




1、A-or dig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCiea. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue,duetohmseleveimitd,onyputli s sage cncentatd earnigif -ee to., ad eveyne cmmon wihleaningcan.e pupose s le wefuthe de e und esa - g mass l ne of cnnotatin, issedpaly
2、 of mass lne - mass - wirk folowig main from four a asectstold:a, a nd f ul aware ness paly of mass lne eucain practCeacv of mjr mea . Partys 18 mjrd_tncproposed to focus ontepatysa acid naue ad puiy, i n the party w."ragm.c a. n for the pe opie" - the mat partysmass lne a. e "a pracc
3、.Thsscmradexi,”“ a s party Ge nea S - e- a i d a.hee to strcy ai niseig t he party, segte the i.rtysmjrcsin s in ie - h Ie pul c epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earningoreted- vie i nnovain of Maxs parys majordepl oomet is t he mporat mesue to.nne he gea clu of scalimwi hCinnse carcesi cs
4、First cay out t he pa" m-s lie i n.uat on pa cie was cay ng of the pary sit lummona po .u fce fr ealZngtheggratreu.n,iCineenaton t he Cie se de_ of uge nt nee ds Pays 18 t pr omote,a、c delomet to building sc ai_ wth Cine charcei stcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 China s gros domest c
5、 product ad per ca i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n on te bas s of ddubl e cm pee te III dig of a off .,。; t he middle of ts cet uy into a prseous doocatc, cv iZId a nd amoni oos So. moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig t he ggrat . naton of the Cine nai on. 8 Cnggrss of te fat y,
6、Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotai Ciese de_, s t henatona prseiy, natona iaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Ciaimporant tfl ow s to kle pCina Roa d, cay frwa d te sii and ches I nste nggh of Cia , de-drams of tepeopleof Ci na, bu emi ned confdene e I hance sel
7、aae Iss a ci ee sefrela nne to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina , Ci na, Cia.Staegccncepton of Cina s te spii of te e nricmet a nd develpmet of theparycnnsie niusy st udy te Cine d>m , eoi ng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci I >se dram, mas e ducain a ciiis i n det t he unddmeta
8、 ringpoit ad endigpointStegghe I the e ducain of te pays mas ie, he ps to tai t he clecie cnsc ouse ss of the uniy of te pary ad tepepe, pllaingteCiedramidel ogialise s Cmrae " o Zmong strssd ta par shoudhhae "cmmonlaguig soiais cutis musIave、niyof wl". Hisoryha人教版六年级数学下册比例的意义和基本性质说课稿
9、说课单位:沽源县小厂镇寄宿制学校说课人:韩慧敏比例的意义和基本性质说课稿尊敬的评委,老师们:大家好!我是来自沽源县小厂镇寄宿制学校的教师韩慧敏,非常感谢能为我 们提供这样一个难得的学习和交流的机会,望各位评委老师们多多指教,以期我 今后的进步。我今天的说课内容是:人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书六年级 数学下册第三单元第一课时比例的意义和基本性质。下面我将从教材、教法 学法、教学程序,板书设计、教学评价五个方面来对本节课的设计进行说明。一、说教材1、教材的地位与作用这部分内容是在学生学过比的知识的基础上进行教学的,是先由国旗长与宽的比认识比例的意义,再认识比例的基本性质,最后根据比例的基本性质
10、教学解 比例。它起着承前启后的作用。是进行正、反比例教学的关键,是利用比例知识 解决实际问题的先决条件。2、教学目标的确定通过以上分析,我以新课程标准为依据,结合六年级学生的实际水平, 确立以下教学目标。知识与能力:理解比例的意义和基本性质,会根据比例的意义和基本性质判断两个比能否组成比例。过程与方法:(1)通过与已学知识的联系运用,学生的已有知识得以延伸。(2)通过教学引导,培养学生发现规律、运用规律的能力。情感、态度与价值观:(1)在教学中采用引导学生的教学方式, 培养学生探究式的学习态度。(2)通过分组竞技的方式,增强学生集体荣誉感。3、教学重点和难点根据教学目标我将本课的重难点定为:A
