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1、* COMPANY STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序C O N F I D E N T I A L保密文件SUBJECT:PW/WFI SYSTEM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCEEffective Date生效日:SOP Number:SOP号PM-01-0001PW/WFI系统预维护Page:Page 11 of 15Supersedes Date:更换日期Dec.05, 20011. SCOPE范围1.1. To ensure correct maintenance of water preparation systems and con

2、tinuous production of PW/WFI quality water.保证水制备系统的正常维护,持续生产符合PW/WFI要求的水。2. DEFINITIONS定义2.1. PW USP Purified WaterPW符合美国药典的纯水2.2. WFI USP Water for InjectionWFI符合美国药典的注射用水3. REFERENCES参考3.1.United States Pharmacopeia , current revision美国药典,当前版本3.2 PW/WFI System Manual PW/WFI系统使用手册4. RESPONSIBILITY

3、- Maintenance/Engineering, QA职责维护、工程、QA人员5. ATTACHMENTS附录5.1. MF-01-0001-01: PW/WFI System Daily Maintenance Check MF-01-0001-01: PW/WFI 系统日常维护检查5.2. MF-01-0001-02: Maintenance Record of PW System MF-01-0001-02: PW 系统维护记录5.3. MF-01-0001-03: Maintenance Record of WFI System MF-01-0001-03: WFI 系统维护记录6

4、.PROCEDURES程序6.1. Maintenance of Pumps泵的维护6.1.1. The radiator of the pump motor, the cover and the shaft of cooling fan shall be checked daily. Please replace when any damage occurs.泵电机散热片,冷却风扇盖板和叶片应保持完整,如有损坏应立即更换。6.1.2. The pump shall be cleaned daily.泵应每日保持清洁。6.1.3. The operation of motor bearing

5、and shaft shall be checked by rob every day. Any abnormity shall be treated immediately. 泵的电机轴及轴承应每天用听棒检查运行声响,任何异常情况都应及时处理。6.1.4. The oiling point shall be lubricated with high temperature grease once a year.各加油点应定期每年补充高温润滑油脂。6.2. Contamination and Cleaning of RO Film反渗透膜的使用及清洗6.2.1. First Use of RO

6、 Film:新反渗透膜的初次使用The RO Film is kept in sealed plastic bags with storage mixture of 1% sodium bisulflate and 20% hydroxy-pyruvate. The bags shall have no damage before it is opened in time of installation. The film shall be put into film tube as soon as it is opened and could be used after cleaning.反

7、渗透膜保存在密封的塑料袋中,袋内为1%亚硫酸氢钠和20%羟基丙脂的混合液。在安装前袋子应完整无损。拆封后应马上放入膜管内,清洗后即可使用。6.2.2. There may be some Residual material on the RO film after long time operation of pure water. The reasons could be ineffective pre-treatment, improper control, polluted inlet water or wrong chemicals. The RO film must be clean

8、ed in the following procedures:由于净水长时间在RO膜上运行,RO膜上会结垢。结垢的原因有:预处理系统失效,控制不当,进水污染或使用错误的化学品。RO膜按以下程序清洗:. Prepare suitable cleaning solution with correct pH value per section 6.2.5. Be sure that all chemicals in the solution have been fully dissolved and evenly mixed to be transparent and clear so

9、lution before it is filled into the film.准备适当的清洗液,准确的PH值依照6.2.5节.在参加清洗液之前,确认所有的化学品已完全溶解混合均匀。. The solution is filled into the film tube by low pressure and flow of pump. The pressure shall be low enough that no osmosis happens. The cleaning solution shall be first discharged and then circulat

10、ed.用泵的低压流量打入膜管,低压控制在无渗透液产生.清洗液先排放后循环。. The acid will be consumed when it dissolves the inorganic sediment and its pH value shall rise by 0.5 unit. Add acid at that time until the pH value drops by 0.5.当酸溶解无机物沉淀时酸会消耗,PH值升高0.5个单位时,需加酸直到PH值下降0.5个单位。. Dipping: Shut off the pump. Dip the co

11、mponents in the solution for 1 hour or longer for dirt difficult to dissolve.浸泡:关掉泵.将元件浸泡在溶液中1小时,如有难溶污垢可延长浸泡时间。. High-speed Flushing: High-speed water flow in about 30 to 40 minutes will clear the dirt on the surface of the film.高速冲洗:用高速水流冲洗30到40分钟,将膜外表污垢冲洗出去。. The used solution will b

