1、rbe., ong Li Xi ang Liu ja pi g eemenay school mac206 song Li xang lu ja ping prmay scooi “ saey sysems tehance f_ ey protec prope a nd the lie ad propey saey of eaces and st udents scooi f ie saey ito -ytoy maagemet sdepi ng the flwig Ie saey sysem. , stegthen fie _y wme schoolor dig tote requt-ens
2、 of the Fr Seves “ sta .one has of keei g .e control saey, protect ng .e contr oi acata “ pr-ntin-epors of ie桥梁工程一一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共10道小题)1 .桥梁按体系划分可分为梁桥、拱桥、悬索桥、组合体系桥。2 .桥梁的建筑高度是指 桥面与桥跨结构最低边缘的高差。3 .公路桥梁总长是指桥梁两个桥台侧墙尾端间的距离。4 .下列桥梁中不属于组合体系桥梁的结合梁桥。5 .以公路40m简支梁桥为例,标准跨径、计算跨径、梁长这三个数据问 数值对比关系正确的是 小。6 .以铁路48
3、m简支梁桥为例,标准跨径、计算跨径、梁长这三个数据问 数值对比关系正确的是 *。7 .桥梁设计中除了需要的相关力学、数学等基础知识外,设计必须依据的资料 是设计技术规范。8 .我国桥梁设计程序可分为前期工作及设计阶段,设计阶段按“三阶段设计” 进行,即初步设计、技术设计与施工设计。9 .下列哪一个选项不属于桥梁总体规划设计的基本内容桥型选定。10 .常规桥梁在进行孔跨布置工作中不需要重点考虑的因素为桥址处气候条件。二.判断题(判断正误,共6道小题)11 .斜腿刚构桥是梁式桥的一种形式。(x )12 .悬索桥是跨越能力最大的桥型。(V )13 .桥梁设计初步阶段包括完成施工详图、施工组织设计和施
4、工预算。(x )14 .桥位的选择是在服从路线总方向的前提下进行的。(X )15 . 一般来说,桥的跨径越大,总造价越高,施工却越容易。(X )16 .公路桥梁的总长一般是根据水文计算来确定的。(V )三、主观题(共3道小题)17 .请归纳桥上可以通行的交通物包括哪些 (不少于三种)?请总结桥梁的跨越 对象包括哪些(不少于三种)?桥梁可以实现不同的交通物跨越障碍。最基本的交通物有:汽车、火车、行人等。其它的还包括:管线(管线桥)、轮船(运河桥)、飞机(航站桥)等。桥梁跨越的对象包括:河流、山谷、道路、铁路、其它桥梁等。18 .请给出按结构体系划分的桥梁结构形式分类情况,并回答各类桥梁的主要受
5、力特征。桥梁按结构体系可以分为:梁桥、拱桥、悬索桥、组合体系桥梁。梁桥是主要以主梁受弯来承受荷载; 拱桥主要是以拱圈受压来承受荷载; 悬 索桥主要是以大缆受拉来承受荷载;组合体系桥梁则是有多种受力构件按不同受 力特征组合在一起共同承受荷载。19 .请简述桥梁设计的基本原则包括哪些内容?桥梁的基本设计原则包括:安全、适用、经济和美观。桥梁的安全既包括桥上车辆、行人的安全,也包括桥梁本身的安全。桥梁的适用能保证行车的通畅、舒适和安全;桥梁运量既能满足当前需要,也可适当照顾今后发展等方面内容。在安全、适用的前提下,经济是衡量技术水平和做出方案选择的主要因素。桥梁设计应体现出经济特性。在安全、适用和经
6、济的前提下,尽可能使桥梁具有优美的外形,并与周围的 环境相协调。su-nts t re sect socca e hcsand .ios eeuai ons, maitad out i I adda nne. 4 actviis fori he meas of tasort shouning publi c or de, and fgt t he bad guys and grsp thecre ct was ad mns of maitaiing and mpr on ng s_et s slf ca e abiid exla n the si , Ichool o cmpl y wtnei
7、c e saeyreui ets befe te l ne for rea 5 ecl act- mus h y 6, t h e esalisme nt of emegeny rscue e-scurt y, egecy rrsponne pa n fr ients6, Iof tacces,pcncshkin scool s onhgh alet and de ploed,ng Li n XXa I g Liu Ja pi ng eementay scool Mach -. sng Li n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primay scool ttaces ad su nt
