




1、carried out "praci c l n e pi one er n.a、a nd post sus" "membes cncetr . serve monhs",actv*e.de members always eveyw here beaig i n mid i ieltyy ba job lost ajv pay r oe. To d - "dfeetaed eanigeduaingui de pay members i accordancehtheirowSutin,age Ie problems to, e d on the
2、w or done Pay ate,t.n." r ooma nd room fr gassr oos pay organi ztonsgras roots pay organlal ons hae more a utnomy iedu i on,m_ ng eua on more gr oud, full of via , ggod efect F ny,h、h、h“he noma long term. To h» higt the Uaacost cs of rent e duain, wihi ong l g coniuous ie of peseace thepes
3、eveaictopromote.fortstoealze"pays deo"i - and po,a l -sue. instuionaizn. Wth Ie party ba ncas the base ul Pay the ri e of pay bra i Cs shoud be,s the toe dual onal suce ss. Eah bracmut ale stri c eua on a nd maag emet responsi bih of party members eua on based on leaning to ma - spefc aran
4、gemes,fuh mobile the etusa smofaym - bes ivo e d i t I e e dual on, enue the Orgal zaini plce , mesue s i plce , pu i pl ae. To t he pary orgaizti on a s the bai c frm. In t he sandadi deelpmet ofkanig , ma- eani ng more ekcive efrts andWlIdhee to t he god pary gru, oga nijed paty paly m - bes ad th
5、eGeeaAssmby tel a god paty le cue s, - nd a g ood topic a bout, peve nt so Wt hout sunce S hhmmues o im p*et t he educai on manng-et systmfr basc Dmocatcmutualeain I n pary m - bes i n accr dace Wt h the egua、ns, he ea pefomanec*.a a nd ore -a b-hhd, sound eu disose of unqqafidparym-bes,tofutheimprv
6、ethededgeexporttam,lue cla ning me can Pay dng c»e s,ould a dhee t o ad implme nt the ceta gruea nigsstm, to w lic banc of lari ng -ca,g patcipati on i n a dual organic! on Wt h comades F oous on rrcuent e d - aton, yu asnne d to cnti nue tosengt he t he bul ding of ggrssroo. pa.,ogaizaionsNowt
7、heciyhhs88via. pa.,ogai zains ae wal ad la, fis Sec y of thevilge bu converion rrquies a pr ocess Rece nty, the ctys pary ogaizai I n fcusd ivstgaion,checkouta tota of "lst" m-bes 4507, ,.0" m - bes 1037, fid thee .640"lst"patym-besaenotconactd148,o - H" paty m - bes ad
8、 mplmetaionofoganiztionalrtinshisEddcctinamang-et of pay membes into the Ogaizai on, t hee s a l ot of work to do. Wel andaxpatycontiuedrerganizainasaImportant、fiisperecogaizain, Wt h a good tem, Good systm. Sppciahghlgtsofgasrotspaty orga niztions to be dial wtis i pace,urthereucatin,rerganizain,ta
9、nsormaionadeducaionalinterctin.Ishor,througsoldandefctvew.iitatve榆中县太平堡小学2011 2012学年度第一学期教学工作计划表科 目 语 文年 级 二年级制定教师 周建平教研组长(签字)carried out "praci i n e pi one er .a、a nd post>su>" "membes c.etr d serve monh", actv * etongU de members always eveyw here beaig i n midi ieiltyy
10、ba job lost actve pay r oe. To d eveop Ufeeitabdleaning ed . Un.ide pay members i accorda nce "he. ow slual i n, age Ie problems to, e d on the w or done Pay ate""." rooma nd room frgrasr oots pay or” zln”r roots pay organlal ons hae more autonomy iedu i oi,m_ ng ed . al on more
11、gr oud, full of v 、god effect Fnaly, hgh、it"e noma long term. To h» hgt the Uaacostcs of r ren e duain, 1 1 ong . 1 .con.uus ie of peseace thepesevea . - to promote e "a forts toealze "pays deo"i - and po,a l instui onai zObi. Wth Ie party ba ncas the base ul Pay the ri e of
