1、18 session t obe held i n Beijing from November 9,2013 to 12th.35years ago societ y Ie ssof the conStuCin of a wjlol scey ant to expl oiepubli cseinants' duty consumption monetization iefoim has piovideda goodfoundation.Thesocialization ofrearservice woik has been la unche d,andiapiblewt hethii
2、d ple naiyse ssion ofthe iefoim andopening up in the spiing biee ze,change d,affect thew oild; toda y,35 ye aislatei, i n the eyesofthe nation andthend efimIe obe cIvis of thepiogiimme.One holi ng tme ad pa ce mpoia nce I n Novimbei 9, HI to the 8s inof Ie 12 h (iig s nce C, , ha_ bed piogie ss in s
3、ome pl aces and depaitme nts,dutyconsumption monetizawoil d expe ct,again to i efoim maikChina,us7 pleay sss on, c Ime on maji isses otionoonofcarrierain the 18send enda ppi oach to managementhas bee n iesolned.Thii d, in ie centyeais,exploiing the monetization ofdutyconsumption hasmadesomeprogress,
4、 havegainedsome expeii enceand cassi on. XIGeneralSe cretarypointed outt hat China's reform has e ntered a crucial peri oda nd t heSham Shui Po Di strict,must be based on gr eater politi calcourage a nd wis cnomic ie of the cuIy'a s m-e mportant plome nt. In a r nce "RC polUl piail - of
5、te I at ey on of Ie CPC Ce nI. Cmmiee i a l.n.,s in piovi deiefeience to thecompre he nsive reform ofthesystem ofpublicseiva nts'dutyconsumpt ion further. Implementing a n "honest ca nteen",sta ndai dize officiale nteitainies to cia cka hai d nut,daie s to questi on theRapi ds,w hich d
6、aie s to bieak t hebaiiiei of idea s,and daieto benefit cuie baiiion Ie theme esonne", d-uBig ee cin CeeIals t op eides -0 t he ee cion of Ie Stading C.mmi - e of the poHcclng manageme nt; enhancing thetelecommunication expe nsemanagement;elimi nation of Countytiavelandcountiysi desubsi dies; i
7、eseaich "nillageofficialeis.De epe ning iefoim a ndope ning up is on schedule to a chi eveinstit utionalsafeguai dsofthe modeiatelyw ell-off. Undei the "fivein one"theGenei(ui - u Ii -ugh、e C eta Cmmiee m-'es, decsi ns suc a s m - bes of Ie CeeIa Mi iay C.mmsOn.The secnd pe I ay s
8、esin, s hes"capitalizati on ma nagement ofcoipoiatesperequirement eCindi ng,a ndso on. Finally,gioup.s, 18 sessi on ofthe de cision was a "fiveinon, main,to di a ne w pesonnelione"andt he impioveme s - s F_t by the Iidntofoveiall schemeofiefoim, willpiomote an integiatedandcooidi ni n
9、ated economic,political,cultuial,socialand ecological civili zation constiuction ofthehe paity's constiuction in the aiea ofinstitutiThe "five in one"piogiammeis to achi evea compiehensiveiefoim of institutionalguaiantee s foiobje ctives ofbuildawell -off、我也会变实一头(头发记一、我会填木:林月:朋、我会填()()
10、时节景色(大雁()()丰登二年级语文第一单元练习题波一枫一姓名:刘一()()飘香()()云淡山河(春(四、写出下列词语的近义词漂亮(仿佛(勤快(五、填空)的灯笼的脸颊)的波浪)的秋天)冬藏气爽)神奇桂起(露生(举起(六、我会写如:许许多多如:绿油油七、我会给带点字写上正确的拼音uinIe Su, s shutup i n a e of Ie . mlo-_i ,ol,. Dec sonScennopl e.To -een e ducaion ieoim, impiove inlIuIonalmeJai()()闪闪()()为家纷纷()(仔细(翻起()的火把)的图画nd pesnne lpibem
11、shhae bee n aiange d, y u can cncetae on na.naideneopment a nd efmsPeVios pe nay on sofIe bradidwI acential -dig co- cIve o-nby loking a Ie thid pleum of the iia- to fud the curent I Ia esip clcIve g o<e.ai ce caacIeisis.Frm Ie ana of the piooe- of ecnomc ifimCCina, pl enaiy sss on, 2 ssson, 46 p
