已阅读5页,还剩33页未读 继续免费阅读




1、曙光民办小学英语教材知识点梳理年级 上、下 册板块与单元知识点内容课标要求与其知识点相 关联的篇章1AM1U1单词:morning,afternoon 语法:1人称代词12.介绍自己1 m日常表达:.Hello ! Hi!Goodmornin g/after noon.Goodbye.1、学习表示时间的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音: morni ng after noon2、能运用以下句型在不同时段与他人打招呼:Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good after noon.Goodbye.3、认识课本中的主要人物,能识别他们英语名字的词形,并正确发音:KittyAli

2、ce Tom Ben Eddie Danny Miss Fang4、能运用以下句型介绍自己的名字:I m5、了解下面语句的意义和运用语境:Nice to see you.M1U2单词:book,ruler,pencil,rubber 日常表达:Give me ,please.Here you are. Thank you. 语法:1.人称代词me2. 不定冠词:a3. 使句 Give me ,please.1、学习文具的单词,能识别单词词形, 并正确发音:book pencil rubber ruler2、 能运用以下语句介绍看到的文具:A book!3、能够运用以下语句向他人借学习用品: G

3、ive me ,please.4、提供他人物品时能运用以下语句表 述: Here you are.5、能运用以下语句表述对他人的谢意: Thank you.M1U3单词:eye, mouth, face,no se,ear语法:1.物主代词my,your2.祈使句:Touch.3介绍实物 This is.1、学习面部器官的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:eye mouth face nose ear2、能运用以下句型做自我介绍:Hello!I m3、能运用以下句型介绍自己的面部器官:This is my 4、能运用以下语句对他人发出指令:Touch your 5、能运用以下句型介绍他人的面

4、部器官:This is your6、能运用以下语句提醒他人注意:Look!7、 能运用以下语句说出这就是你It s you.M2U1单词:dance,read,sing,draw 语法:1.情态动词can2.Wh-questio n: What can you do?3.表达能力:1 can.1、学习有关动作的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:dance read sing draw2、能运用以下句型来表述自己会做的 事情:I can 3、能演唱歌曲 I can draw.4、能使用 what can you do?询冋对方会 做什么?5、能熟练运用以下句型来表述自己会 做的事情:I can

5、 M2U2单 词 :father mothergran dmothergran dfatherme日常表达:How are you?Fin e,tha nk you.语法:1.人称代词he, she2. 物主代词my3. Wh-questio n:Who is he/she?1、学习有关家庭成员的单词,能识别单 词词形,并正确发音:fathermothergran dmothergrandfather me2、能运用以下句型来介绍自己的家人:This is my3、能运用以下句型来介绍自己的家人:She s/He s my 3、能听懂特殊疑问句 Who is he/she并 能用He s/Sh

6、e 来应答4、学习儿歌M2U3单词:fat thin tall short 语法:1.物主代词my2. 表达能力:1 can3. Wh-questio n:Who is he /she?动词:is1、学习有关描述外貌的形容词,能识别 单词词形,并正确发音:fat thin tall short2、能运用以下句型来表述他人的外貌 特征:Look! This is He/She is 3、能朗读和表演儿歌 4、能运用can的句型来表述他人会做 的事情:He/She can 5、能听懂 Who的特殊疑问句并答复Who is he/she? He/She is M3U1单词:one, two, thr

7、ee, four, five, six语法:1.数词one-six2.Wh-questio n:How man y.1. 学习有关数字的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音: one, two, three, four, five, six2. 能运用数字来表述数量:hree pen cils.3. 能运用数字来表述数量:Three pen cils.4. 能运用核心句型询问数量:Howmany ?5. 学唱歌曲 M3U2单 词:apple, pear, peach, orange日常表达: Apples,please? Here you are. Thank you.语 法:1.Wh-ques

8、tion:How man y.1. 学习有关水果的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音: apple, pear, peach, orange2. 能运用范例询冋物品数量:Howmany apples?3. 能运用范例表达物品数量:Four.M3U3单词:pizza hamburger cake pie1、学习西式餐点的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:pizzahamburger日常表达:Can I help you?MayIhave .,please?Here you are.Tha nk you.语法:1.情态动词mayMay I have.,please?cake pie2、能运用以下

