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1、精品文档Unit7Topic1Section A一、学习目标宾语从句二、知识积累1.举办美食节havehold a food festival2.解放儿童Free the Children3.向某人求助turn to sb. ask sb for help4.与某人取得联系get in touch with sb.5.尽某人最大力量trydo ones best三、重难点讲解1.Turn turn to sb. = ask sb for help 向某人求助It s ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 in turn take turns 轮流练习: I will turn

2、 to our teachers.= I will _ _ _ _ _ We can ask the police for help when we are in trouble.= We can _ _ _ _ when we are in trouble. _ _ _ _ sweep the floor轮.到我扫地了。 The boys called out their names in turn.= The boys _ _ to call out their names. We take turns to do the housework.= We do the housework _

3、 _.精品文档2.imagine sb. imagine+宾语从句 表达某人的看法和想象 imagine doing sth. imagine sb doing sth练习: I imagine (that) _ _ _ _.我(想他要迟到了) You can imagine _ on the moon.你可以想象是坐在月球上。 Can you imagine _ _ dinner? 你能想象她做饭的情景吗?3.宾语从句。要注意三个方面,即引导词、语序和时态。( 1)由连词 that 引导的宾语从句。that 在从句中不充当任何成分, 只起连接作用,口语中常省略。( 2)宾语从句的时态: a.

4、主句使用现在时,从句允许使用任何时态。b.主句使用过去时,从句须使用过去时态的某种形式C.如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理、事实、自然状况等,其时态常用一般现在时。巧学秒记:宾语从句三注意,时态、语序、引导词。主句若是过去式,主从时态要一致。宾从表达是真理,一般现在就可以。引导词也不难,陈述可用that 连。一般问句表“是否”,if ,whether 来引导。特殊疑问句作宾从,疑问词引导就能行。还有一点要说明,陈述语序要记清。.精品文档Unit7Topic1Section B一、知识积累1.喜欢吃甜食have a sweet tooth like eating sweet food2.西方食物we

5、stern food3.美国巧克力甜饼American chocolate cookies4.希腊奶酪派Greek cheese pies5.印度食物Indian food6.印度咖喱Indian curries7.中国炒饭Chinese fried rice8.日本寿司Japanese sushi9.意大利披萨饼Italian pizza10.南非咖喱牛肉South African curry二、重点讲解1.Will you please tell me something about yourself and Free the Children?讲解: Will you please do

6、 sth. .?是一种很客气地请求对方做某事的句子,其否定句是在 do 后加 not,意为:请不要做 .好吗?练习: .Will you please _ _ toys?(请为他买玩具好吗?) Will you please _ _ here? 请(不要在这里吸烟好吗?)2.Ill send you an e-mail later on, OK?讲解 later on 意为“再过些时候”,用于将来时。 Hell call me later on.later on 意为“后来”时,用于过去时。Later on, he got a job.一段时间 +later,意为“ .之后,过了 .”,用于过

7、去时。.精品文档two days later =after two days 两天之后相关短语: sooner or later 迟早,早晚see you later 一会见half an hour later 半小时后三、巩固检测1. In _ (west) countries, people often say“How do you do ?”when they meet for the first time.2. I like South _ (Africa) beef curry very much. Can you serve me more? Sure.3. () The book

8、 is _ for children to read. There are few new words in it.A.enough easyB. easy enoughC. enough difficultD. difficult enough4.() Mike comes from _. He can cook delicious _ curries.A. Indian, IndiaB. India, IndianC. Indian, IndiaD.Indian, Indian5.() -I m sorry I lost your pen. - _ I have another one.A

9、. Never mindB. Youre welcomeC. Thats rightD. You must pay for it6.- I have a sweet t_. So I am a little fat.- Youd better eat fewer candies.精品文档Unit7Topic1Section C一、知识积累1.结果 as a result2.一大群人 a large crowd of people3.出发,启程start out4.为了 in order to二、重点讲解1.I regret that I cannot come.regret 意为:懊悔,惋惜,

