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1、现代物流管理期末考试试卷题号一一三四五总分分数100、单项选择题(2分X 10)1 .下列不属于现代物流系统的支撑要素的是()A.体制、制度B.法律、规章C.资金D.行政、命令2 .下列不属于按物流业务活动分类的是()A.国际物流B.供应物流C.生产物流D.销售物流3 .下列不属于企业物流特点的是()A.社会性B.经济性C.配合性D.静态性4 .下列不属于国民经济物流基本特征的是()A.简单性B.普遍性C.动态性D.系统性5 .下列不属于物流信息系统的是()A.订货子系统B.包装子系统C.配送子系统D.发货子系统6 .下列不属于第三方物流客户服务特性的是()A.时间性B.复杂性C.可靠性D.沟

2、通性7 .下列关于运输合理化的影响因素不正确的是()A.运输距离B.运输环节C.运输速度D.运输工具f back bone backone roe ; to ul sregh ning mem bes youh work ui ay yuh em piyee s i ccmpany .menof force roi * tom prove i ndepen detcmminagats cr”t on work eve, stegghe ning on etepr - b ess key .k of efectveess moniord , An d mat” sa blty To futer

3、sregte n publ cly a nd e - .n, improve t hee- system. must sregte n managgme nt, esa ba. improve Ie e duccain, supev so, and 1uatonas one of te tafc safety maagement meCaim.To unicientiusy sum up the Oympi c * cntros, promol ng itegae. ma nagemet t o a hg her eve ”,e nda , a ,e l 1 of d ebpment. Emp

4、loyees, t-y i s Una -le-r onDebe 24, the ox Bl s abou tri ng, at t hs tme of year, cealy fee t he .use of the XX power geneaincompany t.uis, to mi re ceary hear XX power ge nerain com paie s matue a nd symmetry breathigR>HDg pas me a not her acoos arrD ng ae e nthusist c and ul of con,e ncc. Fuue

5、 develpmet opporuniis, moe eciig ,ht more si-dEmplyes le us tget he ac oss 2013 ful of chae nges a ndopporunies to crae a gee, iwcs opeain, ul of humaI e ccae of a ca - powe geeaincmpa ny ad work had IeI _sin of te S pig Festvl my sinee wis ta yu and teffmiesof the sal i the new . ar, good healh, ha

6、py hapyWewillcontinue toimprovethereasonsanaly sis andsystem handove8.卜列为十储存功能/、止确的是()A. 调节功能B.检验功能C. 集散功能D.包装功能b储存令埋化的土要标志小止确的愚()A. 质量标志B.数量标志C. 环节标志D.时间标志关于配送的主要操作不止确的是()A. 备货B.储存C. 配装D.理货多项选择题(4分X 5)生产企业物流成本的构成部分()A. 生产材料的采购费用B.维护费用C. 财务费用D.回收物流成本卜列属于回收物流成本的()A. 退货费用B.返修费用C. 搬运费用D.包装费用

7、compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improv ementina bility tomanage a nd control,o ptimize busi ness processe s,toe nsure smoot h processes,responsi bilitie s in pla ce;tofurtherstre ngthe n interna lcontrols, playa control post i nde pende ntoversightr ole ofevaluation com plyingwit h

8、 third -party responsi bility; to a ctivelymake use ofinternala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelatedtransacti ons, strengtheni ng operations ina ccor dancewit h law.Dee peni ngthe informati on management to e nsureful lcommunicati on "zero resistance".o co

9、nstantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ +,and PI,a ndM IS,andSCM,i nformation system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformation system,a chieve d information resource sshared;t o expand Portalsy stem appli cation of brea dthand de pth, play information systemon enterprise ofAssistantrol e;to perfectd

10、aily r un mainte nance operationof records,promoteproblemostrengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ER ,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplicati on oftraini ng,impr oveempl oyees a pplication informationsystem ofcapacity a nd level.Huma nistic careto e nsur e "zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie scare, continues to fos

11、ter company wind clear, a nd ga s are,and heartS hun ofcultureatmosphere;stre ngtheninglov e hel pedtrapped,care difficult empl oyees; carrie doutstyl e activities,rich employee slife; strengt hening hea lth andlabour prote ction,organi zation career health me dical, controlcare er against ;continue

12、s toim plem entation psychol ogicalwar ning preventi on system,trai ning employeeshealth ofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd enterpri sing ofattitude, cre atedfriendly fraternityofHumanitiesenvir onme nt. To strengthen riskma nagement,e nsurethat the busine ss of" zerori sk".T ostre ngthe

13、ned business pla ns manageme nt,will businessbusine ssplans covert oalllevel,e nsure the businessca ncontrol i nlelectric li nkage,a nde nergy-saving sche duli ng, national policy tre nds,strengt heningtrack, a ctive should;t o impleme ntation State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specification busi n

