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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中考英语完形填空专项练习(1)July 20,1969 was an important _1_ .Two Americans landed(着陆) _2_the moon. .Their _3_ were Armstrong and Aldrin. They went in a spaceship, and its name was Apollo. Apollo left Cape Kennedy (肯尼迪角) _4_ July 16 and went 385,000 km. The journey _5_ three days. On July 20 the sp

2、aceship _6_on the moon. Armstrong _7_ on to the moon. The two men moved about on the moon. They picked up some rocks and _8_ them _9_ the spaceship . They jumped up and _10_ . Then they put a flag on the _11_ . They were tired after their moon _12_ so they took a _13_ . On July 21 Apollo_14_ the moo

3、n and returned to the earth . Three days later it came down in the sea . A ship _15_ them back to America and to their families .1. A.time B.day C.point D.place2. A.in B.on C.at D.by3. A.names B.name C.family D.call4. A.in B.at C.on D.to5. A.make B.paid C.spent D.took6. A.went B.come C.landed D.reac

4、hed7. A.stepped B.go C.left D.returned8. A.showed B.passed C.gave D.put9. A.at B.to C.in D.on10. A.low B.up C.down D.lower B.earth C.water D.air B.swim C.talk D.walk B.rest C.sleep D.move B.went C.returned D.saw15. A.bring B.put C.took D.carry 答案 :1. B2. B3. A4. C5. D6. C7. A8. D9. C10. C11.A12.D13.

5、B14.A15.C命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配2on the moon 在月球上9in the spaceship 在宇航飞船里词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法3这里是介绍宇航员的姓名4具体日期前用介词 on5takes“花费”, spend的主语是人,pay for sth.为付帐。6land“着陆”8put“放置”10up and down “上上下下”12trip指一次旅程,此处他们并未返航15bring back 带回来上下文推理 文章理解11969年7月20日是重要的一天。7这里指军事宇航员Armstrong踏上月球11月球上没有水,也没有空气,在旗子只能插在地面上

6、。13本句理解:因为在月球上行走后很疲劳,所以他们休息了一会。14工作结束,离开月球,返航。(2)This story _1_ about an American general(上将)_2_ was a very important man in the American army _3_ the First World War . Everybody in the United States knew him and many people _4_ a picture or something of his in their home .Soon after the war the gen

7、eral returned to Washington. One day he went to the doctor and had six teeth _5_. A week later, the general heard that his teeth were being sold in some shops at 5 dollars _6_. On each of the teeth there was a note _7_ the name of the general and words: "Buy these teeth and show them to your fr

8、iends at home.” The general got _8_. He rushed to his office and ordered to buy all his teeth.The officers went _9_ and visited every shop in the capital. They were away from office all day . In the evening they returned and put_10_ they had bought on the table front of the general. They had collect

9、ed l75 teeth!l. A. are B. is C. has D. were2. A. who B. whose C. what D. he3. A. at B. on C.during D. for4. A.hoped to have B.wished to have C.hope to take D.wish to take5. A.pulled out B.pulling out C.pull out D.to pull out6. A. price B. money C. each D. every7. A. has B.of C. on D. with8. A. happy

10、 B.surprised C. angry D.hungry9. A. out B. off C. back D. after10. A.tooth B.teeth C.the tooth D.the teeth答案 :1. B2. A3. C4. B5. A6. C7. D8. C9. A10. D命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配9go out “出去”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法1本句的主语是this story,看成单数名词。2who在定语从句中充当主语。3during“在期间”,on + 具体日期5have sth. done “请别人替你干某事”6each侧重个别,

11、every强调整体。7with表示伴随的动作或状态。10tooth的复数是teeth .the表示特指。逻辑推理 常识性知识8自己的牙齿被卖掉,当然生气。上下文推理 文章理解4本句理解:美国的每个人都认识他,许多人都期望在自己的家中有他的照片或什么有关他的东西。(3)My friend has a large police dog _1_ Jack. Police dog are often very _2_ Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these lon