12、e discharged and sampled to compare with pure solution for analysis of the cleaning effect.排除清洗液,取样与原液分析比拟,确认清洗效果。. The flushing water shall be purified water in temperature of at least 20°C. The cleaning solution in the film must be cleared before normal operation of the system. 用不低于20&

13、#176;C的纯化水冲洗,在正常操作之前必须把膜内清洗液冲掉。. Clean Again: The film shall be flushed by purified water in at least 10 minutes. Normal production can begin only after it is rinsed clean.再清洗:用纯化水冲洗膜至少10分钟.冲洗干净后才能开始正常的生产。6.2.3. Contamination of Reverse Osmosis Film Module反渗透膜污染. After a period of norm

14、al operation, the complex polyamide reverse osmosis film module could be contaminated by some suspends or matters difficult to dissolve in water supply such as calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, metal oxide, silicon sediment, organic or inorganic sediments.运行一段时期后,复合反渗透膜会受到水中悬浮物和难溶物的污染,如碳酸钙,硫酸钙,金属氧

15、化物,硅沉积,无机物和有机物沉积物。The character of pollutant and contaminating speed depends on the quality of the water supply. The contamination can happen quickly and needs to be monitored because the film module can be damaged in a short period of time. 污染物的性质及污染速度与给水有关.污染发生很快需监控,因为污染会在很短的一段时间损坏膜。6.2.4. Elimina

16、tion of Pollutant污染物的去除The pollutant can be eliminated either chemically or physically. Therefore, the RO system shall be cleaned after daily operation in physical way of low pressure operation for 15 minutes in order to get rid of the surface dirt. But chemical cleaning must be done if any of the f

17、ollowing happens:污染物能够用化学或物理的方法去除.因此,RO系统每天运行后可以用物理冲洗的方法去除膜外表的沉积物。. The flow reduces by 10% of the normal flow even in normal pressure and temperature.在正常的压力和温度下流量降低正常值的10%。. The conductivity of the produced water has been more than double of the original conductivity in condition that

18、 the working pressure and inlet conductivity remains the same.在原水电导率和工作压力不变时,产品水电导率超过初期两倍时。. The difference of working pressure and the concentrated water has been more than double of the original value.工作压力和浓缩水超过初期两倍时。. The system has been stopped for a long time and needs to be seale

19、d.系统长时间停用需要封存。6.2.5. Cleaning Agent of the Reverse Osmosis Film Module反渗透组件清洗剂Several varied cleaning agents are prepared for pollutants of different reasons. Listed below are some agents often used:根据不同的原因配制了不同的清洗剂.常用的清洗剂见下表:No.Cleaning AgentFilling Quantity in Preparation of 30L SolutionPH Regulat

20、ion1Citric Acid柠檬酸RO Production Water反渗透产品水60g30LUse NH4OHFor PH=4.0用氨水调节至pH值为42STPP三聚磷酸钠EDIT Sodium Tetra-hydrochlorideEDIT四钠盐RO Production Water反渗透产品水60g30g30LUse H2SO4For PH=10.0用硫酸调节至pH值为 10.03STPP三聚磷酸钠Emulsifier ABSCa十二烧基苯磺酸钠RO Production Water反渗透产品水60g30g30LUse H2SO4ForPH=10.0 用硫酸调节至pH值为10430%

21、 H2O230%的双氧水RO Production Water反渗透产品水0.2LAdd to 30L加至30升Use NH4OHForPH=4.0用氨水调节至pH值为4Choose the best cleaning agent after chemical analysis has been done on the pollutant and careful comparison of the results. The ordinary choice is as follows:对污染物分析和比拟分析结果,选择最好的清洗剂。一般选择见下表:Pollutant 污染物Common Pheno

22、menon 常见现象Treatment 处理方法Calcium orMagnesium Sediment (CaCO3Ca2P04)钙镁沉积物Distinct Reduce of Desalination; 脱盐率明显下降Increase of System Pressure Drop; 系统压降增加Lower Water Production系统产水量稍降Use 1# Cleaning Agent用1号清洗液Oxide(iron, nickel, copper, etc.)氧化物铁、镍、铜等Distinct Reduce of Desalination;脱盐率明显下降Distinct Inc

