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1、九年级英语单项选择练习题1. Englishin many countries, but Chinesetheir own language.A. is spoken, speaks B. speaks, is spokenC. is spoken, speak D. is spoken, is spoken2. Don ' t worry! I ' m sure you ' IIyour classmates if you are kindland fhem.A. catch up with B. get on well with C. agree with D. m

2、ake friend with3. What would you dobroken eggs ? I would ask my parents to pay for themme .A. about; to B . for ; to C . like ; to D . with ; for4. A third of the population of the citytheir own cars.A, has B. have C. had D. is5. - How do you like this TV play? -A. It ' s wonderBjlWhat about you

3、? C. Yes, I like it D. No, I don' t like it at all6. - Your sister isn ' t a nurse, is she-?. She teaches English in a middle school.A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn C.tes, she isn D. No, she is7. - When shall we meet again, this afternoon or tonight? - I don ' t mind.time is OK.A. Either B

4、. Every C. Neither D. Both8. Meimei's handwriting is better than any otherin his class.A. students B. students C. student's D. students'9. - Tom and Jack? I didn ' t believe they could do the wor_, but they really did it well.A. So did I B. So I didn C. Neither did I D. Me too10. The

5、 conductor kepthot water to us. A. give B. bring C. taking D. giving11. - Where do you thinkhethe TV set? - Sorry. I have no idea.A. /, bought B. has, bought C. did, buy D. did, bought12. - Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Whois be? Is it Wei Fang?-No. Itbe her. She is at school now.A.

6、will, may not B. must, mustn C. may, can D. tmay, won ' t13. The TV needs. A. to repair B. repaired C. being repaired D. to be repaired14. The text was very long and he found itin such a short time.A. easy to learn B. difficult learn C. difficult to learn D. difficult learning15. Can wethis maga

7、zine for two hours ? A. borrow B . lend C. keep D. lent16. - I called you at about half past eight last night, but nobody answered.-Oh, I _ in my office at that time.A. will work B. was working C. worked D. had worked17. She has been in Hangzhou for ten years. Hangzhou has become her secondA. family

8、 B. house C. home D. room18. That ' s very kindyou. I know it' s very hardyou to do that.A. of, for B. for, of C. for, for D. of, of19. - Throwing frisby looks very easy, Han Mei. I want.- Come on, please.A. try B. a go C. to have a look D. to make it20. In the bookshop, a reader asked the s

9、hopkeeperWho Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A. that B. how C. what D. if21. We ' II have aholiday. What about going to Shanghai?A. two days B. two-day C. two-days D. two- days '22. - Hello. May I speak to Mike? -. Please call back later.A. Wait a minute B. Hold on for a moment C. Sp

10、eaking D. Sorry, he is out23. The sign “ No smoking can be seenA. in a hospital B. at home C. in a cinema D. both A and C24. Would you pleaseit in English? A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk25. I ' d like to knowA. when will he give back the tape B. whether has he received higher educationC. that h

11、e has been busy D. whether she will join in our English Evening26. This kind of T-shirt is.A. easily worn out B. easy worn out C. easy to worn out D. easily to be worn out27. Jim ' s father said to him,“I hope youwhat Iyou to buy.A. didn ' tfet, told B. not to forget, have told C. won '

12、t forget, have told D. haven' t forgotten, will tell28. English peopleuse Mr. before a man' s first name.A. never B. usually C. often D. sometimes29. - Will you be backfive in the afternoon? - I ' m not sure, maybe later than that.A. in B. before C. for D. until30. - Do you like Jane 

13、9; s new skirt?-Yes, very much. I ' ll ask mum to buyfor me.A. one B. it C. the other D. a31. The buildingall elderly university teachers prefer looks so beautiful.A. how B. where C. which D. what32. high the kites are flying! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a33. - My computer is broken.?- Sure.

