1、必修 4Module 1Interviewer is a woman, with a British accent. G is an American architect.Interviewer:Interviewer:Good afternoon everybody and on the programme this afternoon isan expert of American domestic architecture, Mr Simon Oppenheimwho's going to talk to us about the house of the future. So
2、whereshall we be living in twenty years' time?Twenty years isn't a long time. We won't be living underground or inG: space. We'll be living in houses and flats just as we do today.What will the houses look like?I think they'll look much the same as they do today, at least fromG:
3、the outside. But they will be different inside.Interviewer:In what way?For a start, they'll be more flexible. That means we'll be able to move the walls to create bigger or smaller rooms when we want to. So the dining room and living room as we know them wouldG: disappear.Interviewer:And the
4、 kitchen?The kitchen will become the most important room in the house! We'll still be cooking, and we'll probably be using the kitchen moreG: as a family room. And bathrooms will be bigger.Interviewer:So we'll be spending more time in the bath.Just as other people have done in the past,
5、like in the days of theG: ancient Romans, when the bath had an important social function .Interviewer:What about furniture?Interviewer:Well, a lot of furniture will be the samewe'll still be sitting in chairsand using cupboards to keep things in, but the technology will bedifferent. I think a si
6、ngle computer will control most of the functionsG: in the house, and it will have a voice recognition system.So we'll just have to say "Switch on the light!" and the light comeson?G: Yes, that's right. And the technology will be smarter.Interviewer:Smarter?Interviewer:Yes. For exam
7、ple, if we run out of something, like there's no moremilk left in the fridge, the computer will tell us. Maybe a shoppinglist would appear on a screen on the fridge. And the toilet will moveG: higher or lower, depending on who uses ita child or an adult.Will the houses of the future be environme
8、nt friendly?G: Yes, definitely. We'll be using machines which use less energy. Anexample could be a dishwasher which doesn't need water. I think everyone will be trying hard to take care of the environment.G: Does that mean you're optimistic about the future?Interviewer:Oh yes, very defi
9、nitely.Module 2Speaker 1On my way home a few days ago, I got stuck again in the traffic. While I was waiting, I saw a group of taxi drivers in front of me getting out of their cars. They seemed to know each other. They had coffee cups and one of them carried a thermos flask and poured out some hot w
10、ater to make tea. It was quite funny! But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still jammed and we still couldn't move.Speaker 2A few weeks ago I had to catch a plane to Sichuan Province. The plane took off at 5:30 p.m. so I set off at 2:30 p.m. to allow plenty of time to get to th
11、e airport.But it wasn't enough time. At 5 p.m. I was still only at the third ring road. It was just ridiculous! There was no way I was going to catch the plane, so I told the taxi driver to turn back and go home.Speaker 3It's only 7 kilometres from my home to my place of work. But every day,
12、 it is almost certain there will be a traffic jam as I get near the west fourth ring road. It's so annoying! It takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to get through it. I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people disobeying traffic rules. To get to the front of the line, they often take the
13、bicycle lane. It's the same with pedestrians and cyclists. They don't wait for the green light to pass.Speaker 4Beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably worse recently. The causes seem to be roadworks as the city prepares for the Olympics, and a huge increase in new car owners and new dr
14、ivers. Whatever the cause, it's enough to drive you mad!Why not limit the number of cars, build more underground lines or follow Shanghai and build roads in the sky? These days I only go out in my car at nightafter 9 p.m. That way I avoid the worst of the traffic.Speaker 5Going to the Summer Pal
15、ace the other evening there was a big traffic jam at a narrow bridge. One lane in either direction. So obviously there were lots of cars overtaking on the wrong side of the road which then came to a complete stop when a car came in the other direction. Result: no-one was able to move for 10 minutes!
