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1、学习好资料欢迎下载2012级初三英语总复习教案数词【使用教材和授课内容】义务教育课程标准试验教材(新目标)Go for it!九年级中考专项复习之数词【教学背景分析】1 .学生分析:今年我所教的两个班各有学生50人,其中优等生各 14人,有一半的学生对英语充满着浓厚的兴趣,但是每班有 20来个学生学习英语几乎没有兴趣,成绩很差,两极分化非常严重。2 .教学手段:本节课以课时学案为主要教学手段,运用洋思中学“先学后教、当堂训练”的教学模式, 鼓励帮助学生自主、合作和创新学习。3 .资料准备:在准备资料时,我精心搜集数词的有关素材,对数词相关知识的系统复习做到心中有数, 并从20082011年各省

2、市的中考真题中收集数词的相关试题,以便更好地承载所复习的知识,吸引学生 的注忌力。4 .前期教学状况: 关于数词的知识,在七年级就已经开始接触了,并且在教学中几乎每节课都要涉及到, 在生活中应用更是非常广泛,可见数词的学习尤为重要。其实,在新授课过程中已经反复训练了,因此本 课通过一系列的课堂活动进行完整的复习。【教学目标设计】1.知识目标:参考2008年至2011年绵阳市四年的中考试题分析考点、钻研考点,使学生们对数词有更 准确地把握和认识。1 .掌握基数词和序数词的构成形式和基本用法。2 .熟练掌握时间及日期的基本表达方法。3 .掌握日常交际活动中的数词常见用法。4 .理解数词的某些特殊用

3、法。5、了解英语数词部分成语和习语的惯用表达法2 .能力目标:通过听力和回答练习学会用所学的相关知识表达生活中的场景和情感,例如:电话号码、 天气温度、时间的表达、数量统计等的使用。3 .过程与方法: 先利用听力测试来检测学生对数词的掌握程度和真实水平,让他们感觉到数词的使用就 在身边,就在自己的实际生活中,以便激起学生对数词复习的愿望和激情。然后结合各省市近几年的中考 试题有关数词的考查,让学生自己通过分析找到中考考点,从而习得规律。在根据考试规律和认识,展开 数词总复习,让学生根据学案的提示,自己动手、动脑去总结归纳和分析,把课堂放开留给学生。最后强 化训练,查漏补缺,提升能力,增强信心。

4、4 .情感态度与价值观:课堂上立足于复习内容,设计了一些能激趣的活动形式,既活跃课堂气氛,有培养学生学英语的兴趣。,要求学生对所学过的数词作系统归纳。【课前准备】2、和序数词的构成和用法4.小数表达法:6、倍数表达8、常用加减法的表达10、数量表不法12、部分成语和习语的惯用表达法1 .基数词的构成和用法3 .分数表达法:5、百分数的表达7、约数表达9、时刻表达法11. 年、月、日时间表达法 【复习重点】1 .基数词的构成和用法2、序数词的构成和用法3、时刻表达法4、数量表示法5. 年、月、日时间表达法:【教学过程】一、知己篇:考考自己(学生做练习,体会英语数字在日常生活中的运用)1、听力训练

5、 A)B)C) A) The No. 7 Middle School.B) The No. 6 Middle School. C) The No.14 Middle School. A) A quarter past two.B) A quarter to two. C) Half an hour past two. A) March 15th.B) March 13th. C) March 12th. D) March 10th. A) CA2635. B) CA6325. C) CA3265. D) CA6352. A) About nine hours. B) Nine and a ha

6、lf hours. C) About ten hours. D) More than eleven hours.2、选择填空。()1. March is month of a year .A. a three B. the third C . a third()2. We will have a meeting at 8:05 (读做.)A. five to eight B . eight past five C . eight o five ()3. The wall is.A . four meters long B. four meter long C. four-meter long(

7、)4. He is an boy .A . eight years B . eight-year-old C . eight-years-old()5. We will have a walk .A . ten minutes B. ten minutes' C. ten-minutes二、知彼篇:考试说明(让学生对中考要求做了解)2012年中考学科考试说明要求:1 .掌握1-100的基数词和序数词的形式及基本用法。2.熟练掌握时间及日期的基本表达方法与之相应的介词搭配;。3.掌握日常交际活动中数词的常见用法。如:No.5, Lesson One等。4.理解数词的某些特殊用法。如:hu

8、ndreds of等。三、透析篇:中考考点分析 (让学生对中考考点要做全面的了解)(考点一、二学生读并体会)考点一、基数词、序数词的辨析例题:用所给词的适当形式填空1. Today we will learn the(twelve) lesson.2. It's August(twenty-one) today.3. We have(45) sheep on the farm.(考点三一六学生看例题小组讨论考点)【及时练习】【2011 浙江杭州】19. For breakfast, I usually have and two pieces of bread.A. a cup of m

