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1、"迷失" 前情提要.Previously on "Lost".臭丫头Son of a bitch.把枪放下!我怀孕了.我们马上送你去医院 Locke先生?We're gonna get you to the hospital. Mr. Locke?Locke先生?Mr. Locke?你弄清楚 他们藏在潜水艇上的东西了?You found what they were hiding in the submarine?一清二楚I most certainly did.啊!Aah!- 你好 Hugo - 我们得跟你谈谈- Hello, Hugo. -

2、We have to talk to you."我们"?"We"?好了 伙计们Okay, guys.出来吧Come on out.你好 JackHello, Jack.我正等着你呢I was hoping you'd come.我想 我们得好好叙叙旧呢I think we have some catching up to do.Hurley啊.Hurley.来见他是你的主意This was your idea.我跟他谈谈 没事吧?You all right with me talking with him alone?自己当心 伙计It'

3、s all you, dude.走吧 去谈吧All right, let's catch up.你这模样真像他You look just like him.没给你造成困扰吧?Does it bother you?不 让我困扰的是No, what bothers me is- 我根本不晓得你是什么东西 - 这倒是- I don't have any idea what the hell you are. - Sure you do.为什么挑John Locke?Why John Locke?因为他笨得相信Because he was stupid enough to believ

4、e自己是基于某个理由 而到这儿来的that he'd been brought here for a reason,因为他对此始终坚信不疑 直到因此身亡because he pursued that belief until it got him killed,还因为你的善良and because you were kind enough用一具精致木棺 将他的遗体运载来此to bring his body back here in a nice wooden box.还因为你要扮成他 所以他必须得死吧He had to be dead before you could look lik

5、e him.没错That's right.你还想扮成谁?Who else have you looked like?Jack 你到底想问我什么?Jack, what do you really want to ask me?我们到这儿来的第三天 我看见.The third day we were here, I saw.我在林间追逐我爸.I chased my father through the jungle.我. 已故的父亲My. my dead father.他也是你扮成的?Was that you?没错 是我Yes, that was me.为什么?Why?你需要找到水源You

6、 needed to find water.可能说出来你不信 JackThis may be hard for you to believe, Jack,但我所做的一切都是为了帮你but all I've ever been interested in is helping you.帮我?Help me?干嘛?To do what?离开这里Leave.因为Jacob选了你But because Jacob chose you,所以在你没来之前 你就已经注定要受困此岛you were trapped on this island before you even got here.但现在

7、Jacob死了But now Jacob's dead.我们再也不用被困在这儿了We don't have to be trapped anymore.我们可以登上飞机 想走就走We can get on an airplane and fly away anytime we want to.如果我们真的想走就能走And if we can just fly away whenever we want,那你为何还在这里?why are you still here?因为我得找齐所有人Because it has to be all of us.怎么了?What?我们当中 Joh

8、n Locke是唯一一个John Locke was the only one of us对该地抱有信仰的人that ever believed in this place.他竭尽全力He did everything he could阻止我们离岛to keep us from leaving this island.John Locke可不是个信徒 JackJohn Locke was not a believer, Jack.他不过是个傻瓜He was a sucker.心率过速 当前值为130 血压持续降低Sinus tach at 130, B.P. dropping.最新数据62/3

9、0Last read was 62 over 30,- 可能由内出血造成 - 神经可有受损迹象?- Possibly due to internal bleeding. - Any signs of neurological damage?下半身无反应No response in lower reflexes.- 因为他下半身瘫痪了 - 你认识他?- That's because he's a paraplegic. - You know this man?嗯 他是我们学校的代课老师 他姓.Yes. He's a substitute teacher at my sch

10、ool. His name is.Locke 我们都称他Locke先生 我不知道他的名字Locke. Mr. Locke. I don't know his first name.但他有轮椅的 轮椅哪儿去了?But he uses a wheelchair. Where is it?早变成碎片了 搞不好是轮椅救了他一命Smashed to pieces, that thing probably saved his life.我看到了肇事者 就是那个逃逸司机I saw the man that did this, the. the hit-and-run driver.- 他. 他到过我

