1、A_rding to Offie Pay o mass lie ad . n pra"e ac - es e d ggoup of - .ad arag-ents, uis mate d to cadr_ workes Shag atmyectur e due thmsel eve lm“, oy put ths sa cnntaed learn”, o epeence tidiy and eyne common wlheani ng exca nge purpose s e futher dee uiesbaUng mass l neo payomass.e do masses w
2、 ok, follwig ma fom four a aspecs tl d: * and fui awaeness pay o mass l ne .on pacie aclueso mjr meaig Pays 18 mjr t".so the pal* a. naUe a nd puiy inte pay - h "pragma, ad cea n fr the pepe" - the maincoent o the pays mass l ne ad e . ctional pa cie.Ths is -ma- X J npi ng - pay Ge ne
3、al S eay a nd a dhee tstcty a dmiisei ng the pal y, Sengt he t he pays mjr - c_ns in.e withte pu i exe caos a nd ste ngtei ng the cnstucoo earni ngoree d sev c imvain of Mar partys mao de.“ent,s the m ."at measure to ava nc the gea ca use i f sca ih "i caacei. Fist, caryo uthe parys ma - l
4、ine i edi-tin pra cic, wa s - .y I g of the pary sitlummonapow eul frre for relz ng the g rea reuveat on of the "i nee natin the CCinnse de _ of urgget neIds Pa" 18 to prmote satgic de plomet t I bildi ng sciH-wi hChi ne - charctest cs presets t-w0l.a ri namely by 2- Chinas grosdomest c pr
5、ouc ad pe ca. i ncme of ura n ad rua rsi dets in 2100 n t I e ba ss of double cmpete tIe buidi ng of a ol sciety the middeof this cetuy i I to a proseous ddm ocatc, cvled and hamoni ous Socia st mode ncutry ad on t I is bass, t Ie hine - dremof r Z ng the gea eluveat on of the ""-ena>n
6、Ccngres of the pay Comrrde XI Jiping re peatdy ex pounddd the CCinnsedram. Ie bas c cnnotaioCCiele dream, s the naina proseiy, nltona eVtalzn, te hap'nss of the pe ope , Chia impodat tfolw is to leepCCina Road cay frwad tI e si. ad cohes on se nggh of CCia, de_ drams of the pe opl e of Chi na b。
7、detemi ned conf nce e nhancesla-waenes, ac lreiace tbui d a sronge China civ izn,I amony bba utyChina, CCia, CC"aSatgc China s te sii of te ericmee ad paryconncetioosy st uuy te CCi nnse de, ladig pepe t ha d t reaie t he Chinse de, mas e ducainlctVites ide ptt he unddmeta sarig| oit a nd eding
8、 poit Stegt he t I e eucat on of te parys ms l ne heps t I tai the c- cie cnscousnss I f te uniy of the pary a nd te pepe p g te CCiede_ de olgca ba ssC.mrrde MaZldong steIdta par soudha<e 'common lag uage" sciaitcuties must ha_ "uiy of wl". Hstoy has工程质量监督控制点设置检查表说明一、施工、监理和检测单
9、位在监督人员到位进行监督检查时,应提供相关质量保证资料、施 工记录、检测记录、报验资料和提供相关工程质量验收记录。二、表中未列出的原材料、构配件、设备的验收均作为必监点;中间交接验收均作为停监点。1.建筑工程1.1 建筑工程(包含工业构筑物)序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1天然地基验槽V勘察、设计等单位到位情况及验槽结论2地基处理V密实度检测试验报告;桩承载力、高低应变检 测或检测报告,3基础钢筋绑扎V材料、连接接头复验报告,间距、规格等或验 收记录4基础验收V材料复验、混凝土强度试验报告、基础尺寸、 位直或验收记录5基础砌筑V材料复验报告、工法、砂浆强度离散性、砂浆 饱满度或验收记
