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1、小学英语三年级上册期末考试试卷一、 听音,把你所听到的单词的序号填在括号里。 10 分1、 A、 light B 、 little C 、 lost2、 A、 door B 、 baby C 、 bowl3、 A、 clean B 、near C 、candy4、 A、toy B、key C、bed5、 A、 kitchen B 、 Chinese C 、 fridge6、 A、 vegetable B 、 chopsticks C 、 parent7、 A、 classroom B 、 bedroom C 、bathroom8、 A、 farmer B 、friendly C 、 chick

2、en9、 A、 strong B 、 spoon C 、 storybook10 、 A 、 doctor B 、 nurse C 、 cousin、听音、标号。10分、听问句、先答句。10分 1、A、Her name's Sarah. B 、 His n ame's John. C 、My name's Amy. 2、A、Watch TV B 、Have a nap C 、Read a book 3、 A 、Yes, it is . B 、 Yes, she is . C 、Yes, he is . 4、 A 、I d like beef. B、I like juic

3、e C 、 She likes apples. 5、 A 、She is a teacher. B 、 She is in the study. C 、 She is Kate. 笔试局部 70 分四、读单词,找出发音不同的一项。5 分 1、A、fan B 、 baby C 、candy 2 、 A 、 bathroom B 、math C 、 glasses 3、 A、 shoe B 、 doctor C 、dog 4、A、cute B 、use C 、 picture 5 、 A 、 dinner B 、 fridge C 、 window五、读单词,找出不同类的单词。10 分 1、 A、

4、 teacher B 、 student C 、family 2、 A、 mother B 、 brother C 、 doctor 3、A、milk B 、fork C 、 spoon 4、 A、 kitchen B 、 strong C 、 bathroom 5、 A、 long B 、 nose C 、eye 6、 A、we B、her C 、my 7、 A、 Coke B 、 juice C 、 bread 8、 A、 wall B 、 doll C 、 fan 9、 A、in B、on C、too 10 、 A 、 sofa B 、knife C 、table六、选择题。 15 分

5、1、 What do you like?A、I like juice B 、 I 'd like juice C、 She likes juice. 2、 Are the pens on the table?A、No, they aren 't. 、B No, they are. C 、Yes, they aren 't. 3、 Where is my bag?A、It 's in the study. B、It 's an apple. C、It's black . 4、 My friend thin and he short hair.A 、

6、is have B 、 is is C 、 is has 5 、 you like your bedroom? Yes, I do .A、Can B 、Do C 、 Are 6、 Who's that girl?A、Her name is Amy. B 、 He is John. C 、She is Mike. 7、 How many do you have? A、books B 、 pencil C 、 a book 8、 This is English book.A、a B 、 an C 、 am 9 、 your sister 's job? A、Who's B、

7、 What's C、What 10 、 There five people in my family? A、is B 、are C 、 am七、找出相应的答语。 10 分 1、 What's her name ? A 、 Mr Yang. 2、 What would you like? B 、 Yes, he is . 3 、 Who' s your teacher? C 、 Her name is Ann. 4、Is this your uncle? D 、 It 's in the desk. 5 、 Where is my notebook? E 、I&#

8、39;d like some water.八、连词成句。 10 分1、father is my He .2、sister Is your this ?3、the they on Are table ?4、has friend glasses My blue .5、I some have please Can rice , ?九、读一读,选出正确的单词。 10 分1、I have two ( friends friendly).2、She (have has)short hair.3、( Who What) would you like?4、(Is Are) she in the kitchen

9、?5、Give ( me my)the spoon.十、阅读短文,判断正“T误“F 10丨分Amy is my best friend. She' s a nice girl. She' s ten. She ' s tall and quiet. She has longhair and a small mouth. She has big eyes and a small nose. She likes English, Chinese and maths. She likes books, too. She has fifty story-books. She i

