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1、2022年中考英语模拟考试问卷时量:90分钟总分值:120分第一局部听力技能共两节,总分值20分第一节听力辨识5分听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项。 I.What does Jim ofte n do on the weeke nd?()2.What are they talk ing about?A()3.How was Lucy Winter camp?A.It was bori ng.B.It was relax ing.()4.How does the boy like En glish?A. He doesn ' t like English at al

2、l.B. In teresti ng.C. Difficult.()5.What are they going to do?A. They are going to study for a test.B. They are going to play basketball.C. They are going to cook a meal.第二节听力理解15分听下面一段对话,完成第 6-7小题。C.It was in teresti ng.(6.When did Mr.Brown leave his company?A.Several minu tes ago.B.A few days ago.

3、()7.Which cou ntry did Mr.Brow n leave for?A.Ca nadaB.Italy听下面一段对话,完成第 8-9小题。()8.What are they goi ng to do?A.Go on a vacati on.B.Go boati ng.()9.Why does Gina want to go to the beach?A. Because the beach is big.B. Because she wants to relax herself.C. Because she wants to swim in the sea.听下面一段对话,完成

4、第 10-11小题。C.A mon th ago.C.MexicoC.Go fishi ng.B. No, she didn ' t.B.They saw a film.C.En gla ndC.ln July.C.Lear n Japa nese.( )10.Where does the man work?A. ln Gree n Town.B.ln a middle school. C.ln a tennis team.( )11.What does the woman do?A. A tennis player.B.A n En glish teacher.C. A table

5、tennis coach.听下面一段对话,完成第 12-14小题。()12.Can Tom ride his mum ' s bike?A. Yes, he can.B. No, he can ' C .Not mentioned.()13.How will Tom go to school?A. By bike.B.On foot.C.By bus.()14.Why does his mother ask him to wear warmer clothes?A. Because Tom has a bad cold.B. Because it' s very col

6、d.C. Because it' s cloudy.听下面一段对话,完成第 15-17小题。()15.Did Tina have a good time last ni ght?A. Yes,she did.C. Not men tio ned.()16.Why did they leave the bar?A. Because the music was too loud.B. Because they didn' t like the bar.C. Because they wan ted to go home.( )17.What did they do after di

7、 nner?A.They went to sing.C.They went back home.听下面一段对话,完成第 18-20小题。( )18.Which country is Emily visit ing on vacati on?A.Fra neeB.Japa n( )19.When is Emily leavi ng?A.ln March.B. In May.( )20.What is Emily goi ng to do there?A.Go fish ing.B.Go sightsee ing.第二局部知识运用25分第一节语法填空10分21.lt ' _s useful

8、 book,so read it carefully and you can get a lot from it.A.aB.a nC.the()22.-How do you like the two books,Larry?- of them are interesting.l' ve read them several times.A.BothB.NeitherC.No ne.()23.We all know that exercise we take, we will be.A.the more,the healthyB.the much,the healthierC.the mo

9、re,the healthier()24. he had failed many times,he didn' t give up and succeedin the end.A. U nl essB.AlthoughC.lf()25.As a teacher,you should en courage your stude nts more books in their freetime.A. readB. to readC.readi ng( )26.UEFA Euro Cup 2022 in France last year.Many football fans went the

10、reto watch it.A. heldB.is heldC.was held()27.- nice weather it is!Let' s take a walk in the park.-That sounds great。s too no isy.A.What aB.WhatC.How()28. my father my mother likes rock music.They think itA.Either,orB.Not on ly,but also C.Neither, nor()29.Do you still remember the City Museum we

11、visited three weeks ago?A.whe nB.whatC.which()30.I can hear the wind blowing.lt be cold outside.A.shouldB.mustC.would第二节 完形填空15分Mark and Rosa wan ted to go on holiday in San Antoni o.They worked very hard for several years .Fin ally, they made eno ugh money for their dream31. But theirdream was more

12、 like a nightmare( 噩梦)!They decided to go for two weeks in the spri ng32 they heard that the weatherwas perfect there at that time.The problem 33 when the flight( 航班)was delayed(延误)because of bad weather.They couldn' t leave until night.They 34 got on the plane twelve hourst swimlate!But they 35

13、 fly to San Antonio because there was a storm.They had to fly to the capital city in stead.There they stayed in a small hotel36 the airport.The hotel was next to the sea,but the sea was so dirty that they could nin it.To make things 37 ,the food was awful,too.For breakfast there was 38 bread and mil