12、g walks _3_._4_ Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time _5_my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the _6_ stayed. Jack became very _7_his walk in the park . He walked around the room several times and then sat down directl

13、y (直接地)_8_ the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to(很少注意). He went on talking. Finally Jack could stand (忍受)it_9_. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again, but this _10_ , he held the visitor's hat in his mouth.l. A.whose name B.his

14、 name C.named D.that2. A. clever B. foolish C.polite D. big3. A. very much B.much more C.too D. more4. A. In one B. Once C. One D. On one5. A. with B. for C.of D. to6. A. Jack B. my friend C. visitor still D. visitor yet7. A.worrying about B.worried about C.worry for D.worried for8. A.to facing B.fa

15、ced C.in fornt of D.in the front of9. A.no longr B.at any longer C.not longer D.not any more10. A.way B. time C. hour D. times 答案 :1. C2. A3. A4. C5. B6. C7. B8. C9. A10. B命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配5Its time for sb. to do sth. “某人该干某事的时间到了”7become worried about “开始担心”9no longer“不再”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法1过去分词

16、作定语3very much修饰行为动词like .8in front of 在前面;in the front of 在(某范围内的)前面。10this time 这次上下文推理 文章理解2根据文章意思,此狗的确聪明。4本句理解:某个星期天的下午,一位年青人来拜访他的朋友。6来方访的人还没走,因为他不知道主人要带Jack去散步。(4)When Jimmy was a boy, he always liked watches and clocks _1_. When he was eighteen years old, he _2_ the army(军队), and after a year,

17、he _3_ to teach himself to mend watches. A lot of his friends _4_him broken watches , and he mended them for them.Then his captain _5_ about this, and one day he brought him a watch too, _6_ said, "My watch has stopped. Can you mend it for me, _7_ ?"Jimmy said "Yes, sir, l can. "

18、 After a few days, he brought the watch _8_ to the captain."One pound, sir, "Jimmy answered. Then he took a small box out of his pocket and gave it to the captain, saying, "_9_ are three wheels(机轮) from your watch. I didn't find a place for them _10_ I put everything back.”1. A. v

19、ery well B.very much C. very D. better2. A. went in B. went C. joined D. joined in3. A. began B. came C. go D. became B.brought C.gave D.bought5. A. though B.looked C. heard D. lisened6. A. and B. but C. and so D. then7. A. please B. can't you C.will you D. thank you8. A. up B. around C. again D

20、. back9. A. Those B. these C. Here D. There10. A.when B.because C.before D.so答案 :1. B2. C3. A4. B5. C6. A7. A8. D9. C10. A命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配2join the army “参军”,过去时joined词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法1very much修饰行为动词。4bring带来,return归还6and表示顺承关系。7这是一般疑问句。8bring sth. back“把拿回来”9Here are 表示存在结构10when引导时间状语从句。上下文

21、推理 文章理解3本句理解:一年之后,他开始自学修理手表。5本句意为:接着长官听说了这事。(5)One day Mozart saw an old blind street-performer playing the violin in the street corner _1_ a hat in front of him . He found out the old man was _2_ one of his compositions . The old man played for _3_ but still nobody put any money into his hat . Moza

22、rt asked the old man , “Do you often play compositions by Mozart ?” “Yes, _4_ ,” answered the old man . “now, everybody knows Mozart and likes his music .” “Do you _5_ a living by playing the violin ?” The old man said he _6_ . Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play .He playe

23、d so well _7_ all the passesby stopped to listen to the wonderful music and soon the old man felt very _8_ that the man could play so well . He asked Mozart , “Who are you , sir ?” “Your colleague(同行), a poor _9_ like you .” Then Mozart gave the _10_ back to the old man and went away .1. A.on B.by C

24、.with D.to2. A.writing B.playing C.reading D.listening3. A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times4. A.you B.it is C.Mr. D.Sir5. A.make B.buy C.give D.take6. A.certainly B.did C.yes D.sorry7. A.which B.how C.that D.what 8. A.happy B.worried C.disappointed D.surprised9. A.musician B.artist C.sc