10、遗憾。可接名词、代词、动名词做宾语,也可接宾语从句,可接动词不定式regret to do sth后悔(没做)某事regret doing sth 后悔(曾经)做过某事变形: regrettingregretted2.As a result, a bad man killed him.as a result 结果,因此,在句中作状语拓展: as athe result of. 由于 .的结果Eg. She died as a result of her injuries.3.We students will cook many delicious International foods sel

11、l them in order to raise money for a village school in Kenya.in order to 为了,它引导的动词不定式短语作目的状语,可放在句中或句首。 in order to 的否定结构为 in order not to。Eg. She got up early this morning in order not to miss the early bus.拓展: so as to 和 in order to一样,可接不定式短语作目的状语,只是它不能.精品文档放在句首。 in order that 引导目的状语从句,可以用so that和

12、in order to 替换。Eg. He works hard in order that so that he can succeed.= He works hard in order to succeed.三、巩固检测:翻译下列句子1.李明很强壮,因为他经常参加运动会。2.我弟弟今早起床晚了,结果他上学迟到了。3.为了抵抗日本军队,很多中国人在战争中失去了生命。.精品文档Unit7Topic1Section D一、知识积累与重点讲解1.He works for the rights of children.Right n.权利I have the right of living here

13、.2.Lets make Craigs dream come e true “.实现,变成现实“,梦想、愿望、希望之类的词,放在短语前作主语。3.某国、某国人及其复数China _ _Japan _ _America _ _Australia_ _Canada _ _India _ _Russia _ _South Africa_ _Italy _ _Germany _ _Greece _ _France_ _England _ _二、巩固检测A. 用方框中选择合适的单词,用其正确形式填空regret west successful member blind 1.Lets he

14、lp the _ man cross the road.2.In most _ countries, Christmas is the most important festival.3.There are five _ in our singing group.4.The secret of my _ is being confident.精品文档5.If you dontstudy hard now, youll _ in the future.B.根据汉语提示补全句子。1.为了能早点到车站,他车开得很快。_ _ _ get the station earlier, he is divin

15、g fast.2.我会尽最大的努力去完成那个任务。I will _ _ _ to finish that task.3.你是什么时候与他取得联系的?When did you _ _ _ _ her?.精品文档Unit7Topic2Section A一、教学目的1.学习由 ifwhether 引导的宾语从句。2.能准确运用表顺序的副词。first, second, next, then, after that, finally,描述事情发生的先后顺序。二、重点讲解1.But I m not sure whether I can cook it well.但我不确定我能不能做好。whether 意

16、为“是否”,用来引导宾语从句,不能省略,后接陈述句。I dontknow whether he will be late,我不知道他是否会迟到。2.Its very kind of you.你真是太好了(太感谢你了) be kind to sb.对某人友好,善待某人We must be kind to the old我.们必须善待老人。 Its +adj.+of sb.+to do sth. 与 Its +adj.+for sb. to do sth的.区别是Its kind of you to to help me.(指 you are kind)Its important for us t

17、o learn English.(指 to learn English is important)3.First, cut some cooked meat very finely首.先,把一些熟肉切碎。cooked 是过去分词,相当于形容词作meat 的定语。boiling water 正在沸腾的水(进行)boiled water 开水,已开过的水(完成)an exciting day 激动人心的一天(主动)a used stamp 一枚用过的邮票4.Well done!干得好Very good! 非常好 Wonderful!非常好 Excellent! 好极了 Perfect! 太棒了 G

18、ood job!干得好.精品文档5.You need to add the rice slowly你.需要慢慢地添加米饭。add v. 增加,添加The tea is too strong, please add some more hot water.add to. 添加在 .上add. to.将.加在 .上add up 加起来,add up to 总计为Then you can look for something new to add to your collection.然后你可以找些心得东西添加在你的收藏品里。If you add five to five, you can get

