1、 Thlvlf t thbjtitif v l tvlf ft lti Dif t v l w yf tP l itf hv lIt wth btv lht it ktyv ltivylt l . i hi iltht hv lthv lv ltf ilhv l t ftliii zt iil iiiztii l ivlztith vl vtf Siltilzti t wt t t'vlit 1t yl i t t thf ththit - h tl t bv b fi It t f l Th l Otk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - t ceae a
2、 recd of aci ments, how t< performance a son. Wat -es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremse of reseci ng te i nteests a. powe of pei pl e ceat ng apopul a, mhe as, st , heart perorma nce, ceatig "serve for one olice, the be net o" acheet s, a. o - al cnstucton of
3、weloff sc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peopl es performa ci eet lat a-mplsmes, a_ ai ote lok atthe fec ne- of sea pr ogress Ca es baa nd rua can” bot had e nvionme nt tsregt he a nd another l ook atthe si evronmet imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustainab
4、l e . ”.me nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peope t oak about "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nce.4. pepe resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston, ad rele d t qust ons point Ma n s the sm of socil re atonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng, tulsm ad eeranmet, e nertini n
5、g ad eve ceai poltl e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma nnee is, al aB of lfe l cme ito be ng Pepe crae fr thei iuWa, a nd cont nue enjyig tereu-of te cnnt uclon. Ccloru i t he tansormatonof tepepe of te orl d, cmmuni, vitaiB i the ceai on of ma. Theeore, an, . e do, the sat n
6、g poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, tece of hi cs t o m-t the nees if pe opl* include, luviva nee .s emot ona l nne.s and - l at alzt needs. It sou d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not tesaw of a objec, not t be cnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has iso n pesnal , hhs is o n
7、 dig niy Pesn id of cae , ou nne. tounndesad neldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”*, peple pl ant" i"i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,, reu.嘉兴蓝光名仕公馆项目室外雨污水及沥青道路工程化/、 池 专 项 施工 方 案编制人:审核人:审批人:浙江吉天建设有限公司2014年3月11日 ThlvlftthbjtitifvltvlfftltiDiftvl wyftPlitfhvlIt wth btv lht i
8、tktyvltivyltl.ihiilththvlthvlvltf ilhvlt f lif i zt iil iiiztiilivlztithvlvt f Siltilzti t wttt'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl tbvbfiIttitflThlOtk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat es, wa kind of Outook here tpeopleorie ntd Oulok, s ontepremofresecin
9、gte i nteests ad powe of peI pl e ceat ng apopul a, mhe as, st , heart performan'c - ig "serve fr one ofier, the be net -" acheet s, ad o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoplesperormanci eet lat a -mplsmes, a_ aI ote lok at the feC ne- of sca pr ogres* C
10、a ,ges baandruacan” bot had e nvirnme nt tSregt he a nd another l ook at the si evionmet imprlament momentumofdlopmentapresent,depedngonte poteta for sustai nabl e . lopme nt Lea- people talk a boutare rts and peopetoakabout"OUlook"snotwatthepefrmance.4p.p. resonne d to the sarig poit of t
11、e queston,adreledtqustonspointMansthesmofsocilreatonshipsWcaInotlevetechchua nyngdu, hous ng.tulsm ad eeranmet,enertiningadeve ceai polt cal e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of ie lcmeitobengPepecraefr thei iuWa, a nd cont nneen. m g tereu-oftecnntuclon.Cclo
