



1、家庭成员称谓考察1 Your mother判断句子的正误。 (T F)s husband is your father.2 your uncles wife is your aunt. ( )3 Your father isyour grandmothers son.( )4 Your mother s father is your grandmother.( )5 Your uncle and aunt s son is your brother. ()6 My cousin is my mother ' s brother.()五年级英语 ( 上)第一单元试卷一找出以下各组词中不同

2、的词( 10 分)( ) 1.A. young B. short C. day D. old( ) 2.A. mother B .grandmother C. aunt D. ,red( ) 3.A. friend B. zooC. park( )4.A. short B. youngC .sister D .tall( ) .black B. friendC. student D. teacher二、按要求写出相应的单词。 ( 20 分)black (对应词) short (比拟级) my 人称代词little 近义词 tall 反义词 work 同音词 三、单项选择题。 28 分sun 同

3、音词 old 反义词 same 反义词 have 单三 ) 1. is Bob?A. How old B.How muchC. How many D.How long) is olderLucy.A.and B.then C.than D.or) have a sisterSherly.A.name B.isC.named D.names( ) works in a is a.A. cashier B.waitress C.teacher D.driver( ) father is my grandfather' s.( ) uncle isthan his son.) do you

4、like ?) hair is black,my eyes are black,) father goes to workhis bike. mother and father like to goa walk. 11、 Uncle 's Zhi wei is my aunt 's .A sister B father C husband 12、 He works in a store .He is a .A doctor B clerk C driver13I like to play checkers my father.A and B or C with14Your fa

5、thers mo'ther is _ than your father.A younger B older C old四、连线。 10 分1. by bike乘公共汽车2. go for a walk骑自行车3. play checkers下围棋4. watch a movie 去散步a bus 看电影五、用所给单词连成完整的一句话。 10 分1、 What, do, like, to, you, do ?2 、 has, grandfather, gray, My, hair3 、 they, do, go, to, How, work?4 、 does, do, What, she

6、?5 、 am, younger, I, my, than, brother.六、七、 分 ack阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T ,错误的写“ F。(10I am am ten years old. My father has straight and blis a mother wears is younger than my hair is curly and blond,we are the is a nurse.1 、 Jucy 's family has four people.( ) 2 、Jucy 's mother is taller than her father. ( ) 3 、 Jucy has curly


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