14、k!The worst part was whe n the storm arrived.They felt reallyto39 because of the wind and rain.Because of the weather they had to stay ano ther ni ght in the small hotel with40do.They fin ally arrived in San Antonio three days late.A nd some one told them the weather there had bee n won derful all t

15、he time!(B.jobC.clothes(B.unl essC.though()33. A.cha ngedB.spreadC.began(B.fi nallyC.hardly()35.A.needn ' tB.couldn ' tC.should n '(B.overC.with()37. A.betterB.worseC.harder(B.eve nC.o nly()39 .A. busyB.quietC.terrible()40.A .n oth ingB.everyth ingC.anything第三局部阅读技能40分阅读以下五篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、

16、C选项中,选出最正确选项。AJ&M Music StorePeth Market Rock,pop and country Fresh fruit and vegetablesmusic Open Friday to Sun day mornings Buy new or used CDs Free ice cream for childre n liste n before you buyunder12 Guitar less ons offeredTimes Coffee ShopMac on' s B&B The best coffee in tow n Feel

17、 like home when you ' re San dwiches,cakes and piesaway from Ope n 10:00 a.m.-11:00p.m. We have differe nt kin dsdailyOf rooms Jazz music: Wedn esday to Delicious home-made breakfastSunday()41.You can go to Times Coffee Shop to have coffee and cakes at A. 8:30 a.m.B. 9:30 a.m.C. 10:30 a.m.()42 .

18、If your friend is coming for a visit,where will he stay for a ni ght?A.In J&M Music Store.B.At Macon ' s B&B.C.At Times Coffee Shop.( )43.Where is the chart probably from?A. A dictio nary.B. A n ewspaper.C. A story book.BAs the Internet is developing fast,more and more new words and phra

19、ses have been created in Chin ese.Here are some examples.One of the most popular words is Dianzan, which is ofte n used whe n you quite agree withsome on e.A no ther example is Renxing. When you say somebody is Renxin g,you mean thatthey will do whatever they like.The phrase Miaosha first came from

20、online shopping,whichmeans you can complete your shopping orders before others.But it' s widely used when youachieve your purpose in a very short time .If you describe somebody as a Tuhao,you meanthat he is very rich.You ca n find lots of such new Chinese words.Keep learning and you' ll know

21、 more aboutChin ese culture.( )44.What does Renxing mea n in En glish?A. Some one can complete his/her shopp ing orders before others.B. Some one will do whatever he/she likes.C. He/She is very rich.()45.How many kinds of Internet Ian guage are men ti oned in thepassage?A.ThreeB.FourC.FiveCRobert an

22、d his brother were playi ng football in their front yard.Sudde nly a woma n ran out of her house shouti ng to them to call an ambula nce(救护车.Her 12-week-old seemed tostop breathing. She was so scared that she couldn' t find her cell phones, she had decided torush outside to ask for help.As the w

23、oma n was tryi ng to do CPR(心脏复苏术on her baby,y oung Robert came in andtold her she was doing it all wron g.He asked her to use two fin gers,push on the chest 5-10 times,tilt(倾斜 the baby ' siead,plug 堵住 the nose and then do a mouth-to-mouth resuscitationby breathing into the baby' s mouth.Luc

24、kily for the baby,the woma n accepted Robert' s advice.Just for a sec on d,came a loudcry from the baby.So on the doctors came and the baby was sent to hospital.The most amazing part of this story is that Robert has not attended a CPR class.instead,he learned it all by carefully reading the post

25、ers(宣传画on the walls of his school hall.A nd,while he is now being called as a hero and eve n in terviewed on TV ,he is just glad to have saved the baby ' sfe! “ Thanks to the posters on the walls,he could save the kid! his teacher said to the reporter proudly.()46.Why did the woma n ask Robert a

26、nd his brother to call an ambula nee?A. Because Robert and his brother hit her baby.B. Because she had to look after her 12-week-old baby.C. Because her baby seemed to stop breathing and she couldn' t findher cell phone.()47.Who taught the woma n to do CPR correctly?A.Robert ' s parents.B.Ro

27、bert himself.C.Robert ' s brothr.()48.How did Robert learn CPR?A. He used to go to the hospital to lear n it from the doctors.B. He lear ned it by liste ning to the radio and kept it in his mind.C. He lear nt it by readi ng the posters on the walls of his schoolhall.( )49.What ' s the Chines