9、句型表述自己想购置的物品:May I have ?3、能运用不定冠词来指出自己所要的物品:May I have a cake?4、能运用以下语句接待顾客:Can I help you?。M4U1单词:chick duck cow pig 语法:1.指示代词this that2.Wh-questio n:What this?What s that?动词:is am1、学习有关农村动物的单词,能识别单 词词形,并正确发音:schick duck cow pig2、 能模仿农村动物的声音:PeepQuack Moo Oink 3、 能用以下句型答复询问的动物:Its a4、能使用动词给指令:draw

10、 cut stick5、能熟练运用以下句型来提问特定动 物: What s this/ that?6能用名称、声音简单介绍某一农场 动物: Hello! I m a cow. MooMooM4U2单词: bear, tiger, pan da, mon key语法:1.一般疑问句Is this.? Is that.?2.Wh-questio n:What 1. 能运用一般疑问句做提问:Isthis/that a.?2、能运用以下句型对一般疑问句作肯定或否认答复:Yes./ No. It s a .s3.学习有关动物的单词,能识别单词词this?What s that?动词:is形,并正确发音:

11、 bear, tiger, pan da, mon key4.能运用以下句型对事物提问:What s this/that?5 .能运用以下句型来描述动物:It s a It s 6.能演唱歌曲 M4U3单词:red, blue, yellow, green 语法:1.Wh-question:What this?What st? What colour is it?动词:is3.祈使句:Colour the.1. 学习有关颜色的单词,能识别单词词形,并正确发音:red, blue, yellow, green2. 能运用范例询冋颜色:What colour is it?3. 能运用范例描述颜色:

12、It s(coloi4. 会使用 Colour the (noun)(col 的形式给出指令r) our)1BM1U1单词:frog,rabbit,bee,bird 语法:1.Wh-questio n:What do you see? What colour is it?2. 数词 one-ten3. 动词see的运用1、学习有关动物的单词,正确发音并 能指读单词:frog rabbit bee bird2、能运用以下句型来问答看见的动物:What do you see?I see a 3、能运用以下句型来询问动物的颜色What colour is it?It s M1U2单词:sheep,h

13、en,dog,cat. 语法:1.Wh-questio n:What do you hear?1、学习有关动物的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:sheep hendogcat2.动词hear的运用2、能运用以下句型问答听到的动物:What do you hear?Ihear 3、能掌握不同动物叫声的单词:4、能模仿动物叫声并运用以下句型问答听到的动物: Whatdo you hear?I hear 5、学唱歌曲Bin goM1U3单词:rice,soup,egg,noodles. 日常表达:Can I help you?Here you are.Tha nk you.语法:1.祈使句Sme

14、ll.Taste.Touch.1、学习有关食物的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:rice soup egg no odles2、能运用以下句型来邀请对方尝或闻 一下食物,并能作出回应:Taste Smell It s nice/. Yummy3、能运用以下句型询问顾客的要求:-Ca n 1 help you?-,please.M2U1单词:ball,doll,bicycle,kite. 日常表达:Can I help you?I like the.Here you are. Tha nk you!语法:1.疋冠词:the2. 物主代词:my3. 动词like的运用1、掌握央文玩具的单词:b

15、all, doll, bicycle, kite2、能运用以下句型来介绍自己喜欢的玩具:1 like 3、能运用定冠词来介绍自己喜欢的某个玩具:the ball, the doll4、 能运用适当的形容词描述事物:Its super.5、能运用恰当的语句来递给他人东西: Here you are.6能运用恰当的语句来表达自己的谢 意:Thank you.M2U2单词:jelly,icecream,sweet,biscuit.语法:1.动词like的运用2.般疑问句的运用Do you like.?1、掌握英文食品的单词:jelly, ice cream, sweet, biscuit2、能运用以

16、下句型来介绍自己喜欢的 食品:1 like 3、能运用like句型的一般疑问句询问 他人是否喜欢某种事物。Do you like ?4、能运用yes或no答复like句型的一 般疑问句。Yes./ No.M2U3单词:cola,juice,milk,water 日常表达:Hap py birthday! Tha nk you.语法:1.Wh-questio n:What do you like?2. 动词like的运用3. 祈使句:Drin k.1、 掌握央文饮料的单词:cola, juice, milk, water2、能识别单词词形,并正确发音。3、能运用以下句型来询问他人喜欢什 么:Wh