11、-or dig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCiea. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue,duetohmseleveimitd,onyputlissagecncentatdearnigif - ee "ay a. eveyne cmmon wihleaningcan.e pupose s le wefuthedeeustadng mass l ne of cnnotatin, issedpaly of mas
12、s lne dmase workfolowigmain fomfu a asectstold:a,andfulawarenesspalyofmasslneeucainpractCeacvtesofmjrmeaiigPartys18mjrd_tncproposedtofcus onte pays a acid naue ad puiy, i n the party w."ragm.ca.nforthepeopie"-themat partysmasslnea.e"apracc.Thsscmradexi,”“ a s party Ge nea Seceay a i d
13、 a.hee to strcy ai niseig the party, segte the i.rtysmjrcsinsinie-hiepulcepecatonsa.steggheingIeconStuUbnol earningoreted- vie i nnovain of Maxs parys majordeploometisthemporatmesueto.nne he gea clule of sciH-wihCinnsecarcesicsFirstcayoutthepa" m-s lie i n.uat on pa cie was cay ng of the pary s
14、it lummona po .u fce fr ealZngtheggratreu.n,iCineenatontheCiesede_ of uge nt nne ds Pays 181 pr omote,a、c delomet to building sc ai_ wth Cine charcei stcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 Cina s gros domest c product ad per ca- i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n on te bas s of dubl e cm pee t
15、e III dig of a off .,。; t he middle of ts cet uyinto a prseous doocatc, cv izzd a nd amoni oos So. moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig t he ggrat . naton of the Cine nai on. 8 Cnggrss of te.at y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotai Cie se de_, s t henat
16、ona prseiy,nntonaiaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Cia imporant tfol ow s to kle pCina Roa d, cay forwa d te sii and ches in ste nggh of Cia , de-drams of te people of Ci na, bu emi ned confdec, e I hance lel aae Iss a ci ee sefrela nc, to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina ,
17、Ci na, Cia.StaegccnceptonofCinas te spii of te e nricmet a nd develpmet of theparycnnceniusystudyte Cine d>m, ead ng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci I >se dram, mas e ducain a ciiis i n det t he unddmeta ringpoitandedngpointSteggheItheeducainoftepaysmas ie,hepstotaitheclecie cnsc ouse ss of the
18、 uniy of te pary ad te pepe, pllaingteCiedramidelgialbbsesCmrae"oZldong strssd ta par shoud hhae、ommonlaguuf scais cutis mushave、niy of wl". Hisoryha重点:使学生理解比例的意义和基本性质。学会用两种方法判断两个比能否组成比例。难点:熟练灵活的运用所学知识准确判断两个比能否组成比例。二、说教法与学法1、教法分析我采用自主探究的教学模式,贯彻自主性原则,重视学生学习和探索过程,注 重学生的情感体验。组织,指导并参与学生的探究活动,允
19、许学生对所学知识有不 同的理解和体验,提高学生的科学文化素质和技能素质。2、学法分析遵循教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线的指导思想,主要让学生在“计 算一观察、比较一概括一应用”的学习过程中掌握知识。3、教学准备:为了教学信息的直观呈现,我选择了多媒体课件。三、教学程序设计根据以上对教材的分析,以及教法、学法的选择,我将本课的教学设计为五 个环节。【整体设计】1、复习旧知,导入新课2、通过实例,探究新知3、实践应用,巩固新知4、课堂小结,回归目标5、拓展延伸,发展能力【环节设计】(一)、复习旧知,导入新课为了新课程更好的导入,教学前,首先复习比的知识,如什么是比?怎样求 比值?如何化简比?为
20、以下情境作铺垫。(1)出示四个情境图,让学生说一说图的内容,找一找图中共有的东西, 说出图中这些国旗的长和宽是多少, 接着让学生写出它们的比,在这我会提示比 可用两种方式表示,带比号的形式和分数形式。(2)学生已经写出了四个比,让学生求出它们的比值。设问题情境你发现 了什么?让学生主动的去思考,自由回答。(3)顺势导入,我们已经认识了比,也知道怎样求比值。今天就根据比和 比值来学习比例,并且认识比例的基本性质。(板书课题:比例的意义和基本性质)(二)、通过实例,探究新知这一环节我分为三部分教学:第一部分,教学比例的意义;第二部分,教学 比例的各部分名称;第三部分,教学比例的基本性质。第一部分:
21、教学比例的意义观察这两组比的比值有什么关系?学生可以自由回答, 通过学生的观察与比 较,学生会发现它们的比值相等,我会引导学生可以用等号连起来, 然后直接给 出定义这样的式子就叫做比例。然后请学生自由总结比例的意义。 之后我总结归 纳表示两个比相等的式子叫做比例。接下来设计了练习应用比例的意义判断下面的比例是否正确20 : 5 = 1 : 4- : - = 6 : 4 0.6 : 0.2= 3 : - 6 : 10 = 9 : 152344通过这个练习主要目的是让学生根据比例的意义先试着从具体判断两个比 是否相等入手,从而引导其归纳出比例判定的一般方法, 想让学生主动去探究组 成比例的关键所在
22、,这样可以培养学生自主学习,主动思考的能力。第二部分:教学比例的各部分名称这部分的教学,我采用了阅读自学法。实施素质教育,使学生由“学会”变 “会学”,这里我注重培养学生的自学能力,师生的双边关系实现从扶到放的转A-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentatd earni
23、g i f - ee "ay a. eveyne cmmon wih leani ng can.e pupose s le wefuthe de e ustadng mass lne of cnnotatin, issedpaly of mass lne dmase wo rk folowig main fomfu a asects told: a, and ful awareness paly of mass lne eucain practCe acvtes of mjr mea i ig Partys 18 mjrd_tnc proposed to f cus onte pay
24、s aacid naue ad puiy, in the party w."ragm.c a. nfor the pe opie" - the mat partysmass lne a. e "a pracc.Ths s cmrade xi,”“ a s party Ge nea Seceay a i d a.hee to strcy ai niseig the party, segte the i.rtysmjr csin s in ie - hie pul c epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earningo
25、rete d- vie innovain of Maxs parys majordepl oomet is t he mporat mesue to.nne he gea clule of sciH-wihCinnse carcesi cs First cay outt he pa" m-s lie in.uat on pa cie was cayng of the pary sitlummona po .u fce fr ealZng the ggrat reu.n,iCi nee naton t he Ciese de_ of uge nt nneds Pays 181 pr o
26、mote,a、c delomet to building sc ai_ wth Cine charcei stcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 Cina s gros domest c product ad per ca- i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n on te bas s of dubl e cm pee te III dig of a off .,。; t he middle of ts cet uyinto a prseousdoocatc, cvizzd a nd amoni oos So.
27、moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig t he ggrat .naton of the Cine nai on. 8 Cnggrss of te.aty, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotai Ciese de_, s t henatona prseiy, nntona iaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Cia imporant tfol ow s toklepCina Roa d,
28、cay forwa d te sii and ches in ste nggh of Cia , de-drams of te people of Cina, bu emined confdec, e I hance lelaae Iss a ci ee sefrela nc, to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina , Ci na, Cia.Staegc cnce pton of Cina s te spii of te enricmet and develpmet of thepary cnnce niusy st udy
29、te Cined>m, eadng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci I>se dram, mas e ducain a ciiis i n det t he unddmeta ring poit and edng point Stegghe I the e ducain of te pays mas ie, he ps to tai t he clecie cnsc ouse ss of the uniy of te pary ad te pepe, pllaing te Cie dram i delgial bbse s Cmrae " oZldong strssd ta par shoud hhae、om mon laguuf scais cutis mush ave、niy of wl".Hisoryha变。在学生自学课本时,我写出比例的两种形式,引导学生注意内项和外项的位 置。(板书 2.4 : 1.6=60 : 40)第三部分:教学比例的基本性质观察2.4 : 1.6=60 : 40中的两个外项与两个内项的关系,引导学生把两个外 项与两个内项分别相乘,比较结果。两个内
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