23、rease of System Pressure Drop;系统压降明显升高Much Lower Water Production系统产水量明显降低Use 1# Cleaning Agent用1号清洗液Various Colloid (iron, organic matters and colloid)各种胶体铁、有机体及胶体Some Reduce of Desalination;脱盐率稍有降低Steady Increase of System Pressure Drop;系统压降渐上升Steadily Lower Water Production系统产水量逐渐减少Use 2# Cleanin

24、g Agent用2号清洗液Calcium Sulfate硫酸钙Distinct Reduce of Desalination;脱盐率明显下降Some Increase of System Pressure Drop;系统压降稍有适度增加Steadily Lower Water Production系统产水量稍有降低Use 2# Cleaning Agent用2号清洗液Organic Dirt有机物沉积Possible Reduce of Desalination;脱盐率可能降低Steady Increase of System Pressure Drop;系统压降逐渐升高Steadily Lo

25、wer Water Production系统产水量逐渐降低Normally Use 2# Cleaning Agent but 3# for severe contamination用2号清洗液,污染严重时用3号清洗液6.2.6. Bactericide and Protective Agent of Reverse Osmosis Film Module;反渗透膜组件杀菌剂和保护液:The kind of film module shall be clarified before any storage agents or bactericide is applied to it since

26、 the module could be acetic film or STPP complex. The film module provided by our company is normally complex film. If there is any sulfured hydrogen or dissolving iron ion or manganese ion, hydrogenated bactericide (chlorine or hydrogen peroxide) shall not be used. The free chlorine shall only be a

27、pplied to acetic film or it will damage the complex film module. STPP complex film shall use proper bactericide as follows:在对膜组件储存和杀菌之前确认膜组件是醋酸膜还是STPP复合膜.本公司一般是复合膜。如果给水含有任何硫化氢或溶解性的铁或锰离子,那么不应使用氧化性杀菌剂(氯气和双氧水).游离氯仅用于醋酸膜,它会损坏复合膜。下面是STPP复合膜适用的杀菌剂。. Formaldehyde solution in 0.51.0% solution is used

28、 as bactericide and daily protective agent.5%-10%甲醛溶液杀菌和常用的保护液。. Sodium bisulfate in 1% solution is used as protection agent of the film module.1%的硫酸氢钠溶液用于膜组件的保护液。 Hydrogen peroxide is used in a <2% solution in temperature <25 degree. There shall be no dissolvable iron or mangane

29、se ion in the water supply otherwise the film surface will be oxidized, which will cause degradation of film module. Hydrogen peroxide shall not be used as protective system when the is shut down for an extended period. 双氧水浓度小于%2,温度低于25度.给水中不含溶解性铁或锰离子.否那么会引起膜外表氧化而使膜组件降解.不应将双氧水作为长期停运时的保护液。The reverse

30、 osmosis film module could be used for >3 years when it is kept in good condition and cleaned regularly. 反渗透膜组件有良好的工作条件和有规律的清洗可以使用3年以上。6.3. Maintenance of Reverse Osmosis Device反渗透装置维护6.3.1. If the reverse osmosis system is down for no more then 3 days,The reverse Osmosis device (STPP film) shall

31、 be flushed for half an hour every day with water from the safety filter in low pressure. There must be 0.5ppm active chlorine in the water. And all valves shall be shut off to ensure that water has fully immersed the module.如果反渗透装置停运不超过三天,反渗透膜(STPP膜)装置每天用保安过滤器出低压水冲洗半个小时,水中保证0.5ppm活性氯气,然后关闭所有的阀门确保组件

32、中充满水。6.3.2. If the reverse device needs to stopped for a long period (more than 3 days), the module shall be immersed in 1% formaldehyde solution with all valves shut off. The device shall be checked every month. The environment temperature shall be kept proper free of mildew in summer and being fro

33、zen in winter (10% to 20% glycerin could be applied when necessary).如果反渗透装置需长期(超过3天)停运,反渗透膜组件浸泡在1%甲醛溶液中,关闭所有阀门。每月检查一次.夏天控制环境温度以防霉变,冬季防冻(必要时参加10-20%甘油)。6.3.3. The water for storage should be reverse osmosis water applied to formaldehyde reagent.保存水用反渗透水稀释甲醛试剂。6.4. The sand filter and carbon filter sh