14、A. Let me help you B. Can you give me a hand C. Can I help you D. Can you give me a help34. Hurry up,you will miss the first train. A. and B. then C. but D. or35. - How about the match you watched last night? - Oh, it ' s a veryoneA. exciting B. excited C. excite D. to excite36. Can you tell the

15、 answersthese questions?A. about B. for C. to D. on37. - Stop. Let ' s begin our class- OK. We' ll stopto you.A. to talk, to listen B. to talk, listening C. talking, to listenD. talking, listening38. - Could you tell me when the building?- Sorry, I don ' t know.A. will be built B. would

16、be built C. will build D. would build39. The boyto schoolhe was nine years old.A. went, if B. didn ' t go, until won ' t go, when D. will gojf40. - Look, Tom is always staying. Do you know why?-Oh, he ' s a man ofwords.A. alone, little B. lonely, few C. lonely, little D. alone, few41.1 t

17、hink Hangzhou is one ofin ChinaA. more beautiful cities B. most beautiful cities C. the most beautiful cities D. the most beautiful city42. Therea sports meeting next Saturday.A. is going to have B. are going to have C. is going to be D. are going to be43. - Have you decided yet? - Yes, I want to ta

18、ke this job and Ichange my mind.A. mustn ' t B. carC. wort) ' D.may not44. These coats are differentsize A . from B . of C. to D . in45. The days are short,it is in December. A. because B. for C. goes D. want46. Will youme a story? OK. Shall Iit in English or in Chinese?A. tell, tell B. spea

19、k, tell C. tell, speak D. tell, say47. The lady is alwaysin white at the party. A. wearing B. dressing C. worn D. dressed48. They3000 English words by the end of next month.A. learned B. had learned C. will learn D. have learned49. Do you know the differences the three words? Sorry. I don't know

20、 .A. among B . between C . with D . about50. She doesn ' t know the school, but it' sto d)e):©dcB. spoken C. talked D. said51. The post office is not far from here. It' s only tenby bike.A. minute B. minutes C. minute ' s D. minutes '52. The man hit. A . her face B. her on h

21、er face C . her in the face D . her in her face .53. Lucy,all your things on the desk. A. puts away B. put away C. takes away D. take away54. (At the doctor ' s) It ' s nothing serious, doctor? .s very seriousA. you ' ll be all right sooB. You won ' t be all right sooC. There ' s

22、 some trouble with you D. It55. We can ' t buymuch mutton withlittle money.A. so, much B. such, so C. so, so D. such, such56. Need he come a little earlier? Yes, he. A. can B. must C. need D. needn ' t57. There is“W in the word “woman , and _“ M' is the third letter of the word.A. a; an

23、B. an; / C. an; the D .a; the58. - I ' m sorry I forgot to give the CDs back to Jim.-. He wanted to show them to his classmates.A. Not yet B. I ' m really notCsuOh, that' s tooEbaNo hurry60. The flowers in your gardena pleasant smell. A. give off B. give up C. give back D. give in 59.61.

24、 Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to.A. put out B. turn out a C .give out D. go out62. A fool has gained nothing from the time, for henothing.A. passing; has paid B. passed; has been paid C. passing; has been pai(D. passed; has paid63. Have you ever heardMr. G

25、reen, your new headmaster? Yes, just a little . He's rather strict.A . from B . of C. through D . out64. Shouguang today is more beautiful now. Mr. Jackson said he would visit itfourth time.A. The; / B. The; the C. /; a D. The; a65. Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take picturesa came

26、ra.A. as B. for C. like D. of66. John plays football, if not better than David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as67. - Is your camera like Bill' s and Ann No,s?jt it' s as same asA. her B. yours C. them D. their68. -terrible weather we ' ve been having these days!A. How a

27、 B. What a C. How D. What69. - Are you going there with us ?- If Mary wants to go,A. I also go B. so do I C. so will I D. so I will70. What do you think of his surfing? Oh, no one does.A. good B. well C. better D. best71. - Do you knowman in blue? - Yes. He is our English teacher, Mr. Wang.A. the B.

