1、1 1疯狂英语疯狂英语 - 我的第一本音标书我的第一本音标书主讲:郭萍(主讲:郭萍(Grace)2 2前导:认识前导:认识26个英文字母和个英文字母和48个国际音标个国际音标Part 1: 认识认识26个字母并了解其发音,个字母并了解其发音,5个元音,个元音,21个辅音。个辅音。Part 2: 认识认识48个国际音标,个国际音标,20个元音(个元音(12个单元音,个单元音,8个个双元音),双元音),28个辅音(其中有个辅音(其中有10对兄弟对兄弟 - 一清一浊一清一浊,8个单个单个辅音);知道什么是音标以及音标的符号。音标的作用:个辅音);知道什么是音标以及音标的符号。音标的作用:相当于汉语中
2、的拼音,方便识字。相当于汉语中的拼音,方便识字。3 3A aei B bbi: C csi: D ddi: E ei: F fefG gd3i: H heit I iai J jd3ei K kkei L lel M mem N nen O ou P ppi: Q qkju: R r: S ses T tti: U uju: V vvi: W wdblju: X xeks Y ywai Z zzi:zed Part 1 - 认识认识26个英文字母及其发音个英文字母及其发音美音元音字母4 4Part 2 - 认识认识48个国际音标个国际音标单元音单元音(12个):/i:/ / /e/ / /:/
3、 / / /:/ / /u:/ /:/ / 双元音双元音(8个) :/e/ / /a/ /a/ / / /e/ /辅音辅音(10对20个:清浊):/p/&/b/; /t/&/d/; /k/&/g/; /f/&/v/ /s/&/z/; /&/; /&/; /t/&/d/; /tr/&/dr/; /ts/&/dz/ 辅音辅音(单个8个) /m/ /n/ / / /h/ /r/ /j/ /w/; 也称半元音567 7Unit 1a: & a:发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“a”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位和口型。出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位和口型。舌部略抬,气流从口腔流出,振动声带,同时发声部
4、位靠后,发舌部略抬,气流从口腔流出,振动声带,同时发声部位靠后,发a:音。音。a:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:发音代言人:car ka:常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合89 9Unit 1a: & 发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“a”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位和口型。出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位和口型。舌部略抬,同时将口型缩小(比微笑时的口型略大一点)。舌部略抬,同时将口型缩小(比微笑时的口型略大一点)。使极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发使极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:duckdk
5、常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合101111Unit 1a: & 发音操练发音操练a: glassgla:s thumbmguitarg?ta: gloveglvparkpa:k sunsnclasskla:s floodfldstarsta: cutkt1212Unit 1a: & 以句识音以句识音He parkedpa:kt his carka: in front of the barba: at lastla:st.Mr.Smith was looking for his glassesgla:sis in the darkda:k classroomkla:srum.1.M
6、r.Charlessonsn loveslvz Mary very muchmt.1313Unit 1a: & 寓学于乐寓学于乐Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle twinkle little star, Then you show your little light,how I wonder what you are.twinkle twinkle all the night.Up above the world so high,Twinkle twinkle little star,like a diamond in the sky.how I wonde
7、r what you are.Twinkle twinkle little star,how I wonder what you are.When the blazing sun is gone,when he nothing shines upon.1414Unit 2u: & uu:发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“u”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位。出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位。使双唇趋于圆形,并向后略缩(与汉语拼音的使双唇趋于圆形,并向后略缩(与汉语拼音的“u”音相比较而言)。音相比较而言)。气流从口腔冲出,振动声带发气流从口腔冲出,振动声带发u:音。音。u:是长音,发音长度是短音的
8、两倍。是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:发音代言人:shoeu:常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合151616Unit 2u: & uu发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“u”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位。出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位。使双唇趋于圆形,开口略大于使双唇趋于圆形,开口略大于u: 音,并向后略缩(与汉语拼音的音,并向后略缩(与汉语拼音的“u”音相比较而言)。音相比较而言)。极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,微振声带发极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,微振声带发u音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:bookbuk常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合171818Unit 2u:
9、 & u发音操练发音操练u: uruderu:d footfutnoodlenu:dl pushpusoupsu:p fullfulfoodfu:d wolfwulfloselu:z womanwumn1919Unit 2u: & u以句识音以句识音The wolfwulf is looking?luki for its foodfu:d.Whohu: knows the truthtru:?The womanwumn is looking?luki at the bookshelf?bukelf.Lukelu:k choosestu:ziz a pair of blueblu: shoesu
10、:z.2020Unit 2u: & u寓学于乐寓学于乐Cuckoo ClockMy uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo,the cuckoo said its two oclock.Hes telling us the time.My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his little hou
11、se and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,the cuckoo said its three oclock.Hes telling us the time.2121Unit 2u: & uMy uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,the cuckoo said its four oclock