34、all be flushed with water after daily use until the outlet water becomes clear.每天用水冲洗砂滤和活性炭过滤器直到出水变清。6.5. The core of the safety filter shall be replaced if the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet rises more than 0.15MPa.保安过滤器进出口压差超过0.15Mpa时更换滤芯。6.6. Periodical test and check shall be m

35、ade to ensure the proper workings of every instrument.定期试验和检查各仪表能准确工作。6.7. Periodical check shall be made to ensure the proper work of control head. Besides, the control head shall be adjusted and relocated every month.定期检查控制头的操作应准确无误,每隔一个月需对控制头重新进行设定及调整。6.8. The light tube of the ultraviolet bacter

36、ial killer shall be replaced regularly. The imported tube can be used for 5,000 hours while the domestic product can be used for 3,000 hours.紫外线杀菌器应定期更换,进口灯管的使用寿命规定为5000小时,国产灯管的使用寿命规定为3000小时。6.9. Check and Repair of High Pressure Pump高压泵的检查维修6.9.1. The reasons of failure of the high pressure pump co

37、uld be one of the following:高压泵的故障有以下原因:a. The motor temperature getting too high 电机温度过高b. Too high voltage电压太高c. Lack of phase缺相d. Break of power supply电源断路e. Numerous restarts屡次重新启动f. Too much electricity leakage漏电太高g. Overload超载h. The signal of sensors is out of specification (4-20mA)传感器的信号超过信号范围

38、(4-20毫安)i. The fixed signal is out of specification (4-20ma)设置信号超过信号范围(4-20毫安)j. Outside failure外部故障k. Empty run干运转6.9.2. A display of failure could be reset by either of the following ways;一个故障显示可用以下方法之一复原:· Simply press the button “+ or “- of the pump. But this way could be no use if the butt

39、on is locked.简单地按压泵上的按钮 “+ 或 “- ,如果按钮被锁定,那么此方法不能使用。· Simply cut off the power supply of the pump.简单地切断泵的电源。6.10. Repair and maintenance of Conductometer电导仪的维护及保养6.10.1. The monitor shall be free of exposure to the sun.防止显示面板被曝晒。6.10.2. The monitor shall be repeatedly checked to ensure best effe

40、ct of operation and to get rid of possible problem.重复检查监控程序以确保得到满意的操作效果和防止可能的故障。6.10.3. All cable connections shall be checked to be safe and free of moisture or contamination.检查全部电缆的连接是否平安,并防止潮湿和受污染。6.10.4. The circuit components and cable fittings shall be checked and replaced if damaged.检查和更换被损坏的

41、电路元件和电缆装置。6.11. The hydrophobic filter in storage tank of pure water and injection water shall be replaced every year and completely tested every 3 months.纯水和注射用水储罐上的疏水性过滤器每年必须更换一次。每隔三个月需进行一次完整性测试。6.12. The reverse osmosis system shall be run at least half an hour in winter and separately half an ho

42、ur in the morning and evening in summer in order to ensure the normal operation and water quality of the system free of bacteria.为了防止反渗透系统滋生细菌,影响系统的正常运行和产水水质,冬天每天至少要运行半小时,夏天必须早晚各运行半小时。6.13. The chlorine content in reverse inlet water shall be controlled under 0.1mg/L. The inlet water quality shall b

43、e periodically checked. If the chlorine content exceeds the standard, the RO film will be oxidized and decomposed. Therefore, the active carbon shall be replaced in a timely manner.反渗透进水余氯含量必须控制在小于0.1毫克/升,必须定期检测反渗透进水的水质,当余氯含量超过规定值时,会导致RO膜的氧化分解,所以,活性炭失效后需及时更换。6.14. The heating steam supplied to the d

44、istiller shall be saturated and dry steam in invariable pressure without caustic chemicals. The pressure of the steam should be above 0.3 MPa and below 0.6 MPa. It is recommended to fix steam filter (above 40 holes), pressure reducing system and drainage system in pipes that will go into the distill

