1、成功职场英语课文翻译Can you imagine yourself working on a project alone at the office and no one there to support and assist you? Definitely not! Today, teamwork has been widely embraced by business, so if you want to succeed in your career, its very important to be a team player.你能想象自己独自一人在办公室忙于某个项目,周围无人支持或协
2、助你工作的情形吗?当然无法想象!当今世界,众多企业对团队精神大为推崇,因此,如果你想在职业生涯中有所作为,具备团队精神至关重要。Teamwork is not a modern phenomenon. It has been part of the human experience since the early days of nomadic hunter-gatherers. Our early ancestors were successful because they teamed up to hunt and gathered together for safety. In rece
3、nt times, teamwork is frequently referred to as a “concept” in the management jargon. Being a good team player is seen to be important, if not more so, than having a skill.团队协作并非现代才有的现象。从早期人类游牧狩猎时代开始,它就是人类活动经验的一部分。我们的祖先深谙此道,为了安全起见,他们结伴打猎,成群聚居。近年来,团队协作常常作为管理术语中的一个“概念”被提及。团队协作如果不比技能更重要,那至少也是旗鼓相当。Teamw
4、ork is defined as an activity or a set of interrelated activities done by more than one person to meet a common goal. The following example illustrates the importance of putting together a team in order to get things done efficiently in a company.团队协作的定义是指一个以上的人共同承担一项或一系列相互关联的活动,以达到一个共同的目标。下面这个例子阐明了
5、团队协作对于有效地完成公司事务的重要性。A telephone company lands a big contract and asks Project Manager Julia to develop a team of professionals to install the equipment. She looks over the names of technicians available and carefully picks out four people according to their talent, skill and attitude. Roberto is fir
6、st on the list because he is a great team player. He is an excellent communicator, and is not afraid to come up with ideas. Even better, if his ideas are turned down, he doesnt complain. Yolanda comes second. She knows how to keep the project under budget and her cheerfulness will make everybody hap
7、py, even when they dont like her budget figures. Sam and Henry are next on the list. They are the best in the business when it comes to laying lines and making the connections. Because Julia has collected a group of people with different but specific skills, her team is likely to be successful and t
8、he work will be efficiently completed.一家电话公司得到了一笔大单业务,要求项目经理朱莉娅组建一个专业团队安装设备。她仔细查看了技术人员的名单,根据其工作能力、专业技能和工作态度,精心挑选了四名专业人员。罗伯托第一个榜上有名,因为他是一名不错的团队成员,擅长交流,敢于提出设想。更棒的是,即使他的想法被否定,他也从不抱怨。约兰德是第二个入选的。她擅长控制项目预算,即使在她的预算数字不受大家欢迎的情况下,她的欢笑也会让每个人非常开心。萨姆和亨利也被选入团队。在设备布线和连接技术方面,他们是最棒的。朱莉娅整合了一支团队,团队中的每个成员都具备特殊而不同的技能,基于
9、此,她的团队才有可能取得成功,工作才有望有效完成。We can see that teamwork can benefit companies as well as individuals in many ways. It is no doubt that effective teamwork yields efficiency which contributes to the overall success and growth of a company or organization in a competitive world. Employees tend to learn and g
10、row faster in a team, because teamwork helps individuals to complement each others weaknesses with their strengths. When there is a continuity of interaction between team members, employees often build a strong emotional bond and a sense of group-belonging. As a result, effective teamwork improves j
11、ob satisfaction as well as performance.我们可以说团队协作在很多方面既有利于个人,也有利于公司。毫无疑问,团队合作带来的高效最终有利于公司或组织在竞争环境中的整体成功和发展。员工在团队中学习和成长得更快,因为团队协作有助于彼此取长补短。由于团队成员间不断地交流协作,员工之间通常会建立起较强的情感纽带和团队归属感。因此,团队协作可以提升员工的工作满意度和工作业绩。Next time your team starts with a project, remember the motto: Together Everyone Achieves More.下次,如
12、果你的团队开始一个新的项目,记住这句箴言:协作共赢。拓展阅读:职场英语向成功人士学习七个解压技巧Feeling stressed? Of course you are. You have too much on your plate, deadlines are looming, people are counting on you, and to top it all off, you still have holiday shopping to do. You are under a lot of pressure so much that at times, you suspect th
13、e quality of your work suffers for it.觉得有压力?这是再正常不过的了。你有太多事要操心,最后期限迫在眉睫,别人还都指望着你,最糟糕的是,你假期还要血拼购物呢。你承受着一堆压力压力太大,以至于有时候,你会怀疑工作质量因此受到了影响。This is life in the modern workplace. The difference between those who are successful and those who arent is not whether or not you suffer from stress, but how you de
14、al with it when you do.Here are seven scientifically-proven strategies for defeating stress whenever it strikes.这就是现在的职场生活。成功人士与常人的区别不是在于有没有遇到压力,而是在于如何处理它们。下面有7个经过科学验证的方法,可以帮你在压力来袭时战胜压力。1. Have self-compassion.1.自惜自怜Self-compassion is, in essence, cutting yourself some slack. Its being willing to lo
15、ok at your mistakes or failures with kindness and understanding without harsh criticism or defensiveness. Studies show that people who are self-compassionate are happier, more optimistic, and less anxious and depressed. Thats probably not surprising. But heres the kicker: they are more successful, t