12、.Hes telling us the time.My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, the cuckoo said its twelve oclock.Hes telling us the time.Hes tellin
13、g us the time.2222Unit 3i: & ii:发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“i”出发,舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌部放平。出发,舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌部放平。嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状(或呈微笑的口型)。嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状(或呈微笑的口型)。气流从口腔中流出,振动声带发气流从口腔中流出,振动声带发i:音。音。i:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:发音代言人:beefbi:f常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合232424Unit 3i: & ii发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“i”出发,舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌部放平。出发,舌尖
14、轻抵下齿龈,舌部放平。嘴角向后缩,使双唇略扁。嘴角向后缩,使双唇略扁。极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,微振声带发极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,微振声带发i音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:beefbi:f常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合252626Unit 3i: & i发音操练发音操练i: icheapti:p lidlidreceiverisi:v sitsitpolicepli:s liplipbeachbi:t pocketpkitthiefi:f donkeydki2727Unit 3i: & i以句识音以句识音Jimdim isiz inin the picturepikt.Mis
15、smis Smithsmi isiz a prettypriti woman.Do you seesi the sleepingsli:p sheepi:p?2828Unit 3i: & i寓学于乐寓学于乐The KeyDid you see what he put in his pocket?I think it is the key.If it is the key to the inn,I wish hed give it to me.Repeat 2929Unit 4: & :发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“e”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。双唇略扁
16、,舌尖靠近下齿,但不紧贴。双唇略扁,舌尖靠近下齿,但不紧贴。一股气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,去掉声调,发一股气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,去掉声调,发:音。音。:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:发音代言人:skirtsk:t常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合30 3131Unit 4: & 发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“e”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。双唇略扁,使嘴微张,舌尖靠近下齿龈,但不紧贴。双唇略扁,使嘴微张,舌尖靠近下齿龈,但不紧贴。一股气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发一股气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,
17、发音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:visitorvizit常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合323333Unit 4: & 发音操练发音操练: birdb:d metermi:tchurcht:t tractortrktworkerw:k sugarugheardh:d amendmendfertilef:tail policepli:s 3434Unit 4: & 以句识音以句识音We will have learnedl:nd five hundred English new wordsw:dz by the end of this termt:m.The new teacher
18、sti:tz werew very nervousn:vs at firstf:st.Three years agogu, Peterspi:tz eldereld sistersist was a doctord kt.The old tree is five metersmi:tz higherhai than that wall.1.Peterspi:tz brotherbr usually reads newspapersnju:s?peipz on Saturdaystdi afternoon?a:ftnu:n.35Unit 4: & 寓学于乐Old Brass WagonCircl
19、e to the left, the old brass wagon.Circle to the left, the old brass wagon.Circle to the left, the old brass wagon.Youre the one my darling.Circle to the right, the old brass wagon.Circle to the right, the old brass wagon.Circle to the right, the old brass wagon.Youre the one my darling.Everybody in
20、, the old brass wagon.Everybody in, the old brass wagon.Everybody in, the old brass wagon.Youre the one my darling.Everybody out, the old brass wagon.Everybody out, the old brass wagon.Everybody out, the old brass wagon.Youre the one my darling.353636Unit 5: & :发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“ao”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出
21、发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。将上下唇略为张大,保持这一口型不变。将上下唇略为张大,保持这一口型不变。气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发:音。音。:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:发音代言人:lawyerl:j常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合373838Unit 5: & 发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“ao”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。将上下唇张大,使嘴角有绷紧的感觉,并保持这一口型不变。将上下唇张大,使嘴角有绷紧的感觉,并保持这一口型不变。一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声