9、ild half B. half a cup of milk C. a half milk cup D. half a milk cup【2011 山东滨州】25. Now, everybody, please turn to Page and look at the picture.A. Fifth; fiveB. Five; fifth C. Fifth; fifthD. Five; five考点二、hundred、thousand、 million、 billion 的用法例题:选择()1、-Nine pounds a week?-That ' s good.A. hundred

10、 of B. hundreds of C. hundred()2、-What do you think of a war?-people had to leave their hometown.A. three thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of D. several thousands【用法解析】1 .与具体数词(表示确定数字)one, two, several, some, any连用时,用单数形式;five hundred people2 .表示不确定数字时要与of连用,并用复数形式,不能再加数词;hundreds of people成百上千

11、,【及时练习】()1.12011 四川德阳】5. Football is so exciting that people in the world play it.A. million ofB. millions ofC. two millions of()2.How many students are there in your school, Mike?-There are over students in our school.A. two thousands B. two thousands of C. two thousand D. two thousand of()3.12011

12、重庆江津】()29.More than nine students are doing sports now.A .hundreds B. hundred of C. hundred D. hundreds of考点三、例题:()He wrote a letter.A. five-hundred-words B. five-hundreds-word C. five-hundred-word D. five-hundred-words【用法角军析】数词、名词、形容词等词用连字符连接成的形容词中,名词都不要加s,如:I have towrite a two thousand word repor

13、t.而且由连字符组成的形容词只能放于名词前,不能放于名词后,作后置 定语,或用在be动词后作表语。It's a five-minute walk from the library to the playground . 从图书馆到操场需要走五分钟。She's a sixteen-year-old girl .她是个十六岁的女孩。【及时练习】(2008 泰州中考)It ' s not easy for trail walkers to finish walking a trail within 48 hours.A. 100-kilometre B. 100-kilome

14、tres C. 100 kilometres D. 100 kilometres '【2011 四川德阳】3. I don ' t believe that this bcan paint such a nice picture.A. five years oldB. five-years-oldC. five-year-old考点四例题: 1、. Who is that man,eighth in the row?2、 . You must try it second time.3、【2011 湖北黄石】30. My uncle bought me an iPhone for

15、 my birthday.A. twelveB. twelfthC. the twelveD. the twelfth解析1)序数词前通常要用定冠词2)下列情况不用冠词A序数词用作副词时也通常不用冠词:He came first.他先来。I ' ll have to finish my homework first.我得先把作业做完。B但若序数词前用了物主代词或名词所有格,则不能再用定冠词:his second wife他的第二个妻子Tom' s third book汤姆的第三本书C 有些习语中的序数词前没有冠词:at first 开始 at first sight 乍看起来f

16、irst of all 首先【及时练习】【2011 福建莆田】()26. Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket? You can go to the Men's Wear Section on the floor.A. two B. twice C. second【2011 广安市】25.一How was your day off yesterday?一Perfect! It was birthday of my grandpa ' s . We had a big family celebration.A. seventy B. sevent

17、ieth C. the seventieth【2011 雅安】8. September is month of the year.A. ninthB. nineC. the nineD. the ninth【2010 四川 宜宾】I got a good present on my birthday.A. nineB. ninthC. the nineD. the ninth考点五、例题:1/2=1/43/42/7 9/102/5用法角军析 分数词的写法一般是:分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示:分子为“1;分母用序数词的单数形式;分子大于 “1;分母用序数词的复数形式。另外,分数主语的数取决

18、于of后面的名词的数。【及时练习】( )1.About of the workers in that factory are young people.A. third-fifths B. three fifths C. three-fives D. three- fifth()2、(2011 贵州毕节)24. Which is the biggest number of the four? A. One-third B. Two-thirdsC. A halfD. A quarter考点六、例题:().The new student is in.A. Class 2 B. Class Sec

19、ond C. 2 Class析在通常情况下,编号既可用序数词,也可用基数词。但门牌号、房间号、页码、电话号码等通常用 基数词。表示年级、班、行、课等的编号时也用基数词。其习惯表达为年级、班、行、课等的词在前,基 数词在后,且词首的字母要大写。即 名词+基数词”也可用“then序数词+名词”表示。【及时练习】1、()(2009 孝感中考)-There is a wrong word in Line. -Where?In the line.A. two; secondB. Two; second C. second; two D. second; second2、 ( )-Where are th