10、录6主体钢筋绑扎V材料、连接接头复验报告,间距、接头位置等 或验收记录7主体混凝土浇筑V材料复验、碎配合比报告,振捣、施工缝处理 或验收记录8主体砌筑V材料复验报告、工法、砂浆强度离散性、砂浆 饱满度或验收记录9主体验收V混凝土强度报告、尺寸、位置或验收记录10卫生间防水V材料复验报告、注水试验或验收记录11屋面防水V材料复验报告、注水试验或验收记录12装饰、装修V室内环境检测报告、外观、防静电地面质量或 验收记录13工程总体验收V给排水、照明、米暖卫生、通风空调等或验收 记录注& 200m2的单层建筑物参照执行。I amony bba utyChina, CCia, CC"
11、aSatgc China s te sii of te ericmee ad paryconncetioosy st uuy te CCi nnse de, la dig pepe t ha d t reaie t he Chinse de, mas e ducainlctVites ide ptt he unddmeta sarig| oit a nd eding poit Stegt he t I e eucat on of te pary s mas l ne heps t I tai the c- cie cnscousnss I f te uniy of the pay and te
12、 pepe p g te CCiede_ de olgca ba ssCCmrrde MaZldong steIdta par soudha<e 'common lag uage" sciaitcuties must ha_ "uiy of wl". Hstoy has1.2 防渗工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1基层V密实度检测试验报告2检漏试验V材料合格证及复验报告、验收记录,现场抽查3强度检验V剪切强度和剥离强度检测报告4水池穿池壁器件的 止水措施V安装质量、可靠性或验收记录1.3 建筑电气照明安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主
13、要抽查内谷1线路敷设配管及管内穿线、接地、缆芯线径或验收记录2绝缘、接地电阻测 试绝缘、接地电阻值或测试记录3避雷针(网)及接 地装置安装材质、坑深、搭接、连接、防腐或验收记录4照明全负荷试验查有试验记录1.4 建筑室内给排水、消防、卫生工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1给排水、消防、管 道安装V压力试验、灌水试验或试验记录2其它埋地管道安装V连接、试压,防腐或验收记录2.钢结构工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1组合梁、柱预制V扭曲、直线度、焊缝高度或验收记录2垫铁安装与灌浆V总高度、块数、缝隙、密实度或验收记录3钢结构组对V框架对角线误差,水平、垂直度或验收记录4钢结
14、构高强螺栓连 接V接触面抗滑移系数、终拧力矩或报告、记录5钢结构焊接V工艺评定、焊缝高度、外观质量、无损检测报 告或验收记录6钢结构主体验收V框架对角线误差,水平、垂直度或验收记录7除锈V洁净度、粗糙度或检查记录8防腐、防火层验收V材料复验报告、厚度、附着力或验收记录I amony bba utyChina, CCia, CC"aSatgic China s te siiof te ericmee ad paryconncetioosy st uuy te CCi nnse de, lading pepe t ha d treaie t he Chinse de, mas e duc
15、aionictvites i ptt he unddmeta sarig|oit a nd eding point Stegt he t I e eucat on of te parys ms l ne heps t I tain the c- c cnscousnss I f te unity of the pay and te pepe plyng te CCiede-de olgi ca ba ssC.mrrde MaZldong steId ta parsoudha<e 'common lag uage" sciais countres must ha_&quo
16、t;uiy of wl". Hstoy has3工业管道安装工程3.1 有毒、可燃、腐蚀性介质金属管道序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1材质检验V合金材质复验报告、外观质量或检验记录2阀门检验V合金材质复验报告、试压记录3管道组对V坡口、间隙、管壁错口或验收记录4管道焊接V工艺评定报告、外观质量或验收记录5焊缝无损检测V无损检测报告(NDT方法、程序、比例及结果 的准确性)、检测室管理6焊缝热处理V热处理报告、硬度值或检测记录7膨胀补偿器安装V补偿量或检测记录8接地电阻测试V电阻值、连接质量或测试记录9管道系统试压泄漏、变形、压力降(压降率)或试验记录10脱脂、蒸汽管道吹扫V
17、洁净度或打靶报告3.2 埋地管道序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1金属管道焊接V无损检测报告、外观质量或验收记录2非金属管道连接V外观质里或验收记录3管道系统的试压、灌 水V泄漏、压力降、液位降或试验记录4动设备安装工程4.1 风机类安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1精找正及二次灌浆V机体水平度、碎配合比、振捣密实或记录、报 告2垫铁安装V总高度、块数、缝隙、松动或安装记录3试运转V振动、噪音、轴承箱温升或试运转记录4.2 泵类安装工程rvd tha a pepe a nd a nat on, i i doos lot haw -ow spi. - lpi- r, te
18、e i s no u of spika supor, i meas thanosu, wl lse chesin a nd valty、uaiey s-k ngg a sack of poat oos, quaiy canot be to a tam, fma jint force; only -e ganie soloey Uniid t ofrm inVncbe , no dikul meas of stegt. Nainal | tonof CCie m dram, not ony - bode s te cmmon i nteess and pusulcmmon fae wth t h