22、带,发一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:potpt常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合394040Unit 5: & 发音操练发音操练: drawdr: socksknaughtn:t dotdtportp:t mossmscallk:l bottlebtl4141Unit 5: & 以句识音以句识音All:l of the children in this classroom want to be a lawyerl:j.All:l the men in the hallh:l were talkingt:ki about Mrs. Benn
23、ents daughtersd:tz beauty.There are a lotlt of hotht dogs in the paper boxbks.The bossbs took out five dollarsdlz from his pocketpkit.1.Tom boughtbt three bottlesbtlz of milk and two bottlesbtlz of orange juice from that smallsm:l shopp.42Unit 5: & 寓学于乐寓学于乐Polly, Put the Kettle OnPolly, put the kett
24、le on.Polly, put the kettle on.Polly, put the kettle on.Lets all have tea.Sukey, take it off againSukey, take it off againSukey, take it off againTheyve all gone away. Repeat 424343Unit 6 & e发音方法发音方法从汉语的从汉语的“安安”(去掉后面的韵母)出发,呈发该音的趋势,但不出声,确保(去掉后面的韵母)出发,呈发该音的趋势,但不出声,确保舌部放平,舌尖轻抵下齿龈。舌部放平,舌尖轻抵下齿龈。将双唇尽量向两边张
25、大,使嘴角肌肉感到紧张。将双唇尽量向两边张大,使嘴角肌肉感到紧张。一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:hatht常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合4444Unit 6 & ee发音方法发音方法从汉语的从汉语的“挨挨”出发,呈发出发,呈发“挨挨”音的趋势,但不出声。音的趋势,但不出声。确保舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌中的两侧碰到后面的大牙。确保舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌中的两侧碰到后面的大牙。一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发e音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:egge
26、g常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合454646Unit 6 & e发音操练发音操练 emapmp kettleketlbagbg getgetcabkb headhedmatmt netnetfatft begbeg4747Unit 6 & e以句识音以句识音Patspts catkt is very fatft.Mary likes the blackblk hatht very much.Toms daddd is very sadsd.Bettybeti nevernev getsgets up early.Fredfred saidsed it again and agai
27、n.1.His friendfrend likes to eat eggsegz.4848Unit 6 & e寓学于乐寓学于乐Apple Round, Apple RedApple round, apple red. Apple juicy, apple sweet.Apple, apple, I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat. Repeat 4949Unit 7eiei发音方法发音方法从汉语的从汉语的“黑黑”的韵母的韵母“ei”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。将双唇稍微张大,呈微笑趋势。将双唇稍微张大,呈微笑趋势。从口腔中
28、冲出一股气流,振动声带,发从口腔中冲出一股气流,振动声带,发ei音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:bay bei常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合505151Unit 7ei发音操练发音操练eitheyei babybeibistraightstreit layleicakekeik neighbourneibbreakbreik hayhei5252Unit 7ei以句识音以句识音It has rainedreind for eighteit daysdeiz.Theyei praisepreiz Katekeit for her courage.She ateeit eightei
29、t pieces of cakekeik the daydei before yesterdayjestdei.Jack was on his waywei to the railwayreilwei station.1.There will be a tableteibl tennis match in Maymei.5353Unit 7ei寓学于乐寓学于乐Its Raining, Its PouringIts raining, its pouring.The old mans snoring,went to bed and he bumped his head,he couldnt get
30、 up in the morning. Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day. Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day. Repeat 5454Unit 8aiai发音方法发音方法从汉语拼音从汉语拼音“ai”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。确保舌尖抵下齿,将双唇张大,但不紧张,自然放松。确保舌尖抵下齿,将双唇张大,但不紧张,自然放松。从口腔中流出一股气流,振动声带,发从口腔中流出一股气流,振动声带,发ai音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:skyskai常见发音
31、字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合555656Unit 8ai发音操练发音操练aiflyflai kitekaitlinelain iceaisblindblaind lielainicenais fryfrai5757Unit 8ai以句识音以句识音I likelaik the blue skyskai.Mikemaik mightmait buybai a new bikebaik.There is a strange ideaaidi in mymai mindmaind.I findfaind that he is telling a lielai.Please walk along
32、 the rightrait sidesaid of the street.5858Unit 8ai寓学于乐寓学于乐Once I Caught a Fish AliveOne, two, three, four, five.Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.Then I let it go again.Why did you let it go?Cause it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite?This little finger on the right.Repe
33、at 5959Unit 9ii发音方法发音方法发单元音发单元音。在在的基础上将口型略为收的基础上将口型略为收缩。缩。由单元音由单元音很自然地过渡到单元音很自然地过渡到单元音i。发音代言人:发音代言人:boybi常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合606161Unit 9i 发音操练发音操练i toyti noisenizoilil soilsilcoinkin joyjibeachbi:t voyageviid6262Unit 9i以句识音以句识音The little boybi is playing with his new toyti.The spoiledspild boybi
