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1、一、编制依据1.1 本工程施工组织设计1.2 本工程施工设计图1.3 建筑工程施工质量验收规范(GB50300-2001)1.4 建筑安装分项工程施工工艺规程(DBJ/T 01-26-2003 )1.5 建筑工程模板施工手册1.6 建筑施工手册二、工程概况北苑热力隧道穿越地铁工程为 2根DN800的热力管道穿越地铁5号线大屯 路东站北苑路北站高架区间工程。本工程设计起点位于北苑路西红线以东约 8m位置处,起点处与北苑路下方既有的热力小室相接,然后从西向东横穿北苑 路,至路东侧,全长 67.852m。三、施工部署3.1 质量目标:模板工程的质量目标为:模板分项工程为合格,一次性合格通过率不低于9

2、0% 整体通过率100%3.2 施工准备3.2.1 技术准备 技术人员仔细审阅图纸,做好施工难点的节点设计。配板设计尽量使现有的模板重复使用,以减少装配次数,加快施工进度。 认真编制施工方案,向施工人员进行技术、操作工艺、质量标准和安lecricy " i n tme for nace a nd - riy -nd - , mosqutr epele nt no-a ig WtoU - ay a- s not al.* on pus bcj. m_bes,eby -me a nd ad chiden reay t o fie ' useof g -

3、in scoos, t u ep。ate-proof l o- ieroof,Cosig valve .e use to ensuese _1 y 2 “eq a.ann-l eSt-sue ,treg uay Ceck te cate n -wr_r s muS be ." - , srcty byopeain >p-Ot on, gas a stove -eyd - metestpr - ntacC dents 13, t Ie -r - cnseq-ces cu-L by gnoig fie s y eguatons, Wl be forlega res y ping e

4、 ntay schol lac.6 Xa ping e nay sCoolpi ne - mana-t 1 -al- te- ouding Coolgo- cves n* - u.l eves secs i nt”, g.r .ane s.obt.w . copea On tiecoos d. I, scool tmesloUdppyate of .hole d t cntac tIe ds.t polie sain, te eCommi-actonaCete,Tow otIe. a -et,ea ce on dUy - I te cools sloU d as ppy atein te ci

5、nsnnarte - mgas bom rua a es, fr eampe , ad a -ey of a es,accrdngtoH_et si dsc Ie- tIesaeyof t s 4, evey dLy beore scool eaces rrmid sU-nt* ppy ate s-y5sloUde-esUdetstresec s eti cs a nd vaioos eg uatonsma gand gas te crec was .dm- ”ng s uue nts'sl cae ably 6 tie e rescuee_s of tecles i nscoo、on

6、 Igl a er aJ.lmetay scool Mac Lu may1c and sudes mang-et ly - m -1a nizina cviis bet -eta ces and s-et s t da w u a pec >_ pla a nd _cuiy mesue s mus be toreve -me of acvie s upon -ecinal Ce > reatveyfaoacv e Deuy -main -rt y I,- cl acviy s.ud lav ea payate Ige,lyi-l mac. Roue |a ctvies l dsua

7、 sloud be ca_douia-ace 4, a asoftansorsoud-p- t Ie wt<e icle e-irmesbefe 5eacmy mus lave seu" -egenny esonne plafr a ccet cncs Ik atein to iepe-snig n.7,tle acvies nea te ries, reev o_, no le-iyrrqUi _e. of te Ogani s everyone hasofkee ping fire controlsafety,prote ctingfire controlfacilitie

8、s, firepreventi on,reports offireIn or derto e nsure normaltea chi ng or der, prote ctingst udents 'he althy growt h,ensuri ngthat nati onal(property) isnotl ost, to prevent orminimize theoccurrenceofsafetyaccidents,foll owthe "prevent,re scueeach ot her, ensuresafety and reduce losses"

9、; princi ple,a ccordi ngtothe l ocal conditi ons,maket he m anagement system.1,t hepri nci palis t he responsibility ofschoolsafety, schoolse curityunder theleadership of Presi dent securityworkleading gr oup. Thehea d tea cher to t he leadershipteamis responsible for,impleme ntationofthea ccounta b

