



1、1 / 6人教版小学英语四年级上册期中测试卷3 (含听力材料)姓名_ 班级_等级评价_Liste ningPart (听力部分)Listen and number.(听音标号,把数字写在 图片右下角的方框中)Listen and choose.(听音选择,根据录音在字母上打勾)Liste n and write the numbers.(听音写数字)2 / 6四、Listen and tick or cross.(听音,v 或X)五、Listen and circle .(听录音,圈出句子中所包含的单词)2. twenty-onethirty-onefourtee nforty3. music

2、sportspain ti ngscie nee4. strongquietlong hairshort hair六、Listen and choose .(听录音,选择合适的答句)()1. A. Its n ear the win dow.()2. A. Its black and white.()3. A. Her n ame is Amy.B. Wow! Its big and nice.B. I have twen ty-three.B. His n ame is ZhangPeng.Writing Part 笔试部分() () ()1. ()2. ()3.()4.()5()6.(七、

3、Look and write.(在四线格上正确书写所给字母的小写或大写)3 / 6ti八、Look and write.(看图根据提示写单词。)九、选择正确答案。()1. -Is thisclassroom?-Yes, it is.A.yourB. youC. yous()2. Shemy friend. Shelong hair.A, is; haveB, is; hasC, are; has()3. Whatis it?A,ma nyB, areC,colour()4. Letclea n the classroom.A. IB, meC,we()5. Howbooks do you?A,

4、 many; hasB, many; haveC, much; have()6. The ball isA, in the doorB, in the bedC, un der the chair4 / 6()7. We have six new_ .A, lightB, fansC, pen()8. -whats his n ame?_.A. Her n ame is Sarah. B. His n ame is Joh n.C. Hes thi n.()9. -How many books do you have? -_A. I have ten.B. I can see ten.C. I

5、 have a new book.()10. -How much is your pen? -_A. Its black.B. Eight.C. 30 yua n.十、 Read and match.(看图, 读句子, 填序号)A Put your Engiish rn your heaiB Put your pencil-case on yourLchairC Put your pencil in your deskD My fi iend is社girJ She has big eyes andlonhairE My firiend is i boy He has big eyes and

6、 shorthair He likes sportsListen and number.(听音标号,把数字写在图片右下角的方框中)1. - Good morni ng, Mike!-Good morning, Amy! We have a new classroom.-Really? Lets go and have a look.-OK. Lets go.2. - Hi, Mom. This is our new classroom.-Oh, its big and nice. Where is your seat, Zhang Peng?- Look, its near the windo

7、w.5 / 63. - Hi, Amy! Whos that girl?- Oh, shes my friend, Sarah. She likes music very much.4. - I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong. He likes sports.- I know hes Zhang Peng.- Yes, youre right.5. - Hi, Sarah. I have a new schoolbag.- Oh, really? What colour is it?- Its white.- Wow, how nice.6.

8、- Hi, Chen Jie. Where is your notebook?- Look, its under my schoolbag.Listen and choose.( 听音选择,根据录音在字母上打勾)1. Open the door! Open the door!2. Clean the board! Clean the board!3. Put up the picture ! Put up the picture!4. Turn on the light. Turn on the light.5. Clean the chair. Clean the chair.6. Swee

9、p the floor. Sweep the floor.Listen and write the numbers. (听音写数字)- My schoolbag is heavy.- Whats in it?- I have many books. 12 English books and 20 math books.- 12 English books and 20 math books?- Yes.- Do you have any Chinese books?- I have 30.- 30?- Yes, I have 30 Chinese books. And I have 13 st

10、ory-books.- 13 story-books?- Yes, 13. Look, these are new notebooks.6 / 6- How many notebooks do you have?- I have 45.- Wow, 45! You have so many books! What are they for?- They are for Hope School.- Oh, thats great!四、Listen and tick or cross.(听音,V”或x” )1. My friend is Mike. He has two big eyes and

11、a small nose. He likes sports.3. Look, this is Sarah. She has short hair. She likes music.4. My friend is Amy. Shes quiet. She likes painting.5. My friend is John. He is short and strong. He likes reading books.6. My friend is Zhang Peng. He has short hair and big eyes. He likes science.五、Listen and circle. (听录音,根据录音内容圈出所听到的单词)1. - Hi, look at this picture.- Wow, its a nice picture.2. - How old are you?- Im fourteen.3. Wu Yifan is short and thin. He likes painting!4. My friend is a girl.


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