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1、Unit 5 Wild animalsTeaching objectives 教学目标1. Catch the main features about the animals2. Read out your report and share it with others3. Write a report about the animals in dangerLanguage Focuswild, free, dish, no way, pity, have/take pity on, die, in fact, dolphin, giant panda, squirrel, zebra, me

2、an, be born, beginning, in the beginning, sadly, face, liveon, mainly, result, as a result, danger, in danger, action, take action, right away, reserve, law, none, at birth, closed, bat, bee, lost, get lost, the sameas, save, stripe, quality, while, hunter, catch, wolf, thick, kill, human, yours sin

3、cerely, sorry, sell, pity, shame, act, illness, accept, report, tail, insect, slowly, daytime, otherwise, livingGrammarmay for possibility verbs + to -infinitivesEmotional FocusAfter introducing some wild animals which are in danger in the world, arouse the feelings of students to help and protect t

4、he poor animals.Strategy FocusTelling a story according to the pictures. Using verbs + to infinitives sentences.教学过程Welcome to the unitStep 1 Lead-in1) Play a gameGuess the name and features of the animals.2) Look at the pictures. Give the animal names of the pictures. Let some Ss give theiranswersW

5、hat does it look like?What can it do?What does it eat?Where does it live?What is it?tailswimfish foodin the waterrun fastin the hutchcolourful feathersbird foodlook like a bear, black and whiteliveonlyin ChinaStep 2 PresentationDolphins live , they canfast. They can play tricks so theyarevery .Andth

6、eyare topeople.Theyeat .small, lovely, a long soft tail, red or black fur live in the trees, love climbing treeseat nuts (果仁)look like a bear, black and white lovelylive onlyThey are big. They have brown fur,they canin the water andtrees.an African wild horseblack and white stripesbig, strong, yello

7、w fur with black stripes(条纹) run fast, hunt animalseat meatin the wild(野外)Step 3 Ask and answer.1. Which is the biggest animal on land?2. Its a wild animal that has a long, soft tail and lives in the tree.3. The animal lives only in Australia, and it has a pocket to carry its baby.4. The animal with

8、 no legs lives in water, its friendly to people.Step 4 ListeningListen to the comic strip and complete the blanks. Would you like to , Eddie?No.Why not? Wild animals areand.I don't think so. They may become dishes any time. So could you please not eat them?No way!Please them, Eddie.I may diethem

9、. , these are not wild animals, Hobo.Step 5 ExercisesPut the phrases into English:.5.野生动物住在野外任何时候对它们事实上Step 6 Listen and answer.1. Who like monkeys best?2. What about Simon?3. Does Peter like pandas best?4. What wild animals does Millie like best?Step 7 Group workDiscussionWhat wild animals d

10、o you like best? Why?Step 8 HomeworkWrite a passage about your favourite wild animals.Reading 1Step 1 Warming upDo you know how the baby panda grow up into a giant panda? Lets look at the pictures about the growth of the panda.Step 2 Fast Reading1) Read and answer.1. Who is Xi Wang? Whats the meanin

11、g of Xi Wang?2. What do you think the writer wants us to do?2) Read again and try to make clear about each part.Part 1 (Paras 1-3)Part 2 (Para 4)Part 3 (Paras 5-6) Step 3 Careful Reading The Growth of Xi WangThe growth of pandas. Pandas are in danger.What can we do to help pandas.Millie is making a

12、growth chart for Xi Wang. Help hermatchthe sentences withpictures. Use the information in the report on page 58 to help you. Write the correctletters in the boxes.a bcShe learnt to look after herselfShe was about eight kilograms and started to go outside. She looked like a white mouse.d efShe began

13、to eat bamboo. She weighted 100grams.She weighed over 35 kilograms.Step 4 Pair workWhat problems may Xi Wang meet in the future? What can we do to save them?Step 5 ExercisesDo more exercises B, B 3 and B 4.Step 6 HomeworkRetell the storyReading 2Step 1 Language points1. When Xi Wang was born, she we

14、ighed just 100 grams.1) was born出生,出世e.g. She was born in America.她出生于美国。2) weigh 在此句中是个及物动词,意为“重量为”,可直接跟基数词加重量。e.g. He weighs 150 pounds.他的体重是 150 磅。2. In the beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk. beginningn.开始,起初 (动词 begin 的名词)in the beginning 等于 at first,意思是“开始,起初”,与 later(后来)相对。短语 at the be

15、ginning (of) 指开始的时间或地点。如:e.g. Our summer holiday starts at the beginning of July.我们暑假从七月初开始。He was a little shy in the beginning.起初他还有点害羞。3. Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild.句中的 face 用作动词,意思是“ Most of the rooms face south.多数房间朝南。”。face 还有“面对,面朝”的意思。如:4. Also, giant pandas live m

16、ainly on a special kind of bamboo. live on 以食为生e.g. You can't live on bread alone.你不能仅靠面包维生。5. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. as a result 因此e.g. He didn't work hard, as a result he failed his exam.他不用功,结果不及格。6. Giant pandas are now in danger.in danger指处于的境地e

17、.g. The old man is ill. Hes in danger.那个老人生病了。他现在处于的境地。7. We should take action right away.1) take action to do采取措施/行动e.g. Its time for us to take action to protect wild animals.是时候我们应该采取行动去保护野生动物了。2) right away 立刻,马上e.g. You must give up smoking and drinking right away.你必须立刻戒烟酒。Step 2 PracticeGramm

18、arStep 1 A Using may for possibility1. If we do nothing, soon there may be none left! may 表示猜测,可能性(用于肯定句中或句中)2. The bamboo forests are becomin have a place to live or food to eat. may not do. 意为“可能不”Step 2 Exercisesaller and smaller. As a result, pandas may notIn the zoo1. The elephant is going towa

