1、A simple search engine with the following features:Included in the package: source code: SimpleSearchEngine.java SimpleSearchEngineImpl.java SimpleSearchEngineTest.java readme: this file stopWords: the stop word file searchFiles/: a directory that contains a bunch of test files Usage: 1. SimpleSearc
2、hEngineTest.java can be modified to add more documents and add new queries. 1. compile the code 2. To run: java -cp . SimpleSearchEngineTest Features: 1. build inverted index for terms in documents and store in an index file. The index will be updated as more documents are added. And the index is lo
3、aded into memory during startup 2. examine stop words 3. simple query by splitting the query string into words and returning the list of the names of documents with one or more words in them 4. simple ranking of the search result based on the number of search words in the documents Preparation: 1. a
4、 document folder where all the documents resides, assuming searchFiles/ in the test. 2. the path of the index file. An index file has the inverted index of term mapped to a list of doc Ids. This index will be updated and the file will be updated as documents are added. 3. the path of a document name
5、 index file. This file has the docId to docName mapping. This file will be updated as documents are added.4. a stop word file with the stop words. An example is given.SimpleSearchEngine.javaimport java.util.List;/* * A simple search engine * * */public interface SimpleSearchEngine /* * simple query
6、by splitting the query into search terms and looking up the index, * ranking results by the number of search terms appearing in a document * * return list of document names * * */public List<String> query(String queryStr);/* * add a document and update the index * * param docName document name
7、 */public void addDoc(String docName);SimpleSearchEngineImpl.javaimport java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileReader;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Comparator;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Iterator;im
8、port java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Set;import java.util.TreeMap;import java.util.TreeSet;/* * A simple search engine with the following features: * * 1. build inverted index for terms in documents and store in an index file. The index will be updated as more documents are adde
9、d. * And the index is loaded into memory during startup * 2. examine stop words * 3. simple query by splitting the query string into words and returning the list of the names of documents with one or more words in them * 4. simple ranking of the search result based on the number of search words in t
10、he documents * * * Preparation: * 1. a document folder where all the documents resides * 2. path of the index file. An index file has the inverted index of term mapped to a list of doc Ids. This index will be updated and * the file will be updated as documents are added. * 3. path of a document name
11、 index file. This file has the docId to docName mapping. This file will be updated as documents are added. * 4. a stop word file with the stop words * * author dennis li * */public class SimpleSearchEngineImpl implements SimpleSearchEngine private String docFolderPath = null;private String indexFile
12、Path = null;private String docNameIndexPath = null;private String stopWordsFilePath = null;/ search index map, mapping words to a set of document Idsprivate Map<String, Set<Integer>> searchIndex = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();/ doc name index map, mapping the docId to
13、docNameprivate Map<Integer, String> docNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>();/ a set of stop wordsprivate Set<String> stopWords = new HashSet<String>();public SimpleSearchEngineImpl(String docFolderPath, String indexFilePath, String docNameIndexPath, String stopWordsFilePath
14、) if (docFolderPath.charAt(docFolderPath.length()-1) = '/')this.docFolderPath = docFolderPath;elsethis.docFolderPath = docFolderPath + "/"this.indexFilePath = indexFilePath;this.docNameIndexPath = docNameIndexPath;this.stopWordsFilePath = stopWordsFilePath;/* * initialize * * load
15、the search index, doc name index, stop words from files if they exist * */public void init() loadIndexFile();loadDocNameIndex();loadStopWords();/* * simple query by splitting the query into search terms and looking up the index, * ranking results by the number of search terms appearing in a document
16、 * * return the list of document names * */public List<String> query(String queryStr) / split the query string into query termsString terms = queryStr.split("s+");/ look up the search index and generate fildId -> count map HashMap<Integer,Integer> map = new HashMap<Intege
17、r,Integer>();for (int i=0; i<terms.length; i+) Set<Integer> docIds = searchIndex.get(termsi);if (docIds != null && docIds.size() > 0) for (Integer id : docIds) Integer count = map.get(id);if (count = null)map.put(id, new Integer(1);elsemap.put(id, count+1);/ rank the search re