11、们学校门口 - 等到了医院 你可以把这些告诉警♥察♥- He. he was at our school. - When we get to the hospital, you can talk to the cops.- 你知道 这事我们该通知谁吗? - 我不知道 我之前就说过 我跟他不是很熟- But do you know anyone we can contact for him? - I have no idea. Like I said, I barely know him.- Helen - 你说什么?- Helen. - What d

12、id you say?通知Helen NorwoodHelen Norwood.我本来打算. 娶她的I was. gonna marry her.呃.Well.你照样可以娶她啊You're still gonna marry her因为你会好起来的 Locke先生'Cause you're gonna be okay, Mr. Locke.叫我JohnJohn.我的名字叫JohnMy name is John.钝击外伤患者 男性 年近50Blunt force trauma victim, late 40s male,- 他需要做CT扫描 - 枪伤患者 女性- He n

13、eeds a C.T. Scan. - We got a gunshot wound here. Female.- 射入伤. 伤口位于右上腹 - 孩子! 孩子!- Entry wound. upper right quadrant. - Baby! Baby!嗯 先生 我明白的 她怀孕了Yes, sir. I understand. She's pregnant.- 我们会照顾好她的 - 孩子!- We're gonna take good care of her. - Baby!- 有外出血现象 失血量500cc - 孩子!- 500 lost CC'S. Exter

14、nal blood loss. - Baby!我们会尽力救治的We're gonna do everything we can.不. 不!Sun. 怎么了?是他!怎么了?What is it?出来吧You can come out.你一直在跟踪我们 Claire?You following us, Claire?没错Yeah.为什么?Why?因为他是我哥哥'Cause he's my brother.看来 你们有很多话要说啊Looks like you two have a lot of catching up to do.我不打扰你们了I'll leave y

15、ou to it.Claire 对. 对不起.Claire, I'm. I'm so sorry th.他告诉你了吗?Did he tell you?他就是那个假装我们父亲的人?That he was the one pretending to be our father?是的Yeah.是的 他告诉我了Yeah, he told me.我几乎已经不指望You know, I pretty much gave up hoping你会回来了that you'd ever come back.既然你来了.Now that you're here.很. 很高兴见到你 J

16、ackIt's.it's good to see you, Jack.我也很高兴见到你Yeah, it's good to see you, too.我. 我从来没有感受过家庭的温存You know, I. I never really had much in the way of family,所以. 你能和我们在一起 这意义非同一般So it. really means a lot that you're coming with us.其实 我还. 拿不定主意 要不要和你们在一起Actually, I haven't. I haven't d

17、ecided if I'm coming with you.不 你已经决定了Yeah, you have.你什么意思?What do you mean?你让他和你说话的时候 就已经决定好了You decided the moment you let him talk to you,就和我们一样Just like the rest of us.就这么回事So, yeah,无论你喜不喜欢Whether you like it or not,你现在都和他在一起了you're with him now.迷失 第6季第13集他有一艘潜艇?He's got a submarine?

18、小声点 该死的Keep your voice down, damn it.没错 Widmore有一艘潜艇Yeah, Widmore's got a sub.- 我们可以用它来离开这个岛 - 要告诉Sun吗?- We're using it to get off this rock. - Are we gonna tell Sun?Kate正在和她说Kate's telling her now.我觉得我们要避免乱成一团I thought we might want to avoid huddles.那Sayid呢?What about Sayid?没算上Sayid 他变坏

19、了Sayid ain't invited. He's gone over to the dark side.没错 但你总能让别人弃恶从善Yeah, but you can always bring people back from the dark side.- 我是说 Anakin. - Anakin是谁?- I mean, Anakin. - Who the hell's Anakin?听着 闭上你的嘴 对其他人要只字不提Look, just keep your mouth shut. Don't say nothin' to no one.嘿Hey

