



1、外研版三年级春季学期英语填空题专项复习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据情境补全句子。1吃午饭的时间到了,可以说:Its time _ _.2该睡觉了,可以说:Its _ _ bed.3现在是7点整,应该说:.Its _ oclock.4早上遇见老师,应该说:_ morning, Miss Li.5你想知道那边的东西是什么,可以问:What _ _ over there?2. 看一看,读一读,根据图片,选出正确的单词。1_(crayon eraser pencil)2_ (arm

2、bag leg)3_ (pen big pig)4_ (water white what)5_ (two five ten)3. 根据图示,写英语算式及得数。1_+_=_2_+_=_3_+_=_4_+_=_5_+_=_4. 选词补全句子。you  your1. Whats _ favourite food?2. Thank _!5. 用a,an和some填空。  (1)I have _ egg.   (2)I have _bread.  (3)I have

3、 _ biscuits.   (4)I have _ water.  (5)I have _ banana.6. 根据提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1I can _ _ (跑得快).2I can _ _ (跳得远).3I can _ (游泳).4Can you _ (唱歌)?5I am the _ (赢家).6You are _ (慢的).7- Can you swim?

4、0; - No, I _.7. 根据情境补全句子。1你想知道对方的年龄时,可以问:_ _ are you?2你想称赞别人的短裙很好看,可以说:What a _ _!3你想告诉妈妈想要一支铅笔,可以说:I want _ _.4同学问你借橡皮,你答应了,可以说:OK. Here _ _.5你想知道现在几点了,你会问:_ _ is it?8. 找出下列单词中的反义词。dad  this  mum  that  m

5、orning  yes  lion  no  pen1(_)- (_)2(_)- (_)3(_)- (_)9. 选词填空。feed   throw flying eating1. I am _a hamburger. 2. She is _her kite.3. Lets_ the ducks. 4. He can _it very far.10. 根据汉语选择正确的短语补充句子。A. playing the flute B. play

6、ing basketballC. making cakes D. eating hamburgers E. listening to music1I''m_(听音乐).2I''m_(做蛋糕).3They are_(吃汉堡).4I''m_(吹笛子).5I''m_(打篮球).11. 根据句意以及首字母提示补全单词。1My sister l_ to ride a bike yesterday.2My mother w_ a book about animals last year.3Liu Min

7、g was a good pupil. He s_ very hard.12. 用适当的单词填空。1._is it? It''s an apple.  2.It''s small and yellow. It''s sour. It''s a _.  3.I like candy. It''s _. Yummy! Yummy!  4.I like _. It''s cold and sweet.13. 写出与所给单词同类

8、的单词(答案不唯一)。1is  _ 2hi  _ 3cat _4Miss _ 5boy  _ 6you _14. 读句子,根据图片提示选词填空,将序号填在横线上A. bag B. six C. white D. milk E. head1Lets make a puppet. This is the _. 2I have a blue _. 3Have some _, please. 4One, two, three, four, five,&#

9、160;_, seven. Wow! I see seven pears. 5I see orange. I see _. 15. 填写正确的动词。1Im fish. I can _.2Im a bird. I can _.3Im a singer. I can _.4Im a dancer. I can _.5Im a high jumper. I can _.16. 选择正确的单词填空,写在横线上。1There _ (is, are) some fish in the river.2Ther

10、e aren''t _ (some, any) children in the photo.3How many _ (dog, dogs) do you have?4_ (They, There) are _ (any, some) toy bears in the room.5Ben and Jiamin _ (has, have) five robots. Joan _ (have, has) two dolls.6Are there _ (any, some) pets in the bag?Yes, _(they, there) are.7There _ (is, are)a pen and five books on the desk.17. 从括号中选出适当的词填空。1Would you like _ (a/ an) red apple?No, thanks.2Look at _ (this/ these) pictures.How nice!3_ (Where/ What) are my p


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