10、ilitysystem.2,schoolmonthly studentknowle dgeabout safetyeducation,educati on shoul d be diversifiedi ntheform every safety educationf orstudents ofcla sses perwe ekshoul dbetargete d.Tocarryon emerge ncy i ssues dealingwith educationin Ge neral,self -he lpa nd mut ual rescuek nowledge. Emergencycal

11、ls (such as 110,119, 122, 120,andso on)use common sense ine ducation. 3,t heesta blishmentofmajoraccide ntreportingsystem.Schoolst udentsreportmajoracci dent within an hour ofeducati on; studentrun anddi sappearances t oreport; reportoftheaccide nttoawrittenreport in tri plicate, acorr ectional cent

12、re,a police stati on,a t ownshi p pe ople' s Gover nment shall notconcealt he accident.4w eek,tea chers are on dutysystem, establishand im prove theleadershi pvalue s;strengthe nthe e ducation,manageme nt ofteachingactivitiesi nschoolst oensure normal teachi ng order; responsible f orschoolsafet

13、ylea dershipalwaysmaintaine d close contacta nd district police stations,canvassing supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyandhel p.5, stre ngthe ning tea chers 'moral e ducati on,establi sh adedicated love,impr ovinge ducationquality,observe thestudents ' psychol ogical cha ngesata nyt

14、ime andtake preventive measure s,nocorporalpunishment and covertcorporalpuni shment on st udents,st udentout of theclassroom, schools maynot be.6, units orde partments usest ude ntStreetpropaganda orpartici pate in thecelebrati ons, asw ellas participati ng in othersoci alwork, without approval ofth

15、eCorrecti onal Centre,school pri nci pals consent, withoutorga nization. Without theappr oval ofrelevant de partments,mayorga nize st ude ntsto partici pate in firefighting , disasterreliefandsoon.7,school s shoul d educate st ude ntsto obeythe school rulesand regulati ons, ontime, ontime hometoprev

16、ent accidents.8,schooltoschoolinspe ctions on aregular basi s,found hidden in time,andinseverecases, itis hardtoelimi nate immediatelyclose d, andreportedtothelocal pe opl e'sGov ernment,education,and ruleoflaw se ction.9,theschool should always checkthe i nternalwall s, retaini ng walls, ponds,

17、 railings, handrails,doors, Windows, staircasesand avarietyofsports,extracurricularactivities, facilitiessuchas fire safety,i nfrastruct urese curity,unsafefacility to immediatelyrepairand demolition to ensurethatteachersand studentsw ork,lear n,live venuesand facilitie sare safeand reliable.Song Li

18、n Xia ng Li u Jiaping elementaryschoolMarch 2016song LinXiang LiuJia pi ng primaryschoolfiresafety systemsto enhance firesafety, protecti on of publicproperty andthe lifeand propertysafetyofteachers and stude nts,s choolfiresafetyintoday-to-day management,isdeveloping t hefollow ingfiresafetysystem.

19、1,strengthen firesafety education ofthewholeschool.Accordingt othe re quirement softhe Fire Servi ces Act,sot hat全注意事项的交底。3.2.2 材料机具准备 编制好模板材料计划。 提前做好小钢模、方木、多层板、扣件等主要材料以及垫片等的进场工作。模板进场由质检员、工长严格检查,凡平整度、对角线尺寸偏差超过规范标准的一律不得使用。 劳动力准备为了优质高效地组织好模板工程施工, 经理部选派有施工经验且理论性强的专业人员负责模板技术, 选派有多年施

20、工经验的熟练工进场。进场后由模板工长、技术员对本工种进行交底, 提出技术、质量、安全等要求。四、施工方法1.1 流水段施工根据施工总体部署及工期要求,并考虑劳动力保障情况、工程量均衡原则、 周转材料及机械设备租赁费用等方面,来确定本工程施工流水段的划分。1.2 隔离剂选用本工程从经济、适用、保证质量的角度出发,二衬模板采用3: 7 机油兑柴油作为隔离剂。1.3 模板接缝处理严格按照排板原则,安装墙体一侧模板,再安装另一侧。安装从墙体两端开始,先放置阴角模,再依次安装平面模板,交接处用U 型卡固定,每边不少于4个。为防止硅流浆,相邻模板之间均要粘1cm宽、0.5cm厚的自粘海绵条。lectric

