



1、Unit8情态动词表推测一、用 must ,can/could , may/might, need, should 等表 推测,中考常见考点有:可能性最大100% ,只能用于肯定句的推测,could可能性次之,一般用于 否定句或者疑问句 中的猜测,意为“不 可 能”或者“可能吗”,can'可能性0%./might可能性较小,一般用于否定句或肯定句 的猜测“可能”二、情态动词表推测常用句型1. 对现在事实的推测情态动词+do sth女口 He must be at home now.2. 对过去的事情推测 情态动词+have do ne女口 He may have finished hi

2、s homework.3. 对正在进行的事情推测情态动词 +be doi ng女口 The baby must be crying.be句型的推测 there must be女口 There must be a river over there.三. Must提问的回答A:Must I do B: Yes you must.No, you n eed n ' /you don ' have to四. 在反意疑问句中,当附属部分有推测意义的情态动词 时,疑问部分应根据情态动词后面的情况来判断。女口 He must be a workerjsn ' he用 must,may

3、,might,may not 和 can't+do 或 be must be at home now. The boy may play now.推测用 must,may,might,may not 和 can't+have done might have been ill yesterday. He must have hold the party. 情态动词 must, can, could, may, might 表推测的 用法情态动词中的 must, can, could, may, might 都表推测。 其中 must 的可能性最大, can / could 次之,

4、 may / might 最小。具体用法如下:/ could 的用法(1) can 表示推测“可能性”时,往往用于否定句或 疑问句。( 2) may, might 表推测时,可以用于否定句,意思 是“可能不、也许不” ,但不用于疑问句。一情态动词表示推测的用法及练习 (must/can ' t/may might could ) 表示一定 ; _ 表示可能 ; 表示不可能二以 Must I 开头的句子;肯定回答:Yes,you 否定回答: No,you /No,you .1 . Whose notebook is thisIt Jim' s. It has his name o

5、n it. (2012 贵州)A. can' t be B. must be C. can be2. Is that your teacher That be Mr. Wang. Hehas gone to Japan with his wife (2012 甘肃)A. can' t B. mustn ' t C. may not3. Is Maria knocking at the door (2012 湖北) It be her. She is in Australia now.A. may not B. needn't C. mustn't D.

6、can't4. Is Jim coming by train (2012 四川凉山) I' m not sure. He drive his car.A.must B. may C. need5. I think the man over there must be Bob. i t _ be him. he has _ to Australia ( . 2011 山 东)A.can ' t; gone B. can ' t; beenC. may not ; been D. mustn ' t; gone6 - Is Mr. Brown driving

7、 here ( 2008 ?安徽中考) -I ' m not sure. He come by train.A. may B. shall C. n eed D. must7 I fin ish my homework now-No, work is over today.A Can' tmust B Must;don ' t have toCMay couldn ' tD Couldn ' t;could1 John _ come to see us toni ght, but he isn't very sure yet.A. may B.

8、need C. can ' t D. must2 John isn 'irt the classroom. He playsoccer on the playgro und with Bob.A. can B. must C. should D. can ' t 3 That not be her husba nd . She is still sin gle.A. mayC. could D. might4 You _ go and see a doctor at once because you got a fever.A. can B. must C. dare

9、D. would5 -Ca n you speak Japa nese -No, I _ .A. must n'tB. can't C. n eed n'tD. may not6 -He _ be in the classroom, I thi nk.-No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.A can; may not B. must; may notC. may; can'tD. may; must n't7 -Is Lena swim ming in the pool

10、-No, she swim. She is terrified of water.A. may not B. must notC. can'tD. n eed n't8 He isn't at school. I thi nk he _ be ill.A. can B. shall C. must D. might9 -What do you think “ upset ” means-I ' m not sure mean “ sad ” .A may B. mustC. canD. should10 The children_ play football on the road. A can't B. can C. mustn't D. mustroad is wet . It last night.A must rain B mu


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