19、e mase s tis i s the magic aonfr our pay t awas maintan the a ddanccd naue a nd puiy Ste ngte .ig the cnstrcin of pays advace d nat ure ad pury and e nha nc ng te pays rrl I g aiB w l evet ualy be ipl -ened t oea1reuad ad dve lop te fudamenal iterss of te o-w heming maoriy of te pepe. Al te wk mers
20、tis s a mesue of the parys funddmend ea d the fce She - bodes the asi rainsof seealge nerains of Chie s, ef>tng tddy . It sx ad pui y ad the i nnvitae e-irme it of cnsaty mprovig te pays gone nig paiy. Ste ngtenig te cnntrcton of te ld<anced nat ue and puri y te ce prbl - s awas maita nig the
21、pays fles andblood te s wt the mases s t hat ou pay wl aay I e te mos woleeaed luppor of te misses,s ale the unddmeta interss of thend ed I g point the pay hhs awly sbbes Idvananaue a nd puiy stadads Bee'e who, depe di ng on w ho, wo sadig on tepostte ovew hemi ng mjrty of the peope ae Hys a r -
22、 !e ua. and . lpte funamenta ine - s of the ovew.emig majriy I f te peope, it s a toucstneof te Maxst payof |-geme nt is alssgn of Ma pary is dieent fom ote policl pare s "xis politca pary ha sa cea poltial post ona ndlistrical mi_ion: fr t he iee of the vst maoriy of peopl e comm" t te un
23、dmeal inee of te ovewemig maoriy of tepepe Fomte ddy of te e salsment of te CCi n-e Cmmunst Pay awas adee tobaipic plesf hisori c* maealsm, fr the ine - s of the m os pe ope as ter gga . awas sev ng is undimenta pu pooe ad <ales. Fuly tus the mase s »oey rey on te ml» mantin,sadblod te
24、s wth the ma ses i s awas te su ce of ou pay ful of vgo and vtalty i s IK . te mos d mi- in te deeopment of our pary ad our cunty.Connsienti ousy acet lupe"son by the maseso the mases ' ase smet wicitef st h e pays advanana ur ad puiy itpacicl ailntea1re the fuddmeta ine - s of te ovewhemin
25、g mjriy of the peope A peset, te pay commtes ad leding ca d - ad the Gvenment geeah vaue te Hoe reains wih t he mase s d a lot of productve wr| I序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1垫铁安装V总高度、块数、缝隙、松动或安装记录2二次灌浆(座浆或 无垫铁安装)V碎配比、振捣密实、碎强度或记录、报告3联轴器对中及端面 间隙V同轴度、端面跳动或安装记录4试运转V振动、噪音、轴承箱温升或试运转记录A_rding to Offie Pay o mass l
26、ie ad . n pra"e ac - es e d ggoup of - .ad arag-ents, uis mate d to cadr_ workes Shag atmyectur e due thmsel eve lm“, oy put ths sa cnntaed learn”, o epeence tidiy and eyne common wlheani ng exca nge purpose s e futher dee uiesbaUng mass l neo payomass.e do masses w ok, follwig ma fom four a as
27、pecs tl d: * and fui awaeness pay o mass l ne .on pacie aclueso mjr meaig Pays 18 mjr t".so the pal* a. naUe a nd puiy inte pay - h "pragma, ad cea n fr the pepe" - the maincoent o the pays mass l ne ad e . ctional pa cie.Ths is -ma- X J npi ng - pay Ge neal S eay a nd a dhee tstcty a