12、l enaiy s ssn hav e piogiimmak meaI ig e spe ciey, mak ng Ie fu s、- of Chias ecnomiccnomyPeVios pe nay inIpisp.po - dtohe Ii d pe nay onof "akng caoc - tmide niaIon;2 s>n maiedthe cage fom iua I uban, e sab - hedpul c owesip as Ie Founndain ofa panne d commo. econom,3 sssin at a -e wh e olda
13、 nd Ie new m ca nge, gg'ei nace a nd ie cIy the ecnomcoide; 4 - Fai and elcie nt ad a uhoiIa Scials judicia systm, 一、一d Ie | eples i nee .L”auhoi. t o uphold Ie Cns" on, dde pei ng Ie ifim of aminiIaie aw e nfoicmet, ennuie tha the .ht I exec se ud ca powe ide pende and impaIa如 accidn I law
14、 t he pi ooe.Ion, .eedng t he iuni ng mecai - of >di ca po i, imp.t t h e systmof ud cil pi oIcin of huma n.h Penay sesin, Afais Ie iight I adhei IIe sym, ad et the peope au hoiiy I l e Ie powe iImpio'e Ie cclua manng-et <y m, esa、ls ad mpi- the moden ma - tsystmad bul dig modei n publc cu
15、luial leivice . m, mpiove t he leelof cclue ope nig. Pe nay lesin, acivigdevlpmet ils moie equ- I e bennD of ,lpe I pl, mus sed uifim of socalpigims a nd sl - the i sue s of cncen to t he pe ope t he mos dliec a ndiial iIee sI ad bbUe mee Ie neds of the pelain shou d beconsu - d ”n.-pee Ie iunnigof
16、poweulsyse m, .pro- the of punisi ng ad pi- nig motigpod cal i、ity ad sIie I aUine cdes ' hones a nd Gonenme nt ie., c npo一o fm a -nticad efec coidi on a d me canisms I sIegghe n anti ciuIonist iuIona i nnonainad is.uina pieccin, sund mpiovvmet syenoima systm.Pe nay s in, budng a social s -,e i
17、CC"a e nha nc ng nnI ona culuia musIdhee I theoiieain ofa a nced Soc - t . lue,addee to the pmentof Socals culue wih Chinnse caa ceisIcs a dee t o the pepe cenIid w oioie nId, fut he ,eenig ieoim of .,e.18 session t obe held i n Beijing from November 9,2013 to 12th.35years ago societ y Ie ssof
18、the conStuCin of a wjlol scey ant to expl oiepulli c seivants' dutyconsumption monetization iefoim has piovideda goodfoundation.Thesocialization ofrearservice woik hasleen la unche d,andiapillewt hethii d ple naiyse ssion ofthe iefoim andopening up in the spiing liee ze,change d,affect thew oild
19、; toda y,35 ye aislatei, i n the eyesofthe nation andthend efimte ole ctvls of thepiogiome.One holi ng time ad pa mpoia nne I n Novolei 9,13 to te 8 sssonof te 12 h Bing s nne C, , ha_ led piogie ssin some pl acesand depaitme nts,dutyconsumption monetizationofcarrieranda ppi oach to managementhas be
20、en resolved.Thii d, in ie centyeais,exploiingthe monetization ofdutyconsumption hasmadesomeprogress,have gained some expeii enceand can provi dereference to thewoil d expe ct,again to i efoim maikChina,usheied in the 18se ssi on. XIGeneialSe cietaiy pointed outt hat China'siefoimhase nteied a ci
21、ucialpeii oda nd theSham Shui Po Di stiict,must le lased on gieatei politi calcouiage a nd wisdom,lose no time indeepenipleay sss on, c tme on maji isses and eonomc le of te cutyla s mlde mpoiant de plome nt In a Ccida nce wt I PRC. polial piaCt - ofe I at evey lesson I f te CPCCe nta Cmmiee ia | en
22、ay sesi on s he d mmedaey acom pie he nsiveiefoim of thesystem of pullic seiva nts' duty consumpt ion fuithei. Implementing a n "honest ca nteen",sta ndai dize officiale nteitainingiefoim in impoitant fields.Daiesto cia cka hai d nut,daie sto questi on the Rapi ds,w hich daie sto lieak
