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1、Lesson1 Consumer SocietyUnit24 SocietyObjectives know about what is a consumer society. learn the consumption pattern in a consumer society. Use some of the words and expressions we learned today to talk about the consumer society.At the end of the class, you are expected to Vocabularydeposittaxpaye

2、rsignaturecurrencyconsumergovernaccumulateownershipburdenragvacantresistanceadjustmentdiversecome into beingThe price increases were passed on by the firm to the _. consumersHe _ a sum of money in the bank each month.depositscurrenciesThe president declared that a new _ would be issued.currencyn. &a

3、mp; v.Think it over before you put your _ on the check.signaturetaxtaxpayergoverngovernment统治,治理accumulateaccumulationChina has undoubtedly _ over Yuan Mingyuans cultural relics.ownershipThe _ on her back seemed to be crushing her to the earth.burden重担,负担The beggar was dressed in _.rags破旧衣服a vacant

4、houseSeveral candidates had been competing for position long before the leadership became _ .vacant未住人的,空置的(工作)空缺的The pig is not willing to submit without _ to the couple.resistanceresist v.反抗 n.resistant adj.The GDP _ of China is very remarkable.8%adjustment_shapestriangle rectanglesquare circlesem

5、i-circlediverse3G (The 3rd Generation) network has _ in e into being形成,存在H&Mshopaholic1. Look at the photos and the title of the article. Which three of these things do you think will not be mentioned in the article?Before you startglobe trade, stress and lack of time,crime and violence, a short

6、ened working week, work sharing, advertising, free time, drugsglobe tradecrime and violence drugsEx 2 Read the article and check your guesses.Match the paragraphs with the main ideasRead to learn paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 paragraph 4 Its time to take the issues more seriously What is a spe

7、nding circle A growing resistance to this consumer society The result of a spending circleCareful reading Fill the blanksPara.1Many of us are _ in a spending circle. We work hard to _. And then we _, and because of this we have to work _. Sometimes we try to _ or change our money into different coun

8、tries_ to earn more money, but we usually feel disappointed. We start putting our _ on credit cards to spend money we dont even have. Besides, the more we earn, the more _ we have to pay to those who _ us. The circle goes round and round and gets more and more _.Para.2We work towards the _ of bigger

9、 and better houses and cars which feel like a _ because every month we have to _ most of the money we earn to pay for them. The result of this is that we dont feel _ happiness, but _ and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families. Careful reading Fill the blanksPara

10、.3Were still _ than those who wear _ and sleep on the streets or in _ buildings, but there is a growing _ to this consumer society. Careful reading Fill the blanksPara.4As a society, its _ time that we _ these issues more seriously. Advertising should be more _, especially advertising _ children. Ma

11、ke sure that there are better ways for young people to use their free time _ spending money. On a _ level, we should visit the shops _ and worry _ about image. Above all, we should remember that “ _” and “_” are much more important than “_”.Careful reading Fill the blanksPara.1 Many of us are _ in a

12、 spending circle. We work hard to _. And then we _, and because of this we have to work _. Sometimes we try to _ or change our money into different countries_ to earn more money, but we usually feel disappointed. We start putting our _ on credit cards to spend money we dont even have. Besides, the m

13、ore we earn, the more _ we have to pay to those who _ us. The circle goes round and round and gets more and more _.trappedearn more moneyspend moreeven harderdepositcurrenciessignaturestaxgoverncomplicatedPara.2 We work towards the _ of bigger and better houses and cars which feel like a _ because e

14、very month we have to _ most of the money we earn to pay for them. The result of this is that we dont feel _ happiness, but _ and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families. ownershipburdenhand overincreasedstressPara.3Were still _ than those who wear _ and sleep on

15、 the streets or in _ buildings, but there is a growing _ to this consumer society. better offragsvacantresistancePara.4As a society, its _ time that we _ these issues more seriously. Advertising should be more _, especially advertising _ children. Make sure that there are better ways for young peopl

16、e to use their free time _ spending money. On a _ level, we should visit the shops _ and worry _ about image. Above all, we should remember that “ _” and “_” are much more important than “_”.hightookcontrolledaimed atapart frompersonallesslessbeingdoinghavingGroup Discussion Find out the views of th

17、e writer in the text.1. Many people in developed societies are trapped in a spending circle, which goes round and round and gets more and more complicated.2. In the spending circle, bigger and better houses and cars feel like a burden . 3. In the spending circle, people dont feel increased happiness

18、, but stress and less free time to be themselves and enjoy being with their friends and families.4. People are still better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings.5. There is a growing resistance to this consumer society. 6. As a society, its high time that we t

19、ook these issues more seriously.7. People should insist that advertising is more controlled, especially advertising aimed at children.8. People should make sure that there are better ways for young people to use their free time apart from spending money.9. On a personal level, people ought to visit

20、the shops less and worry less about image.10. Above all, people should remember that “being” and “doing” are much more important than “having”. Which of the writers views do you agree and disagree with? Give reasons.1. be trapped in2. deposit sth. in sth.3. in the hope that4. on the one hand5. on th

21、e other hand6. hand over7. be well off8. come into being9. takeseriously10. be aimed at11. above all12. wind sb. up1. 陷入,被困2. 把存入3. 希望4. 一方面5. 另一方面6. 交出7. 富裕,有钱8. 形成,存在9. 认真对待10. 目标是,针对11. 首先,最重要的是12. 故意惹恼某人Assignments1. Learn new words by heart.2. Read the text twice.3. Write down the views of the

22、writer which you agree and disagree with. Give reasons. VocabularySally walked into the house and said with a smile, “Ive just taken _ of our new car!” “Sorry?” said her husband, Tom, who was almost deaf. Sally helped him make an _ to his hearing aid and then repeated herself. “But Sally,” Tom said, “I dont think our _ will cover the cost of a new car. And if we dont spend wisely, well end up being a _ to our children. I just hope you havent put your _ on anything yet.” sally laughed and told Tom her other news. “Youve _ from your job at the library?!”deposit, currency, s


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