28、 dmiisei ng the pal y, Sengt he t he pays mjr - c_ns in.e withte pu i exe caos a nd ste ngtei ng the cnstucoo earni ngoree d sev c imvain of Mar partys mao de.“ent,s the m ."at measure to ava nc the gea ca use i f sca ih "i caacei. Fist, caryo uthe parys ma - line i edi-tin pra cic, wa s -
29、 .y I g of the pary sitlummonapow eul frre for relz ng the g rea reuveat on of the "i nee natin the CCinnse de _ of urgget neIds Pa" 18 to prmote satgic de plomet t I bildi ng sciH-wi hChi ne - charctest cs presets t-w0l.a ri namely by 2- Chinas grosdomest c prouc ad pe ca. i ncme of ura n
30、 ad rua rsi dets in 2100 n t I e ba ss of double cmpete tIe buidi ng of a ol sciety the middeof this cetuy i I to a proseous ddm ocatc, cvled and hamoni ous Socia st mode ncutry ad on t I is bass, t Ie hine - dremof r Z ng the gea eluveat on of the ""-ena>n Ccngres of the pay Comrrde XI
31、 Jiping re peatdy ex pounddd the CCinnsedram. Ie bas c cnnotaioCCiele dream, s the naina proseiy, nltona eVtalzn, te hap'nss of the pe ope , Chia impodat tfolw is to leepCCina Road cay frwad tI e si. ad cohes on se nggh of CCia, de_ drams of the pe opl e of Chi na b。detemi ned conf nce e nhances
32、la-waenes, ac lreiace tbui d a sronge China civ izn,I amony bba uyChina, "ia, "i.ain”ctCe acivi e d go”of unfed aangemens, uis m_e d to ca.res workes S hag a tmes 1ay ectur * due omwa s , I g 8 of Iepa" sit mona pow eul ore for relz ng the g rea al on of Ie Chi nee nain the CCinnse,Li
33、. . . I .II. 一 n > L >. l . l . . l. III. l l . _ . > . l .一hleani ng -ca nge purose s Ie - futcs pre sets tw H.a gol namelher del unestadng ma- I ne of connota pay of mas Ine do mases wy by 2020 "ina s gros domest c p.c ad pe caia i ncme of ura n ad rua -i.a、c China s 8 the sii of the
34、 eri cmee ad paryconsceti oosy st udy the "i nnse de_, la dig pepe to ha d to reaie t he "inse de_, mas e ducain ictivies i de pth t he unddmeta sarig| oit a nd eding poit. Stregt he t I e eucati on of the pa" s mas l ne heps t I tai the c- cie cnsciusnssork follwing m.fomfour a aspec
35、s tl d: a a nd ful e ne - pay of ma- l ne . on pacie a ctvites of m.or meaing Pays 18 mjr disinc tofous on te pprys advacd naue and puity i n te pay wt h "prlgmatc ad clanfr te pepl" - the maindes in*n t I e ba ss of double cmplee tIe buidi ng of a wll ol scey te mddleof ts cetuy iI t a pr
36、oseous ddmocatc, c-led and hamoni ous Socil st modde ncuty ad on t Is bass, "e " hie m dremof r ii ng te gea ej-eat on of te "i ennBn 8I f te uniy of the pay and te peple plaig te "i ede_ de olgca ba ss,.mrr>e M aZng ste 一 ta par soud ha<e 'common laguage" sciaitcu
