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1、new unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stationsAccor dingto building la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedividen work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live eocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further de

2、vel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requirem-_ I . - . I .1 L I - . . .1 1 1I. I. L. - - . _ _ 一一.一.optimization park environme ntcertain incentive

3、s.(C) integratedimplementation", building demoliti on,m odificati oautehontrsi, sefefdec"tcirveeaitmeplemed ents, effective implemei on, use" combi nad.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti plementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspe- - I. > Ination.D

4、em olition isthe meansand purposengbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" survey andfile storage w orkmust be unconditionaland fullcoctions,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that thenew"zero tolerance". Se cond,publiI. I I . I. I. L. - -.II -. - - I- - - - - 一builti s.To ad

5、heretothe building demoli shed,combi nationofconstr uctiona nd d emolition waste,demolishedwiullcoverage.Maibli c security,w ater,edwithcombineater,ele.I L .-.n corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village, theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvil

6、lage".ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr ucti onofdisposalI I- . - I. -II - - - - _ 1一.-.- 一 Imbine, d efforts to improvethescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split;second,we mustpayattentired"

7、aAccordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauth

8、ori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective f ulfilmentofresponsi bilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi

9、 ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalc onstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereport -"I I- Lrd II. - - - - >.- . _I . -

10、- -. .一 I L- - >1 . -I 一- - 一 . _ - I IILJ - _ _ L _ - - -一 一 一 - 1 -. _. -I II. - L .1 - 1 ._ 1_ 一 . _|des", t heshackDi stricttransformation,and dangerous oldroom transformationand "tworoadsi des", seriesworkorganic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andman

11、poweradvance villagein the,and oldresi dential demolitin work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;three to put "three modifieda split" as traditional low ,andsmallnestlypi peseffectively.Astricting sy stem ofince ntives.>II-,and bulk industrystructuretra一一- - 一&q

12、uot;- . L - - II 一 nd imprAlllocalitiesanddepartment smust be convinced that g oals,goingallout,musteringspirit,w ork together to ensurethatt hisyear's objectives carry outtask s,at theforefront.First, wem uststre ngthenthe lea dershipto implent.Departments at alllevels shoul d alwaysw ork a nd

13、r ural"fivewatertreatment","threetopressureestantiontoimpl ementation.County nongbantofurtherplay aleadi ng catch total, i ntegratedand coordinated roleofallkindsis "long","Sheriff""Inspebilities,formed thealignmentonthe fire line and managementa livelysituati

14、 on.Se cond,w e must strengthe n thetest implementation ofthe Governor. Rolebaton,for agriculturaland ruralfocusaon system, accurate asse ssment.Combine d with "dareplay,tree benchmark"stylen thefocus on the"long" signs "goleft", "names"such asall levelslonger

15、ondutyinpla ce.ssessment,to promotehabits,stimulating power.Third,we muststrengthenimpleme ntation style. Departmentsatalllevelstn ruralareasa nd "fivesp,hlite"raosletraiwatertreatment", "three toschool s,communityT一-一L - - .- -.ction cadre swork performanceofthe ring , water con

16、trol andthe Japane se pulled aworkout,training, discovery a nd selecti on ofca dres.T han goodcatchto excellence-orie-nted.Partymembers andcadre satalllevel s musta dheretothe rural,water- - -I controla ndthe Japanese pulle da grass-roots,"put downthe shelf,leaned" pragmaticstyle, the spir

17、it of play,be come a benchmarkmodel.Four,wemntation.Compreorkint hecountryside and"five water treatment","threetosplit" adva ncedmodels,poi nttogather positiveenergyforthe communitytoseethe re sults of our worki ntime, increase public awa reness,partici pationrasfactionand suppor