18、sult, simply based on the number of query terms appearing in a document. The more the higher the rank. ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(map); TreeMap<Integer,Integer> sortedMap = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>(bvc); sortedMap.putAll(map); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(
19、); Iterator<Integer> iter = sortedMap.keySet().iterator(); if (iter.hasNext() builder.append(docNames.get(iter.next(); while (iter.hasNext() builder.append(","+docNames.get(iter.next(); System.out.println(" search results: "+builder.toString();return null;/* * add a documen
20、t and update the index * * param docName */public void addDoc(String docName) BufferedReader br = null;try Integer fileId = docNames.size();/ find the next available file Idwhile (docNames.containsKey(fileId)fileId+;docNames.put(fileId, docName);String line;br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(doc
21、FolderPath + docName);while(line = br.readLine() != null) line = line.toLowerCase();String terms = line.split("a-z+");for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i+) / check stop wordif (termsi.length() <= 1 | stopWords.contains(termsi)continue;Set<Integer> docIds = searchIndex.get(terms
22、i);/ create docIds list and add to the search indexif (docIds = null) docIds = new TreeSet<Integer>();docIds.add(fileId);searchIndex.put(termsi, docIds);elsedocIds.add(fileId);/printSearchIndex();catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error accessing doc: " +ex);finally if (br !=
23、 null) try br.close();catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error closing doc: "+ ex);/printDocNameIndexFile();/* * load the search index from file. * * The format of each line of the index file is as follows: * word: docId1,docId2,docId3,. * * Example: * will: 0,1,2,3 * wise: 2 */pub
24、lic void loadIndexFile() BufferedReader br = null;try File file = new File(indexFilePath); / if file doesnt exists, then create itif (!file.exists() file.createNewFile();return;br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file);String line;while(line = br.readLine() != null) int i = line.indexOf(':
25、9;);String key = line.substring(0, i);String terms = line.substring(i+1).trim().split(",s+");Set<Integer> set = new TreeSet<Integer>();for (String term : terms) term = term.trim();if (term.length() > 0) try set.add(Integer.valueOf(term);catch (NumberFormatException ex) Syste
26、m.err.println("loadIndexFile: bad doc Id in line: "+line);searchIndex.put(key, set);catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error accessing file: " +ex);finally if (br != null) try br.close();catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error closing file: "+ ex);/* *
27、load the document name index from file * * The format is: * docId docName * * example: * 0 braveNewWord * 1 weAre * */public void loadDocNameIndex() BufferedReader br = null;try File file = new File(docNameIndexPath); / if file doesnt exists, then create itif (!file.exists() file.createNewFile();ret
28、urn;br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file);String line;while(line = br.readLine() != null) String terms = line.split("s+");if (terms0.length() > 0 && terms1.length() > 0) try docNames.put(Integer.valueOf(terms0), terms1);catch (NumberFormatException ex) System.err.print
29、ln("loadDocNameIndex: bad doc Id in line: "+line);catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error accessing file: " +ex);finally if (br != null) try br.close();catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error closing file: "+ ex);/* * load the stop words from file * th
30、e format is one word per line */public void loadStopWords() BufferedReader br = null;try br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stopWordsFilePath);String line;while(line = br.readLine() != null) line = line.trim();if (line.length() > 0)stopWords.add(line);catch (IOException ex) System.err.println
31、("error accessing file: " +ex);finally if (br != null) try br.close();catch (IOException ex) System.err.println("error closing file: "+ ex);/* * output the search index to file */public void printSearchIndex() Iterator<String> iterator = (new TreeSet<String>(searchInd
32、ex.keySet().iterator(); try FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(indexFilePath, false); / overwritewhile (iterator.hasNext() String key = iterator.next().toString(); Set<Integer> idSet = searchIndex.get(key); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); fw.write(key+": "); Iterator<Inte
33、ger> iter = idSet.iterator(); if (iter.hasNext() builder.append(iter.next(); while (iter.hasNext() builder.append(",").append(iter.next(); /System.out.println(builder.toString(); fw.write(builder.toString()+"n"); fw.close(); catch(IOException ioe) System.err.println("IOException: " + ioe.getMessage(); /* * output the document name index to file */public void printDocNameIndexFile() try FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(docNameIndexPath, false); /
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