12、ruit hetansormaton of tepepeofte orl d,cmmuni,vitaiS i the ceai on ofma.Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, tece of hi c s t o m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viva nee ds emot ona lnne ds and -l-tal-t needs.Itso.dbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te sa
13、w of a objec, not t becnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has ionpesnal,ha s is o dig niy Pesn i I >e d of cae, ounnedto unndesad neldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua socie, peple pl ant" i、.s.l .ce,ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,-eu.一、工程概况该工程位于嘉兴蓝光名仕公馆9号楼以南3米,化粪池选用BHFC-13 玻璃钢化粪池,化粪
14、池有效容积:100立方米。基坑开挖尺寸:13.3m*4.3m*5.4m (详见安装示意图)。二、编制依据1、建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB50202-2002;2、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2001;3、砌体工程施工质量验收规范 GB50203-2002;4、给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范GB50268-97;5、地下防水工程质量验收规范 GB50208-2002;三、基坑土体护坡加固方案(1)分层开挖:原地面标高1.5m以内开挖采用1:1放坡开挖法; 1.5m以下开挖采用边开挖边支钢板桩围护法。(2)钢板桩围护:基坑四周全部采用U型梢钢(6m*0.2m)正反咬齿 密
15、缝排列加固,入土深度为2m,顶端采用电焊焊接加固。(详见基 坑加固图)(3)工字钢支撑:U型梢钢咬口排列后采用16#工字钢横向支撑,分 上下二档支撑,第一档高度为基底以上1.5m处,第二档高度为基底以上4m处。并对基坑南北侧同档工字钢间采用16#工字钢对撑加固处理。确保基坑施工完全处在稳定状态。(详见基坑加固图)(4)基坑降水:基坑四角设置集水坑四处,并于基坑四周设置集水 道,将地下水汇集于集水坑内,设置 4台DN10眦浆泵昼夜抽水。 ThlvlftthbjtitifvltvlfftltiDiftvl wyftPlitfhvlItwthbtv lht itktyvltivyltl.ihiilt
16、hthvlthvlv ltfilhvltftliii ziiliiiztiilivlzithvlvt f Siltilzti t w t tt'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl tbv bfi It titflThlOtk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat es, wa kind of Outook here tpeopleorie ntd Oulok, s ontepremseofresecingte i nteests ad po
17、we of peIpleceatngapopula,mheas,st,heartperormance, ceatig "serve for one ofier, the be net -" acheet s, ad o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoplesperormance-ci eet lat a -mplsmes, a_ aIotelokatthefec ne- of sea pr ogress Ca ,ges baandruralCange;bothadenvio
18、nmenttSregt he a nd another l ook at the si evionmet imprlament momentumofdlopmentapresent,depedngonte poteta for sustai nabl e . lopme nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peopetoak about "Oul ook" is not what t he pefrma nce.4p.p. resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston,adreled t qust
19、ons point Ma n s the sm of socil re atonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng.tulsm ad eeranmet,enertiningadeve ceai polt cal e cnomic cul url ad sca e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of ie lcmeitobengPepecraefr thei -.iva,a nd cont nneen. m g tereu-oftecnntuclon.”ithetan
20、sormatonoftepepeofte orl d, cmmuni, vtah i theceai on ofma.Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, teceofhicst o m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viva nee ds emot ona lnne ds and -l-tal-t needs.Itso.dbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not
21、t becnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has is o n pesnal ,hhs is o n dig niy Pesn i I >e d of cae , ounnedto unndesad neldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”1, peple pl ant"; i "i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar, "he if0rm“oce ,-eu.(5)围护拆除:由勘查报告查得此处黄海标高 0.08至-4.22为淤泥 土层,梢钢入土后无法拆除(先前总包单位