34、made a loud noiseniz.The joyfuldiful girl is counting her coinscinz.The sound of boilingbili water is very noisynizi.63Unit 9i 寓学于乐寓学于乐Billy BoyOh, where have you been,Billy boy,Billy boy?Oh, where have you been,charming Billy?I have been to seek a friend,she is the joy of my life.She is a young thi
35、ng and cannot leave her mother.Did she bid you to come in,Billy boy,Billy boy?Did she bid you to come in,charming Billy?Yes, she bade me to come in.Theres a dimple in her cheek.Yes, she is a young thing and cannot leave her mother.She is a young thing and cannot leave her mother.636464Unit 10 auau发音
36、方法发音方法从汉语从汉语“傲傲”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。口型由口型由a向向u滑动,在此基础上发滑动,在此基础上发au音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:cloudklaud常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合656666Unit 10 au发音操练发音操练auflowerflau blouseblauzbrownbraun poundpaundmousemaus towntaun6767Unit 10 au以句识音以句识音Ourau househaus has a brownbraun mousemaus.You are not allowedlaud
37、to speak aloudlaud.It is rainning nownau.There are lots of beautiful flowersflauz in front of the househaus.1.It is cloudyklaudi nownau.6868Unit 10 au寓学于乐Sally Go Round the SunSally go round the sun.Sally go round the moon.Sally go round the chimney top,Every afternoon. Boom!Repeat 6969Unit 11 uu发音方
38、法发音方法口略开,稍稍扁唇,用舌尖轻抵下齿。口略开,稍稍扁唇,用舌尖轻抵下齿。微抬舌后的两侧,使其接触到上面的两个大牙。微抬舌后的两侧,使其接触到上面的两个大牙。从汉语的从汉语的“饿饿”出发,要让舌中逐渐向上抬起,使其慢慢碰到大牙旁边的牙齿,出发,要让舌中逐渐向上抬起,使其慢慢碰到大牙旁边的牙齿,与此同时使舌尖向后微缩,下嘴唇向外侧微突。振动声带,发与此同时使舌尖向后微缩,下嘴唇向外侧微突。振动声带,发au音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:coldkuld常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合707171Unit 11 u发音操练发音操练uobeseubi:s windowwindufoa
39、mfum roadrudsnowsnu dowduoveruv coatkutolduld boatbutslowslu coldkuld7272Unit 11 u以句识音以句识音Please showu me the coatkut overuv there.The olduld boatbut is floatingfluti slowlysluli on the coldkuld river.Throwru thoseuz olduld photosfut uz out of the windowwindu.The roadrud is covered with white snowsn
40、 u.1.Joedu wroterut Joansdunz phonefun number on his notebooknutbuk.73Unit 11 u寓学于乐寓学于乐Bingo There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name oh.B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,and Bingo was his name oh.There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name oh.I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O,and Bingo w
41、as his name oh.There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name oh.N-G-O, N-G-O, I-N-G-O,and Bingo was his name oh.There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name oh.G-O, G-O, G-O,and Bingo was his name oh.There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name oh.O, O, O,and Bingo was his nam
42、e oh.There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name oh.And Bingo was his name oh.737474Unit 12 ii发音方法发音方法发单元音发单元音i 。在在i的基础上将嘴角肌肉放松。的基础上将嘴角肌肉放松。由单元音由单元音i很自然地过渡到单元音很自然地过渡到单元音音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:eari常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合757676Unit 12 i发音操练发音操练irearri hearhitearti clearklideerdi nearnideardi fearfi77
43、77Unit 12 i以句识音以句识音Dont sit nearni the door.Can you hearhi his voice clearlyklili.A little deerdi appearspiz in the woods.Please give me a glass of beerbi.1.Herehi you are.7878Unit 12 i寓学于乐寓学于乐Here Comes the TrainHere comes the train, Meet my papa, meet my mama.here comes the train.Oh Lord, Ill be h
44、ome again.Climb the mountain, across the sea.Im coming home,Bring me back home again.Im coming home.Here comes the train,Oh Lord, Ill be home again.here comes the train.Bring me back home again.Im coming home,Im coming home.7979Unit 13 uu发音方法发音方法发单元音发单元音u 。在在u的基础上将嘴角肌肉放松。的基础上将嘴角肌肉放松。由单元音由单元音u很自然地过渡到单元音很自然地过渡到单元音音。音。发音代言人:发音代言人:poorpu常见发音字母及字母组合常见发音字母及字母组合808181Unit 13 u发音操练发音操练uspoorspu touristturistboorbu lurelumoormu curekjugruelgrul cruelkrul8282Unit 13 u以句识音以句识音I am sureu that he is a very poorpu man.The touriststurists were attracted by the beautiful garden.The poorpu peas
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