25、ientist D.writer10. A.money B.violin C.food D.hat答案 :1. C2. B3. C4. D5. A6. B7. C8. D9. A10. B命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配5make a living “谋生”7so that “如此以致”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法1with “拥有”2play“演奏”3some time表示“一段时间”,sometimes“有时”,sometime“某时”。4Mr. 后接人的姓,在不知对方是谁时,可用sir .逻辑推理 常识性知识8老人不知道拉小提琴的就是大师莫扎特,所以他十分惊奇。上下文推

26、理 文章理解6本句理解:那位老人说他是靠拉小提琴来谋生。9前句的 “your colleague”提示他们是音乐家。10上文提到莫扎特是借老人的琴演奏,所以此处指他归还乐器。 (6)_1_ boys and girls were swimming in a small lake. Boys with white caps on their heads _2_ girls_3_red ones. A boy said one of them _4_ when he saw that in _5_ small lake the number of white caps and _6_ of red

27、 ones _7_equal . A girl also agreed _8_ the boy when she _9_ that the number of white caps was double that of the red . (of course neither of them could see their own) There were four boys and three girls in the small lake . _10_ of them were missing .1. A.All B.Some C.Any D.Few2. A.but B.or C.and D

28、.yet3. A.with B.for C.in D.of4. A.was missed B.missed C.were missed D.was missing5. A.a B.the C.an D./6. A.those B.this C.that D.these7. A.was B.is C.are D.were8. A.on B.with C.in D.about9. A.finds B.founded C.found D.was finding10. A.None B.Neither C.Both D.Either答案 :1. B2. C3. A4. D5. B6. C7. D8.

29、B9. C10. A命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配8agree with sb. “同意某人的观点”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法2and 连接并列成分3with表示“携带,拥有”4被动语态,主语 “one of + 可数名词复数”表示单数。5定冠词the有“复指”功能(上文中提到的人或事物)9整件事表述的是一件过去的事,应用一般过去时。10none指三者或三者以上,neither指两者之间“没有一个”上下文推理 文章理解1本句意为“有些男孩和女孩在池塘里游泳。6that 指代上文的 “the number” .7本句理解:当一个男孩看到池塘里白帽子的数目和红帽子的数目一样时

30、,他说他们中的一个丢了。(7)Bill and Fred were students at a university and they were friends . They didnt have _1_ money , so when it was time for their summer vacation . Bill said , “Lets _2_ our vacation in a trailer , Fred . Its _3_ a hotel , I can _4_ .” Fred was very happy , so they got the trailer and _5_

31、their vacation .They wanted to _6_ the next day to go fishing , but they didnt have an alarm clock .“Thats all right , Bill” Fred said , “Ill put these small pieces of bread on the roof of the trailer tonight and theyll _7_ in the morning .Bill was very _8_ , but he didnt say _9_ . Fred was _10_ . A

32、s soon as it began to get light , small birds came down to eat the bread , and their noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quickly .1. A.many B.much C.some D.a lot2. A.take B.took C.taken D.taking3. A.cheap as B.cheap than C.cheaper as D.cheaper than4. A.lend my fathers trailer

33、 B.lend the trailer to my father C.borrow my fathers trailer D.borrow the trailer to my father5. A.begin B.begins C.began D.begun6. A.wake up B.wake up us C.wake them up D.wake them7. A.wake up B.wake up us C.wake them up D.wake them8. A.surprise B.surprises C.surprised D.surprising9. A.something B.