10、s a good student. I like her very much. 1. Amy is my sister 2. Amy is not quiet. 3. Amy has 15 story-books. 4. Amy likes English and books. 5. Amy has long hair and a small nos小学英语三年级上册期末考试试卷二听力局部 : 共 40 分一、每题 1 分,共 8 分听录音,找单词,记顺序cat window nine seven six bird knee arm 二、每题 2 分,共 12 分听录音,选句子,作标记请在你听

11、到的句子前的括号内打“A。1、 oh,my schoolbag!2、 close the windows,sallyoh,my pencil-box. open the windows,sally.3、 Good morning.4、 I'm chen feifei.Good afternoon. I ' m wang dawei.5 I am happy.!6. my father is a doctor.I am sad! my father is a policeman.三、每题 1 分,共 10 分听录音,写数字请根据录音,在横线上写上正确的数字,如:1 , 26. p

12、uppets 7. sisters 8 . candles 9.mouth 10toes四、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。 每题 2分。共 10分1. happysad2. warmcool3 shorttall4 oldyoung5 inout笔试局部: 共 60 分一, 写出相邻字母 5 分E_ H I K M二写出相隔数词 5 分Two four six eight ten三根据每题上面的问句或指令,选择正确答语。 每题 2 分,共 12 分1、 here you are. A: Thank you. B: Yes,Jim.3、 turn on the light A: Thank you

13、.B: Yes,Miss Han5、 what's this? A: It 's a monkey. B: Ok,Let 's go.2、 what's your name?A:( ) I ' m nine.B: ( ) I ' m Wang Dawei.4、 how old are you? A:( ) I ' m ten.) Ok,miss Han.B: (6、 Good morning.i ' m mr Liu. A ( )Goodbye, Mr liu.B: ( ) Good morning. Mr Liu.四,情景指令每

14、题 2分,共 10 分1. 当你想问别人的感觉时怎么说?A :how do you feel?B: how are you feel?2. 当你想知道别人最喜欢的颜色时怎么说?A: what' s your favourite colour?B: what s the colour ?3. 当你去看病时,医生通常回问你?A: what are youB what s the matter ?4.当你想对别人说今天是你的生日时应该怎么说?A: This is my birthday !B: Today is my birthday !5.当你想对别人介绍你的家庭时应该怎么说?A: The

15、y are my family.B: This is my family!五 .连词成句 (每题 2 分,共 10 分 )1. old How you are2. birthday you to Happy3. feel do you How4. colour is it What5.laughing he is六、给以下单词分类。 ( 把单词前的数字写在横线上 )每题 2 分共 10 分文具 食物 颜色 动物 身体部位 七 选择适宜的句子填在对话的横线上,只写阿拉伯数字。每题 2 分,共 8 分(1) How are you ?(2) No, thank you.(3) Very well

16、, thanks.(4) Can I have some chicken ?A: Hello!B: Hi!A:B: Fine ,thank you. A :How are you?B: A: Have some juice.B:I like Coke .A: Here you areB: Thank you .B:A: Sure.Here you are .B: Thank you .参考答案及评分标准:听力略笔试:一 二略三 A B B A A B四 A A B B B 五 (略)六文具 1.10 食物 2.6 12 颜色 4.7.13 动物 5 .9.11 身体部位 3.8.14 七: 1

17、.3 2. 4命题意图: 此次试题主要考察了学生下班学期对于单词,短语以及句子的掌握情况。小学英语三年级上册期末考试试卷三一、根据字母的发音,圈出不合群的字母1、Aa Hh Gg 2 、Ff Cc Gg3、Dd Jj Ee 4 、Ll Mm Kk二、找出以下每组字母中不含有共同发音的一个字母三、圈出不同类的一个单词A B C1. bird banana zebra2. green pineapple peach3. father sister mother4. tiger orange cat5. Miss Li Nancy pear四、找出每组中不属于同一类别的单词五、选出不同类的词六、找出