20、.嘿 ClaireHey, Claire.嘿 HurleyHey, Hurley.你气色不错哦You look great.大家又重新聚在一起了 真是太棒了It's so nice to have everyone back together again.想吃苹果吗?Want an apple?嘿 Schaub 是我带她来这儿的Hey, Schaub, I'm the one who brought her in.能让我们单独待会儿吗?Wanna give us a minute?Katherine Anne Austen因纵火Katherine Anne Austen.Wan

21、ted for arson,和袭击联邦官员assault on a federal officer,以一级谋杀罪被通缉murder in the first degree.真有意思 你打我的样子 可不像是一个谋杀犯啊Funny. You don't strike me as the murdering kind.那是因为我不是啊That's because I'm not.等联邦干探来的时候 你可以把这话告诉他们You be sure and mention that to Feds when they get here.你到底想干嘛?There something y

22、ou wanted?还记得我吗? 在机场的时候?You remember me? From the airport?我们坐的同一个从悉尼回来的航♥班♥We were on the same flight from Sydney.是的 我记得Yeah, I remember.你不觉得这有点奇怪吗.Well, don't you think it's weird.你和我坐的同一个航♥班♥You and me being on the same flight,又在电梯里偶遇?having that

23、 little meet-up in the elevator?一周后. 砰And a week later. boom.洛杉矶有那么多汽车 你偏偏撞到了我的车Of all the cars in Los Angeles, you smash into mine.就像有人要把我们拴在一块儿Almost like someone's trying to put us together.你在跟我搭讪吗?Are you hitting on me?没可能的 宝贝It'd never work, sweetheart.- 我是个警♥察♥ 你是

24、个杀人犯. - 我跟你说过了 我不是杀人犯- I'm a cop. You're a murderer. - I already told you. I'm not a murderer.好吧 但我还是警♥察♥啊Yeah, well, I'm still a cop.那你为什么不抓我呢?So why didn't you arrest me?我已经抓住你了I did arrest you.不 在洛杉矶国际机场的电梯里No, in L.A.X., the elevator.你看见我带着手铐You saw I wa

25、s wearing handcuffs.我没看到有什么手铐啊I didn't see any handcuffs.我只看到了All I saw was一个想要人帮忙开门的美女a pretty lady who needed the door held open for her.你知道我在想什么吗?You know what I think?我觉得你放了我 是因为你去过澳大利亚I think you let me go because you went to Australia,但你又不想让别人知道你去了那儿and you didn't want anyone to know y

26、ou were there.当联邦干探来的时候 我该把这告诉他们吗?Should I tell that to the Feds when they get here?- 哦 我喜欢你 - 哦- Oh, I like you. - Oh.Jim 抓到了一个活的 快点Jim. Got a live one. Come on.对不起Sorry.有任务Duty calls.有家饭店发生了一桩多人凶杀案 我们正介入调查中We caught a multiple homicide at a restaurant.死者是一名叫Keamy的歹徒Victims were a lowlife named Kea

27、my还有他三名手下and three goons on his payroll.现场有一名韩国女子中弹Korean female G.S.W. at the scene,她的男友目击了一切 但他不会说英语and her boyfriend witnessed it, but he doesn't speak English.有嫌疑人的消息吗?Any suspects?是的 一台ATM机上的探头Yeah, an A.T.M. surveillance camera拍到了这个家伙逃离现场的画面grabbed this jaboney fleeing the scene.很好 查一下这个人叫

28、什么All righty. Put a name to that face.那就是我们要抓的人That's our bad guy.他变了He's different now.我想我们都变了Guess we're all different now.Locke跟你说了什么?So what did Locke say to you?他说他想要离开这儿He said that he wants to leave,而且我们必须一起走and we all have to go together.- 你相信他吗? - 我不知道- And do you believe him? -