34、anything C.somebody D.anybody10. A.bad B.good C.wrong D.right答案 :1. B2. A3. D4. C5. C6. A7. A8. C9. B10. D命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配6wake up“醒来” 7wake sb. up“把某人唤醒”8be surprised“惊奇地”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法1much修饰不可数名词。2let后接省略不定式符号to的动词原形作宾补。3形容词比较级 + than9anything用于否定句中,something用于肯定句中。逻辑推理5本句是描述已结束的一篇故事,应用一

35、般过去时。上下文推理 文章理解4本句意为“我可以借我父亲的挂车”,borrow“借入”,lend“借出”。10根据文章理解第二小鸟到挂车上来吃食,声音把他俩吵醒了。(8) Mark was a farmer . He lived in a village far away . One day he became very ill and everyone knew he would _1_ soon . They sent for a doctor . Two days _2_ the doctor came and examined the sick man . _3_ asked for

36、a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine . But there was no pen _4_ paper in the village , because no one could write .The doctor _5_ up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the door of the house . “Get this medicine _6_ him ,” he said , “and h

37、ell soon get _7_ .”Marks family and friends did not know _8_ to do . They could not read the strange words . Then a young man _9_ an idea . He took off the door of the house , put it on his carriage and drove to the nearest hospital . He bought _10_ there , and Mark was soon well again .1. A.be sorr

38、y B.cry C.die D.live2. A.later B.late C.ago D.before3. A.The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer4. A.and B.or C.then D.also5. A.picked B.held C.made D.looked6. A.to B.with C.at D.for7. A.better B.worst C.bad D.good8. A.where B.what C.when D.which9. A.thought B.hit C.caught D.had10. A.the paper

39、 B.the house C.the medicine D.the pen答案 :1. C2. A3. C4. B5. A6. D7. A8. B9. D10.C 命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配5Pick up “拾起”9Have an idea “有想法”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法2一段时间 + later “之后”4否定句中连接并列部分用 “or” ,此句A改为 “and no”亦可。6介词for表示对象。8“疑问词 + 动词不定式”充当宾语,what是不定式to do 的动作对象。上下文推理 文章理解1前句提到Mark病得厉害。3医生开药方。4本句意为“把这些药给他

40、吃,很快他就会好的。”10门上写着药名,这个聪明的人把门运到医院,买了药。(9)A young man once went to town and bought himself _1_ trousers . When he got home , he went to his room and put them _2_ . He found that they were about two inches(英寸)too long . He went into the kitchen , and his mother and two sisters were doing some washing t

41、here . He said to them , “The new trousers are too _3_ . They need cutting by two inches . Would one of you mind _4_ this for me ?” His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said _5_ .But as soon as his mother had finished washing up , she went to _6_ silently and cut the trousers by two inc

42、hes . She came back without saying anything to her daughters . After supper , the elder sister _7_ her brothers trousers . She went to his room and cut the trousers by two inches _8_ saying anything to anyone . The younger sister went to the cinema . But when she came back , she also remembered her

43、brothers _9_ . _10_ she went to his room and cut them by two inches , too .1. A.a pair B.a pair of C.pairs of D./2. A.on B.off C.away D.up3. A.expensive B.warm C.long D.dirty4. A.selling B.doing C.returning D.washing5. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything6. A.the kitchen B.her sons room C.h

44、er daughters room D.her room7. A.cut B.remembered C.bought D.sold8. A.by B.not C.without D.with9. A.film B.trousers C.room D.sister10. A.But B.Because C.So D.As答案 :1. B2. A3. C4. B5. A6. B7. B8. C9. B10. C命 题 目 的题号解 题 点 拨惯用语 词语搭配1A pair of “一条”2Put on “穿上”词汇含义与用法 词语辩析 语法4“do this” 指上文得到的 “cut by two

45、 inches” .5否定句中用anything .7Remember“记得,想起”10So因此上下文推理 文章理解3上文提示裤子长2英寸 。6主语是母亲,她应是去“儿子的房间”8下文提到妹妹又去把哥哥的裤子剪去2英寸,所以此处姐姐没有把剪裤子的事讲出来。9下文中提到妹妹去剪裤子,所以此处她想起了哥哥的要求。(10)When you have a post office , the postman does not bring letters to you , but you have to go to the _1_ and get your letters and parcels from your box . The box is locked , and you have the key , so the letters are quite _2_ .One day Mr. Brown , the _3_ of a school , wrote to the post office and asked for a post office box for his school . He soon got an answer


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