17、at do you like?4、能运用以下句型来介绍自己喜欢的 饮料:I like5、能够运用以下语句祝贺他人生日快 乐:Happy birthday.6能够运用以下语给出简单的指令:Drink some milk.7、能够运用some一词来表述物品的数 量:Drink somemilk.M3U1单词:warm,hot,spring,summer. 语法:1.介词短语:in spring,in summer动词运用:is3.动词 sing,see,drink的 运用.1、学习有关季节的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:Spring, summer,autu mn, win ter2、能运用

18、形容词来描述季节气候:Warm, hot, gree n, red3、能运用以下句型来介绍季节:Spring is warm.4、 能运用简单句型描述喜欢的季节:1 like spring. Spring is warm. I see I smell 1 hear M3U2单词:sunny,cloudy,rainy,windy 日常表达:How is the weather?It s.语法:1.动词like的运用 动词运用:is3. Wh-question3.How is the weather?4. 祈使句:Let s.1、学习有关天气的单词,能识别单词词 形,并正确发音:sunny clo

19、udy rainy windy2、 能运用以下句型形容天气:It s (adj.)3、能运用以下句型来表达自己喜欢的 天气:1 like (adj.) days.4、能运用以下句型来问答天气:How is the weather?It s (adj.)5、能用一下句型来表达建议及应答:Let s go to theOK。M3U3单词:T-shirt,dress,shorts,blouse 语法:1.Wh-question :What do1、 掌握央文服装的单词:T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse2、能识别单词词形,并正确发音。you n eed?2. 动词like的

20、运用3. 动词need的运用3、能运用以下句型来表述自己所需的东西:1 n eed4、能够运用以下语句询问他人需要什 么:What do you need?5、能够运用以下语句表述自己的喜恶:I don t like I like6、能够运用以下语句来表达感谢:Thank you, Mum.M4U1单词:ride,skip,play,fly 语法:1.人称代词:l,you,he,she2.情态动词can的用法: What can you/he/she do?1、学习有关运动类的单词,能识别单词词形,并正确发音:ride,skip,play,fly2、能够运用以下语句询问他人会做什 么:What

21、 can you/he/she do?3、能够运用以下语句表述自己或他人 会做什么:I/He/She can.4、 能正确的吟唱和表演儿歌:Skip my rope.M4U2单词:gift,card,firecracker,firework 日常表达:Hap py New Year!A gift for you. Thank you!语法:1.动词like的运用2. 疋冠词运用:the3. 祈使句: Draw.Write.Fold.1、 掌握央文单词:gift,card, firecrackerfirework2、能识别单词词形,并正确发音。3、能够运用以下语给出简单的指令:Draw.Writ

22、e.Fold.4、能够运用以下语句表述自己的喜好:I like5、学唱歌曲:Happy New Year!M4U3单词:boy,wolf,farmer语法:1.连词and的运用。2.疋冠词运用:the 动词运用:is:Where s.?1、掌握英文单词:boy,wolf, farmer2、能识别单词词形,并正确发音。3、 能用英语介绍自己的角色:1 m.4、能与同伴合作表演故事。曙光民办小学英语教材知识点梳理年级上、 下册板块与 单元知识点内容课标要求与其知识点相关联 的篇章3AM1U1单词:Miss, Mr, Mrs语法:1人称代词I, you2. 介绍自己1 m介绍他人This is -3

23、. 给出某些信息 We have打招呼用语!Hi !1. 学会在具体语境中正确使用新单?词。2. 学会使用固定表达打招呼。3. 学会用固定句型介绍自己和他人。4. 学会表达某些信息。3. How are you?Fine, thanks./l m fine too.M1U2单词: stand up, sit down, open, close, door, n ame, book, write日常表达: -what s your n ame?-my n ame is 语法:1人称代词your, my2 祈使句 stand up, sit down , look at1. 学会在具体语境中使用关

24、键词和短 语。2. 学会用固定表达说出某人的名字。3. 学会使用祈使句做出指示。M1U3单词: oneten, today日常表达:问年龄 -how old are you ? happy birthday !1. 学会用wh-questions询问别人的年 龄。2. 学会用固定句型谈论别人的年龄-here you are-tha nk you. Guess! 语法1.数字oneten2. it s /I m3. 物主代词your4. Are you ?5.祈使句blow和定冠词the3. 学会询问特定信息。4. 学会表达祝福。M2U1单词: fat, thin, tall, short, b