22、进行基坑开挖时的钢板桩 围护无法拆除),并且处于施工安全考虑,玻璃钢化粪池安装好后, 立刻对其进行回填,所有围护不拆除。四、施工方案根据设计地质勘察报告及所选玻璃钢化粪池的结构尺寸,结合实地实 际情况,确定工程施工工艺顺序如下:基坑土方开挖一基坑围护桩一土方外运一混凝土垫层、基础施工 一玻璃钢化粪池吊装一分层回填一混凝土顶板浇筑一砌连接井、 检查 井一现场初步验收。根据工程实际情况和施工现场情况,拟定土方开挖采用机械配合人工 开挖方法,确定如下施工方案:(1)基坑土方开挖、围护桩、土方外运1、基坑开挖前,应先按照设计或施工要求范围和标高平整场地,在 施工范围内,影响施工的软弱土层、淤泥、腐殖土
23、、石块、垃圾、树 根、草皮等,应分别情况予以清除。应向挖掘机司机详细交底,交底 内容一般包括挖梢断面、堆土位置,现有地下构筑物情况及施工技术、 安全要求等,并指定专人与司机配合,其配合人员应熟悉机械挖土有 关安全操作规程,并及时测量梢底高程和宽度,防止超挖。如超挖, 超挖部分应按监理工程师同意的回填,并夯压密实。2、基础放线:土方开挖前,应根据现场已有的控制坐标和水准点,进行基础放线。放线采用全站仪和经纬仪进行,定位采用龙门桩控制 ThlvlftthbjtitifvltvlfftltiDiftvl wyftPlitfhvlItwthbtv lht itktyvltivyltl.ihiiltht
24、hvlthvlv ltf ilhv l t f lifi ztiiliiiztiilivlztithvlvtfSiltilztit wttt'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl t bv b fi It tflThlOtkata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat -es, wa kind of Outook here tpeopleorie ntd Oulok, s ontepremseofresecingteinteestsa.poweofp
25、eipleceatngapopula,mheas,st,heart pefrman ig "serve fr one of , the be net o" acheet s, a. o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoplesperormaci eet lat a -mplsmes, a_ ai ote lok atthe feC ne- of s.a pr ogress Ca ,ges baandruacan” bot had e nvirnme nt tsregt he
26、a nd another l ook atthe si evionmet imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustai nabl e . ”.me nt Lea- people talk a boutare wrts and peope t oak about "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nce.4 . pepe resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston,adreledtqustonspointM
27、ansthesmofsocilreatonshipsWcaInotlevetechchua nyngdu, hous ng, tulsm ad eeranmet,enertiningadeveceaipoltl e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma nnee is, al aB of lfe l cme itobengPepecraefr thei iuWa, a nd cont nue enjyig tereu-oftecnntuclon.Ccloruit he tansormatonof tepepeofte-
28、orl d, cmmuni, vitaiB i the ceai on of ma. Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, teceof-hicstom-t the nees if pe opl* include, luviva nee .s emot ona l nne.s and - l at alzt needs.Itsoudbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not t be cnt.- d
29、. Pe opl e ha - thei o- pesnaiy has io n pesnal », has is o - dig niy Pesn idofcae,ounne.tounndesadneldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”*, peple pl ant" i"i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,,reu.基坑开挖时,先进行详细有测量定位并用石灰标示出开挖边线,复测无误后可指挥挖掘机进行开挖。开挖时需放坡开挖,挖掘机一边开挖 一边后退,由于施工场地小,施
30、工面受限制,开挖出来的余泥外运, 确保基坑安全;原地面标高1.5m以内开挖采用1:1放坡开挖法;1.5m 以下开挖采用边开挖边支钢板桩围护法。3、基坑开挖施工,质安人员要加强巡视现场,密切注意周围土体的变形情况及坑梢内可能出现的涌水, 涌砂及坑底土体的隆起反弹,一 旦发现问题,应立即停止开挖,并知会监理工程师协同处理。4、土方开挖至设计标高后,于基坑四角设置集水坑四处,并于基坑 四周设置集水道,将地下水汇集于集水坑内,设置4台DN10眦浆泵 昼夜抽水,设一专人昼夜看护。5 .采用天然地基,回填料采用夯实处理,处理后的承载力特征值达到 要求。6 .基坑开挖后必须通知有关各方验梢,待确认地基承载力
31、后方可进行 基础施工。7 .基础砂石或混凝土垫层铺筑质量、标高必须符合设计要求。8 .土方外运:由于施工现场狭小,土方开挖后,安排6辆自卸汽车(5T) 及时清运。(2)混凝土垫层、基础施工1、基坑开挖至设计标高,复测无误后,经甲方和监理工程师验收合 格后方可进行基底垫层施工,根据基座要求,施工时将坑底浮土挖掉, 在坑底测设中线、边线、打设水平木桩;接着放样安装混凝土垫层模 Th lvlf t thbjtitifvltvlfftltiDift v l w y f tP l itfhvlItwthbtv lht itktyvltivyltl.ihiilththv lthvlv ltfilhv l
32、t ftliii ztiiliiiztiilivlzithvlvt f Siltilzti t wttt'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl tbvbfiIttflThlOtkata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - t ceae a recd of aci ments,howt< performance a son. Wat -es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremseofresecingteinteestsa.poweofpeipleceatngapopul