29、 I'm not sure yet.举起手来Hands up.不许动Stop right there.管事的人呢?Where's the man in charge?她是谁?Who's she?她是Widmore的副手That's Widmore's Number Two.有什么可以帮忙的吗?What can I do for ya?你从我们这儿拿了点东西 我们想要回来You took something from us, and we want it back.对不起 我不知道你在说些什么I'm sorry. I don't know

30、what you're talking about.稍安勿躁It's Okay.- 确定我的位置了吗? - 定位完毕- Do you have a fix on my position? - Roger that.让他们看看我们的本事Show them what we're capable of.傍晚之前 把你拿走的东西还回来You have until nightfall to return what you took.否则 下次射中的就是你们了or next time, we won't miss.准备好让我们来接他的时候 给我打电♥话

31、♥Call me when you're ready for us to pick him up.那么.Well.我们开干吧Here we go.嗯 嗨 我和西太平洋收养局Uh, hi. I have an appointment有个预约with the Western Pacific Adoption Agency.在十五楼 请先签字登记15th floor. And sign in, please.好的Sure.你好Hey there.你好吗?How are you?嗯 我们在机场见过吗. 在 嗯 行李领♥取♥处Uh

32、, we met at the airport. the, uh, the baggage claim.哦 对 嗨Oh, yeah. Hi.嗨 我是Desmond 全名是Desmond HumeHi. I'm Desmond. Desmond Hume.嗯 我还不知道你的名字 嗯.Um, I never got your name. Uh."Claire Littleton"啊"Claire Littleton."嗯. 你最近怎么样?So. so how you doin'?嗯 我很好 现在好多了 之前略有受惊Um, I'm ok

33、ay. Better now. I actually had a bit of a scare.- 结果进了医院 - 哦 不 抱歉一问 你.- Ended up in the hospital. - Oh, no. I'm sorry. Are you.哦 不 现在都没事了 所以.Oh, no. It's all good now, so.哦 顺便说一句 嗯 你猜对了Oh, by the way, uh, you were right.是个男孩It's a boy.我对这方面的感觉异常灵敏I have a nose for these things.我说 嗯.Look,

34、 um.抱歉 我想问一个私人点的问题 嗯Excuse me if this sounds a bit personal, but, um,我无意间发现I couldn't help noticing你要去收养局. 而且独自一人去you're going to an adoption agency. alone.嗯. 对 你说得对 这是个私人问题Uh. Yeah. You're right. It is personal.不 我是说 你应该找个. 代表律师No, I just meant you should have some. some legal represent

35、ation.什么 你是律师?What, are you a lawyer?不 不是No. No.但是 嗯 我正好要去见一位律师But, uh, it just so happens that I'm on my way to see one.你知道 收养合同很麻烦You know, adoption contracts are complicated.你该留神点儿And you should be careful因为你可能会陷入麻烦because you could find yourself in a situation而且永无宁日that's irreversible.问题

36、是 我. 我没钱请律师Yeah, I. I don't have money for a lawyer.到几楼?What floor?嗯. 我. 我也要去十五喽Um. I'm. I'm going to 15 as well.听我说 这位 嗯 我要见的这位律师. 她很出色Look, this, um, this attorney I'm seeing. she's excellent.嗯 还有 她欠我一个人情Uh, you know, plus, she owes me a favor.所以.So.你为什么不去见见她呢?Why don't you

37、 just come and meet her?况且 我觉得她能给你实际帮助You know, I think she could really help you.我保证Look, I promise you,不花你一分钱It won't cost you a cent.拜托Please.能帮到你的话 我万分高兴It'd be my absolute pleasure.嗯 好吧Uh, sure.太好了 这边请Great. This way.谢谢Thanks.嗨 嗯 我是Desmond Hume 来见Verdansky女士 麻烦你Hi. Uh, Desmond Hume to s