21、ity li nes,e qui pmentinspe ctions,found hidden intimeforrectification, mainte nance,a nd security.9,do notuseanopen flame in theclassr oom, prohibit burning stove,lit candl es, mosquitorepe llent, nosmoking,a nd banningmessy wiring. Withoutusinganyhouse hol dappliancesisnot allowed.10,liveoncampusf

22、aculty members, must lead byexample,and e ducatefamiliesand chil dren rea dytofire. 11,househol d use ofgasinschools,tomasterproper usage,payattention tot heleak -pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closingvalveafteruse to ensuresecurity. 12,diningr oom mustbe qualified,and a nnualtesting ofpressureve

23、ssels,toregularly check,theca nteen w orkersmustbecertifie d,strictly byoperati on operation,gastank and st ove safety distance of1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13,the adverse conseque ncescause dby ignoringfire safetyregulations,willbepunished,untili nvestigated f orlegalresponsi bility. S ongLi

24、nXi ang Li u Jia ping elementaryschoolMarch 2016 XiangLiuJia ping eleme ntaryschool,pinesl opes surrounding safety managementsystem 1teachers andst udents,thesurrounding area oftheschoolgovernance coverspersonalandfood hygiene, cult uraleventsa nd other a spects,integrate dgoverna nce shallobtai n w

25、idesupportandfullcooperati on ofthe community.Onthesurroundingenvir onmenti n schools should becl osely monitore d.2, school workatthe same time, shoul dpay attentiontothesafetymanagementofschoolenvironment,shouldtakethe initiativet o contact thedistri ctpolice station,thevill ageCommittee,Correctio

26、nal Centre, ow nship gover nment, busine ssmanageme ntand other departme nts to doa good jobmanagement.3,te acheron dutywith theexception of inspecti onsi n schools,shoul d also payattention to envir onmental i nspecti ons nearthe campus,found thatthe jobless migrantsfrom ruralareas,forexample,haras

27、sment ofstude ntsand avariety ofaccidents,a ccordingt odifferent situati ons reporte dschoolofficials orthe policestationinatimely manner,toprotectthesafetyofstudents.4, every daybefore school, teachers remindst ude nts, payattention totraffic safety.5,should educatest ude ntstores pe ct social ethi

28、 cs,a ndvarious reg ulations, maintai ning publicor der,andfighttheba d guys, a nd graspthecorrectwaysand means ofmaintaining a nd im proving students'self-care a bility.6,the esta blishmentofemergency rescueteamsofteacher sinschools,on high alert a nd deployed.Song Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngelem en

29、tary schoolMarch 2016songLinXia ng Li uJiaping primaryschoolteachersand studentsorganizati ons outofsafety managementsystem organizationactivities betwee nteachers a ndst udents,to draw up a preci seplan andse curity measuresmust besignedbytheschoolofficialstoreviewtheprogrammeof activitiesagreedupo

30、nCorrectionalCenteragreedto implement.Organization tot hefield relativelyfaroractivitiesrequireapprovalbytheDeputy Dire ctorofthe Educati on Bure au incharge ofsecurity.2,each activityshouldhaveaspecific responsi bility, pay attentionto thepersons age,physi calmatch. Route3,a ctivities,location,fiel

31、d surveys shouldbe carrie dout in a dvance.4, a ctivities for themeans oftransport should explain t hesituati on to theschoolto complyw ith vehi cle, safety requirements,before theli neforrepairs.5,each activitymusthave se curit y,emergency responsepla nforaccide nts. 6, picnics,hiki ng,pi cncito pa

32、y attention tofire prev ention,food poisoning,prevention offallacci dents7,theactivitiesne artherivers,re servoirs, no mea sures ordo notmeetthese curityrequir ements of the Organizati on andnotletstudents intothe watereveryone hasofkee ping fire controlsafety,prote ctingfire controlfacilitie s, fir

33、epreventi on,reports offireIn or derto e nsure normaltea chi ng or der, prote ctingst udents 'he althy growt h,ensuri ngthat nati onal(property) isnotl ost, to prevent orminimize theoccurrenceofsafetyaccidents,foll owthe "prevent,re scueeach ot her, ensuresafety and reduce losses" prin

34、ci ple,a ccordi ngtothe l ocal conditi ons,maket he management system.1,t hepri nci palis t he responsibility ofschoolsafety,schoolse curityunder theleadership of Presi dent securityworklea ding gr oup. Thehea d tea cher to t he leadershipteamis responsible for,impleme ntationofthea ccounta bilitysy