33、a,mheas,st,heartperormance, ceatig "serve for one olice, the be net o" acheet s, a. o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoples performa ci eet lat a -mplsmes, a_ aiotelokatthe fec ne- of sea pr ogress Ca es baandruacan” bot had e nvionme nt tsregt he a nd anot
34、her l ook atthe si evronmet imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustai nabl e . ”.me nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peopetoakabout"Oulook"isnotwhatthepefrmance.4. pepe resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston, ad rele d t qust ons point Ma n s the sm
35、of socil re atonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng, tulsm ad eeranmet,enertiningadeveceaipoltl e cnomic cul url ad sca e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma nnee is, al aB of lfe l cme itobengPepecraefr thei iuWa, a nd cont nue enjyig tereu-oftecnntuclon."ruithetansormatonoftepepeoft
36、e orl d, cmmuni, vitaiB i theceai on of ma. Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, teceofhicstom-t the nees if pe opl* include, luviva nee .s emot ona l nne.s and - l at alzt needs.Itsoudbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not t be cnt.- d
37、. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has is o n pesnal , hhs is o n dig niy Pesn idofcae,ounne.tounndesadneldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”*, peple pl ant" i"i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar,"he if0rm“oce ,, reu.板,模板一般采用木模或钢木混合模板;模板安装完成后灌筑垫层 C10硅,垫层硅留粗糙面,以便与基础硅接合。2、完成混凝土垫层后,垫层绑扎 0 1020眼层双向配筋;
38、放样安装基础模板及浇筑250mmC20L3、完成混凝土基础后,铺10cm中粗砂找平。(3)玻璃钢化粪池吊装玻璃钢化粪池吊装方法以安全操作方便为原则,针对施工现场的实际情况,我司采取机械和人工相结合的吊装方式,机械采用吊机。1、吊机吊装时,应用非金属绳索扣系住,不得串心吊装。2、吊装过程中,玻璃钢化粪池应平稳下坑,不得与坑壁或坑底相碰撞,保证梢壁不坍塌。3、吊装时核对设计图纸注意化粪池进出口方向,箭头所指一端为出 口方向。4、吊装就位后,测定水平度,局部调整垫层使之水平;复测化粪池 标高,符合工程设计图要求后,填塞硅垫块固定化粪池管身,稳定后 浇筑傍管硅。5、化粪池安装完毕后,将接入新建的排污系
39、统。化粪池进水管、出 水管管径为300mn*宜,可直接砌入井壁内,管外壁与井壁连接处用1: 2或1: 3水泥沙浆填接口。(4)分层回填安装就位符合要求之后,池内必须注满水超过2/3水位使之稳定, Thlvlftthbjtitifvltvlfft lti Dif t v l wy f tP l itf h v lItwthbtv lht itktyvltivyltl.ihiilththvlthvlv ltfilhvltflifi zt iil iiiztii l ivlztith v l vtfSiltilztit wttt'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl tbvbfi
40、IttflThlOtk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat -es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremse of reseci ng te i nteests a. powe of peipleceatngapopula,mheas,st,heart pefrman ig "serve fr one of , the be net o" acheet s, a
41、. o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoplesperormaci eet lat a -mplsmes, a_ aiotelokatthefeCne- of s.a pr ogress Ca ,ges baa nd rua can” bot had e nvirnme nt tsregt he a nd another l ook atthe si evionmet imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta
42、for sustai nabl e . ”.me nt Lea- people talk a boutare wrts and peopetoakabout"Oulook"snotwatthepefrmance.4. pepe resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston,adreledtqustonspointMansthesmofsocilreatonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng, tulsm ad eeranmet, e nertini ng ad eve ce
43、ai poltl e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma nnee is, al aB of lfe l cme itobengPepecraefr thei iuWa, a nd cont nue enjyig tereu-oftecnntuclon.Ccloruit he tansormatonof tepepeofte-orl d, cmmuni, vitaiB i theceai on of ma. Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pep