8、s o.aizatons ou of saey manaement .ng,picnicto ppy atet tie prree nton, iood poisnig , prreenti on of al Iccdes 7, the ictvie s nea te riVes esevoirs no mesue s or do lot mee telecui, rrqurrmesI f te Organictvies nee一一 / - -l -s,for eampe, haasmet- l .o te -ld elaiey ar or aciiis e.I. . Ill. 1-桥梁工程二
9、一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共12道小题)1 .下述关于装配式混凝土简支梁桥特点论述不正确的是:跨度适用范围大2 .钢筋混凝土简支梁的跨中预拱度设置方向是:回上3 .用刚性横梁法计算出的某梁荷载横向分布影响线的形状是:一根直线4 .刚性横梁法的基本假定为: 横梁的刚度为无穷大5 .单向桥面板是指长宽比等于或大于2的周边支承桥面板。6 .主梁中配置预应力束筋时,需要作出主梁的 内力包络图。7 .在公路多片主梁之间设置横隔板,其作用在于提高桥梁的整体工作性能8 .桥梁设计和施工中,要进行强度、刚度和稳定性验算,这刚度是指挠度(变形)9 .横向分布系数计算中杠杆原理法的基本假定为 桥面板在主梁
10、上纵向断开10 .混凝土预制简支梁桥主要的施工方法不包括陆地转体法架设11 .混凝土现浇简支梁桥主要的施工设施不包括 挂篮12 .适应于较大跨度混凝土简支梁桥的主梁截面形式为箱形截面二、判断题(判断正误,共6道小题)13 .计算主梁的弯矩和剪力时,可在全跨内取用相同的荷载横向分布系数。 (x )14 .横隔梁在装配式 T形梁桥中起着保证各片主梁相互连成整体的作用。 (V )15 .简支梁桥是静定结构,结构内力不受基础变位的影响,因而,能在地基较差的情况下建桥。(V )16 .钢筋混凝土容易开裂,不能用于车辆荷载较重的铁路桥。(x )17 .混凝土简支梁中,板式横断面可以适用于跨度较大的桥梁。(
11、x )18 .刚性横梁法适用于桥面较宽的桥梁横向分布系数计算。(x ) tci,l nns,e - ipment ise ctons found hi dden i tme for ectiaton, mai ntea nce, and ieicuiy 9, do not use a I openfeint he ca ls.om,pr ohi bi burig soe,i - ndesmos - t reekntno sm okig, and bannig m-.w.ng. Wi hout us ng ay I oiuehok aplaccs s not a iwd. lw on cam ,
12、usa - m - bes mus ladb, pe,a nd idiuae iesand icken eldyt fe. 11, houseod uleofgls in sicools to m-teprope usge ppy ateton t te lek proof, ixplIson prof, IerooI clsig ale afe use to ensue e_iy “dinig room mus be LiaHe d, and anuattesi ng of presue vesels t o e.lay ceckthe cate n w.e s mus be cei ,sr
13、 ctybyopeain opeain.g- ank andsto - saey dsance of 15 mees, to preent iccLets 13, the aese conne Lienies ca uued bygnorng iesaey e.lainsw be puni sed, unti iestggae d for、a esonsii iySong Li n X ang Lu Ja pi ng e-etays.oolMac H6 XXag三、主观题(共4道小题)19 .请归纳简支梁桥的主要特点包括哪些?简支梁桥的主要特点是:受力明确(静定结构)、构造简单、易于标准化设计
14、, 易于标准化工厂制造和工地预制,易于架设施工,易于养护、维修和更换。但简 支梁桥不适用于较大跨度的桥梁工程。20 .综合题-计算题3 (仅限道桥专业):一个30m跨度的装配式简支梁,已知 其1片边梁的跨中横向分布系数 mc=0.8,试计算其在公路I级车道荷载和车辆 荷载分别作用下的跨中弯矩值。并对比二者的大小关系。车道荷载和车辆荷载简 图参见附图。(计算中假定计算跨度也为30m;不计冲击系数;不计车道折减系 数;并假定横向分布系数沿全桥均取相同数值) (10分)公路一I级:尸K = l80kN, L pK=360kN, L50mPk =(线内插值,5mL50m公路-I级:& =0.75二公路
15、一I级值P* 公路一I级; IO,5kN/m诙公路一II级:gK=075*105kN/m参考答案:根据车道荷载和车辆荷载中的均布与集中力大小,计算出 30m简支 梁的跨中弯矩。均布荷载跨中弯矩公式为 M = 1/8*q*L*L ;每一个集中荷载产生 的跨中弯矩按结构力学公式计算或依据其产生的支点反力后进行计算。In aide i e nnue naimal ea Lhi ng ai de ng .ei s heai gawh, enuig i hai nai ana (pi apey s nai ls, ipeeni ai miimi ieaLcuiel ceaf sae- auLdei s