35、stem.2,sc hool monthly studentknowle dgeabout safetyeducation,educati on shoul d be diversifiedi ntheform every safety educationforstudentsofcla sses perwe ekshoul dbetargete d.Tocarryon emerge ncy i ssues dealingwith educati onin Ge neral,self -he lpa nd mut ual rescuek nowledge. Emergencycalls (su

36、ch as 110,119, 122, 120,andso on)use common sense ine ducation. 3,t heesta blishmentofmajor accidentreportingsystem.Schoolst udentsreportmajoracci dent within an hour ofeducati on; studentrun anddi sappearances t oreport; reportoftheaccide nttoawrittenreport in tri plicate, acorr ectional centre,a p

37、olice stati on,a t ownshi p pe ople' s Gover nment shall notconcealt he accident.4w eek,tea chers are on dutysystem, establishand im prove theleadershi pvalue s;strengthe nthe e ducation,manageme nt ofteachingactivitiesi nschoolst oensure normal teachi ng order; responsible for schoolsafety lead

38、ershipalwaysmaintaine d close contactand district police stations,canvassing supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyandhel p.5, stre ngthe ning tea chers 'moral e ducati on,establi sh adedicated love,impr ovinge ducationquality,observe thestudents ' psychol ogical cha ngesata nytime and

39、take preventive measure s,nocorporalpunishment and covertcorp oralpuni shment on st udents,st udentout of theclassroom, schools maynot be.6, units or de partments usest ude ntStreetpropaganda orpartici pate in thecelebrati ons, asw ellas participati ng in othersoci alwork, without approval oftheCorr

40、ecti onal Centre, school princi pals consent, withoutorga nization. Without theappr oval ofrelevant de partments,mayorga nize st ude ntsto partici pate in firefighting , disasterreliefandsoon.7,school s shoul d educate st ude ntsto obeythe school rule sand regulati ons, ontime, ontime hometoprevent

41、accidents.8,schooltoschoolinspe ctions on aregul ar basi s,found hidden i n time,andinseverecases, itis hardtoeliminate immediatelycl ose d, andreportedtot helocal pe opl e'sGovernment,education,and ruleof law se ction.9,the school should alwayscheckthe i nternalwall s, retaining walls, ponds, r

42、ailings, handrails, doors, Wi ndows, staircasesand avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities, facilitiessuchas fire safety,infrastruct urese curity,unsafefacility to immediatelyrepairand demolition to ensurethattea chersand studentsw ork,lear n,live venuesand facilitie sare safeand reliable.Song L

43、in Xia ng Li u Jiaping elementaryschoolMar ch 2016song LinXiang LiuJia pi ng primaryschoolfiresafety systemsto enhance firesafety, protecti on of publicproperty andthe lifeand propertysafetyofteachers and stude nts,schoolf iresafetyintoday-to-day management,isdeveloping t hefollow ingfiresafetysyste

44、m.1,strengthen firesafety education ofthewholeschool.Accordingt othe re quirement softhe Fire Services Act,sot hat1.4 支撑系统依据尺寸及立杆间距进行排杆布置。1.5 施工缝支设施工缝采用角钢加木方以防止漏浆,后面顶模棍焊牢。施工缝处前后各设一道穿墙螺栓,以防施工缝处涨模,确保接茬同模板拼缝。为防止漏水,在施工缝处加设止水条。4. 6 模板安装质量要求5. 6.1 模板及其支撑必须有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性,不允许出现沉降和变形。4. 6.2模板表面要平整,模板接缝不大于 2mm

45、接缝处应加自粘海绵条。模板表面应清理干净,脱模剂涂刷均匀。4. 6.3 在浇筑混凝土过程中,派专人看模,检查扣件紧固情况,发现变形、松动等现象及时修整加固。4.7 模板拆除模板应能保证混凝土表面不受损坏时(硅强度大于1.2N/mnj)方可拆除为原则。先拆除附件,再拆除斜支撑,用撬棍轻轻撬动模板,使模板离开墙体,再把模板吊运走。拆模时,不准用大锤、撬棍硬砸模板。拆模时,操作人员应站在安全的地方,以避免发生安全事故,待整段模板全部拆除后,方准将模板、配件、支架等运出堆放或整理后再次使用。不使用的模板及时清理粘结物,涂刷脱模剂,拆下的扣件及时集中收集管理。五、质量保证措施5.1 在模板支设前,要工长