16、oo. Most of us believe that we need to be hard on ourselves to perform at our best, but it turns out thats 100 percent wrong.So remember that to err is human, and give yourself a break.“自怜”在本质上是放自己一马。你更愿意用仁慈和理解的心态看待错误或失败而不是严厉的批评或抵触心理。研究表明那些自我怜悯的人更幸福、更乐观、焦虑和沮丧也会更少,这并不令人惊讶。但有趣的是:这些人也更成功。我们很多人认为对自己应该严格
17、些,这样才能表现的最好,但是结果说明这种想法大错特错。所以请记得人孰无过,要给自己休息的时间。2. Remember the Big Picture.2.记得“大愿景”Anything you need or want to do can be thought of in more than one way. For instance, exercising can be described in Big Picture terms, like getting healthier the why of exercising or it can be described in more conc
18、rete terms, like running two miles the how of exercising. Thinking Big Picture about the work you do can be very energizing in the face of stress and challenge, because you are linking one particular, often small action to a greater meaning or purpose. So when staying that extra hour at work at the
19、end of an exhausting day is thought of as helping my career rather than answering emails for 60 more minutes, youll be much more likely to want to stay put and work hard.你做的每件事都不只有一种思考方法。比方说,“锻炼”如果往大方面想,可以是“变得更健康”(锻炼的原因)或者是更具体的“跑两英里”(如何锻炼)。当面对压力或挑战时想想“大愿景”能让你很有动力,因为你把一个具体的、往往是很小的行动联系到很大的意义或目的上。所以当你劳
20、累一天后还要多做一小时工作时,想想“这对职业生涯有帮助”而不是“还要多回60分钟邮件”,这样你会更愿意加班并努力工作。3. Think about the progress that youve already made.3. 想想你已经取得的成就Psychologically, its often not whether weve reached our goal, but the rate at which we are closing the gap between where we are now and where we want to end up that determines
21、how we feel. It can be enormously helpful to take a moment and reflect on what youve accomplished so far before turning your attention to the challenges that remain ahead.从心理上说,我们怎么想不取决于能否达成目标,而在于如何快速缩小现实与目标的距离。在把注意力转向将来的挑战时,花点时间思考下目前取得的.成就,这将非常有用。4. Take five (or ten) minutes to do something you fi
22、nd interesting.花5到10分钟时间做让你感兴趣的事。It doesnt matter what it is, so long as it interests you. Recent research shows that interest doesnt just keep you going despite fatigue, it actually replenishes your energy. And then that replenished energy flows into whatever you do next.不管是什么,只要是让你感兴趣的事就行。最近研究表明兴趣
23、不只能让你在疲劳时继续前行,也能恢复能量。然后被恢复的能量可以帮你做接下来的事。Keep these two very important points in mind: First, interesting is not the same thing as pleasant, fun, or relaxing (though they are certainly not mutually exclusive.) Taking a lunch break might be relaxing, and if the food is good it will probably be pleasan
24、t. But unless you are eating at the new molecular gastronomy restaurant, it probably wont be interesting. So it wont replenish your energy.把以下两点铭记心中:首先,兴趣和高兴、有趣、放松不一样(虽然有共同之处)。午间休息或许可以放轻松,美食也会让人很愉悦,但是除非在新开的分子烹饪学餐厅用餐,不然也算不上“有兴趣”,所以也不会恢复你的能量。Second, interesting does not have to mean effortless. The sa
25、me studies that showed that interest replenished energy showed that it did so even when the interesting task was difficult and required effort.第二,兴趣不代表毫不费力的事。以上研究也同样表明,有兴趣的事可能会很困难,要很努力完成。5. Add where and when to your to-do list.5. 把时间和地点加在要做的事上Do you have a to-do list? And do you find that a day or
26、a week (or sometimes longer) will frequently pass by without a single item getting checked off? Stressful, isnt it? What you need is a way to get the things done that you set out to do in a timely manner.你有要做的事情吗?你会不会发现明明什么都没做,一天或一周(有时候会更久)就匆匆而逝呢?很有压力,是吧?你需要的是找到一种方法可以让事情按时做完。This particular form of
27、planning is a really powerful way to help you achieve any goal. Nearly 200 studies, on everything from diet and exercise to negotiation and time management, have shown that deciding in advance when and where you will complete a task (e.g., If it is 4pm, then I will return any phone calls I should re
28、turn today) can double or triple your chances of actually doing it.这里推荐一种强大的可以完成愿望的方法,即计划明细。从饮食、健康到协商、时间管理各个方面的将近200个研究,都显示(使用计划明细)事先计划完成任务的时间和地点(举个例子,下午四点,我要回那些今天本来要回的电话)可以将你真正完成事情的几率将提高两到三倍。6. See your work in terms of progress, not perfection.6. 把工作看成进步的方法,而不是追求完美。We all approach the goals we pur
29、sue with one of two mindsets: what I call the Be-Good mindset, where the focus is on proving that you have a lot of ability and that you already know what youre doing, and the Get-Better mindset, where the focus is on developing your ability and learning new skills. You can think of it as the difference between wanting to show that you are smart versus wanting to get smarter.我们都用两种心态达成目标:一种被我称为“把事情做好”的心态,主要用来证明你有能力,也已经知道如何做了。另一种是“将来可以更好”的心态,主要目的在提高能力和学习新技能上。你可以想想“展现自己
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