20、e students?-Are they in ?A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Room D. 406 Room3、 () ( 2010 山东省聊城市,35, 1) Which class won the match in the end?-I ' m not quite sure.Perhaps did.A.Class Third B.Third Class C.Class Three D.Three Class(考点七、八抽生归纳考点)考点七例题:1. We often get up at(6:00).2. Class begins

21、at(8:30).3. He came to school at(7:45).4. Let's make it(9:15).5. I was born on(1992/09/08)解析时间可用顺读法或倒读法两种方式表达。顺读法:从左到右依次用基数词读出数字(在日常生活中,常用下列方法表示时间。1、以小时、分钟为单位分别读出数字。6:31 读作 six thirty-one 14:03 读作 fourteen o three 18:30 读作 eighteen thirty 倒读法:(借助介词表达)10:26 读作 ten twenty-six16:15 读作 sixteen fifte

22、en23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five830分),在分钟后加 past,再加小时half past six 六点半seven past eight八点过七分30分),在分钟后面加to,再加小时(下一个整点)1 .表示几点过几分(分钟不超过five past seven七点过五分 a quarter past eight 八点过一亥U2 .表示几点差几分(分钟超过 ten to eight差十分八点(七点五十分)a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(H一点四十五分) twenty to six 差二十分六点(五点四十分)【及时练习】()1、(2009

23、 贵阳中考)"What time do you usually get up, John?”"I usually get up atA. half past six B. half to sixC. half after six()2、(2009 广东中考)A war took place in.A. the 1720' B. 1720sC. 1720 ' s D. the 1720考点八、例题:1. I was graduated from a college(在二十多岁时 ).2. The woman became a famous singer(在三十

24、几岁时 ).3. She left her hometown(在九十年代 )角军析年龄、年代的表达方式:1、表示人的确切岁数可用固定短语at the age of+数字 Of+数字数字+years oldAt the age of sixteen she can do a lot of things.She's a girl of sixteen.She's sixteen years old。She's a sixteen-year-old girl . 她是个十六岁的女孩。2表示人的不确切岁数,用几十的复数形式表示。He became a professor in

25、his thirties . 他三十多岁时成为了教授。She died of lung cancer in forties . 她四十来岁时死于肺癌。3、年代的表达:年代,(在)90 年代 (in) the nineties(在)19 世纪 (in) the nineteenth century(在)18 世纪 30 年代 (in) 1730s 或 1730' s(在)20 世纪 60 年代;in the 1960s(或 in the 1960' s)【及时练习】()1. John began to make a living by himself .A. in his twe

26、nty B. in his twenties C. in the twenty D. in the twenties()2. I went to college in and began to work in .A. the 1980s, twenty B. the 1980' s, my twentiesC. 1980, my twenty()3、(2008 汕头中考 )The old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of .A. sixty B. the sixtieth C. sixty years old D. sixt

27、ies(考点九、十学生自习了解)考点九、 another+基数词+名=基数词+more+名例题:()(2008 宿迁中考)The work is too difficult for Mr. Zhu to finish in a week. He needs days.A. more twoB. two more C. two another D. another more用法解析【解析】选B。根据前面的题意 对于朱先生来说,那项工作在一周内很难完成”和所给选项可知本题考查基数词+more"或"another基数词”的用法。分析比较四个选项可知A、C、D都是错误的,故正确答案

28、为B。【及时练习】()-Do you have enough students to carry the boxes?-No, I think we need students.A. another B. three others C. more three D. three more考点十、表示时间、距离、长度、价钱、数量等的名词作主语时,谓语动词用三单现形式。例如:用be动词的正确形式天空例题:1.Two hundred miles () a long distance.2.Ten dollars () a high price for that book .【及时练习】()【2010 江

29、苏 苏共| 9. of the land in that district covered with trees and grass .A . Two fifths ; is B . Two fifth ; are C. Two fifth ; is D. Two fifths ; are()2.of the money run out.A. Five-ninths, has B. Five-ninth, has been C. Fifth-nine, has D. Fifth-ninths, have()3.12011 湖南岳阳中考】 26.of the land is covered wi

30、th trees and grass in Pingjiang, Yueyang.A. Three fives B. Three fifthsC. Three fifth【考点总结】考点一、基数词、序数词的辨析考点二、hundred、 thousand 、 million 、 billion 的用法考点三、与连字符连用,名词不加s考点四、序数词前用不用the修饰考点五、用英语表示分数考点六、数词用于编号考点七、表达时刻和日期考点八、几十岁几十年代考点九、another+基数词+名=基数词+more+名考点十、表示时间、距离、长度、价钱、数量等的名词作主语时,谓语动词用三单现形式。四、集训篇:知