45、er.给蒸馏水机供给的加热蒸汽一般应是饱和枯燥的,不含腐蚀性化学物质,且应保持蒸汽压力恒定不波 动。蒸汽压力应大于0.3 Mpa,小于0.6 MPa, 建议用户在进入蒸馏水机前的管道上安装蒸汽过滤器 (40目以上) 、减压系统、疏水系统。6.15. The inlet water of distiller shall be purified water with conductivity <2.0 µs/cm without silicon dioxide or chlorine ion.蒸馏水机的进料水应是纯化水,电导率<2.0 µs/cm,不含二氧化硅和氯离

46、子。6.16. Periodical check shall be made to steam trap and filter. The inlet water filter shall be cleaned after 1 week at the beginning and be cleaned twice very year thereafter.疏水器和过滤器应定期检查.经一周时间的运转后,清洗进料水过滤器,此后每年清洗过滤器两次。6.17. The cooling water shall be purified water with inlet pressure no less tha

47、n 0.2 MPa. The outlet temperature of cooling water is about 85°C.冷却水用纯化水,要求进水压力不小于0.2 Mpa,冷却水排出后温度约在85°C左右。6.18. Installation and Commission of Water Pump: The rotating direction of the water pump shall be correct when the pump is installed for the first time or replaced. The pump shall be

48、 checked to determine whether there is air in pump or if there is no water when the pump starts. In this case, remove the end cap at outlet of the pump and filled the pump fully with water. Then replace the cap and start the pump again. The maintenance of the pump shall follow the brochure of pump e

49、xplanation. Be sure to periodically fill lubricating oil.水泵的安装和调试:水泵的初次安装和更换新泵时,应注意水泵叶轮的转向,假设水泵启动后不出液,那么应检查水泵内是否有气体。翻开水泵出水口一侧的堵头放气,放出水泵内气体并充满水,重新装填堵 头,启动水泵即可出水。水泵的保养应按水泵的说明书进行,并定期加注润滑油。6.19. Be sure that no water gets on the motor using the sampling valve.使用取样阀时应防止将水滴溅到电机上。6.20. The pipes connected

50、to the pump shall be cleaned before installation. 外接管道需仔细清洗后安装。6.21. The feed water shall be checked often to reach the quality standard of pure water specified by US Pharmacopoeia (24th edition).要经常监测进料水的水质情况,使之到达美国药典(第24版)中关于纯化水的质量标准。6.22. The distiller shall be cleaned in the following conditions

51、:蒸馏水机出现以下情况时,需要进行清洗:When the production capability of the distiller is distinctly low; when there is dirt on the surface of the heat exchanger. The distiller shall be chemically cleaned by manufacturer.当蒸馏水机的生产能力显著下降时,当确信有污垢沉积在换热器的外表时,对蒸馏水机进行的化学清洗需要由制造厂来进行。6.23. Periodical monitoring shall be done w

52、hen the system is in normal operation. The inlets and outlets of pure water and water for injection shall be sampled and tested and each point shall be tested at least once a month. The use points of the water for injection shall be alternatively sampled and tested at each point and at least once a

53、week.系统正常运行后应定期对水质进行监测:纯化水及注射水进、回水口应每天取样检测,纯化水用水点应轮流取样,必须保证各个用水点每月至少取样一次,注射水用水点应轮流取样, 必须保证各个用水点每周至少取样一次。6.24. Chemicals Preparation:药液配置:Chemicals put into purified water for pretreatment shall be a flocculant and scale inhibitor both in concentration of 1.0 ppm.纯化水预处理加药:絮凝剂、阻垢剂浓度均为1.0ppm。Alkali lye

54、 shall be added after class I reverse osmosis for pH=14.一级反渗透后加碱液:pH=14。7. RECORDS 记录RECORD记录LOCATION存放位置MINIMUM RETENTION保存期限MF-01-0001-01Maintenance, Engineering10 Yrs.MF-01-0001-02Maintenance, Engineering10 Yrs.MF-01-0001-03Maintenance, Engineering10 Yrs.MF-01-0001-04Maintenance, Engineering10 Yrs.8. CHANGE HISTORY:变更历史8.1.Last Change: Dec.05, 2001上次变更:2001年12月5日8.2.Summary of Current Revisions Made本次修订概述8.2.1. Add an attachment IV: Cleaning Record of RO Membrane.增加附录 IV :反渗透膜清洗记录QA Review By:QA审核人Date:日期 Issued By:发行人Date: 日期PW/WFI DAILY MAINTENANCE


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