16、 As soon as it cleared the same thing happened again. It's unbelievable !Module3Bill: Hi, Li Hong. How are you doing? I hear you're off to the States.Li Hong:That's right, Bill. I'm going to stay in America for three months.Bill: That's great. But you look a bit fed up. What'
17、s the problem?Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Li Hong:Bill:Look, Bill, can I ask you a favour? I need some advice about what todo . or better still, what not to do there.Oh you mean customs? Of course.For example, what should I do when I mee
18、t new people?Shake hands at the first meeting. Whoever they are, Americans don'tusually like to call each other by their family name: it sounds too formal.What shall I do if I'm invited to dinner?When you're invited to someone's home, it's a good idea to bring a giftfor your host
19、. It doesn't have to be something expensive, perhaps someflowers or a bottle of wine. And it's usual for people to open gifts whenthey receive them, so don't be surprised. That's the way we do things inthe States.OK.Be more or less on time, not very early and not very late.What on ea
20、rth can I talk about?It's best to avoid any heavy-going conversation topics. So avoid politicsor religion completely. If your mind goes blank, try not to panic.Remember to smile and stay relaxed and unless you're very unluckyyou'll soon think of something. In difficult situations I alway
21、s talk aboutthe weather.Oh, good idea.If you have a meal don't start eating before everyone is served. Andwhatever you do, don't leave immediately after the meal is finished.That could seem rude.Right.But when you do leave, be sure to thank your host for "a wonderfulevening". Oh, a
22、nd one last thing to remember .Yes?I know you'll really enjoy yourself so be sure to. have a great time!Module4Quiz Master:Matthew:Quiz Master:Boys and girls, we're into the second round of "Superquiz", and thesubject of this round is "Great Scientists". In this round, th
23、e firstperson to answer the question gets a point. If he's wrong, he losesa point, and the question goes to the second contestant. At themoment, Matthew and Rachel are equal, with 36 points each. Firstquestion: What is Einstein known for?( buzzer )The theory of relativity.Correct. When was Einst
24、ein born?Matthew:Quiz Master:Rachel:Quiz Master:Matthew:Quiz Master:Matthew:Quiz Master:Rachel:Quiz Master:Rachel:Quiz Master:Matthew:Quiz Master:Matthew:Quiz Master:Rachel:Quiz Master:Matthew:Quiz Master:Rachel:Quiz Master:( buzzer )1880.Wrong. Rachel?1879?Correct. The special theory of relativity
25、was published in 1905. Whowas it written by?( buzzer )Einstein.Correct. Einstein was given an important award in 1921. Whataward was he given?( buzzer )Was he given the Nobel Physics Prize?Yes, he was. Well done. Next question: What book is StephenHawking famous for?( buzzer )"A Brief History o
26、f Time".Correct. When was it published?( buzzer )1988.Correct. What is a "black hole"?( buzzer )It's a star that has collapsed in on itself.Correct. Who discovered black holes?( buzzer )They were discovered by Einstein.No, they were not discovered by Einstein, they were discovered
27、 byFred Hoyle. How are black holes measured? (Silence ) Rachel?Pass.Matthew?They're measured by the light waves that come from them.Wrong, they aren't measured by light waves, they're measured bythe radiation that comes from them. Who was this radiationdiscovered by?( buzzer )Stephen Haw
28、king?Well done! It was discovered by Stephen Hawking. It's called theHawking radiation. Now, Stephen Hawking is famous for anotherreason. Does anyone know?( buzzer )Matthew:Quiz Master:Rachel:Quiz Master:He can't walk and he can't talk except with a machine.That's correct. Do you kno
29、w the name of his disease?( buzzer )Motor neurone disease. He sits in a special wheelchair and hespeaks through a voice machine.Correct. And at the end of this round Matthew has thirty-nine pointsand Rachel has forty-one points!Module5Tourist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:To
30、urist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:Tourist:Travel agent:I'm interested in booking a classic Three Gorges cruise. Can youtell me something about the boats?Yes, certainly. They're big modern boats, and they all haveprofessiona
31、l English-speaking directors. You can choose betweenwestern and Chinese cuisine.Right. What about on-board activities?Well, first of all there's the welcome party. The captain letspassengers use his cabin for that.That sounds fun .Then there are lectures every evening on history and cultureyou d
32、on't have to go to them, of course.Good, I'm glad they're not compulsory. What about otherentertainment?Well, there's an on-board disco every night.Great. And are there any traditional Chinese activities?Yes, there are. You can do Tai Chi and kite flying, and you can evenlearn some C
33、hinese.What about swimming in the Yangtze?No, swimming from the boat is forbidden. It's too dangerous.Oh, I see. Are there any other rules I should know?There aren't a lot of rules. But the boats are non-smokingyou're not allowed to smoke anywhere except in your cabin and inthe smoking l
34、ounge.I see.And passengers are required to take their passports with themevery time they go on shore.Yes, of course. And we're allowed to take photos of the dam?Oh yes, there's no problem about that.but soModule6Listening1Good afternoon, and welcome to this week's edition of Mysteries of
35、 Nature.Today's topic is a big oneit's dinosaurs, those strange creatures which ruled theearth for no less than two hundred million years, some of them were plant eaters,others were like the infamous Tyrannosauraus Rex, carnivores who lived off meatand who attacked the more peaceful plant ea
36、ting dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurswerebig somewerethesizeofchickens,andinfacttheclosestthingstodinosaurs living today are actually birds. But the mystery we are going to talkabout today is why the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared exactly 66 million yearsago, and to throw light on the subject we've
37、invited one of the world's foremostexperts on the subject, from the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, Dr Roger Binfield.Listening2 Presenter: Dr Binfield: Presenter: Dr Binfield: Presenter: Dr Binfield: Presenter: Dr Binfield: Presenter: Dr Binfield: Presenter: Dr Binfield: Presenter:Good afternoon
38、Dr Binfield, and welcome to the programme.Thank you.I'm going to come straight to the point, even if I think there's notgoing to be an easy answer: why did the dinosaurs suddenlydisappear, almost overnight, 66 million years ago?You're right. There's no easy answer to that question, b
39、ut there arelots of theories.Such as?Well, probably the most widely accepted theory is the meteoriteone.You mean the earth was hit by a meteorite from space?Yes, that's right.And the dinosaurs died immediately?Not exactly, not all of them. The meteorite may have hit the earthwith such force that it created a huge dust cloud, which stopped thesunlight from getting through. so there was no light, no heat, andno food.But other animals survived?Yes, smaller creatures like mammals, which may have survivedbecause they ate nuts and seeds.What other theories are there?Dr Binfield:Presen
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