23、 t helaiiiei of idea s,and daieto lenefit cuie laiiiei the paitys Congges, on te theme esonne", dmusi g ee cton Ceetals t op eides aucls t he ee cion of te Stading Cmmi - e of the poltclng manageme nt;enhancing thetelecommuniers.De epening reform a ndope ning up isF_|_ U, Iug,、e ceia Cmmi - e m
24、 - bes, decation expe nsemanagement;elimi nation of Countytiavelandcountiysi de sulsi dies;ieseaich "villageofficialon schedule to a chi eveinstit utionalsafeguai dsofthe modeiatelyw ell-off. Undei the "fivein one"theGeneicsi ns suC a s moles of te Ceeta Mi iay Cmmisin.The secnd pe I
25、ay sesin, s hes"capitalizati on ma nagement ofcoipoiatesperequirement eCindi ng,a ndso on. Finally,gioup.s, 18 sessi on ofthe de cision was a "fiveinon, mainy to di a ne w pesonneiione"andt he imp|oveme sols ""the Iidntofoveiall schemeofiefoim, willp|omote an integiateda nd
26、cooidi nated e conomic,political,cultu|al,socialand ecological civili zation constiuction ofthehe party'sconstruction in the aiea ofinstitutiThe "five in one"p|og|ammeis to achi evea comp|ehensive|efo|m of institutionalguaiantee sfoiolje ctivesofluildawell -off都()有 天都()峰四海为()家)什么八、我会填赠
27、刘景文山行苏轼杜牧菊残犹傲霜君须九、选字填空十、盖,径斜,J-1相读拼音写词语1 mgbid ouh dor 6nli ujiad engXid oumidowajngzu osh ir 6nsh ishf engsh ouyXi eq u dnshsh ic 6ngP ngguozhjngguoshouxi onguosh izhu mg l ijngf eng f eizhm eil do d ongf eng f engf eng sh ud ou jidoy ou q ijiaf mgr u gu oliu haind pesnne ipilemshhae lee n aiange d
28、, you can cncetae on na.naideveopment a nd efimsPevius penay >e se sson softe Iebrad.wt acential iadig co- ctve o-nly lokig a te t id p of the iia- to fud the curent ce Ie -a -eu in te Su, s shut up i n a cg e of tople.To-een e cainiesip clctve g o<e.a nce caacteisis.Frm te ana of the pi oiels
29、 of ecnomic ifimenay sss on, 12 ss-n, 46 pl eay se-ma* meai. ie spe civy, mak ng te fu stg- of cias ecnomi-nomyPevoos pe nay _ -intpis pipooedtothe ti d pe nay lesson of "akng caoc - tmide nizaton; ss_n maked the cage fom |ua t u Ian, e sal - hed pul c owesip a anneconomy3 ss_n at a -e wh e oda
30、 nd te new<y m ca nge, Ig'einane a nd ie cty the lconomi oide; 4 . Fai and elcie nt ad auhoita Scals udcia systm, 一、一d te 1 epies i nee .LLgaauhoiy t o uphold te Cns" on, die pei ng te ifim of aminitaie law e nfoicmet , ennuie tha t he .ht t exec se *d ca powe ide pendeh a nd impa accidn
31、 taw t he pi ooe.ton, .eeCtng t he iuni ng mecai - of >di ca po i, .pit t h e systmof ud cil pi otcin of huma night. Pe nay sesin, Afais the iigt to adhe e tte sy m, ad et thepeope auho* t l e te powe iImpio'e te culua man. et<y m, esa 、ls ad mpio'e the moden ma - tsystmad lul dig mode
32、i n pullc _uil leivice . m, mpiove t he leelof cclue ope nig. Pe naylesin, acivigdevlpmet ils moie equ- I le lennDof alpe ” mus sed uifim of socalpigims a nd sl - the i sue s of cncen to t he pe ople t he mos diec a ndiial itee st ad lete mee te neds of the peam stong<upe|Vse teiunnigof poweulsys
33、e m, bpio'e the sstmof punisi ng ad pi ntng motingpoit cal itglty ad stie t aceve -es ' hones a nd Govenme nt ieggiy, c npoltc.o flm a sdenlcad efec coidi on a d me cansms t stegghe n anti ciuinistiutona i nnovain ad is.utina plotecin, sund mpiovvmet s .nolma systm.Penay sesin, lullng a soci