25、oy, girl, frie nd句型:1. He s/she s 2. Is he/she3. 祈使句:Look at4. who s your friend?5. he/she can/can t 1. 学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2. 学会用固定句型描述一个人的外 貌。3. 学会使用can和can 表达能力。4. 学会使用wh-questions获得信息。M2U2单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, me语法:1.who is he/she?2. He s/she s ,this is3. Are yo

26、u ?1. 学会在情境中使用重要单词。2. 学会用wh-questions去询冋某人身 份。3:学会用yes/no questions询问具体信 息。M2U3单词:eye, nose, hair, ear, mouth, small, long, big语法:1.1 m /you are ,my is/are2. look at3. who am I ?1. 学会用英语描述面部器官。2. 学会用固定句型描述某人。3.学会用wh-questions要求其他人识 别出自己。4.学会用固定句型识别出他人。M3U1单词: school, library , toilet, hall, playgrou

27、nd , classroom1. 能用所学单词描述学校各个地方。2. 能用wh-questions询问信息。语法:1. What s this/that?, where my classroom?2. it is3. 定冠词the的用法4. is this/that?3.能学会定冠词the的使用。M3U2单词: apple, orange, banana, peach 句型:can 1 help you?/may I have please?-sure.语法:1.how many/much ?2. a, an用法3. Do you like?4. there are1. 能学会有关水果的单词。

28、2. 能用wh-questions询冋数量和价格。3. 能正确使用there be句型。4. 能正确使用不定冠词a和an。5. 能用 yes/no question 询问另U人的喜 好。M3U3单词:boat, balloon, flower, kite, red, orange, yellow语法:1.祈使句look at 2. what colour is?3. is this?1. 能掌握名词和颜色的形容词。2. 能正确使用物主代词my, your。3. 能用wh-questions询问物体的颜色。4. 能用祈使句做出简单的指示。5. 能用yes/no question获得具体信息。M4

29、U1单词:ladybird , bee, butterfly , ant, fly , black语法:1.what is it ? /what is this?2. it is1. 能学会表示各种昆虫的英语单词。2. 能用wh-question询冋某事的具体 情况。M4U2单词: chick, hen, duck, pig, dog, cat语法:1.what are they? They re 2. How many ?1. 能学会表示农场中常见动物的英语 单词。2. 能正确使用祈使句 Put on,Coun,3. 能正确使用what are they ? how3. 祈使句 put on

30、 ,count 4. onetenmany?句型。4.能掌握one-ten的英语数字。M4U3单词:leafleaves,bran ch, trunk, root, plant, pink , green, beautiful 语法:1. It has /we have 2. it is/they are/we are3.祈使句look at 1. 能学会表示植物部位的英语单词。2. 能正确使用表示所属关系的句型。3. 能用固定句型描述事物。3BM1U1单词: aeroplane, bus, ship, car句型:1.what can you hear/see?2. How man3.The

31、re is 1. 能在具体语境中正确使用表示交通 工具的单词。2. 能在具体语境中使用wh-questio ns 句型。3. 能正确使用there be句型。M1U2单词: pin eapple, cake, bread, glass, bag句型:1. How does it feel/how do they feel?It s/they re 2. How much?3. I have 4. There is1. 冃匕掌握新单词。2. 能在具体情境中正确使用句型。3. 能正确使用wh-questions展开对话M1U3单词:sweet n,sweet(adj), lemon, sour,

32、salt, salty, coffee, bitter语法: how does it smell/taste?1. 能在具体语境中正确使用wh-questi ons。2. 能正确使用祈使句做出简单的指What is it?2祈使句: close your eyes. Smell this.3. yes/no questi on: is it?示。3.能掌握新单词及其运用。M2U1单词:tiger, lion, pan da, mon key, clever, stro ng语法:1. yes/no question: Do you like ?2. verb to be : it s/they

33、1. 冃匕掌握表示的动物的新单词。2. 能在具体语境中正确使用yes/noquesti on。3. 能用固定句型获得信息。areM2U2单词:toy train , doll , skateboard, robot, lovely语法:1. Wh-questions : what do you like?2. verb to be : it s 3. model verb: can表达:1 m sorry. Are you ok? Thatright.1. 能掌握表示玩具的新单词。2. 能在具体语境中正确使用 Wh-questions,获得信息。3. 能在具体语境中正确使用日常表 达。s al