31、识运用( )1. The story happened.A. in July 9, 2003 B. on July 9th ,2003 C. in 2003, July 9 D. on 2003, 9th July( ) 2. Do you want to buy pork?A. half kilo B. half a kilo C. a kilo half D. a half kilo( )3. Both of the two rules are broken. I want to buy a one.A. three B. third C. fourth D./( ) 4. Our sum

32、mer holiday is coming. Two the students in our school will go to the beach.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of.( ) 5. September is Teachers' Day.A. the B. the tenth C. the ten's D. Ten根据汉语提示,用适当的词语填空,完成下面的短文Zhao Ming is a(13 岁)boy. Yesterday was his(13 岁的)birthday. He wanted

33、to have a birthday party. But his father, a driver of(40 岁),is working in Beijing with his mother. He called Zhao Ming, "Your mother and I are so far from you. We can't go home for your party. Why not have a party(每隔一年)?" Zhao Ming agreed. But his friends remembered his birthday. They

34、went to buy some food and drinks. Zhao Ming's classmate, Le Feng, bought him a big cake. It was( 一英尺 高)and (两英寸大)a ball. It cost him (50 元).They also bought Zhao Ming (个二手的 )mobile phone so that he could keep touch with his parents.Zhao Ming was very happy.五、实战篇:感受中考数词练习(一)(2010.四川省自贡市 26.1) Goo

35、d morning ,madam.Can I help you?-Sure,I ' d like for cooking vegetables.A.two cups of tea B.three pieces of bread C.five kilos of oil (2010.江苏省无锡市.1.1)Nearly of the earth covered by sea.D.three fourths;areA.three fourth;isB.three fourths;is C.three fourth;are(2010 山东省聊城市,35, 1) Which class won t

36、he match in the end?-1 ' m not quite sure.Perhaps did.A.Class Third B.Third ClassC.Class ThreeD.Three ClassA. hundred (2010 铜仁市,2 2010 山东省莱芜市,25, 1) There are people in the supermarket. It's so crowded.B . hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds ofA. hundred; Two thirds(2010 广西定西)(30, 1) The number

37、 of the students in our school is about nine.of them are boys.B. hundred; Two third C.hundreds; Two thirds D. hundreds; Two third)girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.A. Million of B. Many million of C. One million of D. Millions of(2010 四川达州 27. 1) trees have

38、 been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.A. Two hundreds(2010 天津市,A.thousand (2010 兰州市,B. Hundred ofC. Hundreds ofD. Hundreds37, 1) Because of Project Hope,children have better lives.B.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of37, 1) I thinkof the materials I listened to at the beginning of the e

39、xameasy.A. three fourths, is B. third four, areC. three fourths, are D. three fourth, are(2010 四川省眉山市,22, 1) - Do you know the boy is sitting next to Peter?-Yes. He is Peter' s friend. They are celebrating his birthday.A. who; ninth B. that; nineth C. /; nineth D. which; ninth(2010 -江苏省苏州市,9,1)

40、of the land in that district covered with trees and grassA. Two fifths ; is B. Two fifth ; are C. Two fifth ; is D. Two fifths ; are数词练习(二)【2011 重庆】1 The government of Chongqing is building cheap and good houses for the people.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of【2011 广东】.After th

41、e Asian Games,people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.A. thousand B. thousands of C. five thousands D. five thousands of【2011 福建泉州 3. Water covers most parts of the earth. Yes, about of the earth.is covered with waterA. one fourthB. half C. three fourths【2011 云南八市】4." " want m

42、y leg! I want to run! I want to jump!”a girl cried in the hospital in Libya( 利比亚).A.5 - year- old B. 5 - years - oldsC. 5 year old D. 5 - year - old.【2011?川资阳】5. Tom has just finished writing a article.A. nine - hundred - words B. nine - hundreds - wordC. nine - hundred - word D. nine - hundreds - w

43、ords【2011. 云南昆明】 6. We are organizing a lot of activities to celebrate the birthday of the CommunistParty of China these months.A. nineteen B. ninety C. nineteenth D. ninetieth【2011.广东梅州】7. Has Mary been back?Not yet. She will come back the evening of June.A. at, first B. to, thirtieth C. on, the tw

44、elfth D. on, the nineteen【2011.海南三亚】 8. More than children took part in activities last month.A. two thirds B. thirds second C. second three D. two third【2011 广东清远】9. Every year,people go to visit their factoryA. a thousand of B thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of【2011 广西百色】 10.Last year, I visited a c


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