味着;C. saves拯救;D. takes拿。根据文章可知,这

43、件事情对Trashaun也有很大的意义,故选 B。20. A. attitudesB. wordsC. videosD. disabilities【答案】C【解析】句意:他从未想过他的视频有这么大的影响。A. attitudes 态度; B. words 话语; C. videos 视频;D. disabilities残疾。根据文章可知,Trashaun的视频改变了 Jayce,故选C。三、任务型阅读(请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词)We all need to feel understood, recognized and affirmed by

44、our friends, family and romantic partners. We all need to find our tribe.Research has shown that among the benefits that come with being in a relationship or group, feeling accepted is regarded as the most important driver of meaning. When other people think you matter and treat you as if you matter

45、, you believe you matter, too.Though we all share a need to belong, in the first decades of the 20th century, many influential psychologists and physicians did not acknowledge this fundamental aspect of human nature. The idea that children needed parental love and care to live a full and meaningful

46、life was not only considered medically dangerous, but also dismissed as immoral and disgusting.As behavioral psychology came into fashion and academic psychologists turned their attention to child- raising, this view shifted and they began to examine and affirm the vital importance of attachment in

47、early life. They discovered that people, whatever their age, needed more than food and shelter to live full and healthy lives.But, sadly, many of us lack close ties. At a time when we are more connected digitally than ever before, rates of social isolation are rising. The results of an Age UK poll p

48、ublished recently suggest that half a million people over the age of 60 usually spend each day alone, and it' s not unusual for another half a million people to go wsomeone to speak to for five or six days. All these figures reveal more than a rise in loneliness they reveal a lack of meaning in

49、people ' s lives. In surveys, we list our close relationships as our most important sources of meaning.Research shows that people who are lonely and isolated feel their lives are less meaningful.While close relationships are critical for living a meaningful life, they are not the only important

50、social bonds we need to cultivate. Psychologists have also discovered the value of small moments of inti macy. " Highuality connections ” , as one researcher calls them, are positive, steom interactions between two people when a couple holds hands on a walk or when two strangers have an empathe

51、tic(移情作用的 )conversation on a plane.High-quality connections have the potential to unlock meaning in our interactions with acquaintances, colleagues and strangers. We can ' t control whether someone will make achjghty connection with us, but we can all choose to start one. We can say hello to a s

52、tranger on the street rather than look away. We can choose to value people rather than devalue them. We can invite people to belong.Passage outlineSupporting detailsThe need to belong Everyone hopes to develop a of belonging in a group. People ' s selespect is (2) by other people ' s opinion

53、.The changing (3) to belonging Many famous experts in the first decades of the 20th century(4) that people had the need to belong. Experts later came to realize that people, (5) of their age,needed attachment to enjoy full and healthy lives.Consequences of (6) close ties Many people are cut off from

54、 the world and feel (7) . People who do not have enough close relationships find their livesare less (8).Another way to meet the need High-quality connections make a (9) in helpingsatisfy our need to belong. We should (10) to make a high-quality connection.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。文章论述了人们在不同时期不同阶段对归属感的变化和具体原因

55、及表现, 告诉我们怎样追求高质量关系的措施。1 .【答案】sense/feeling【解析】信息转换题。文章第一段和第二段中的“feeling accepted可以转换得来。故答案为sense/feeling。2 .【答案】influenced/affected/shaped/determined/decided【解析】 信息转换题。文章第二段中"When other people think you matter and treat you as if you matter, youbelieve you matter, too.,他人对你的评价对你自我认识的重要性。以此将matt

56、er的关键词进行转换。故答案为 influenced/affected/shaped/determined/decided。3 .【答案】attitudes【解析】信息归纳题。根据关键词20th century锁定答案为第三段,根据第三段和第四段的内容描述,确定这两段讲述了人们的对归属感态度的变化。故答案为attitudes。4 .【答案】denied【解析】信息转换题。文章第三段中的“did not acknowledge转换为“deny;注意词形变化。故答案为denied。5 .【答案】regardless【解析】 信息转换题。根据第四段中“They discovered that people, whatever their age, needed more than foodand shelter to live full and healthy lives.可知,专家后来意识到,无论人们的年龄大小,都需要依 恋来享受充实健康的生活。regardless of尽管”,故答案为regardless。6 .【答案


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