38、ee Ms. Verdansky, please.哦 是的 Hume先生 她在等你Oh, yes. Mr. Hume. She's expecting you.- 请坐 - 好- Have a seat. - Great.嗨 嗯. 谢谢Hey, um. Thank you.不客气You're very welcome.Desmond啊Desmond!啊 IlanaAh, Ilana.嗯 Claire 这位是IlanaUh, Claire, this is Ilana.Ilana 这位是我的朋友Ilana, I'd like you to meet a friend of

39、 mine,- Claire littleton - 呃.- Claire littleton. - Um.我真希望你能够帮助她I was hoping you'd be able to help her.冒昧问下I'm sorry.你叫Claire Littleton 从澳大利亚来?Claire Littleton from Australia?呃 我们认识吗?Um, do I know you?不 但这是个巧合No, but this is quite a coincidence.我们一直都在找你呢We've been looking for you.Desmond

40、 可以让我和Littleton女士单独Desmond, do you mind if I speak with Ms. Littleton alone聊几分钟吗?for a few minutes?当然 没问题的 去聊吧No. Absolutely fine. Go right ahead.大家听着Listen up, everyone.嗨Hey.出什么事儿了?What's going on?那些人又想要杀我们People are trying to kill us again.这事出乎我意料之外All this is happening a bit sooner than I'

41、;d expected,这些人胁迫我们but these people have forced our hand,口口声声说 我们偷了他们的东西claiming we stole something from them,想要挑事trying to provoke us into a confrontation.如果他们想打 那我们就打Well, if that's what they want, that's what they'll get.拿上你们的东西Gather your things.我们要到另一个岛去 然后登上那架飞机We're going to t

42、he other island and we're getting on that plane.James 我需要你帮我点忙James, I need your help with something.有艘船停在There's a boat moored离这数小时路程外的海岸边just a few hours down the shore from here.我要你去弄来 然后跟我们I want you to get it and meet the rest of us在断崖的另一头会合on the other side of these bluffs.我们大家一起划船去另一个

43、岛We'll all sail over to the other island together.- 你能办到吗 James? - 为什么我们不一起去弄船?- Can you do that, James? - How come we're not all heading for it together?人越多 办起事来越麻烦The bigger the group, the slower it moves.- 好吧 我需要个帮手 - 随你挑- All right. I could use another pair of hands. - Take whoever you w

44、ant.怎么样 雀斑女? 你知道怎么划桨吗?How about it, Freckles? Know anything about sailing?知道I know enough.好的 我们等着你们 Sayid 你有空吗?Good. We'll be waitin' for ya. Sayid, you got a minute?能帮我个忙吗?Can you give me a hand with somethin'?听着 我只说一遍Listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once.我们不到集&hear

45、ts;合♥地点去接LockeWe're not going to that rendezvous point我和Widmore做了个交易to pick up Locke. I got a deal with Widmore.是什么交易?What kind of deal?听我说 只要一有机会Just listen. First chance you get,你就折回来 到这个地点You double back, hoof it to this spot.这儿有一个废弃的码头There's an old dock.拽上Hugo Sun 和Lapidus Ka

46、te和我会在那儿跟你们会合Grab Hugo, Sun and Lapidus. Kate and I will meet you there.那Sayid和Claire呢?What about Sayid and Claire?Sayid就是个傀儡 Claire疯疯癫癫的Sayid's a zombie and Claire's nuts.从她想杀Kate的那一刻起 飞机上就没她的位置了She gave up her ticket when she tried to kill kate,而且我不会再让她有机会对Kate下手了and I ain't gonna let

47、that happen again.叫上Hugo Sun 和那个飞行员 只有这些人 明白吗?That's Hugo, Sun and the pilot. Only them. Understand?但是我怎么带大家从. 从Locke的眼皮底下离开?But how am I supposed to get us away from. from Locke?你自己想办法You figure it out.准备开路了吗?Ready to roll?- 刚才那是怎么回事? - 男人间的对话- What was that all about? - Guy talk.我要你去我处理Desmond