18、不合群的单词 1.A.a glass of milk B.bananas C.a cup of tea 2.A.a cake B.a bird C.a hamburger 3.A.an egg B.a skirt C.a cake 4.A.an ice cream B.a cup of coffee C.a cup of tea 5. A.a glass of orange juiceB.a glass of apple juiceC.an orange七、排序1. By car. Let 's go to the zoo 。 But how ? All right.2. Good m

19、orning , Helen. An ice cream Good morning. OK ! Thank you.3. I m a Chinese girl. I'm from Shanghai. My name is LiHong. My eyes are big.4. Good morning. How are you ? Let s go to the park. Good morning. Fine , thank you. Great ! Let ' s go. Fine , thank you. Great ! Let s go.5. Not bad ,thank

20、s. Hi , Nancy.How are you ? Let 's go to the cinema. By bus. Great ! But how ? All right.Let s go.6. How are you ? Good afternoon, Mr Green. Go home now , David. Fine , thank you .And you ? Good afternoon , David. OK.See you Mr Green. I ' m fin,e too.Thank you. See you.7. How are you ? Look

21、at my new blouse. Good morning , Jane. I m fine.And you? How pretty ! Good morning. I ' m fin,e too. Thank you.8. Nice to meet you ,Mike. Let s go to the Great Wall. Great ! Let ' s go。 Great ! But how ? Good morning , David.This is Mike. By bus. Nice to meet you , too.小学英语三年级上册期末考试试卷四一、选择最正

22、确答案,把其编号填在括号内。 4 分 1 、 Is this a pen ?A Yes , it is。 B。 No, it isn°'t 2、 Where is the rubber ?A It 's on the box. B It s in the box. 3、 How are you ?A How are you 。 B Fine , thank you.学习文档 仅供参考4 、 Is this a rubber ?A、yes 。 B、 No.二、 用适当的词填空。 10 分1、 This is I ,my brother.2、How is ,are you

23、 ?3、 My name , name's Zhu Xiaoqing.4、 What , Whats your name ,please ?5、 Nice to meet you , your 。三、 把以下单词翻译成英语: 405.警察局 6. 警察 7.宇航员 8.打四、 选词填空: 30' 1.What will you ? I ll be a writer. A. are B. do C. be 3. Whatyou be ? A. will B. are C. do 7.He' ll beastronaut ? A. a B. an C. do 8.There

24、 a phone. A. isn t B. are C. be 9.Tomorrow I go to school. A. don ' t B. won t C. am 10. You are the park. A. go to B. will go to C. going to五 汉语译成英语 30'1 你将来会成为什么?2 可能我会成为一名作家。3 他会成为一名宇航员。4 小勇想要飞。5 太空船将要飞上月球。六、 把以下单词翻译成英语: 405.警察局 6. 警察 7.宇航员 8.打七、 选词填空: 30' 1.What will you ? I ll be a

25、writer. A. are B. do C. be 3. What you be ? A. will B. are C. do 7.He' ll be astronaut ? A. a B. an C. do 8.There a phone. A. isn t B. are C. be 9. Tomorrow I go to school. A. don ' t B. won t C. am 10. You are the park. A. go to B. will go to C. going to八 汉语译成英语 30' 1 你将来会成为什么?2 可能我会成为一

26、名作家。3 他会成为一名宇航员。4 小勇想要飞。5 太空船将要飞上月球。九 根据实际答复下面问题附加分:10What will you be in the future ?小学英语三年级上册期末考试试卷五一、听力局部1、 Listen and connect 10 分7 bird 13 duck 21 boy 39 doctor 46 nurse 52 eight 610 park 74 sheep 85 giraffe 98 skirt 102、Listen and number write 5 number 3、Listen and number the following:54 Hello ! Andy !5 Hellow ! Betty !1 Betty , this is Lucy.2 Lucy , how dod you do !3 How do you do ?二、笔试局部1、 connect the following 20 分 giraffe 短裙 one 9camel 礼帽 five 2cat 长颈


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