19、ten.5 加 5 等于 10.Please add up these numbers请.把这些数字加起来。My whole school education adds up to no more than two years.我所受的全部学校教育加起来不超过两年。6.Second, cut up ham, cabbage and green onion finely.然后,把火腿,卷心菜和青葱细细地切碎。完成一件事情需要一连串的动作,这时就可以用以下表示先后顺序的副词:First,. Second,. Next,. Then,.After that,. Finally.首先 .,其次 .,接

20、下来 .,然后 .,之后 .,最后 .cut up sth.cut sth. up 意为“将 .切碎”。当宾语为人称代词时, 只能放在中间。Cut it up.把它切碎。cut sth. 切开;cut sth. into (small piece) 将某物切成(碎片)The knife can cut the meat. 小刀可以把肉切开。He cut the beef into thin slices. 他把牛肉切成薄片。7.一般情况下,多数形容词尾加-ly 就可以变为副词。.精品文档 carefully, finely, slowly, finally, lightly happily,

21、angrily, luckily, heavily, noisily第三种是以e 结尾的通常直接加ly ,比如: politely ,widely ;但是也有去掉e再加 -ly 的,如: possible-possibly,terrible-terribly第四种容易误用, usually. carefully, fully形容词与副词同形,如early, late, fast, hard, loud, enough, long, straight等。以 early 为例He catches the early bus.They get up early.三、巩固检测1.In the nort

22、hern part of China, people like eating n_ and dumplings.2.The monkey climbed up the tree _.(quick)3.Im very hungry, give me another _ of rice please.4.Please _ some sugar into the coffee.5.My father is cutting some _(cook) meat _.(care).精品文档Unit7Topic2Section B一、重点讲解.精品文档Unit7Topic2Section C一、重点词汇和短

23、语1.第一次2.最好不要做某事3.餐桌礼仪4.吃完,吃光5.在桌面上(站或坐)在桌旁吃饭,就餐6.以.开始以.结尾7.为.而干杯8.举杯举手筹钱9.只喝一小口10.用.去做事11.完成某事做完某事12.喝的太多13.没必要14.remember(not)to do 记得(不)要做某事(事情还没有做0remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(事情已经做过)二、重点讲解1.somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody 可与 someone, anyone, no one. everyone通用,在句中作主语,宾语和表语时,视为单数。everyone不能与 o

24、f 连用,只能说 every one ofEg. Every one of us likes music. Each of us likes music我.们每个人都喜欢音乐。.精品文档2.as的用法1)作连词,“如同,按照”表示方式Do as I say.2)作连词,表示比较, a. You are as tall as I.b. As he was ill, he didntcome.3)作介词 ,“作为,当作”Jay Chou is famous as a singer.三、练习1.Its not polite to speak loudly _.A.at tableB.at deskC

25、.by tableD.by desk2.Bad luck, _ took away my new watch.A.everybodyB.nobodyC.anybodyD.somebody3.He went out as soon as he finished _ his homework.A.doB.to doC.doingD.did4.He pointed the gun _ her head.A.toB.atC.onD.in5.Remember _ a letter to him.A.dontwriteB.doesntwriteC.not to writeD.not writing.精品文

26、档Unit7Topic2Section D一、知识积累1.饮食习惯2.在北美洲3.全世界4.在中国的南部地区5.两道或更多主菜6.远离7.吃许多海鲜8.同时二、重点讲解1.coursea. 一道菜b, 课程There are two or more courses for every meal.I want to choose a writing course.2.People use their fingers and bread to pick up the food.Pick.upa. pick sth. up 捡起,拿起食物She picked up the bottle and th