28、 an C. a D. /72. I ' m afraid I won ' t come7 and 9. I will be at work then.A. until B. between C. during D. for73. In our country every boy and every girlthe right to education.A. has B. have C. is D. are74. These Germans want to have some _ for supper, so they decide to catchnow.A. fish; m

29、any B. fishes; much C. fish; much D. fishes; many75. The old men who gave away lots of moneyhighly of at yesterday' s meeting.A. spoke B. spoken C. was spoken D. were spoken76. It is in 1960Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.A. when B. that C. which D. in which77. There are four pair

30、s of socks to, but the woman doesn' t knowto buy.A. choose from; which B. choose from; what C. choose; which D. choose ;what78. Tom has grownenough to take care ofA. tall, him B. tall, himself C. old, him D. old, himself79. children there are in a family,their life will be.A. The less, the bette

31、r B. The fewer, the better C. Fewer, richer D. More, poorer80. The roomas a meeting room.A. used to being used B. was used to being usedC. used to be used D. was used to be used81. The boy was seenthe piano at 9 yesterday evening. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played82. Last month Miss Hana docto

32、r.A. married with B. married to C. was married with D. got married to83. a year does your school have sports meeting? Twice a year.A .How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times84.lt ' s time for Meimei andto the Palace MuseumAgoing Bto go C. me going D. me to go85. The number of people

33、whocars of their own is increasing. A. has B. have C. there is D. there are86. Could you give mesecond chance please? A. an B. / C. the D. a87. The mother wished the twins to be doctors. But _ of them liked to study medicine.A. none B. both C. either D. neither88. That woman has a bag in her right h

34、and. What' s in herhand?A. another B. other C. one D. the other89. Is that bookhe borrowed on Friday? A. that B. which C. the one D. who90. I ' ll never fotgee dayswe spent together in the country.A. which B. on which C. when D, on that91. I will spend as much time as Ithe lesson.A. can go o

35、ver B. can to go over C. can going over D. go over92. Has Jack finished his homework yet? I ' veo idea, But heit the whole afternoon.A. would do B. was doing C. did D. had done93. Have youyour father recently? No. He doesn ' t often write to me.A. heard about B. heard of C. heard from D. got

36、 from94. The family _ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at.A. were sitting; Mr. Brown B. were sitting ; Mr. Brown ' sC. was sitting; Mr. Brown D. was sitting; Mr. Brown' s95. Shehis number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A. looked fo

37、r B. looked up C. looked after D. looked like96. It was so cold that the travelers had the fireall the night.A. burning B. to burn C. burn D. burnt97. I haven ' t got a chair. Will you make room for me?A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on98. We don ' t allowin this room.A. smo

38、king B. to smoke C. people smoking D. people to smoking99. the sports meeting might be put off.Yes, it all depends on the weather.A. I ' ve been tolB. I ' ve told C. I ' m told Dtold100. Thereno hurry, need there? A. need beB. need to be C. doesn ' t D. needs101. I think Tom ishonest

39、 . A . a B. an C. the D . x102. If this jacket is not yours,can it be? A. what else B. who else C. what else sD. who else ' s103. Would you please say it? I still can't follow you .A . loudly B . slowly C . more loudly D. more slowly104. Do you like the material? Yes, itvery soft. A. is feel

40、ing B. felt C. feelsD. is felt105. My English is very poor . ImathsEnglish .A . prefer; to B . like ; than C . learn; than D . have; by106. Can you speak English? Yes, but only. A . little B . a little C . few D. a few107. When shall we meet again ? Make itday you like , it ' s all the same to m

41、eA . one B . another C . some D . any108. The schools in China are different from .A . America schools B . that of America C . America D . those in America109. Hurry up, Don' t have your friendtoo long A. waiting B. to wait C. waiting for D. wait for110. the villagers have seen the monster with

42、their own eyes .A. Hundreds of B. Two hundred C. Two hundred of D. Two hundreds of111. The doctors are busy doing what they canthe dying man .A. saving B. save C. to save D. saves112. I often spend as much as I canmy lessons .A. prepare B. to prepare C. preparing D. have prepared113. Which do you en

43、joyyour spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?A. spending B. to spend C. having spent D. to have spent114. Will you come to the dinner party? I won ' t come unless JennyA. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited115. He ' s still not understood by h

44、is close friend although he has said sorry to him,?A. hasn ' t he B. has he C. isn D. is het he116. His bag is nicer thanin his class.A, any other student B. the other students C. anyother students D. any student' s117. I found my black cat inroom.A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mike's C. Jim