18、t.机房工程(机房建设)方案总体介绍1.5.1 建筑部分*数据中心机房是高科技产业类ISP/ASP用机房。为了机房的安全可靠、正常 运行,对该机房的设计必须符合国家标准、行业标准及规范;在防火安全方面,要按照一级防火要求设计。机房采用恒温恒湿的专用空调,送风方式为下送风上回风的循环送风方向,这样可保证网络通讯设备在恒温恒湿的环境下工作。为了防止精密空调机的加湿器漏水,在每台空调机周围安装了漏水检测报警系统。为了保证电脑机房内工作人员有一个舒适的工作环境,和保证机房内的空气洁净程度, 我们设计了新风系统送入机房,这样既可保持机房内的空气新鲜,同时也能维持机房内的正压需要。在进入电脑机房的地方给工

19、作人员分别设置了进入权限和历史记录的门禁系统。主机房、工作区、网络配线间及机房入口大门均安装门禁。1.5.2 机房动力配电保障系统机房辅助设备动力配电系统机房辅助动力设备包括计算机专用精密空调系统、计算机机房照明配电系统、计算机机房新风系统及市电辅助系统(市电插座等)。 由于机房辅助动力设备直接关系到计算机设备、网络设备,通讯设备以及机房其他用电设备和工作人员正常工作和人身安全,所以要求配电系统安全可靠,因此该配电系统按照一级负荷考虑进行设计。电源进线采用电缆或封闭母线(电源取自建筑物本体低压配电室母线)进线配电柜(AP)与出线配电柜(API、AP2并排安装于机房UPSB己电室,采取集中控制,

20、 便于管理机房空调设备。各电脑机房及其它房间专用空调电源直接引自开关柜 AP1, 舒适空调及新风、市电插座引自多用途配电箱AX, 体现出集中控制与就地操作相结合的设计原则。机房计算机设备动力配电系统机房计算机设备包括计算机主机、服务器、网络设备、通讯设备等,由于这些设备进行数据的实时处理与实时传递,关系重大,所以对电源的质量与可靠性的要求最高。设计中采用电源由市电供电加备用发电机这种运行方式,以保障电源可靠性的要求;系统中同时考虑采用UPS间断电源,最大限度满足机房计算机 L n, flood,t hree to onedowrainiofout,training, 一_.1 一. .一一一

21、I _ILnted.一 一work, refineimprd" pragmaticstyle buil -一 -.- 一.l dingfive major一 .- - 一.I 一 II -.-一 .-1.1 一 一 一I 一 一一 . IILIorkin t hecountryside and"five water treatment","threeto, L "一一一. - >II.split" adva ncedmodels,-II- - -.LI . I- - L.11-ocusing onways and means o

22、f improving a nd upgra (stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilitymereportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertain iding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"no chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat一'1.1 . . .1 1 1 一. I.

23、I. L. - . optimization park environmencentives.(C) integratedimplementation", building demolitiuna ory requirem一一 一.一.on,m odificatiuthori sed"createents, effective impleon, use" combid.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one do

24、cument" surveyand filestoragewmentation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that thenew"zernation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretothe building demoli shed,combi nationofconstr uctionaorkmust be unconditionaland fullcove

25、rage.Maio tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w,demolishedwith comnd demolition wasteater,elen corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village, theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm

26、coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr ucti on ofdisposalAccordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horise

27、d village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrictofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulat

28、i ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry of

29、publi cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives.dsi des", seriesworkorganic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andmanpoweradvance villagein the,and oldresi dential demolitinvironment;three to put "thr

30、ee modifieda split"as tra ditional low ,a ndsmall ,and bulk industrystructuretra一一- - 一"- . L - - II 一 设备对供电电源质量的要求。市电电源供电与备用发电机供电在机房配电室进行切换,再经过UP2间断电源对计算机设备供电。电源进线采用电缆或封闭母线,双路切换柜、 UPS俞入输出配电柜并排安装于 机房配电室。配电系统采用集中及分散控制,输出配电分柜 JAPJAP4安装于 负荷集中区域(电脑机房及控制室),以便于就地控制、管理设备计算机用电。1.5.3 机房照明配电系统a. 照度:

