



1、英语(人教版)必修1 Unit 1 Friendship 第一课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(人教版)必修1 Unit 1 Friendship 第一课时教学对象高一学生教学项目语词upset, ignore add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about结构课文Reading其他Warming Up教学目标语言知识能运用upset, have got to, be concerned about;能理解add up, upset, ignore, calm down, have got to, go through, be

2、 concerned about, set down, a series of, outdoors, in order to, at dusk, face to face, no longer在课文中的含义;能进一步熟悉朋友方面的相关话题。语言技能能理解所学文章的主旨大意;能从所学文章中获取或处理相关信息;能通过上下文理解所学文章中生词的基本语义。语言运用能运用要求运用的语词表达友谊。文化意识了解友谊的丰富内涵,懂得如何交朋友,如何与朋友相处。情感态度能反思自我、体会友谊的重要性。学习策略能把快速阅读和精读相结合,并在阅读过程中使用预测,推理等方法。教学方法任务教学法教学媒体PPT幻灯媒体、黑

3、板教学重点学习课文、理解文章背景,从而理解为什么Anna以日记为友。教学难点讨论交朋友的原因。运用任务Task of Unit 1: Making new friends in your school.Task of Period 1: Find out for what purposes you would like to make new friends in our school; and make a list to tell the class: What do you hope your friend would be like?二、课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的

4、第1-2分钟热身准备教师用多媒体播放Friends中的片段。Whats this play mainly about?Its about friendship.The title of the play is Friends. Its a popular TV Show in the USA. Its also popular in most of China. Who like to watch this show play? Do you know the Chinese name? 老友记.Its about six friends living in New York. Its som

5、ething we would learn today.学生观看视频,回答教师问题。教师通过播放视频,激发学生兴趣,激活学生已有图式。第3-5分钟启动教学Show some pictures.Its me and an old friend, Li Wenbin. She is a good teacher. We work together and we travel together.This is me and another friend. We work together and we eat and drink together.These two are my old frien

6、ds. Now I make a new friend. Who is my new friend? Guess.Xiao Shenyang.Last week, he went to Wuhan to give a show. Then we talked together and made friends. Now he is my new friend. I will introduce him to you. Before that, I want you to think. What is friendship?Friendship is . e.g.Friendship is he

7、lp in need.观看教师和其朋友的照片,思考并回答什么是友谊。教师利用生活照片和亲身经历让学生感受朋友的含义。简单明了,贴近学生生活,使学生更容易接受。第7-10分钟任务准备Are you good to your friends?Ask Ss to answer it and prove it using the fact.Do the survey on P1, work out your score, add up them and see how many points you get. Now please check how many points you get. Afte

8、r class, you can discuss with your friends about the points you get.做调查问卷,检测自己是否对朋友友好。通过调查问卷,可以让学生们了解自己是否对朋友友好,以及友好的程度。第11-13分钟词汇学习When you can not understand some words in the survey, what did you do just now?Whenever you have any difficulties while learning, tell me! If not, Ill check you have got

9、 the target language items or not.Some important words:I asked Xiao Shenyang what he surveyed for but he told me that he was just doing a survey. He himself didnt know what it was for.Xiao Shenyang was concerned about his master Zhao Benshan because Zhao caught a cold last week.What are your sentenc

10、es?You see my sentences are all about Xiao Shenyang. Will you give me some sentences focusing on one topic? You can try.学习重点词汇,并进行造句。词汇能够帮助学生更好的理解文章内容,同时也为后续活动扫除语言障碍。第14-15分钟任务导入Now I have a question.Do you think friendship is important to you? Why or why not?Please briefly introduce one of your fri

11、ends to the class.Who will try?回答教师问题,并简单介绍自己的朋友。介绍自己的朋友。第16分钟呈现任务Task of the Unit:Youre new here. Friendship can help you a lot now.While learning this unit, try to make new friends in our school.At the end of this period, you will:find out for what purposes you would like to make new friends in ou

12、r school;and make a list to tell the class: What do you hope your friend would be like? Such as: kind, helpful, good at maths, makes me happy, brings me much pleasure了解本单元任务和本课时任务。以真实的任务开展教学,使学生明确学习目的,提高学习自觉性,激发学生的学习兴趣。第17分钟课文导入Think and answer.Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can

13、 be your friend?思考并回答问题。引导学生思考还可以和其他哪些东西做朋友,导入课文内容。第18-22分钟读前任务Pre-reading TaskWho/What is Annes best friend?What words/phrases may be used in the text to describe Annes friend-her diary?What words/phrases will you use when you describe your friend? Write at least five words/phrases that come to you

14、 mind.猜测Anne的好朋友是谁;并思考哪些词可以用来描述她的好朋友以及你的好朋友。读前问题可激活学生相关背景知识,提高其阅读兴趣;读前的猜测活动有助于学生快速阅读并获取信息。第23-34分钟读中任务While-reading TaskReading, P2Read the text to find what words/phrases to use to describe a friend.While you are reading, circle all the words/phrases used in the text to describe Annes friend. A tip

15、: While youre reading, try to guess the meaning of the words/phrases you dont know.Check the words/phrases you wrote before reading. Were the words/phrases used in the text?Work in pairs. Discuss: What words/ phrases were used in the text to describe Annes friends. For what purposes they were used.F

16、ollow the tape, read the text aloud and focus more on the sense groups to help you understand the text better. Then do Exx.1 and 2 on P3.阅读课文找出描述朋友的词汇并思考这些词汇的使用目的。听课文录音,跟读课文。做练习题1和2。锻炼学生从阅读材料中获取信息和处理信息的能力。纠正学生的发音,并进一步熟悉课文内容。第35-39分钟读后任务Post-reading TaskReading, P2Work in pairs.Find out words/phrases

17、 from the text that you can use to describe your friend. If you need, you can look for some words/phrases in the survey on P1.Pay attention to the purposes you use these words/phrases for.Make a list of at least 5 words/phrases. Share your list in group of 4 and choose 3 best words/phrases from all

18、the lists. 同伴活动,从文章中找出可以描述你的朋友的词汇并小组共享。找出描述朋友的词汇,为任务完成做准备。第40-44分钟完成任务Finish your list and try to share it with your group members.Try to use the words from the text.Report to the class your list and your purposes.完成任务。通过以上教学环节的开展和任务准备,完成本课时任务,从而为完成本单元任务打下基础,做好准备。第45分钟布置作业Search for more information about Annes Diary from books or online if you want to know about Anne.Follow the tape


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