45、's and Mike's D. Jim's and Mike118. Three monthsa long time for me. A. is B. are C. have D. has119. Bob isof the two boys. Mary isof the three girls.A. tall, short B. taller, the shorter C. tallest, the shortest D. the taller, the shortest120. the end of last term, they500 new words.A. B

46、y; had learned B. At; would C. Since; learned D. During; have learned121. After the sports meeting, I was nottired, so I went to bed early. A. a bit B. much C. too D. a little122. I don't think the suityou,it ?A. is fit; do B. fits; does C. is fit for; don' t D. fits for; doesn't123. He

47、wanted to buy a blue shirt and.A. so did he B. so he does C. so he did D. so does he124. Jane sings very well, and.A. so did her sister B . so does her sisterC. her sister does so D. so does her sisters125. How tall is the tree ? It's.A. ten meters tall B.ten-meter tall C.ten-meter tall D.ten-me

48、ters tall126. We'll have aholiday, what about going to Huang Shan ?A. seven days B. seven day C. seven-day D. seven-days127. - We find the exercise difficultwithout the help of the teacher. - I think so.A. to be doing B. to do C. to do it D. of doing128. They allme good luck when I leave for Sha

49、nghai. A. hope B.wish C. want D. like129. No one told us, so we need your help.A. how to do it B. what to do it C. how should we do D. what should we do130. Chinaa lot in theten years.A. was changed; first B. changed; past C. has changed; lastD. has changed; next131. it is today!A. What fine weather

50、 B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather132. This classnow. Miss Gao teaches them.A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying133. There are many trees onside of the street. A. either B. any C. all D. both134. He hasn ' t heard from his friendlast monthA.

51、since B. by the end of C. For D. until135. Jane said she would come here9:00 to 9:30 tomorrow morning.A. from B. At C. between D. around136. The population of the world in 20th century became very muchthan that in 19th.A. bigger B. larger C. greater D. more137. going to England by air next week.A. T

52、he Green family are B. The Greens family are C. The Green's family are D. Green family are138. They don't knowtheir parents are. A that B what C why D which139. If heat eight, we, too. A. leave; do B. leaves; will C. will leave; will D. is leaving; are140. Look at the clouds. A. It's goi

53、ng to rain B. It'll be raining C. It will be rained D. It will rain141. the BlacksTV at seven yesterday?A. Did; watch B. Are, watching C. Were; watching D. Do; watch142. Excuse me. Look at the sign:“ NO SMOKHNGSorry, Iit.A. don't see B. didn't see C. haven't seen D. won't see143.

54、 She washer early twenties when she went abroad. A. at B. on C. of D. in144. Please turn to. Let's read the text aloud.A. Page Two B. the page two C. second page D. page second 145.146. Therean English evening on December 18.A. are going to have B. will be C. will have D. is going to have147. He

55、re. A. comes the bus B. the bus comes C. does the bus come D. coming the bus148. Tom always comes lateschool. A. at. B. inside C. to D. for149. of us felt very tired but quite happy aftersports meeting.A. Everyone, a two days' B. Every one, the twdCd aysery one, the two-day D. None, a two-day150

56、. He ' s lived here 1980. A. after B. in C. from D. since151. After a short break he went on. A. to speak B. speak .C. speaking D. spoken152. Could I use your bike ? Yes, of course you. A. can B. could C. must D. will153. Would you likesome fruit? No thanks. I don't feel likeanything now.A.

57、to have, to eat B. having, to eat C. having, eating D. to have, eating154. English isdifficult subject. I even want to drop it. You'd better not. I'll help youit.A. quite a, withB. a quite, with C. a very, for D. very a, with155. When you have difficulties in the study of English, you canLi

58、Ming for help.A. turn over B. turn for C. turn to D. turn up156.Our teachers always tell ustoo much time playing video games.A. not to spend B. not to cost C. don ' t spend D. not to take157. Jane goes to Paris to spend her holiday.A. each other year B. other each year C. every other year D. other every year158. - Your father hasn ' t given up smoking, has


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