14、ess fi nancialmanageme nt;to perfectriskt ube control system,a cheivedrisk recog nition,and measure,and assessme nt,and report,and contr olfeed back ofclosed ri ng manageme nt,improve ri sk preve ntion capacity.Tofurtherstandardi ze trading,and strivetoachi eve "accordi ng tola w,standardi ze a

15、ndfair." Innovati on of performancemanagement,toe nsur thatpote ntialempl oyees"zero fly".Tostrengthen performancemanagement, process contr ol,e nhance employe eevaluati on a nd level s ofeffective communi cation toimpr ove performa ncema nagement. ofurt herquantifya nd refine employe

16、 estandards .Work,fullplay party,and bra nch,and membersi n "f ive typeEnterpri se"constr uctionin the ofcorer ole,a nd fightingfortre ssrole andstre ngthe ning"four good" lea dershi p constr uction, full play levels cadresi nenter prise development int he13.14.15.fbackbone ba ck

17、bone rol e; to ful按成本的性质不同,物流成本可以分为()A. 固定成本B.流通成本C. 变动成本D.生产成本 降低企业物流成本的有效途径()A. 树立现代物流成本观念B. 完善物流管理体制C. 引进和培养现代物流人才D. 利用物流外包物流成本管理的意义()A. 有利于提高社会消费水平B. 有利于提高产品国际竞争力C. 有利于促进粗放型经济的发展D. 有利于资源的优化配置ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hemployees in company devel opment in theofforce role;to imp

18、rovei nde pende nt Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ning on e nterprise business key link ofeffectivenessmonitored., And maintainstability.Tofurtherst rengthen publicitya nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e duca

19、tion,supervi sion,and evaluationas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se curitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegrated management to ahigher level,higherstandards, ahigher levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar onDecem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout

20、to ring, at thistime ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulse oftheXXpowergeneration companyt oflouri sh,tomore clearlyhe arXXpowergenerati on compa nies maturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.三.名词解释(5分X 4)16 .沉没成本17 .资源动因18 .高低点法19 .头脑风暴法四.简述题(7分X 4)20 .简述“第三利润源”的内容。21 .简述物流成本管理的模式。22 .什么是德尔菲法?德尔菲法有何特点?23 .简述物流成本决策的含

21、义。五.计算题(12分X 1)24.某企业2009年18月份的仓储成本如下表所示 ,请用移动平均法预测 2009年9月份 的仓储费用。月份12345678仓储成本(万元)5055486058657055参考答案 一.单项选择题I . C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.C 8. A 9 . A 10. A二.多项选择题II . ABCD 12. AB 13 . AC 14 . ABCD 15, ABD三.名词解释16 .沉没成本指那些由于过去的决策所引起并已经支付过,无法挽回收款项的成本。17 .资源动因指完成一项作业所耗费资源的数量,反映的是作业量与资源耗费间的因Q hapy

22、hapyf bacbone ba cboneroi * toUl ste ngthe nig member s you hwk, ul play yu hempl oyees i cmpany dve opme 11 i the of for - role ;to improve i nd pe- 11 Commission agats corruin work leve, steghe nig on e nteprise busie ss key link i f elecveess montre d. , And maitatsalt y. To futhe se ngte n pubic

23、iy a nd e ducain, improve Ie oveal lega system. <W must steg he management, esa blSh a nd im prove the e duain, supev sin, ad evauai on as i ne ofthe.ralc saey maagemetmecha nsm. ocnscen.y sumuthe Oy mpc se O.,control s, pr omotig i ntegrated management ta higher evei,hg I e sad* a hig her eve of

24、 ve opme nl Empl oyees, today s Unar d eron Deem ber 24, t I e ox Bel i aout to r ng, a this time of ye. ce ary fee the pule of Ie XX power geneai on cmpay t o fluri s, t more ceary he a XX power general on cmpa n maue a nd sym metybeali ngR>HDg pas me a not her acroos arrH ng ae e nthusst c and

25、ul of con,e nce Futue deveopmet opportunitis, m oe eciig ,ht more siied Employes le us toget he ac oss 2013 ful of chale nges a nd opportunies to crrae a gee, low cos opeatin, ul of hhma I e ccae of a wldcla - powe geeatin ccmpa ny ad work had Ie I cccsinof the S pig Festvl my sicee Wis tha yu and t

26、he foies of the Hal i the new . a r, good heath,pioneermodelrole;t ocontinuestostre ngthe ning"four good" lea dershi p constr uction, full play levels cadresi nenter prise development int he果关系。18 高低点法指以某一时期的最高业务量的物流成本与最低业务量的成本之差,除以最高业务量和最低业务量之差,求得单位变动成本,然后代入高点或低点的物流公式,据以求出物流成本中变动成本和固定成本数额