16、flw ihe peeni ilscue _U aie i, ensue sa- ad iedue lsel pin.ipe a uLdi ng ii. l I ca l undii ans male i he maaeme ni ssim. 1, i he pi n.ipa is i he esansbii,af sUaal - feysLaal secuiy unde ie lla shi af Pisi deni suui,w ai la dig giu. The he- ia Ue iie l(a - shie-is ilspansilSUaal s udens epai mjiauL
17、de ni wihi n an hauiaf (d . ain. si_ei iu a nd dia pppaa n.es ia e pai; ie 1ai af ihe a cui dei ia a wie n epaii i ii ,ae, a LaiieLi I na ce nie a palLe siain, a i awshi p pe apl, Gavmeni shal nai unnea ihe auieI i 4 iaLhes aeI n ssim, es Ils ad mpieie ea-isi-ls sieghei Ie e duuain, maa - me I i af
18、iaUigluiviesiluhaal s ia e nsue naima ieuhigaidei esansbe fai luhaalsa- ladei s, awas ma niaie.-L|.|l-.-dLL-L. i . .n-I L - 一一 -.1.1._ -一i-LiL IL.I.I 1 - . I.11 he sLaal i uls and eg ulains an ime anime hame i a piiveni iucide ns 8, luhaal i se Uians an a eg ua bbss fud hi dde i n iime and i seee ca
19、ss, ii s had iapaiiLpae i n ie l. eiaians aeabe.ss l as paiiiaig iang Li Xi ag Li. ja pi g ee.enay -h,- mnaii e sLal wikaU 20 16 sngw.uiapp.-iI f ie CcieLi ana C.eieLi xang Lu ja pi ng p_ay . i eh.,sLaal pi nU pas Lanleni wiauinLe f. saey iazaiI n. Wiauiihe piapei,a nd ihe ie adappiaal af iHeani dep
20、a*eis piapey eaLes aaiganies - eisia paliLnd s udenis sUaafe iipa. i fie fgi I g, dssie ieef a一,” 一,.a-.ei. snd sepiI n. 7, sUaas shaudouae sudens i abb,ingihe flwig ie . , siegianime hame i ame suaal aaa piiveni luUde ns 8, luhaal idig i ie - ui-es a ie Fi Seve Linss Au, s ia eeyne haan a eg Ua bbs
21、s fud hiddde i n iime and ie fi,mpl emeiaian af ie aucunabil,ssim. sLaal manih,s udei kawed- aaui aafey e - uain, e - uainsaudbe d i sfid id .laae Laniui a nd d_i Li palce siains ca nvass ng palcesiain an sUaal (afe,and hep 5, sie ngie .ig iia Lhes maia e . -1 I emiae immoiapia-i ng ie -ni a ie peia
22、n, (1a.s a ieUasd, and ieiid ia iI e l-a ieples Ga - imei, ed_al an, and ueaf law se Uin. 9, ie sUaalshaU d H .ducain, eta blUek tuiUi uaian fi si uiels af La ses pe saul d be ia. ,a Laybls a de duae d lve impiaving e quaiy abse - ihe s_es ps,nai was ieaiing wlls lands iaii ngs hadais daaisan mre .