31、机房按电子计算机机房设计规范(GB50174-93要求,照度为400Lx;同时 设机房疏散指示灯、安全出口标志灯;应急备用照明照度不小于40Lx。b. 灯具选择:灯具选用亚光不锈钢三管格珊灯组并带电容补偿:3*40W(1200*600)/3*20W( 600*600)接地系统:a 交流工作地、保护地采用建筑物本体地极,设计考虑为直流逻辑地设一组新的接地极,接地电阻小于1Q;机房配电系统的交流工作地、安全保护地采用建 筑物本体综合接地(其电阻小于 0.5 Q)。b 为防止感应雷、侧击雷高脉冲电压沿电源线进入机房损坏机房内的重要设备, 在电源配电柜电源进线处安装浪涌防雷器。正如您所知道的,机房内的

32、供配电系统是机房中建设规划中最重要的内容。所以我们为 * 数据中心机房提供的是一个完全解决方案。在设计上我们采用了模块化宽冗余的设计理念,既符合电脑机房配电系统的灵活性,又不会对未来扩容造成瓶颈。由于目前国内大容量的电气开关各方面性能很难达到电脑中心完全安全意义上的要求,所以我们建议所有核心电气产品一律使用法国梅兰日兰/ 施耐德的电气设备。 从直接成本上看可能会增加一部分投资,但从 * 数据中心机房的重要性和安全性以及未来发展考虑,这一投资是非常合理和科学的。1.5.4 空气质量保障系统为确保机房内计算机系统的安全可靠、正常运行,在机房建设中为机房提供符合要求的场地环境,我们推荐采用梅兰日兰公

33、司德国生产的 STULZ叵温恒湿机房专 用空调机。 L n, flood,t hree to onedowrainiof 一_.1 一up,first-一.- L -strengtheThroughthe supervisorya 一.一. - .II-. -.LI . I- - L.11-onrates,satinew unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stationsAccor dingto building la wandcov ers an area ofnat

34、ure ,toreporttimely degreedividen work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live eocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri

35、 ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requirem-_ I . - . I .1 L I - . . .1 1 1I. I. L. - - . _ _ 一一.一.reportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofoptimization park environme ntcertain incentives.(C) integratedimplementation", building demoliti on,m odificati oautehontrsi, sefefdec"tcir

36、veeaitmeplemed ents, effective implemei on, use" combi nad.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestoragewplementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that

37、 thenew"zer- - I. > II. I I . I. I. L. - -.II -. nation.Dembuilti s.To adheretothe building demoli shed,combi nationorkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Mai n corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village,theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unautho

38、rise dvillage".o tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr ucti on ofdisposal一- - - 一一" I I- . - I. -II - - - - _ 1一 - 一 IIIofconstr uctiona

39、 nd demolition waste,demolishedwithcombi ne d efforts to improvethescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split;second,we mustpayattentionto "three tosplit" and"five hundred"aAccordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old

40、plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunautofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand wat

41、ersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. IllicittradiII. L. . - -" I I- Lrd II. - - - - >.- . _I . -" - JL .一 I L- - >1 . -I 一- - 一 . _ - I IILJ - _ _ Ldes", t h

42、eshackDi stricttransformation,and da ngerous oldroom transformationand "tworoadsi des", se rieswork organic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andmanpoweradvance villagein the,and oldresi dential demolitihori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orkto

43、movethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrictng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives. 一 - -一 一 一 - 1 -. _ . -I II.- L.1 - 1 一. -

44、I. .一. _ _.1 I|_一 nvironment;three to put "three modifieda split" as t ra ditional low ,a ndsmall ,and bulk industrystructuretranitiatives to caug ht,speed up a dvance industryPark,effectiv-"- . L - - II 一 机房专用空调采用下送风、上回风的送风方式。我们为您选择的机房专用空调是模块化设计的,可根据需要增加或减少模块;也可根据机房布局及几何图形的不同任意组合或拆分模