27、rew it into the dustbin.b. pick sb. up(开车)接某人顺路捎带上某人I will pick you up on my way to work. 我在上班的路上接你。三、语法总结及练习陈述句作宾语从句,由_引导,但 _常可以省略。一般疑问句作宾语从句,由_引导, _不可以省略,译为.精品文档_,同时要把疑问语序变为 _.注意:(1)宾语从句中有or not 时只能用 _, 不能用 if 。( 2)if 作“如果”讲时引导条件状语从句,区别 if 作“是否”讲时引导宾语从句。( 3)当主句是一般现在时态时,宾语从句可根据需要,用各种时态;当主句是一般过去时态时,

28、宾语从句则使用相应的过去时态。1.he doesntenjoy living in noisy environment. We know.(合并一句 )_2.Jane wontfind it out successfully. I think.(同上 )_3.Are the children playing games? Can you tell me?(同上 )_4.Is it polite to eat noisily? I dontknow.(同上 )_5.Can you speak French? I wonder.同(上 )_6.Does Kim live with his pare

29、nts? Im not sure.(同上 )_7.Could you tell me _ its polite to give a clock to a Chines person or not?8.Im not sure _ Tom will come and join us.9.Kate was glad _ she received a Christmas gift.10.I dontknow if he _(come) tomorrow.精品文档11.We will tell him if he _(come) tomorrow.12.() Eating habits in weste

30、rn countries are different from _ in China.A.thatB.thoseC.theseD.if13.() Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws _.A.betterB.bestC.worseD.worst14.Lily runs very _, but Lucy runs _ than her. Jane runs _of thethree.(fast).精品文档Unit7Topic3Section A一、学习目标会熟练运用就餐的交际运用二、知识积累1. for sale 出售、待售2. ladies

31、 and gentlemen 女士们先生们3. be open 开张4. be closed 关闭5. Thanks for coming!感谢到来6. have a goodnicewonderful time 玩得高兴7. enjoy oneself 玩的开心8. wish sb sth 祝愿某人某事9. wish sb to do sth希望某人做某事10.two bowls of rice 两碗米三、交际用语1. 我希望每个人都玩得开心 .2. 让我们祝愿他们成功 .3. 你要点餐吗?4. 你想要哪种饮料吗?5. 你想要什么?6. 还要点别的吗?7. 谢谢你的点餐.精品文档8. 我可以

32、结账吗9. 让我看一看10.给你11.给你零钱12.感谢你的到来四、重点讲解、1) wish 和 hope 的区别 hopewish to do sth wish sb to do sth wish sb sth hope + that 从句 (可实现的愿望 )wish + that 从句(不可实现的愿望)Eg.1). I _ you a happy new year祝.你新年快乐2) Best _ to you.最美好的祝愿给你。3) I _ you to cook dinner tonight.4) I _ you dream will come true one day.5) I _ I

33、 were a bird.我希望我是只鸟。6) She _ to climb Mout Tai one day.2. opencloseopenclosedopen v.打开adj.着的close v.关闭closed adj. 关闭的.精品文档 The door is _. A fly flew in through the _ window. (开的窗户)The shop is _ at 8:00 p.m.关(闭 ) _ your mouth.(张开你的嘴 ) It s hot, can you make the window _? Please keep the door _,Im so

34、 cold. Different kinds of food, _ my eyes.(大开眼界 )3. change nv Dontforget your _(零钱)。Nothing can _ my mind. (改变我的想法 )There are many _ in my hometown(.改变)五、检测巩固:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Were glad that our new clothing shop is now _.(open)2. Did you enjoy _(you) last night?Yes, we did.3. Lets wish him _.(success

35、ful)4. Two young _ (lady) are flying a kite.5. Whats on your _ (menu), please?.精品文档Unit7Topic3Section B一、知识积累1. in thirty minutes 三十分钟后2. thats all 就这些3. order sth 订某物4. order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事5. by phone 通过电话6. main courses 主菜7. have a seat 请坐8. take ones order 点菜二、重点讲解1. by 的用法by+nv-ing (表示方法、手段),用,由eg. She makes money _ _(.她靠卖花挣钱)Can you make it _ _? 用(手 )Could I order a meal _ _?(通过电话)


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