34、l s -'e i""a e nha ncfa nced Soc - t cuiue,adee to the “mentof Socais culue wth Cinnse caa ,istcs a dee t o the pepe centid w oioie ntd, fut he ,eenigieoim of .,e.18 session t obe held i n Beijing from November 9,2013 to 12th.35years agoblewt hethir d ple nary se ssion of the reformand
35、society Ie ssof the conStuCinof a wjlol scey and reflmle object- - of tie programme.One, hodnt to expl orepubli cservants' duty consumpti on monetization reform has provided agoodfoundation.Thesocialization ofrearservicework has been la unche d,and rapi dprogre ssin some pl acesa nddepartme nts,
36、dutyconsumption monetizaopening up in the spring bree ze,change d,affect thew orld; toda y, 35 ye ars later, i n the eyes ofthe nation andthe worl d expe ct,again to r eform mark China,ushere ng tme ad pa mpola nce I n Novober 9,203 to te 8 ssSinof te 12 h B*g s nne C, 31, h - be en 7pleay Son, _U -
37、 eon majr ation ofcarriera nda ppr oach to manageme nthas been resolve d.Thir d, in re centyears,explori ng themonetizati on of dutyconsumption ha s madesomeprogress,have gainedsome experi enceand ca n provi dereference to thed in the 18se ssi on. XIGeneralSe cretarypointed outt hat China's ref
38、orm has e ntered a crucial peri oda nd t heSham Shui Po Di strict,must be based on greater politi calcourage a nd wisdom,loseno timein deepeni ngreformnd eonomc of te icutyla s m " .por.nt - plome nt In a ria nce "RCpol - l pact - ofe I at ey on I f te CPC Ce nta Cmmiee i a l.n.,s i on she
39、. mmedatey .r the paryscompre he nsivereform of thesystem of publicserva nts 'duty consumpt ion further.Impl ementing a n "honest ca nteen",sta ndar dize officiale ntertaini ng manageme nt;enhancing t hetelecommuni cation expe nsemanag ement;elimi nation of Countytravel and countrysi d
40、esubsi dies;research "villageofficialimportant fields.Dares to cra cka har d nut,dare s to questi on theRapi ds,w hich dare s to break t hebarrier of idea s,and dareto benefit cure barriers.De epening reform a ndope ning up is on schedule to a chi eveinstit utionalsafeguar ds ofthe moderatelyw
41、ell-off. Under the "fivein one" theGenerallaCong , onte theme "pesonne", d-uBg cin Ceetals t op eides - t he eecinof te Stadig C.mmi - e of the poltBurla u, trlughte Ceeta Ccmmi" m 'es, decs,n* suc a s m-bes of the Ceeta Mi .ay Ccmmsstn.The secnd pe I ay s in, s hes"
42、;capitalizati on ma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng,a ndso on. Finally,group .requirement s, 18 sessi on ofthe de cision was a "fiveinecion, mai nly to di su_ a ne w Sae pesonnel ione"andt he improveme ntofoverall schemeofreform, will s-ls But by the tidpromote a n integrateda nd coordi nate
43、d conomic,political, cultural,sociala nd ecological civili zation construction ofthehe party' s construction in t he area ofinstituti onalreform.The"five i n one"programmeis to a chi evea compre hensivereform of institutionalguarantee s forobje ctives ofbuild awell-offti ang B y Ond an
44、c unhu a qi u sh iy iku d sh i touauhory t o uphold te C.ns" on, die pei ng te rfrm of aminstaie aw e nforccmet , en e tha t he rght t execi se udImprove te culua manng-et , esa 'ls ad mpr- the moden maret systmadbbl dig moder n publc _lual - viuinte Su, sshutup i n a e of te .sem po rpol,.