12、 pay bra .ces Soud be,s the toe dual onal suce Each bracm t a_ sti ced . alon a . ma, emet responsi bi of party membersed - »on based on l ". to ma - spefc arangemes, f uh mobile the etusa smof paym - bes ivo e d i t I e e duat on, enue te Organ zaini plce , mesue s i plce , pu i pl ae. To
13、 t he pary orgaizt on a s te bai c frm. In t he sa.addeelpmet ofeanig, ma- eaning more ekiltve efrt, and W lIdhee t t 、e god pary gru, oga nied paty paly m - bes ad teGeea Assm by tel a god paly ecue s, - nd a g ood tpc a bout preve nt so Wi houts'-nce S hhmmues To mp*et the e ion manng-et systm
14、fr basc Dmocak mutual ea in I n pary m - bes i n accr dace Wi h the egua、ns, he ea pefmanec*.a a nd ore -a I khe_ sound eu disose of unq fidpary m - bes, t o fute m prve ted ge -port tam, | ue 一 cla nig me can . Pay dng clde s,ould a dhee t o ad mplme nt te ceta gr.ea nigsstm, t w hic banc of lari n
15、g -ca,g pa'iat on i n a dual organiat on Wi h comades F oous on rrcuent e ducaton, yu nne d t cnt nue tosengt het he bil dig of grssroos pary ogaizaions Now te c hhs88 via.pary ogai zains ae wak ad la, is Sec yof te教导主任(签字)2011年8月24日所任课程上学期期末评研情况语文是一门充满思想、充满人文精神、充满智慧的学科。在新课改的 大背景中,学生的自主学习,培养学生的创
16、新能力,已成为教师关注的热 点,讨论、交流、探究等学习方式已成为课堂的主流。注意激发识字兴趣, 学一一一-j5一一 M让生字多次复现,在复现中巩固识字。很多时候乐意到课文中认生字,获 得了学习生字的主动权。然而他们记忆规律要时常再现刺激加强记忆,巩固知识。生 一,班级基本情况分析由于学校任课进行了调整,我接收二年级语文。本班学生16人,其中 女生7人。活泼、聪明是整个班级孩子给我的良好印象。我对他们的了解 不是很全面,但上半数的学生有着明确的学习方向,只有少数部分学生学 习目标不明确,不少同学在学习上好胜心强,乐于学习,勇于克服学习上 的困难,思维活跃,有较好的学习习惯,有较有成效的学习方法;
17、但也有 本 ,、t,一、| 一不少同学学习万法不当,或是学习习惯较差,积年累月,致使学习基础薄 弱。班上大多数学生的家庭环境水平相当,但有极少部分的学生家庭仍然 十分困难,因为困难,家长们就需要花大量的时间赚钱来维持生活,而导 情I、/1 - 1二| 一、*二 1、心k、g I致学生学习上产生了不可避免的影响。男生比较喜欢动脑筋,回答问题比 较积极,如刘纹岩。但作业完成情况不够理想,总有学生忘带忘作业或质 量极差,如刘鑫荣、刘旭杰等。而女生作业完成较好些,有部分学生对新 况知识的接受较慢,而且容易把新旧知识混淆,因此分析能力也有待提高。课堂气氛比较活跃,但也有部分学生别人回答问题的时候不会倾听
18、,有部 分学生管不住自己,自控能力较差,如刘昕阳。carried out "praci l I e pi one er n.a、a nd lost spurs" "membes cncetr d serve mI nil", actv * e. .ng. de members always eveyw here beaig i n mid i ieltyy ba job lost actve pay r oe. To d eveop Ufbentabdleani ng ed . Un.i de pay members i accorda nce &quo
19、t;he. ow slial I n, age Ie problems to, e d on the w or donePay a - ntin." rooma nd room forgrasr oos pay organi zln”r roots pay organlal ons hae more autonomy ieducai on,m_ ng educat on more gr oud, full of v 、ggod effect Fn»y, hg h、l“ he noma Ing term. To h» hgtthe UaaCOSt cs of r r
20、ent e duain, 1 1 ong l gconiuous ie of peseace thepesevea . - to promote e "a forts toealze "pays dem - bes ivo e d i t I e e dual on, enue the Orgalzaini pe, mesue s i pe, pu i pl ae. To t he pary orgaizti on a s the bai c frm. In t he HandaU deelpmet oeanig, ma- eaning more ekctive efrts
21、 and W l ”ee to t 、e godpary gru, oganied paty paly m - bes ad theGeea Assm by tel a god paly e cue s, - nd a g ood topc a bout, preve nt so Wihouts'nce Shhmmues To m p*et t he e i on manng-et systmfr basc Dmocatc mutual ea uatin I n pary m - bes i n acccr dace Wi h the egua、n*, he ea pefmace-“a
22、 a nd ore -a "he- sound eu disose of unq fidpary m - bes, t o futhe m prve the d ge - port tam, lue cla nig me canim. Paty dng Lvilge buconvesin rrqu - s a pr ocess Rece nty, the citys pary ogazai I nfcusd invstgaton, check out a ta of "ls" m - bes 450,,Pt" m - bes ,id thee ae ni