23、i _ie s delng wi h e-ai Ge nnrll sefhel1ad mua e kawl. dge Emegenuy - lUhalgua Uhage s a ay . a nd iae pi ei.e * na U a pui.ni ad L _ Ui a punismeiI 一 一.一.W da , sii use s ad a aiey af saiis eiacuiiculai auivis, a uliis uu - ie saey ifaouuues(uu - 10,1,CD, ad.a an)uue umman sene ie duain.,i he e bls
24、me niaf maai a uLeni e paii ng s .an sudes, s udeni aui af ie Llssaam, sLaas ma, nai be 6 unis ai de 1ames use sudeni See piapigadaaiL-. L . . -I r . I . . I . I - I . . . . . . _ _- L _I _ -. . I .iey epai ad dualin ia ensue iaiiia Lhes and sudes wik e an, l e nuus ad faiiies ae sae and21.综合题-计算题类1
25、:(仅限道桥专业)1.5m+ 2.0m+L8mP/22mP/2_L8m_P/2L 5mLu ja pi ng |ie _p_ suiundig (afe,mang-eni s,s 1 i_ Ues and sudei. i he suiudng aia af ie luhaal gveia n.e .av pesna a nd faadafuas ai ihe e Lui 2, e U a uv,shau d hhae a spec). iesanniii,pp,aieian ia i he pe sns Ige, phhsial mauh. Rau. 3,s, luain, fed luve
26、s saud be uai.hhgee , .uiua nis ad ai hei aseUs i.g d gavena n nisia ie se.i saua .hUsand e-ii, ege.,iispanne pa n fi ie nis 6, pUnUs hik ng, pi.ni. ia p. aiei in i ie piew nin, laad paisnig , pieenii an af al - Udes 7, ihe - ivle s nea ie iies esevai. nameBues ai da lai me. ieleuui,iiquiimeiI f ie
27、Ogani zain a nd nai e sude nis ii i he waeUe an., wi ie - Lei ansi luhaals saud al s pa,aeianievianme nia is. Lians ne a ie . pus faund iia ievew ihe piagi-me af aLivies - eemei. Ogazaini a ie -ld .aie,ai ai auviis .difeeni siuai ans epaiid sLaal下图为一双车道布置的多主梁公路桥横截面布置,主梁间距为 2.0m+1.5m。试采用杠杆原理法,求 3#主梁(
28、中梁)在车辆荷载作用下的荷载 横向分布系数mc。(10分)luiii,l nns,e - i pmeni inse clans faund hi dden i iime fai ecliaian, mai niea n.e, andeuui9 da nai use a I apenflmeini he .aIsiam, piahibi buiingsae,i ca nd. masquii i.e.nina sm akig, and banning mm.wing. Wi haui us ng a,I auehad apla.cs s nai a lwd. lan cam ,usa m bes
29、mus ladb, p.,and Idua. fmlesand Uiden eld,i fe. 11, haus.ad uueafglsin sUaals ia misiepiape usg. p. aieian i ie lek piaaf, plI san piaf, feiaaf LlsingnLeaf 1,me ,ia pieeniluUdeis “ihe a e Laniequences La uued b,、naing iesa- egulainswl be puni sed.uniii-Kgae d fai lga esansibii2L Sang Lin X ang Lu Ja
30、 pi nge-eia,sUaalMaU H6XXagha ie jble ss mganis fam iu. a.s fai pl. haasmeniaf sudes a nd a -, af a_ie I s,-uid uan Cai. .inalCe I .i agiied ia mp.pu,Die Eduuaian22.综合题-计算类2:(仅限道桥专业)如图所示为一双主梁公路桥的横截面布置,行车道宽9m (即1.5m+6.0m +1.5m)。试应用杠杆原理法,求解任一主梁在车辆荷载作用下的荷载横向分布系 数 mCo (10分)车辆荷载横向布宜主:梁跨中截面ctriOylnesequip
31、ment ise cions found hi dden i tme for eclialon, mai ntea nce, and secuiy 9, do not use aI openfameint he ca as.om.pr ohi bi burning Sove, ca n-smos - . repelent,no sm okig, and banning messyw.ng. Wi hout uS ng ay I ouehod aplaces S not a lwed. 10, IVe o n cam | us a -lymembes.m - ladbyexample,a nd
32、educate amlesand chiden eadyt Ie. 11, houseod useofgas in school* masterproper usage pay ateton t Ie lek proof, xplI Son prof, Ireroof clsig valve Her use to ensuese - .y 12, dinig room mus be quafed, and anuatesi ng of pressuevesses, t o eguay Ueck the catee n worker s mus be cetiied,sri cly by ope
33、ain opea.n.g ank andst ove saey dSance of 15 mes, to prevent accdets 13, the aese con quencesca used by gnorng .esa- e.a.nswIbe puni Sed, unti ieUggled for ega esonsii Iy Song n X ang Lu Ja pi ngeemeayschool Mac 2016 XagIn order to e nsue normal ea Scool s u ns epor mjr_ L I . . I . . P-ICp-e in te
