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1、八年级英语下M6-M8检测题一、短语互译20分1 .为担忧.3. 告诉她真相.5建议某人做某事 .7. 照顾我自己.9. 劳动节 11. 一就13. 因而著名15. all over the world17. count dow n19. a fan tastic adve nture film二、单项选择20分总分值:120分2. 面对面.4. 以某人的观点,在某人看来6很快好起来.8. 保护环境 .10. 除之外12. 叫醒14. 第二长的河16. enjoy on eself18. as if20. go back to school 题号12345678910答案题号111213141

2、51617181920答案1. Were youat 11:00 p.m. last ni ght?A. waki ng B. awake C. wokeD. woke n2. Helpto some fruit and vegetables, Lucy.D. yourselfA. youB. yourC. yourselves3. - “ Lucy, what about going camping if ittomorrow?“ Sounds great!A. didn ' t raiB. doesn' t rainC. won ' t rain D. hasn &

3、#39; t rained4. The teacher told us yesterday that the eartharound the sun.A. moves B. has movedC. movedD. was movi ng5. How much did youon the computer. -About 5,ooo yua n.A. spe nd B. payC. takeD. cost6. All the childre n like Mr White very much because he ofte n makes them.A. laughedB. laughC. la

4、ugh ingD. to laugh7. Don ' t spendtime playing games.A. too much B. much tooC. too manyD. many too8. Maybe I have heard of the story before, but I canremember it.A. hardlyB. reallyC. mostlyD. easily9. Please give the ticket to heryou see her.A. as soon asB. un tilC. whereD. because10 .He asked ,

5、“ Are you a Party member or a League member?t He asked me.A. am I a Party member or a League memberB. was I a Party member or a League memberC. if was I a Party member or a League memberD. whether I was a Party member or a League member.11. He asked mewith me.A. what the matter isB. what the mater w

6、asC. what ' hes matterD. what was the matter12. The teacher advised Tom some English programme to improve his oral English.A. watchB. watches C. to watchD. watchi ng13. He rushed into the fire to save the childit was dan gerous for him to do so.A. althoughB. uni essC. because D. if14. My dad has

7、 lots of writershis frie nds so he has a collect ion of books for free.A. inB. withC. betwee n D. among15. obod y has see n him, every one has heard of him. He is really famous, is nA. Because B.SoC. Although D. But16. Let the childre n go away. They are mak ing too muchhere.A. no iseB. voiceC. no i

8、syD. sounds17. The less on is easy because there arenew words in it.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little18. I am tak ing one weekover Christmas.A. ofB. outC. off D. away19. How did you finish the work so quickly?The computer helped me. It' s reallyuseful machine.A. aB. anC. theD. one20. How is you

9、r father? Ihim for a long time.He is fine, but not busy.A. don ' t se® hadn ' t seen C. didn' t seeD. haven' t seen三、用所给词的适当形式填空(14分)1. He is hun gry. He would like someth ing (eat)2. At the in ), he finds En glish difficult to lear n.3. Can you hear some one n the n ext room?No

10、, I can ' t.4. I ' m(worry) about my sister, because she is ill.5. Mary said she ) to go to uni versity.6. She thought that China an excit ing coun try.7.1 like films with ple nty of (act).8. The Changjiang River is the (one) (long) river in Asia.9. If he ) the exam, his father_ (buy) him a

11、computer.10. The child was (lose) and couldn ' t hind home.11. I think we will enjoy ring the trip in Qin gdao.12. If you want to go to the bank, you must go (cross) the bridge.四、句型转换(16分)1. She asked,“ Will I get better soon改为间接引语(She askedget better soon.2. Mary crossed the bridge two minutes

12、ago.( 同义句转换)Marythe bridge two mi nu tes ago.3. “ Wait for me, please. The girl said to her m改为间接引语)The girl er mother.4. What ' s wrong with Jack?改为同义句with Jack?5. He thinks that is a good idea. 改为否认句Hethata good idea.五、根据汉语提示和关键词翻译句子10分1.除了结尾之外,它是一部很优秀的电影。except for2.在他看来,马老师疋学校取好的老师。Iin one &

13、#39; s opinon3.洞庭湖是中国第一大淡水湖。seco nd , large4.她说她和来自美国的朋友在一起。with5.政府想要保护全中国的公园的环境。protect, en vir onment六、完形填空10分题号12345678910答案One day a lady saw a mouse 老鼠 _1_ across her kitche n floor. She was very afraid2_mice 老鼠的复数,so she ran out of the house, got on a bus and3 downjo ashop. There she bought a

14、 mousetrap 捕鼠夹 .The shopkeeper said to her,“ Put some cain it,4_ you willsoon catch that mouse.The lady went home5the mousetrap. But she couldn6_ t take at herhome. She didn ' t wantback to the shop, because it was very _8._So she cut apicture of some cake out of a magaz ine and put that in the