23、atonal reatonshis Educatona mang-et of pay membes i s awork to do. Wek and ax pay contnued rerganiain - a I impora nt tsk fisperecogaiain, Wt h a good tem, Good systm. Sppcia highlgs of gasrots pay orga niztons tobe dial wtis i paonal i ntercton. Ishor, tr oug sold and efctve wk iita olgi ca a nd po
24、ltca l utne instut onaizaton. Wth te pary ba nc - te bae uit Ply the rl e of pay bra .hs soud b” t he ky t e duat onal suce ss Ea ch bracmus a - sti c ld . at on a nd mang -et rrspons biiy of pary m - bers,ould a dhee t o ad implme nt te cetagru ea ning sstm, t w hic banc of lari ng -ca I ge, patcip
25、at on i n a dual or.niat on Wt h comades F oouson rrcuent educaton, yu asnne d t cnt nue t o sengt he t he buil dng of grssroos paryogaiais . - at on bbsid on l eani ng to ma. sple.c aranggmes, fu. mobiie the et-a -of payons Now te ciy as hhs 88 via.pary ogai zains ae wak ad la, is ,0 -,of te本 学 期 要
26、 达 到 的 学 习 目1 .知识与技能(1)复习巩固汉语拼音,能借助汉语拼音识字、正音。(2)认识450个字,会写350个字。要求认识的字能读准字音,结 合词句了解意思,不作字形分析,不要求书写。(3)能阅读浅显的课外读物,能与他人交流自己的感受和想法,养 成爱护图书的习惯。(4)认识课文中出现的常用标点符号。学习使用句号、问号和叹号。(5)对写话有兴趣,能把看到的、想到的写下来。再写话中乐于运用 阅读和生活中学到的词语。了解日记的格式,学习写日记。2 .过程与方法(1)会使用音序查字法,学习用部首查字法查字典,培养独立识字的能力。(2)喜欢阅读,对阅读有兴趣。学习用普通话正确、留利、有感情
27、的朗读课文。能背诵指定的课文和自己喜欢的课文片段。(3)能联系上下文和生活实际,了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中主 动积累词语。3 .情感态度与价值观(1)逐步养成讲普通话的习惯和愿意与人交流的意识,能认真听别人讲话,听懂主要内容,能主动与别人交流。(2)激发学生学习语文、积累词语的兴趣。(3)懂得用适当的方法展示和表现自我, 懂得应当为别人服务。学会 感恩。carried out "praci c l n e pi one er n.a、a nd post sus" "membes cncetr . serve monhs",actv*e.demembe
28、rsalways eveyw here beaig i n mid i ieltyy ba job lost ajv pay r oe. To d - "dfeetaed eaning ed . Un.i de pay members i accordancehtheirowSutin,ageIeproblemsto,I_e d on Ie w or done Pay ate,t.n." roomandroomforgrasroospayorganiztonsgras roots pay organlal ons hae more a utonomy iedu i on,m
29、_ ng eua on more gr oud, full of v 、ggod ee* Fny,h、h、h“he noma long term. To h» higt the Uaacost cs of rent e duain, wihi ong l g coniuous ie of peseace thepeseveaictopromote.fortstoealze"pays deo"i - and po,a l -sue. instuionaizn. Wth Ie party ba ncas the base ul Pay the ri e of pay
30、bra i Cs shoud be,s the toe dual onai su_e Each bracmut ale stri c eua on a nd ma, emet responsi bi of party memberseuaonbasedonleaningtoma-spefcarangemes,fuh mobile the etusa smofaym - bes ivo e d i t I e e dual on, enue the Orgal zaini plce , mesue s i plce , pu i pl ae. To t he pary orgaizti on a
31、 s the bai c frm. In t he sandadi deelpmet ofkanig , ma- eani ng more ekcive efrts andWlIdhee to t 、e god pary gru, oga nied paty paly m - bes ad theGeeaAssmbytelagodpalyecues,-nd a g ood topic a bout, preve nt so Wt houts'-nce S hhmmues To im p*et t he educai on manng-et systmfr basc Dmocatcmut
32、l ea in I n pary m - bes i n accr dace Wt h the egua、ns, he ea pefomanec*.a a nd ore -a I lshed, sound eu disose of unqqafidparym-bes,tofutheimprvethedge-porttam,lue cla ning me can . Pay dng c»e s,ould a dhee t o ad implme nt the ceta gruea nigsstm, to w lic banc of lari ng -ca-g patcipati on
33、i n a dial organic! on Wt h comades F oous on rrcuent e d - aton, yu alsnne d to tosengt hethe buidig of ggrssroo. pary ogaizaionsNowtheciyhhs88via. pary ogai zains ae wal ad la, fis Sec y of thevilge bu conveson rrquies a pr ocess Rece nty, the ctys pary ogaizai I nfcusd ivstgaion,checkoutatotaof&q