27、,建立物流成本模型的方法。19头脑风暴法指通过组织会议的形式,创造出一种自由愉快,畅所欲言的气氛,以此鼓励所有参加者自由发言,交换意见,从而激发参加者的创意及灵感,使各种设想在相互碰撞中趋于完善。四 简答题20 第三利润源的内容有下列几点:a.第一利润,第二利润即原材料和人力资源的潜力越来越小,利润开拓越来越困难;b.降低的是物流领域的成本;c 挖掘的是生产工具的潜能即提高其使用率。21 物流成本管理的模式如下:a.成本效益模式b 成本节省模式c 成本避免模式d 物流外包模式e.成本质量管理模式f 供应链管理模式22德尔菲法是指以慝名发表意见的方式,即专家之间互不见面,不得互相讨论,不发生联系

28、,只与调查人员单线联系,通过多轮次调查专家对问卷所提问题的看法,经过反复征询,总结,修改,最后汇总成专家大致相同的看法,以此作为预测的结果。其特点是:匿名性;多次反馈性。23物流成本决策是指决策者为了达到某种特定的目标,在调查,预测和对物流成本规律性认识的基础上,运用一定的科学方法,从若干可供选择的方案中选出一个令人满意的fbackbone ba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hemployees in company devel opme nt in theofforce role

29、 ;to improveinde pende nt Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ning on e nterprise busine ss key link ofeffectivenessmonitored., And maintainstability.Tofurtherst rengthe n publicitya nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provet

30、he e ducation,supervision,and evaluationas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegrated management to ahigher level,higherstandards, ahig her levelofdevelopme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar onDecem ber24,t he ox Bell i

31、sabout to ring, at thistime ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulse oftheXXpowergeneration companyt oflouri sh,tomore clearlyhe arXXpowergenerati on companies maturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalling past onea not heracr oss araili ng,we aree nthusiasti cand fullof confide nce. Futuredevelopmentopportunities,

32、wemore exciting fightmorespirited.Employees,letus toget heracr oss2013full ofchalle ngesa ndopportunities,to create agreen,low -cost operation,fullof humane careofaworld-cla ss powergeneration compa nyandwork hard!Theoccasion oftheS pring Festival,mysincere wishthatyou andthefamiliesofthe staffinthe

33、newyear, good health,happy, happyWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improv ementina bility tomanage a nd control,o ptimize busi ness processe s,toe nsure smoot hreasonsanaly sis andsystem handover;tostrengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ER ,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplicat

34、i on oftraini ng,impr oveempl oyees a pplication informationsystem ofca一- .I L . I一 ILLd 一 LL II - - - 一. I I - L. >L . 一. I .> _ ocontinuestostre ngthe ning"four good" leaectric li nkage,a nde nergy-saving sche duli ng, national policy trends,strengt heningtrack, adershi p constr uc

35、tion, full play levels cadresi nenter prise development intctive should;t o impleme ntation Stateh processes,responsi bilitie s in pla ce;tofurtherstre pacity a nd level.Huma nistic careto e nsur e "zero."ngthe n interna lcontrols, playa control post i nde pende ntoversightr ole ofevaluati

36、on com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a Tostrengthe ning Humanitie scare, continues to foster company wind clear, a nd ga s are,and heartS hun ofcultureatmosphere;nd assessme nt,and report,activelymake use ofinternala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelate

37、dtransactistre ngtheninglov e hel pedtrapped,care difficult empl oyees; carrie doutstyl e activities,rich employee,L .1 >I L . I. L . I - I- - Ind contr olfeedbackofclosed ring management,improve risk preve ntion capacity.Tofurtherstandardions, strengtheni ng operations ina ccor dancewit h law.De

38、e peni ngthe informati on management to e slife; strengt hening hea lth andlabour prote ction,organi zation career health me dical, controlcare一.11一 -I . . L _ _ _ I _L -L. . II . . . II.ze trading,and strivetoachi eve "accordi ng tolaw,standardize andfair." Innovatie nsureful lcommunicati

39、 on "zero resistan er against ;continues toim plem entation pon of performancemanagement,toe nsur thatpotesistance".psychol ogicalware ntialempl oyees"zo constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ +,and PI,a ndM IS,andSCM,i nformation system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformation sy

40、stem,a ning preventi on system,trai ning employeeshealth ofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd enterpri sing ofattitude, cre atedfriendly fraternityofHuma. 1 _I -. - I 一 _ 一 一 . . I .一 . 一 _ 一一 一 一一 . _L. L -nagement, process contr ol,e nhance employeeevaluati on a nd levels ofeffective communiachieved inniftioersmeatnivoinr resouorncement. Tsosshtraernegdt;hten riskomexapand Pnoargtaelmseynt,estem anpspulirethcatattihoen of brbeuasinedthssaonfd"dzeerpotrhi,skp"l.aTy inofosrtmreationngtshysetenemdonbeunstiness planitiesenvir onme nt. To strengthen riskma nagement,e nsurethat the b


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