19、rds the water. It(need ) a bath.2. A little boy is crying when he sees the tigers. He(be) afraid of them.3. I cannot go near the lions and tigers. They(hurt) me.4. The baby panda is staying near its mother. It(be drinking) milk.5. The monkeys are jumping around.They(be playing) with each other.6. Th

20、e horse is standing with its eyes closed. It(be sleeping).Step 3 B Using verbs + to-infinitives1. 在英语中某些及物动词后接动词不定式作宾语, 常用的此类动词有:agree to do sth. begin to do sth. decide to do sthfail to do sth.同意干开始干决定干做某事失败forget to do sth. 忘记干hope to do sth learn to do sthprepare to do sth.希望干学着干 plan to do sth准备

21、干计划干remember to do. 记得干try to do sth尝试干want to do.想要干2. to do 做宾语补足语ask sb. to do tell sb. to do invite sb. to dowant sb. to do would like sb. to do teach sb. to do advise sb. to do但有的动词后跟不带 to 的不定式作宾补,hear sb. do see sb. do watch sb. do make sb. do let sb. do help sb. doWe dont useto after these ve

22、rbs.1. enjoyKitty enjoys dancing.2. letThe teacher lets him read loudly.3. practiseYou should practise speaking often.4. makeThe joke makes me laugh and laugh.5. helpShe often helps me (to) carry water.6. finish如:You must finish doing your homework on time.Step 4 HomeworkFinish the exercise on page

23、62 More about wild animals.Integrated skillsStep 1 Revision用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。1. They are preparing(have) a sports meeting.2. Jim agreed(go) to the West Lake.3. Its easy(play) softball.4. What made you(feel) sad?5. Mr White learned(ride) a horse last year?6. We will try our best(read) more books.7. Let

24、s(share) our joys together.8. Where do you plan(visit ) next year?9. Max decided(stay) with us at home.10. Are you ready(drive) me home?Step 2 ListeningListen to a conversation and complete A1.Step 3 TaskListen to the conversation again and read the Part A1then complete A2.Step 4 Group workDiscussio

25、nWhat serious problems do wild animals face?Step 5 Speak upMake a conversation about how to protect wild animals with your partner.Step 6 HomeworkMake a speech about how to protect wild animals in danger.Study skills & TaskStep 1 Study skillsThe suffixes -ing, -ness and ionWe can add ing, -ness

26、and ion to some verbs and adjectives to form nouns.Verb / Adjective+ SuffixNounStep 2 Exercises1. discuss 6. celebrate 2. collect3. kind4. sick5. feel 7. begin8. dark9. meet10. invite Step 3 TaskA report on bearsbig and heavy, large body, short and strong legs, large paws, short tail most eat meat a

27、nd fish, some also eat plants and insectscan run very fast, good at climbing and swimmingmove around slowly in the daytime, sleep through the winter, seldom hurt people hunters catch them for their fur and pawsStep 4 Useful expressions are big and heavy / strong / small/ lovely / cute. They have The

28、ir are They eat meat / fish / plants / insects. They can They are good at They seldom / often People catch / hunt for We should take action to mean+ ingmeaningill+ nessillnessact+ ionactionStep 5 Exercises1) Do exercise B.2) Write a report about giant panda.Step 6 Pair work1. There are many wild ani

29、mals in danger. Can you tell me which are they?2. Can you describe the looks, ability, qualities or dangers?Step 7 Group workDiscuss how to write a report on a wild animal in danger. ( 1 ) First make some notes.( 2 ) Then give the report in class orally.Step 8 HomeworkWrite a report on a wild animal

30、 in danger in your written books.八年级上册 Unit5 词组句子练习一、翻译下列词组1.居住在野外2 有空3.同情他们4 实际上5.看起来像一只白色的老鼠live in the wild be free/ have time have pity on them in factlook like a white mouse at four months old begin to learn English for the first timelearn to speakface serious problems6. 在四7. 开始8. 第一次时候9. 学会说话1

31、0. 面对严重问题11.生孩子have babies12.主要以一种特殊的竹子为生 live mainly on a special kind of bamboo13. 越来越美丽14. 结果 因此more and more beautiful as a resultbe in dangerweigh about 8 kilograms be afraid of themlearn to look after oneself something specialwith the help of the teacher live alonecatch tigers for their fur be

32、 dangerous to humans15.处于中16.约 8 千克17.害怕他们18. 学会照顾19. 特别的东西20.在的帮助下21. 单独居住22. 捕捉23. 对人类得到他们的皮毛24. 团队合作25. 以捕杀为乐26. 保护野生动物27. 需要我们的保护28. 幸福感28. 接受我们的邀请29. 在白天30. 在世界上31. 关于熊猫的报告32.动物世界的国王33.在开始的时候 34.越来越重要35. 立刻采取措施36. 制定法律保护熊猫37. 生病38. 半年以后39. 计算出简单的数学题40. 擅长爬山和游泳work as a team kill for funprotect

33、wild animals need our protectionthe feeling of happiness accept our invitationin the daytime in the worlda report on pandasthe kings of the animal world in the beginningmore and more important take action right awaymake laws to protect pandas get sickhalf a yearlaterwork out an easy maths problem be

34、 good at climbing and swimming二、翻译下列句子1.你更喜欢哪一张动物,大熊猫还是小松鼠?Which animal do you like better, a giant panda or a small squirrel?2.许多野生动物处于之中,它们随时都可能成为桌上的菜肴。Many wild animals are in danger. They may become dishes on the tableany time.3.事实上我们应该同情那些贫困的农民。In fact we should have pity on those poor farmers. 4.我最喜欢狮子,因为它们强壮而且跑得快。I like lions best because they are strong and they can r


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