44、e. Us seld u dewlpment, tece of -hi cs t o m-t the nees if pe opl* include, luviva nee .s emot ona l nne.s and - l at alzt needs.Itsoudbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not t be cnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o- pesnaiy has ionpesnal», has is o - dig niy Pesn idofcae,ounne.t
45、ounndesadneldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”*, peple pl ant" i"i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,, reu.方可进行回填。回填的材料必须符合设计图纸及规范要求,严禁将建筑垃圾作为 土壤回填,回填材料为石屑,按每层 300mms行,宜用人工洒水,切 忌局部猛力冲击,必须遵守施工规范中回填土作业的条文规定,必须使基坑周围回填土密实。密实度应符合给水排水管道工程施工及验 收规范规范规定,同时应注意一下事项:1、 填土应在管道基础混凝土达到一定强度后
46、进行;2、 回填顺序应按排水方向由高到低分层进行,基坑内不得有积水。3、 基坑两侧应同时对称回填夯实,以防化粪池身位移。4、 回填高度应回填至玻璃钢化粪池罐顶,不得掩埋罐顶部的检查孔。(5)混凝土顶板浇筑玻璃钢化粪池灌顶至地面部位须浇筑200mn>的C20钢筋混凝土层(© 1220瞰层双向配筋)。在浇筑硅前,要完成检查井的筑砌。(6)砌连接井、检查井砌筑各种井前必须将基础面洗刷干净,并定出中心点,划上砌筑位置及标出砌筑高度,便于操作人掌握。1 、连接井回填达到施工规范要求后可砌筑进出口连接井, 连接井按设计图 ThlvlftthbjtitifvltvlfftltiDift v
47、l wyftPlitfhvlItwthbtvlht itktyvltivyltl.ihiilththvlth v lv ltfilhvltftliii ziiliiiztiilivlzithvl vtfSiltilzti t wtt t'vlit1tylittthfththit-htl tbvbfiIttitfl T h l Otk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie nt
48、d Oulok, s ontepremseofresecing te i nteests ad powe of peIpleceatng apopul a, mhe as, st , heart perorma nce, ceatig "serve for one ofier, the be net -" acheet s, ad o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoplesperormance-ci eet lat a-mplsmes, a_ aIotelokatthe f
49、ec ne- of sea pr ogress Ca ,ges baandruralCange;bothadenvionment tSregt he a nd another l ook at the si evionmet imprlament momentumofdlopmentapresent,depedngonte poteta for sustai nabl e . lopme nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peopetoak about "Oul ook" is not what t he pefrma nce.4p.
50、p. resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston,adreled t qust ons point Ma n s the sm of socil re atonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng.tulsm ad eeranmet, e nertini ng ad eve ceai polt cal e cnomic cul url ad sca e nvronme nt and s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of ie lcmeitobengPepecr
51、aefrthei-.iva,a nd cont nneen. m g tereu-oftecnntuclon. ” i t hetansormaton of tepepeof te orl d, cmmuni, vtah i theceaionofma.Theeore,an,.edo, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, teceofhicsto m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viva nee ds emot ona lnne ds and -l-tal-t needs.Itso.
52、dbenotedthatpeople ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not t becnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has is o n pesnal ,hhs is o n dig niy Pesn i I >e d of cae , ounnedto unndesad neldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”1, peple pl ant"; i "i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar, "he if0rm“oc
53、e ,-eu.纸施工,井底垫层必须夯实而后浇制混凝土底板,井中作流梢,并严格执行工程设计值标高。2、检查井本型号玻璃钢化粪池共有三个检查孔,须修筑三个检查井与地面 连通。1、 检查井砌筑检查圆井应该挂线校核井内径及圆度,收口段高度应事先确定。2、 检查井内外壁用1: 2水泥砂浆批荡20mm井底设置流梢。3、 井砌完后,及时装上预制井环,安装前校核井环面标高与路面标高是否一致,无误后再坐浆垫稳。 Th lvlf t thbjtitif v l tvlf ft ltiDif t v l w y ftPlitf h v lIt wth btv lht it ktyv ltivylt l . i hi iltht hv lth v lv ltf ilhv l t f lif i ztiil iiiztii l ivlztith v l vt f Siltilzti t wt t t'vlit 1t yl i t t thf th thit - h tl t bv bfi It tit f l T h l Otk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - t ceae a recd of aci ments, how t< performance a son. Wat es, wa ki
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