46、根据施工方案对操作班组长进行详细的书面和口头技术交底并落实责任。lectricityli nes,e qui pment inspe ctions,found hidden intime for rectificati on,mainte nance, a ndsecurity. 9, do not use an ope nflame inthe classroom, prohi bit burningstove, litca ndl es,mosquitorepe llent, nosm oking,and banning messywiring. Without usingany hous

47、e hol d appliances is notal lowed.10, live on campusfacultymembers,mustleadbyexample,ande ducatefamilies a nd children rea dytofire.11, house hol d useof gas in schools,to master properusage, pay attentiontotheleak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closingvalveafterusetoe nsurese curity.12,di ning ro

48、om must be qualified,a nd a nnualtesting of pressurevessels,to reg ularlycheck,t he ca nteenw orkersmust be certifie d,strictlyby operati on operation, gas tank a nd st ovesafety dista nce of 1.5meters,to pr event accidents.13,theadverseconseque nces ca used byignoring firesafety regulations,willbep

49、unished,untilinvestigatedforlegalresponsibility.SongLinXiangLiuJiapingelementaryschoolMarch 2016 Xiang LiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pi ne sl opes surrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 teachersandstudents,thesurroundingareaoftheschoolgovernancecovers personaland food hygiene,culturalevents andother a

50、spects, integrated gover nance shall obtainwi desupport andfull cooperationofthecommunity.On thesurrounding e nvironme ntin school s shoul d be closely monitored.2,schoolwoandgrasp thecorrectways andmea ns ofmaintaining a nd impr oving st ude nts'self -care abi lity.6,t he esta blishme ntofemerg

51、ency rescueteamsofteachers i n schools,on high alert a nd depl oyed.S ong Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngelementaryschoolMarch 2016picnics, hiking , pi cni cto payattention to fire prevention,food poi soning, preventi on offallaccide nts 7,the activitiesnearthe rivers,reserv oirs,nomeasures or do not meetthe

52、 securityrequir ements of theOrganization and notletst udentsint othewater3everyone hasofkee ping fire controlsafety,prote ctingfire controlfacilities, firepreventi on,reports offireIn or derto e nsure normalteachi ng or der, prote ctingst udents 'he althy growt h,ensuri ngthat nati onal(propert

53、y) isnotlost, toprevent orminimize theoccurrenceofsafetyaccidents,foll owthe "prevent,re scueeach ot her, ensuresafety and reduce losses" princi ple,a ccordingtothe local conditi ons,maket he m anageme nt system.1,t hepri nci palis t he responsi bility ofschoolsafety, schoolse curityunder

54、thelea dership of Presi dent securityworklea ding gr oup. Thehead tea cher to the leadershipteamis responsible for,impleme ntation ofthea ccounta bilitysystem.2,schoolmonthly studentknowledgeabout safetyeducation,educati on shoul d be diversifiedi ntheform everysafety educationforstudents ofcla sses

55、 perwe ekshoul dbetargete d.Tocarryon emerge ncy i ssues dealingwith educationin Ge neral,self -he lpa nd mut ual rescuek nowledge. Emergencycalls (such as 110,119, 122, 120,andso on)use commonsense ine ducation. 3,t heesta blishmentofmajor accide ntreportingsystem.Schoolst udentsreportmajora cci de

56、nt within an hour ofeducati on; studentrun anddi sappearances t oreport; reportoftheaccide nttoawritte nreport in triplicate, acorr ectional centre,a police stati on,a t ownshi p pe ople' s Gover nment shall notconcealt he accident.4w eek,tea chers are on dutysystem, establishand im prove thelea

57、dershipvalue s;strengthenthe e ducation,management ofteachinga ctivitiesi nschoolst oensure normal teachi ng order; responsibl e f orschoolsafetylea dershipalwaysmai ntaine d close contactand district police stations, canvassing supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyandhel p.5, stre ngthening teachers 'moral e ducati on,establi sh a dedicated love,impr ovinge ducationquality, observe thestudents 'psychol ogical c


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