48、的地方I need you to go out to where I've got Desmond.我以为你不打算让他活着回来了I thought you weren't going to give him back.我的确有这打算I'm not.我要你去杀了他You're gonna kill him.这不会有什么问题的 对吧 Sayid?And that's not gonna be a problem, is it, Sayid?你仍想要我做成那件答应你的事 对吗?You do still want what you asked me for, r

49、ight?是的 我想Yes, I do.那就按我说的做Then go do what I said.如果你要冷血地把我♥干♥掉 兄弟.If you're gonna shoot me in cold blood, brother.我觉得我有权知道I think I have a right to know你能得到什么what you're gettin' in exchange for it.他告诉我 我可以找回我失去的一些东西He told me I could get something back I lost.那你失去了

50、什么?And what did you lose?我爱的女人The woman I loved.她现在在哪儿?And where is she now?她死了Dead.你凭什么觉得Locke可以把她带回来?And what makes you think Locke can bring her back?我死过一次.I died.他把我救活了And he brought me back.那你怎么对她说?So what will you tell her?你什么意思?What do you mean?这个女人.This woman.当她问你 你是怎么才和她重聚的.when she asks yo

51、u what you did to be with her again.你怎么对她说?what will you tell her?Sayid啊Sayid.出什么事儿了?What's going on?现在你一身轻松了Everything will be okay for you now.我处理好了I took care of it.你什么意思? 你去哪儿?What do you mean? Where are you going?我得走了I have to leave.你伤人了吗?Did you hurt someone?Nadia 我要走了Nadia, I'm leavin

52、g,我永远也不能再回来了and I'm never going to be able to come back again.你干了什么 Sayid?What did you do, Sayid?拖住他们Stall them.是谁?Who is it?洛杉矶警♥察♥局L.A.P.D.我能看看证件吗?May I see some identification?请你把门打开 可以吗?Can you open the door, please?Jarrah夫人 我是Straume探员Mrs. Jarrah, I'm detective Str

53、aume.我要问你几个问题I need to ask you some questions.你有时间吗?You have a few minutes?好的 趴下That's good. Stay down.Sayid Jarrah啊?Sayid Jarrah?你被捕了You're under arrest.船被吹到那儿了There she blows.准备好沾水了吗?You ready to get wet?哦Oh.你确定这是个好主意吗?You sure this is a good idea?你看见桥了吗?You see a bridge?- 回去接Locke - 当然不是-

54、 Going back to get Locke. - Of course not.这是个烂点子 所以我们不会那么做It's a terrible idea, which is why we ain't doing it.什么?What?我们要甩下LockeWe're gonna ditch Locke.你 我 Jack Hurley Sun 还有那个长得像You, me, Jack, Hurley, Sun and that pilot that looks likeBurt Reynolds电影里某角色的飞行员he's stepped off the set

55、 of a Burt Reynolds' movie.你当初打算瞒我到什么时候?When were you planning on telling me this?就现在Now.等等 你没说ClaireWait. You didn't say Claire.因为没算上她'Cause she ain't comin'.你回岛上想找的那个Claire 已经不在了The Claire you came back for is gone.我保证过 要把她带回去I promised I would bring her back.那是在Claire投靠Locke之前

56、That was before she started drinkin' Locke's Kool-Aid.她很危险 你真的想让她待在Aaron身边吗?She's dangerous. You really want her around Aaron?我们走 时间不多了Let's go. We ain't got much time.嗨 ClaireHey, Claire.嗨 JackJack.你跟着Locke多久了?How long have you been with Locke?从你们离开的时候起Ever since you left.那么你信任他?So you trust him?对Yeah.为什么?Why?因为他是唯一一个没有抛弃我的人'Cause he's the only one that didn't abandon me.Sun 你看见Sayid了吗?Sun, have you seen Sayid?在半英里前的地方 他就应该追上咱们了He was supposed to catch up


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