34、ce eratons a ng sudets heat h y go-wh, hi n an hour of ld ain; studet ru asl a s pariiaig ir-be. s ong Li Xi ag Liu ja pi g eem.nay 1chool mnott e sCal WrkaC 20 6 snge-ig t hat nH ona (r opety S not lS, I pelnt or miimize teoccurel ce of s y acC det s flw t he pel n. rrs . e m C ote r, ensue saey ad
35、 re duue ls prncip. a ccdi ng Ite lI ca l cndii on* male t he manaeme nt sstm. 1, t he pr ncipa is t he esonS biiy of sCndd. pppaa nces to e po.re 10r of the a cci det to a wle n eport i ti , ,a correCi I na ce nt. a pol ce stain, a t o-wshi p pe opleS Goverme nt shal not cncea the acieI I 4 ta ches
36、 ae I n .y sstm, eS blS ad mprete .a -sials steg het he e d 一 -.1.|._ i-LiL il.i.i 1 -i.- u - nS I obby t he sCool r uls and eg ulainsw.outapp.vaiI f te CcreCi ona C.ete , sCool pr nC pas connent WtoutLi xang Lu ja pi ng nay scool i. 一 t nc.f. saeyoraizai I n. Wtout thepr prop.ry a nd th. le adappro
37、val of re.,ant de parmets .prope,saey of eales aorganizesudets to palic pae i fire 11gtI g, dsste r m f and s udents scool i. saey it一,to day maaemet, snd s in. 7, sCoos shoulde-pie sng the flwig i. ey 一 . 1, stegton tme:;-agsCool se _iy unde tella deship of Prsi dent scuiy w o. la ding gru. The hel
38、d ta Ce Ite l shiei srrsponsilaageme it of taCigIctvles i ichool s to e nsue norma techigorder .sons be for ichool lader s, awas ma ntaie i - - i . i- - - -.iL . . - iLs e ss, i is had toon-e home t o prevent IC nt. 8, ichool II ol e scool 0rdig t terrquirmes of i. Fr,e -se Cions on a eg ua bbsis lu
39、d his ,s ta _none hadde i n time and is ofI g ie 10ntol .e ir,mpl emetHon of te accunabily sstm. | sCool monthy S udet kow. dg. aout - fey e - cain, e - CainSoudbe dier Siid i- e d clo- contct a nd dSti ct polce stains ca nvaS ng Surm te pokestain on sCool - fey a nd hep 5 Sre ngte .ig tta ches mora
40、 e一. -1 I ad toemiae imm-iaeypr01ct ng i. cnt ol -ii- i.p. ton. r.0 rs of i.Usd, and reortd to tI e 11a ieples Go - rmet, educat on, and ueof law se Cion. 9, te sCoold in,eSya bl cek teier- Iduaton ir st udelS of -s-s pe Soul d be 1aletd. To caybls a de dccae d lv . mprovi ng e -main quaiy obsee the
41、SudeS psynal was reaiing Wls I onds rrii ngs hadris doorsW do , sar cse s ad a . of sorts eXacurii _ue s delng - hlduaton inneal selhel 1and .a e ko-we-e Emegency cals(-c adio on)u- cmmon se - iege s a ay tme a nd ta. pr etmla - es no c a pui Sme nt ad cover croa puniSmeton SudeS, S udent out of te
42、clssoom, sCooS may_lar acivis, a cltis I,b,opeain opeain, g- ank al be punised, until iestggaed for、n esonsiiiy Song Li n - ang Lu la pi ng e-etay sCoolMaC -agLu Jia pi ng ee ntay | ie Upps surundig 1,maigoentsystm 1ttaCes and stdets t he surudng arants ad ot her aseCs ie. d govena nne salobta n we
43、ad ful copeainof te commuiy. On teChoos soudsoul d ppy ateti on I t I e sa- managgment of ichool eI vrnme nt, soud Ike the iiia Icnttc Ie disrC poke sain, towsi goveI met si managgme I t ad ote depames Id a go. job mangement. 3, ta Ce on.yWt te - cet ons i ichools soud al s pay atetonteviha te joble
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