15、mousetrap.To her surprise, the picture of the cake was quite _9! When the lady came dow n tothe kitche n the n ext morning, there10 _a_picture of a mouse in the mousetrap besidethe picture of the cake.1. A. runs B. ran C. is running D. running3. A. wentB. go C goi ngD.gone4.A. butB. thatC. andD.beca

16、use5. A. andB. tak ingC. bringD. with6. A. someB. anyC. manyD. no7. A. goB. wentC. goi ngD. to go8. A.lateB. latestC. laterD. the latest2. A. to B. to do C. ofD. that9. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed10. A. is B. are C. was D. were七、阅读理解20分题号12345678910答案AThis story is about a yo

17、ung man. He worked very hard at his less ons. He was too busyto have a rest. At last, he became ill, so he couldn' t go to sleep. Every night, whento bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But the more he tried, the more he stayedawake.I just can ' t go to sleep at rAfter a while he dec

18、ided to visit the doctor.should I do?I have a suggesti on.said the doctor.Try counting numbers. By the time you ronethousan d, youll be asleep, Im sure of it.The n ext day the man retur ned to the doctors office.“ Well, said the dyou today? Did you try my suggesti on?The man still looked tired.Yes,

19、he said,I tried counting one, two, threethousa nd. But whe n I reached five hun dred and sixty-nin e, I bega n to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn' t fall asleep.1. The young man couldn' t go to sleep b

20、ecause .A. he hadn' t finished doing his lessonsB. he had worked too hard and became illC. he was worried about his homeworkD. there was a lot of noise there and he couldn ' t have a good rest2. The doctor asked the young man .A. to count numbers before he went to bedB. to put all numbers fr

21、om 1 to 1000 togetherC. to count numbers while he was lying in bedD. to take some medicine and go to bed earlier3. The young man returned to the doctor ' s office the next day because A. he wanted to thank the doctorB. he was better and wanted some more medicineC. he wanted to ask the doctor how

22、 to count the numbersD. he still couldn ' t go to sleep at night4. The young man .A. counted from 569 to 1000B. counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleepC. counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some teaD. counted from 1 to 1000 and fell asleep5. The young man in fact.A. didn ' t understand t

23、he doctor ' s suggestionB. was not able to count numbersC. didn ' t try the doctor ' s suggestionD. wasn ' t ill at allBYou want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon ? But wait !You ' d better not .If a policema n sees you , you'罚款e tolpew araneclaw

24、s交通法 say that if people cross the street when the light is red , they can be fined as much as 50 yuan .Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year . Chinese citieshave more cars than ever . Drivers and pedestrians 行人 must work together to make the streets safer .The law has

25、new rules for drivers and pedestria ns . Divers have to slow dow n whe n they are close to crosswalks .If people are in a crosswalk , cars must stop to let them walk .There are rules for bus drivers , too . If bus drivers smoke , drink or make phone calls while driving , they can be fined . Buses th

26、at carry too many people are also against the law .Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law . They must cross streets at crosswalks . Also , they shouldn' t climb over the栅e栏along streets .Do you bike to school ? It' s not a good idea to carry classmates on the back . You

27、couldbe fined 50 yua n .And stay in the bike lane车道 whe n you ' re ridi ng . The big roads are for cars andbuses .Do you like to ride your uncles motorbike ? Whe n youputaton ebuiT 头盔,askhim to put one on , too . People on motorbikes must wear helmets , the new law says . If they don ' t , t

28、hey ' ll have to pay 200 yuan .Do you ride in cars often ? Don' t forget to put on your sea全带 ,even ifyou ' re going for a short t axi ride . It could save your life .If you see a hit-a nd-run肇事逃逸,tell the police . They may give you a reward奖赏And don ' t be afraid to help people to t

29、he hospital if they are hurt in an accident. Don worry about money . The new law says that doctors must take care of them even if they can t pay right away .6. Don ' t go across the road when.A. the light is gree nB. the light is redC. the bus is leav ing D. traffic is busy7. What does the word“

30、 crosswalkChimaeerPinA.过马路 B.人行横道C.立交桥 D.车行道根据the new traffic laws8. If you are a bus driver , while you are driving , according tot talk to othersA. you can make a phone callB. you can 'C. you can ' t smokeD. you can drink9. When you ride in a car , the first thing you must do is .A. to put

31、 on the helmetB. to pay the driverC. to put on the seat beltD. to see if it carries too many people10. You should not .A. carry your classmate on the back when you ' re riding a bike to schoolB. phone the police when you see a hit-and-runC. help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accidentD. wear your helmet while riding a motorbike八、 阅读表达 10 分1Now more and morein the world are getting, which troublesthem a lot. In the past 25 years, the numbe


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