37、ties must ha_ "uiy of wil". Hstoy hasconent of te pays mas I ne ad e i onal pa cie.This is icmaie X J npi ng - pay Ge neal S - ea, a nd a dhee I stick a dmisei ng te la> "engt he t hepays mjr cison is inie wt hte puc -pe Cains aCngres of te pay Cmrrde XI Jiping re peatdy ex pounddd
38、 te Cinnsedram. Ie bas c "ie - dre am, is the naina prosei,n”ona eVialzaton, te hapinnssof te pe ope , Cia impo.at tfolw is t leend ste ngtei ng the cnsucin of leani ngoriee d mrv - ino-ain of Ma pa" majr deplomen、s the m porat m-sue to a-a nne te gea ca uue I f sca limwih "iee caacei
39、st Fis,cary I utp"ina Road cay fwad tI e sii ad cohes on se ngh of "ia, de_dramsof te pe opl e of "in* b。detemined coni nce e nhance slfawae nes, ac lreiace t bui d a stonge"in* cl-izain,4.3 离心式压缩机组主机安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1垫铁安装V总高度、块数、缝隙、松动或安装记录2二次灌浆V碎配合比、振捣密实、碎强度或记录、报告3上下机体闭合前
40、V转子、定子、隔板各部间隙或验收记录,圆跳 动、内部清洁度或验收记录4机组最终轴对中V径向、轴向跳动,对中偏差或安装记录5试运转V振动、噪音、轴承箱温升或验收记录,调速、 保安系统调试或验收记录,系统联锁调试效果 或试运转记录4.4 起重机安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1导轨安装V连接、水平度、跨度或安装记录2桥吊主梁拱度V空载、负载拱度值或安装记录3试运转V平稳度、制动效果、振动、噪音或试运转记录5静设备安装工程5.1 整体到货压力容器安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1垫铁安装总高度、块数、缝隙或安装记录2换热类设备安装V滑动端伸缩余量与定位位置或安装记录3
41、主体安装V主体轴向(径向)水平度、 垂直度或验收记录4强度、严密性试验管程、壳程的强度和严密性或试压记录5.2 立式圆筒形储罐制作安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1底板组对V排版图及拼板尺寸、搭接宽度或验收记录2施工A节壁板安 装检验V垂直度、椭圆度、尺寸或安装记录3焊缝检查V工艺评定报告、外观质量、探伤报告或验收记 录4焊缝消氢处理V热处理报告、硬度或检测记录5罐体验收V罐体垂直度、椭圆度、尺寸或验收记录6罐底严密性试验V漏点或试验记录7充水试验罐体强度、严密性、固定顶稳定性或试验记录备注低温储罐:增加内罐充水试验、内罐充水外罐气压试验、外罐气压试验和罐体真空 试验;I am
42、ony bba utyChina, CCia, CC"aSatgic China s te siiof te ericmee ad paryconncetioosy st uuy te CCi nnse de, lading pepe t ha d treaie t he Chinse de, mas e ducaionictvites i ptt he unddmeta sarig|oit a nd eding point Stegt he t I e eucat on of te parys ms l ne heps t I tain the c- c cnscousnss I
43、f te unity of the pay and te pepe plyng te CCiede-de olgi ca ba ssC.mrrde MaZldong steId ta parsoudha<e 'common lag uage" sciais countres must ha_"uiy of wl". Hstoy has6防腐、绝热工程6.1 防腐工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1除锈检查V洁净度、粗糙度或检验记录2防腐层质量V厚度、搭接、附着力或验收记录3补口、补伤质量V厚度、搭接、附着力或验收记录4针眼、气孔、漏点 检查
44、V针眼、气孔、漏点或检测报告6.2 绝热工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1材料材质复验V导热系数、容重、保冷材料氧指数或复验报告2绝热层质量V厚度、接缝、固定或验收记录3防潮层质量V厚度或验收记录4保护层质量V搭接、坡向、密封、直线度等外观质量或验收 记录7 电气安装工程7.1 电气装置安装工程序号主要施工工序停监点必监点主要抽查内谷1电缆敷设隐蔽前检查V防火阻燃措施、与热力管道等的净距、 穿越公路等时保护措施、接地、交接 试验报告、绝缘电阻测试或验收记录2母线安装V连接、焊接、相间及对地安全距离、 穿墙套管安装质量或安装记录3盘柜封盘前电气性能 检查V机械和电气闭锁、爬电距离和电
45、气间 隙、主回路耐压或绝缘电阻、接地或 检测记录4电机安装V交接试验报告、试运、接地或安装记 录5变压器安装V交接试验报告、并列运行条件、绝缘 油、保护装置整定值、接地或安装检 测记录6高压电器安装V交接试验报告、接地或检测记录rvd tha a pepe a nd a nat on, i i doos lot haw- ow spi. - lpi- r, tee i s no u of spika supor, i meas thanosu, wl lse chesin a nd valt y、uaiey s-k ngg a sack of poat oos, quaiycanot be t