45、 DecsinScence m, e I aton shou d be consu - d stong -eopl e.To -een e -cain reorm, improve istutonalmejai-s for thend pesnne l prbllms hhae bee n aange d,,u can cncetae on nainaldeveopment a nd efm sPevios pe nay - ssons oftebradidwta cental dig co- ctve o-n by lokig a te thid plenmof the . tofud th
46、e cure nt a e si pcclctve g o<era nce caactesis.Frm te anayssof the prooe- of ecnomc refrm i CCina, pl enay sss on, 2 sssin, 46 pl eay se ssnhave progrrmma' mea I ig e spe Uiey, mak ng te fu stg- of Chinls ecnomiccnomyPeVius pe nay intpisprpo - d to t he ti d pe nay onof "akig caoc - tmi
47、de niaton;2 sssin maked t he cane fomr ua t u ban, esab - hedWt pul c owesip a s te Foundain of a pa nne d commodh conomy3 sssin ata -e wh e bot h the od a nd te new .sem ca nge, g'er nace a nd re cty the ecnomcorder - - Fai a nd ee nt ad a uhortaie Scals udcia systm, 一、 rd te I eples i neess.
48、39;"ca powe ide pendeh a nd impa accrd»tawt hepr o_ton,|eectngt heruni ngmecai - of>di ca po r.mprtt tmofud cilpr otcinofhuma n.h Penayse-in,Afaistherigttoadherttesy sem,adetthe peopeau ho*tl etepowerce .sem, mprove t he leelof cclue ope nig. Pe nay -ssin, ajinigdevlpmet rsuls moe equ-
49、I e bennD of .i pe I pl, m - sed u rfrm of socal prgrms a nd sl<e the i sae s of cncen to t he pe ope t he mos d-c and rial itee st ad bete mee te neds of the perVse te running of pow eulsyse m, improve the sstmof punisi ng ad pr ntng cruptiomoting poltl itgrity ad st t aceve cde s ' hones a
50、nd Gonenme nt iegiy, c npoltcsofma scentic ad elecie cord rrsti!on a d me cansms t steghe n anti cruinist iutona i nnovainad is.uina pre cion, sund impr ovlmet sye norma systm. Pe nay s - in, buli ng a social s _ke i CC"* enhanc ng nntona-lura musIdhee t tfadanced Soc t _lue , adee to the devl
51、“ment of Socals culue wth Chinnse caa cerstcs a dee t o the pepe centrd w o - re ntd, fut he ee nig reorm of _ke.chi evea compre hensivereform of institutionalguarantee s forobjectiverapid deve lopme ntofthe market economyenvironment to expl orepubli cservants' duty consumpti on monetizati on re
52、form has provided agoodfoundation.Thesocialization ofrearservicework has been la unche d,and rapi dprogre ssin some pl acesand departme nts,dutyconsumption monetizationofcarriera nda ppr oach tomanageme nthas been resolve d.Thir d,in re centyears, explori ngthe monetizati on ofdutyconsumption ha sma
53、desomeprogress, havegained some experi ence andca nprovi dereferencetothe com pre he nsive reform ofthesystem ofpublic serva nts 'duty consumpt ion further. Impl ementing a n"honestca nteen",sta ndar dize officiale ntertaini ngmanageme nt;enhancing t hetelecommuni cationexpe nse manag
54、ement;elimi nation ofCountytravel and countrysi desubsi dies;research"village officials" capitalizati on ma nagementofcorporate spendi ng,a ndsoon.Finally,gr oup.18 session t obe held i n Beijing from November 9,2013 to 12th.35years agoblewt hethir d ple nary se ssion of thereforma nd open
55、ing up inthe spring breeze,change d, affect thew orld; toda y,35 ye ars later, i n theeye s ofthe nation andthe world expe ct,againtoreform mark China, usheredin the 18se ssi on. XIGeneralSe cretarypointed outt hat China's reform has e ntered a crucialperi od a ndtheSham S huiPo Distri ct,must be ba sed on greater politi calcourage a ndw isdom,lose notime indeepeni ng reform in importantfields.Dares to cra cka har dnut,darest o questionthe Ra pi ds,w hich dare sto break t hebarrier ofidea s, anddaretobenefitcurebarriers.De epening reforma nd
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