



1、1. this word has five letters. it has sit left 剩下if you take two letters away. what is it?IT is.2. which province 省 is "tianya haijiao"in?IT is in.3. Take four letters from the word "sweater",and makea drink.what is the word?Itis.4. tom is grandma has eight children. Half are boy

2、s and half are girls. so tom is father has seven brothers and sisters. but how many brothers does he have?He hasbrothers andsisters.5. What has two legsbutcann't walk?6.From whatnumber can youtakehalf and leave nothing?twoword have thousands oflettersin them?5-letterwordhas 6 leftwhen you take2

3、lettersaway?kind of dognever bite?does afternoonalwayscome beforemorning?ispronouncedlike one letter ,writtenwith threeletters ,andbeloitngs to all animals? number gets bigger when you turnupside down?41. He likes to drink black tea. 中的 “black tea 的中文翻译是:A.黑茶B.红茶C.绿茶42. television 的缩写形式是:43. What le

4、tter is a kind of drink?44. What number should replace the question mark?什么数字能代替问号?45. Which silhouette exactly matches thejellyfish?(哪个影子是章鱼的?)46在句子 “He has no money .He is as poor as a church mouSe中 as poor as a churchmous的汉语意思是什么?A.和老鼠长的一样B. 一贫如洗47.I look like a bear but I' m not a bear .I am

5、 smaller than a bear . I look like a cat but Ibigger tha n a cat . I like eat ing bamboo and I live in the forest . What am I I am a ().48. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woma n?49. Which runs faster, heat or cold?50. What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia?51. 下面是一

6、道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词:is greater tha n God.is more evil tha n the Devil.The poor need .The rich have .If you eat , you will die.'s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?53. What three letters turn a girl into a woman?54. We do'nt want it. It 's “a white elephant. W

7、hat is it?A. 一件无用而累的东西B.头白象C.白给的东西D.白色陷阱's too much for two and just right for one?A. Time B. A secret C. friend D. A room56. Wha't s the Chinese for “talk big ?57. I know that from A to Z.58. You can't do it. You can sue to Ann for help.A. ask B. think C. find D. give's that? That &

8、#39;s a lily I like it very much.A. girl ' s name B. flower C. picture D. cup“Brucealwaysr uns slowly in the class, but todayhe win sthe race. Heis a dark horse 中,“dark horsd'的汉语意思是。61. 1,3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29,?What number should replace the question mark什么数字可以代替问号?62. Which one replaces the q

9、uestio n mark?4& cm63. Jim can't remember which football shirt he wants. He knows that it is red and blue mixed together and that the number on it is a multiple倍数of four. Which football shirt does he want?64. Who will hit the target?谁会射中靶子?65. 在句子"Oh, my God. The room is at sixes and se

10、vens."中,"at sixesand sevens"的汉语意思是。A.六七个B.乱七八糟的C.六七点钟66. Which four letters can scare off a thief?哪四个字母会把小偷吓跑?请写大写字母67. I am fat. I am pink. My mouth is long. My ears are big. My eyes aresmall. My tail is short. What am I?68. Look at the symbols 符号.Each symbol represe nts 代表a differe

11、ntnu mber of minu tes. Add them up to see who wins 赢得the race 比赛.69. What nu mber should replace 代替the questi on mark?70. It has five letters. It has six left if you take two letters away. What is it? It's71. Now three boys are on a bus. A speaks Chin ese and Japa nese. B speaks En glish and Chin ese. Ccan only talk with A. What Ian guage does C speak? C can speak.72. Jack was a very poor boy, but now he is very rich. Every dog has its day. Can you guess themeaning of the un derl in


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