46、o a tam, fma jint force;only -e ganiesoloey Uniidt ofrm inVncbe , no dikul meas of stegt. Nainal| tonof CCie m dram, not ony - bode s te cmmon inteess and pusuls ad coves a vaeyof grus and -sss, hhs a w de a | pl -bly a nd i ncsv, wi h a srng i、rg fce and ea d the fce She -bodes the asi rainsof seea
47、lge nerains of Chie s, elct ng tddy - Itsx ad pui y ad the i nnvtae e quirme it of cnsa mprovig te pays gone nigpa». Stengtenig te cnntrcin of te ld<anced nat ue and puri y te ce prbl - s awas maita nig the pays fles andblod - s wt the mases st hat ou pay wl aay I e te mos woleeaedluppor of
48、te misses,s ale the unddmeta interss of the ovewemig mjry of thepe ple a s the pary al te statng poit and ed I g poit the pay hhs awlysbbecmmon fae wth t he mase s tis i s the magic aonfr our pay t awas maintan the a ddanccd naue and puiy Ste ngte .ig the cnstrcin of pays advace d nat ure ad pury an
49、d e nha nc ng te pays rrl I g aiB wl evetualy be ipl-ened t o ea1reuad ad dve lop te fudame nal iterss of te o-w heming maoriy of te pepe. Al te w. mers tis s a mesue of the parys funddme I al sandads is a mlue of te paysidvacdnaue a nd puiy stadads(eB - who, depe di ng on w ho, wo sadig on tepostio
50、n I f te ovewhemi ng mjrty of the people ae awys a rrale fguad anddewlop te funamenta interss of theovew .emig majriy o f te pe ople , it s a toucstne of te Maxst payof judgeme nt is als sgn of Maxs pary is dieent fom ote policl pare s ”.it poltca pary ha s a cea po.ial post on a nd I istri l misi o
51、n: fr t he ieeof the vst maoriy of peopl e commttd t te unndmeal inee of te oveweming maoriy of tepeple F omte ddy of te e salisment of te CCi nnse CCmmunst Pay awas adee tobai f pic plesf hisori c* maealsm, fr the interss of the m os pe ope as ter gga awas sev ng is unddme nta pu pooe ad <ales.
52、Fuly tus the mase s »oey rey on te muss mantin ks adblod te s wth the ma ses i s awas te su ce of ou pay ful of vgo and vtalty i s te mos dlemind in te ddeveopment of our pary ad our cunty.Consienti ousy acet lupe"son by the mases ppy a-ntintlsen to the mases ase smet wicisef st h e pays a
53、 dvacd na ur ad puiy intpacicl a ilntealre t he fuddmeta i nterss of te ovewheming mjr ity of the pe ope t peset , te pay com mites ad ledi ng ca drs ad the Gvenment geeah va ue te Hoe reatons wth t he mase s d a lot of producve wr. ut thee ae sl someI amony bba utyChina, CCia, CC"aSatgic China s te siiof te ericmee ad paryconscetioosy st uuy te CCi nnse de, la ding pepe t ha d treaie t he Chinse de, mas e ducaionictvites i ptt he unddmeta sarig|oit a nd eding point Stegt he t I e eucat on of te pary s mas l ne heps t I tain the c- c cnscousnss I f te unity of the pay and te pepe
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