34、lM2U3单词:hat, scarf, jacket, a pair of gloves , a pair of socks , a pair of shoes, funny , his语法:1. Wh-questions : What is it ? What s this/that?What are these/those?2. yes/no questio n: are those/they3. verb to be : it s/they r表达:1 see. May I have a try?1. 能掌握表示衣物的单词。2. 能正确使用 Wh-questions 和 yes/no q

35、uestion 询冋事物。3. 能在具体语境中使用日常表达。?2M3U1单词:1、circle 2、square 3 triangle 4、M3U2M3U3M4U1句型:1、I have.2、can you.3、here is /it is .4、how many .5、what shape is.6、How are you todayVery well .发曰:-ffstar 5、rectangle 6、house单词:1、sky 2、sea 3、mountain 4、river句型、1、What color is/are.?It s/They re2、Let s.发曰:cl-pl-gl-单

36、词:1、plant a tree2、have a picnic3、ice-skate 4、ski句型:1、What season is it ?Is it.?2、It s.发音:bi- fl- sl-单词:1、body 2、head 3、shoulder 4、arm 5、fin ger 6、hand 7、knee 8、leg 9、 foot句型:1、Can you .?2、I have.1.学习形状的单词,天空海洋山河单 词,四季象征活动单词2.学会询问形状、颜色、多少并答复。 询问季节并答复3.学会运用疑问句并且答复3、These are /They are.4、Of course1. 习审

37、题各个部位的单词、各个场所 单词.2. 学会使用can you.句型。3. 学会运用在 XX 节日中,what can you do on.句型Do you .句型M4U2单词:1、park 2、cinema 3、zoo 4、 our 5、class 6、party 7、take a photograph 8、pare nt句型:1、Happy Children s Day2、What do you do on .?3、Do you .?M4U3句型:1、This is.It s.2、I am .3、Open the door曙光民办小学英语教材知识点梳理年级上 册板块与 单元知识点内容课标要

38、求与其知识点相关联 的篇章4AM1U1单词:.fourtee n.fiftee n. sixtee n. 语法:1.人称代词his/her.2. 介绍自己1 m介绍他人 His/Hername is . She s twelve.3. 给出某些信息:student number打招呼用语!Good morni ng!4. She/He likes dancing.She/He can dance.5. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you1. 学习数字单词,能识别单词词形, 并正确发音.2. 能运用例句介绍人物的名字和年龄3. 学会用固定句型介绍自己和他人。4.

39、 灵活运用like , like的三单以及情态 动词can的用法。5. 能准确运用范例来互相打招呼。too.6掌握/-sk/的发音M1U2单词:pain t,draw,read.1学习动作类的动词,能识别单词词write,swim.,jump.形,并正确发音。日常表达:-Ca n he/she swim?2.能在情境中正确运用动词词组.-Yes,he/she can.3.正确使用情态动词Can接动词的用No,he/she can t. 词组: swim very well, fly very high, jump very high, run very fast. 语法:1人称代词you,he

40、,she,it.2. Ca n you swim?-Yes, I can/No,l can t.3, 掌握/-sp/的发音。法。M1U3单词: happy, sad, hun gry, thirsty, tired,1.学习有关情感类单词,能识别单词full.词形,并正确发音。日常表达:问感觉 -How do you feel?2.学会用how do you feel?询问别人的I m/We re 感觉。语法1.感官动词happy.3.能运用范例描述感觉,会使用形容词2. it s /I m4. Are you ?5. 掌握/-st-/的发音。描述M2U1单词:grandfather, gra

41、ndmother, father,1.学习有关家庭成员的单词,能识别mother, uncle,aunt,cousin,me.单词词形,并正确发音.句型:1. Do you have.?2.能根据课文自编对话.-Yes,I do/No,I don t.给出某些信息:I have one uncle.3.正确使用祈使句。语法::1. Is he/she your?2. Who s this man?3. Do you have any un cles?Yes, I do. / No, I don t.祈使句:Let s have some moon cakes 掌握/-?的发音。M2U2单词:

42、doctor, nurse, teacher, student.1.学习有关职业的单词,能识别单词police officer, firefighter, cook, bus词形,并正确发音。2driver能运用核心句型介绍自己的家庭成 员。语法:1.what does she/he do?3.能运用学会用wh-questions特殊疑He/She is,问句了解某人的职业.2.My father is a firefighter.4.会使用一般疑问句来询问他人的职3Is he a bus driver?No, heisn t. He is a cook.3,掌握/pr-/,/dr-/的发音。

43、业。M2U3单词: coat, shirt, blouse, T-shirt, skirt,1学习服装类的单词,能识别单词词sweater, jea ns, shorts.形,并正确发音。语法:1. It s red and white.2.能运用形容词描述事物的颜色。2.I have a friend. He has a gree n3.能运用情态动词can来表述某人能T-shirt.做的事情。3. He can skate.4,掌握/br-/,/kr-/的发音。4.会正确使用have以及has的用法。M3U1单词:ca ntee n, computer1.学习地点类的单词,能区分单词词la

44、b,beh in d,office,gym,i n front of形,并正确发音。语法:1. This is/that is/It is.2.能运用there be句型描述地点。2. There is/are.3 介词:.on, in, in front of, behind 的用法4.掌握 /fr-/,/gr-/,/tr-/ 的发音。3.There be句型的就近原那么。3.能运用介词对方位进行描述.M3U2单词:supermarket, post office,restaura n.介词: next to , betwee n.语法:is/are there.?-yes,there is

45、/are.-No,there isn; t/are n;t.掌握 /sl-/,/sn- /,/sw-/ 的发音。1. 掌握有关地点的单词,能识别单词 词形和词义,并正确发音。2. 能运用以下句型来进行有关方位的 介绍。3. 能正确使用there be句型。4.学会使用介词。M3U3单词词组:a packet of, a loaf of, a bowlof, a bar of, a bottle of。句型:How much is it/ are they?Its/They re 语 法 :1.howmuch/ma ny.?2. here is/are.3. May I have some ca

46、kes?4. 掌握 /sm-/,/sp-/,/st-/ 的发音。1. 学习相关量词的表达方式,能识别 量词词形,并正确发音。2. 能运用how much/many句型来元成3-4个回合对话。3. 能运用恰当的量词来描述相关的 食品.4. 祈使句的用法。M4U1单词: hay,grass,cor n, meat.词组: don tlitter don twalk on the grass don pick flowers don throw ston es.语法:1.Do n t.2.What do they eat?3.Thesearemyhorses.They eat hay掌握本课“ /-

47、sc/,/-sk/ 的发音M4U2单词: sketchbook, cap camera , aviary, foun ta in ,pond.语法:l.where is,?lt s,/2. Where is Cen tury Park?3. 复习祈使句的使用:Don t feed the birds4. 掌握本课/th-/的发音M4U3单词:sunny ,ra iny ,cloudy,w in dy, warm,hot,wet,dry.语法:1. How is the weather in?(What is the weather like today?) -It is.s the weath

48、er in (month)? It s s the weather in?-It s.4.掌握本课/th-/的发音.4BM1U1单词: watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, a glass of,juice 句型:Is it.or.?Do you like .or.?What s this ? It s.How does .taste? It s.运用祈使句给出相应的指令:Now smell it.发音:-ar -ar- -ue -oo-M1U21. 单词:hard, soft, rough, smooth, sharp, blunt, th

49、ick, thin , kni fe,pe ncil,pe ncil case,purse,skirt2. 句型:It s./They re.Whose.is this /that/are these/those?It s./They re.3. 音:-irarue -oo-M1U31. 单词:hill,lawn, path,bench,shadow, the sun,rise,high,at noon,go dow n2. 句型:It (does)能用形容词描述物体:The tree s shadow grows short. 能用一般现在时描述事实:My shadow ofte n goe

50、s with me.能用形容词描述物体: Sometimes, my shadow grows short and small.能用介词词组指出物体的具 体位置:Sometimes my shadow stays beh ind me.3 发音:-ee -ea -eer -earM2U11. 单词:play football, play tabletennis, play volleyball, play badminton,play basketball ,sport,poster,jo in, club2. 句型:Does.like.doing?Yes,.does/No,.doesn t.There is.Look at.Let s.Would like to.?I d love to He/She likes.3 发音:-i- -ie.M2U21. 单词:parrot, tortoise,fish, bone, cat food, dog food ,cute,goat2. 句型:What does. (do) ? .(does).What do you have? I have.What ani mals do you like ?I like .What food


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