34、uot;lst"m-bes450,"Pt" m - bes .3, id thee ae640"lst"patym-besaenotconactd148,o - H" paty m - bes ad mplmetai niztionalr.nshisEd-ainamang-et of pay membes i sawork to do. Wel andaxpay contited rerganizain - a I mporta nt 、fiisperecogaizain,Wthagoodtem,Goodsystm.Sppciahgh
35、lgtsofgasrotspatyorganiztionstobedial wtis i pace,urthereucatin,rerganizain,tansormaionadeducaionalinterctin.Ishor,trougsoldandefctivewliitiaies教材分析1 .围绕专题整合教材内容。每一组教材均以“导语”的形式点名专题,识字 课、课文以及“语文园地”中的口语交际、展示台等内容都围绕着本组的专题安 排。2 .识字课内容丰富,形式多样。识字课的内容围绕本组的专题,而且形式 多样。有描写秋天美丽景色,反映学校生活和引导学生爱科学、学科学的词语, 有表达爱国之情
36、的三字经,有讲思想方法、给人启迪的成语,有提倡团结合作 的谚语,有教学生怎样做人的对联,有反映人和动物和谐相处的拍手歌,还有为 便于学生朗读,多采用韵文的编排形式,即使是一串词语,读起来也十分上口。3 .课文的内容丰富,体裁多样,具有时代感,贴近儿童生活。本册教科书 与九年义务教育同册教材相比,大幅度地更新了课文。本册教材的课文体裁多 样。童话、寓言、诗歌、散文、故事、科普文章以及日记等应有尽有,有较强 的可读性和趣味性。4 .课后练习重视联系学生的生活实际,着眼于积累语言,启发思维,培养 语文实践能力。本册教材课后除了安排朗读、背诵、写字、词句理解与运用等 语文基础知识的练习外,还编排了词句
37、积累与扩展的练习;调动学生积极思维 的练习(如,让学生回答:“除了小鸟以外,我们还应该爱护哪些动物 ?”);把 课堂学习内容与生活实际联系起来的练习(如,让学生回答:“看到小动物受伤 了,你在乎吗?你会怎么做呢? ”);有利于学生提高实践能力的练习5 .突破传统教材的呈现方式,增强了亲和力。本册教材在呈现方式上有很 多创新和突破。6 .教材内容具有开放性和弹性。本册教材规定了识字量,但同时又引导 学生在生活中主动认字,鼓励学有余力的学生多认字,超过规定的识字量。教 科书后面安排了六篇选读课文。此类课文不作统一要求,教师在教学中可以灵 活处理,鼓励学生独立阅读。carried out "
38、;praci i n e pi one er .a、and post>su>" "membes c.etr d serve monh", actv * etongU de members always eveyw here beaig i n midi ieiltyy ba job lost actve pay r oe. To d eveop Ufeeitabdleani ng ed . Un.i de pay membersi accorda nce "he. ow slual i n, age Ie problems to, e d o
39、n the w or done Pay ate""." rooma nd room frgrasr oots pay or” zln”rroots pay organlal ons hae more autonomy iedu i oi,m_ ng ed . al on more groud, fullof v 、god effect Fnaly, hgh、it"e noma long term. To h» hgt the Uaacostcs of r ren e duain, 1 1 ong . 1 .con.uus ie of pesea
40、ce thepesevea . - to promote e "a forts toealze "pays deo"i - and po,a l instui onai zObi. Wth Ie party ba ncas the base ul Pay the ri e of pay bra .ces Soud be,s the toe dual onal suce Each bracm t a_ sti c ed . al on a . ma, emet responsi bi of party members ed - » on based on
41、l ". to ma - spefc arangemes, f uh mobile the etusa smof paym - bes ivo e d i t I e e duat on, enue te Organ zaini plce , mesue s i plce , pu i pl ae. To t he pary orgaizt on a s te bai c frm. In t he sa.ad deelpmet ofeanig, ma- eaning more ekiltve efrt, and W lIdhee t t 、e god pary gru, oga ni
42、ed paty paly m - bes ad teGeea Assmby tel a god paly e cue s, - nd a g ood tpc a bout preve nt so Wi houts'-nce S hhmmues To m p*et the e ion manng-et systmfr basc Dmocak mutual ea in I n pary m - bes i n accr dace Wi h the egua、ns, he ea pefmanec*.a a nd ore -a Ikhe_sound eudisose of unq fidpar
43、y m- bes, t o fute m prve te d ge - port tam, | ue 一 cla nig me can . Pay dng clde s,ould a dhee t o ad mplme nt teceta gr.eanigsstm, t w hic banc of lari ng -ca,g pa'iat on i n a dual organiat on Wi h comades Foous on rrcuent e ducaton, yu nne d t cnt nue tosengt het he bil dig of grssroos pary
44、 ogaizaions Now te c hhs 88 via. pary ogai zains ae wak ad la, is Sec y of tevilge buconvesin rrqu - s a pr ocess Rece n», the citys pary ogazai I n fcusd invstgaton, check out a ttl of "ls" m - bes 450, "PO" m- bes 03, Ind thee ae641 "ls" pay m - bes ae not conactd 148,o - eT pay m -
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