45、块,且模块与模块之间可联动或集中或分开控制等。机房内的新风系统是必不可少的。清新的新风提高机房的洁净度,使机房保证正压,并提供新鲜空气。新风应满足两个指标:其一,是每人每小时40 立方米;其二,是应占空调系统总风量的510%。本机房四周密封,新风极为重要。根据国家有关规范和标准规定,计算机房内应设排风系统,用以排除可能出现的烟雾及灭火后出现的气体。1.5.5 综合布线(方案另述)1.5.6 门禁系统在方案中我们设计了多套门禁系统,分别用于电脑机房的入口处和主控机房,是电脑机房安全的保障。可以根据贵方的需要,对各门禁系统进行分级授权,从而实现人员进出的的电子化管理。1.5.7 机房专用空调根据此

46、数据中心机房的实际情况,我们建议选用恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。推荐使用的产品为德国生产的STULZ(史图斯)空调机,它可以保证电脑机房拥有一个恒久的良好的机房环境。1.5.8 防雷工程(参考)根据有关统计资料表明,感应雷电过压幅值在无屏蔽架空线上最高标准达20KV,所以在建设计算机房时应做好防雷工程,以防患于未然。机房防雷工程一般要做以下几步:1. 做好机房接地根据国际GB5017493电子计算机房设计规范, 交流工作地、直流工作地、保护地、 防雷地宜共用一组接地装置,其接地电阻按其中最小值要求确定。如果计算机系统直流地与其他地线分开接地,则两地极间应间隔25 米。2. 做好线路防雷1)在动力

47、室电源线总配电盘上安装并联式专用避雷器构成第一级衰减。2)在机房配电柜进线处,安装并联式电源避雷器构成第二级衰减。ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the

48、new regulat ory requirem-_ I . - . I .1 L I - . . .1 1 1I. I. L. - - . _ _ 一一.一.optimization park environme ntcertain incentives.(C) integratedimplementation", building demoliti on,m odificati oautehontrsi, sefefdec"tcirveeaitmeplemed ents, effective implemei on, use" combi nad.Thetow

49、 nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestoragewplementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that thenew"zer- - I. > II. I I . I. I. L. - -.II -. nation.Dem ol

50、ition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretothe building demoli shed,combi nationorkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Maio tolerance". Se cond,publi c security,w a,demolishedwith com bofconstr uctiona nd demolition wastew ater,ele- I L .-.n corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)villa

51、ge, theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr ucti on ofdisposalI I- . - I. -II - - - - _ 1一 - 一 IIIm b

52、ine d efforts to improvethescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split;second,we mustpayattentionto "three tosplit" and"five hundred"aAccordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates

53、files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunautofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be new

54、il legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. IllicittradiII. L. . - -" I I- Lrd II. - - - - >.- . _I . - - -. .一 I L- - >1 . -I 一- - 一 . _ - I IILJ - _ _ Ldes", t heshackDi stricttransformation,and da ngerous o

55、ldroom transformationand "tworoadsi des", seriesworkorganic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andmanpoweradvance villagein the,and oldresi dential demolitihori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s t

56、othefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrictng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives. 一 - -一 一 一 - 1 -. _ . -I II.- L.1 - 1 一. - .一 - .一. _ _.1 I|_一一nvironment;three to put "three modifieda split"as tra ditional low ,a ndsmall ,and bulk industrystructuretra一一- - 一"- . L - - II 一 3) 机房布线不能延墙敷设,以防止雷击时墙内钢筋瞬间传导墙雷电流时,瞬间 变化的磁场在机房内的线路上感应出瞬间的高脉冲浪涌电压把设备击坏。1.5.9 机房设备监控系统(参考) 随着科学技术的日益发展,计算机在金融、保险、证券、铁路、邮电、电力、海关、 税务、 国防等领域得到广泛的运用,


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