28、e meaning of the underlined word“ resuscitation ?A.复苏B.保存C.逃跑(50.What ' s the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Robert was in terviewed on TV .B. The school culture is good for stude nts.C. Robert is a hero because he saved the baby.DCon fide nee is very importa nt in daily life. It is helpful

29、to develop a healthy attitude( 态度.If people are more con fide nt,they are much happier.A nd they can have more cha nces to be successful.Here are suggesti ons to be more con fide nt.Speak loudly!Whe n you are not con fide nt,you can ' do well what you want to do.you speak in a voice so low that

30、other people can hardly hear you.try to speak loudly in order that people can hear you clearly.the high voice can help you become more con fide nt.Play sports!Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed.A stro ng body helps you be full of con fide nee.En courage yourself!Write dow n a l

31、ist of things you did duri ng the day to see how many things you have done well.Give yourself praise for the good things you' ve done.Keep a hobby!If you like drawi ng,draw as much as you can.ln some ways,a hobby can make you perfect.A nd it will make you happy and con fide nt.( )51.What does &q

32、uot;It mean in the first paragrafh落?A. AttitudeB.Con fide neeC.Happ in ess()52. can make perfect,happy and con fide nt.A. A hobbyB.SportsC.En courageme nt( )53.what can make you tired but strong accord ing to the passage?A.TravelB.ExerciseC.Hobbies( )54.which suggesti on to be con fide nt is not men

33、 ti oned in the passage?A.Speak loudly.B.E ncourage yourself.C.Make Progress.( )55.What ' s the best title标题of the passage ?A. The Importa nee of Con fide neeB. Some Suggesti ons to Play SportsC. How to Be More Con fide ntEThe Buildi ng That MovesEveryone knows that buildingdon' t move.They

34、can' t change the way theylook.However,architect建筑师 David Fisher wants to cha nge that.Fisher has an amazing idea.He wants to make80-story buildings that changeshape.Each floor will move around slowly.The floors will move at differe nt speeds.Because of this,the shape of the building is always c

35、hanging.“ These buildings will never looksame, says Fisher.His idea is an interesting one.However,Fisher doesn ' stop there.He also wants the buildi ng to be“ gree n .The buildi ng will make its own energy.ln most build in gs, only the topfloor has a roof 屋顶).ln Fisher ' s build in g,each fl

36、oor will have its own roof.The roofs each have solar panel( 太阳能板 .this means a lot more solar energy.Also,machines between each floor of the buildi ng will catch the wind. They will turn the wind into en ergy.Fisher ,ideas sound impossible.However, that ' vshat people also said before humans tra

37、veled into space!)56.The passage is mainly talk ing aboutA.building for the futureB. the life of an architectC. how gree n buildi ngs work()57. The underlined word -storyo means the building has 80A.shapesB.floorsC.differe nt speeds( )58.Fisher ' s building can make its own energy because the bu

38、ildingA. is tall and always movi ngB. is tall and has many solar pan elsC. is always movi ng and has many solar pan els()59.The Fisher ' s building will NOT get energy from.A.the sunB.the waterC.the wind()60.Why does the writers say “ that ' s what people also said beforehuma ns traveled int

39、o space?A. To show why Fisher' s building will never work.B. To show why Fisher' s building is like a spaceship.C. To show that unu sual ideas can sometimes work.第四局部 写作技能35分 第一节英汉互译10分Stude nts these days ofte n have a lot of worries.Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork,a nd s

40、ometimes with their frien ds.What can they do about this?(61)一些人认为最糟糕的事就是什么也不做。Laura Mills,a tee nager from Washi ngto n, agrees.“ Problemsand worries are no rmal in life, says Laurah ink talkBugt to some one helps a lot. (62)Uni ess we talk to some on e,we' II certa inly feel w orse.Robert Hunt

41、 advises stude nts about com mon problems.He feels the same way as Laura.“ (63)我们最好不要逃避问题。We should always try to solve them.(64) He thinks the firststep is to find some one you trust to talk to. This pers on does n ' t n eedo be an expert like himself.In English,we say that (65) sharing a probl

42、em is like cutting it in half. So you ' re halfway to solvi ng a problem just by talki ng to some one about it!第二节答复以下问题10分One day,a poor farmer ' s friend gave him a young apple tree and told him to plant it.The farmer was pleased with the gift,but he did not know where to pla nt it.He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road,strangers would steal the fruit.If he pla nted the tree in one of his fields,his n eighbors would come at ni ght and steal some of the apples .If he pla nted the tree n ear his house,his childre n would take the fruit.F in


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