



1、wn*m*.-e dixa-biu.sagyndi"::'*"::.:“* .,;::,- -uon.:n inor;,“”-3”ginxm-pusf.”;:.、.”-,“,"上:-*- im p".”e” :£:"""".s*"o,ogl."cu"e-.i "-"-uxCay.Ccum:" beran*"、."<:"».";.“.?.-,;>- oxenzkc. "

2、r dqat*;.e on.","";:.- .m; .n,”;c"aeon",-e”ay*;nx ”“-工*”."-."."."."*.me“o:. b-ha-w:wd.”ca,.A:et.;er;".HoOiuaj "-""8"'.厂”.::.",3:.::.,ma-""i"ewo:.“.x"eo:o:.aiya. ".::"“,:*;.“-*:,a.azerHLm

3、eWk .->ac"si*:eteme;“”":"":-.:;-; ae.d"b-"f:acn .gmaaemen .-. I.sc.iu- a.". .w.bs- .ly .siI - . ., ok -I- ”. i l.a.0 .t iwd . .”.”、It. 0 .dp. -a y ad ._ s_l . lak. iv.f. idb. I o Wo . . cag. ofwo' w -Io . -Io.,-Io u 0 .p. sol Wo . i .Ca. of .n scool. >.)

4、df.nd I ". ad .a.-.,. . bi».l o.Coo. XX Cy oo. (-.) “;. 20, 9 of w ICI .otu.”. o. a .、 of wc .- . fr . d. .y "o. ci. l - . a. - .o;l .0 .1xx ldu i o. cud|-b.),c.|a.s|.-.Gov. .、. 1 b.ay -1 d - bbs.al- -. -c ana.1. .N f.a. p.o-t o. .ad ulo. of n"1 -i. -i.1s I. n31-.i. ac.d - l-iy .

5、-. c ad -.dad o.aizai o. la.id o- i.f.aio.- ".a * .1 . c.-cio.,ad c. eva -ai., . .tao. .a - p.o. ci. q-. . .a- io.ai. . s * .:g-.ll - |ob-u a|iy -t60.”.、-., aco. .dad 1g -, 1a.i. X- - .i.”p-.3. . . Wa .、scoo. I- .d. wi.' We, vi-o. a -I.t . .il-"boa- .ul. .da oo. d. .-lai o.a .WII Ciyd.

6、ai .- - d., . so. il C. no. C .f f_ |.ovd_l_ I.e.a sl.el.ol o. -|o.I fo. bei a cld I.adad.a.dI.I ol w. to-.I a .d ma|owe i- . , a . | .|.|1o., -. lIool _I_ HoU.ec.sI-l-.-.a” pa .ay ad.i dd. sCoo.l-|-s ciy d.ai . . . .-a . >、. . . -1 |Iy.c1 . I.i.i.-m ol c.a ci- d I-pIysial fb. lIool .slool|_.Eacs

7、lool c.sI-. sa-ds ol 1 .-o. ad . o.k a XX .a- . . . .lyoHd-cai. .adadizIo. .a.a. II. C. .lalLi.ay ola-i o v -aed_ai. . s.c 0 -lU| .CCi - I.C. 1d-alo. C-d, af.,i.|-e.lld 1 .- IeWo pll ”. ad.dd.slool 3198, I. !1 8B 7.e .I "ay a.d -c.d.y, olle -pps .T Ie -a bl .I ol a-.- d,|.alia l G.aie .a- ICIoo

8、. Ia. a-e. I e -.al .elo|ol. a.a.-. c.|-.O-d lic-i . ok, b.oacaS . SCoo. ._ HI. ba .d- di, ICea .d a a.y I. MiiSy ol -o.o.-l .d .| - e .Iio. .a e ducai.i- s -llov. |. o. (-.Illel.ic. e.(.”4 I, ov -a. o.-一d X .a o. . ".".-la'i v.".o".-1.'.-.-.,W/.,).,.fy'.iea Ci'.l

9、'i's. dg-mrno-i.IaCi.i; . - i . I.-. 1.I CI-rno|-l, cd.le dll .elec -I., ., i.-. uei d-. Ias XXCGy B-.a -o. I. ojclol.| - e .|.- .". biSId XX,-1lo-a|.oId.Ia.- .ds.一- o.l- ”、c.ayf.ld-aIo.E _b1.eddgklie .s. e -ce |. Cgou|, ., c-.o.Cai- IU .acee-cai o. d|.ai_ouc_lov_.l.ojel- .P.o. i XXl .C

10、ool dV-. l_i . .old. diSalee d_1o. .ali.l- llo-a|. d.-l.e d-cai. .ali. adXX-1 ce |. C.-l- de.植物景观设计课程教案(2学时)一、教学目标和基本要求掌握城市公园的植物景观设计方法。二、教学内容第六章综合型城市绿地植物景观设计与营造 第三节公园植物景观设计一现代公园发展里程碑(一)美国纽约中央公园简介第一个真正意义上的公园纽约中央公园:美国景观设计之父奥姆斯特德(Frederick La Olmsted) 最著名的代表作南北长4公里,东西宽800米,占地约340h m2回游式环路和波浪系统园路系统4条园路与

11、城市街道立体交叉相连重大意义:全美第一个公园(public park);在其规划建设中,诞生了一个新的学科一一景观建筑学(Landscape Architecture )。(二)奥姆斯特德原则一一公园设计重要原则1保护自然景观,恢复或进一步强调自然景观-.|. ev. I. . e.Iaiid, iy Iide. ad -. ., . .-a. -. 1laid - c-i. . .y o- da Io dy . e-i.e.I. By lie a -e lel.i ial.f,xx a.i. - ba -,.ie-. . ve- -a . . - . e . Cc.i- a . s . .

12、. .- ava.y ol .evi. a. . . pa-. ss-s a . . oo. -a s aia-ae ai-. i . a -i.y a. -ic-i y -. s a.Iv-s , Avia V i-ssyS_ o. a . -a b_i . ai vi-s sol -.y as».I . I-.|-. a bm-ai. ._.If. - I. -a -. l;a belR-|-ylo.S e ve. 0.1 一 ,., . 一、Ia. -a. .ace -C -e q-.lia-.,.o- .i o.d. I e .- e ad . -. . XX liy if.

13、 -.I e . .al.lolI. a.a. S vesa.dd . o - ad ap.-i X C.y.eiolola. . Wdo -、v."W .do-.Se v. 8-ido ",. . - , Ie ScIas.Co.f Ofi .f-. SCoo. -.iIe. i .f.ai. - . l p. ol a .d .oIII. l-iy .XX .-ali o. .po. aea. o. Io. H , . laaio. - f. Ha .”-.o-.111.day - ”. - d . o-ld.e aai. -., .-.ai. . - .e. o. .

14、-. y,.d - 1 . cie-. .b ev.y.e .-. -.y . . v. i.ov.-.io. -.iy,. 1a 11. X e-Ci . - I. .e- .S-. .y T i . -i.- .a1-. o ai.,- o. cloy -i 1 . ey p|a o. . . lay lay .-.-1y dils,. ca.d . . y . . sc-iy o. if.一. o.a ci 1 a -si . -1.ia1- , o. .Ivi. l-iy i .<-.-一. Ila <-. . . .y.a. .I-.I .-I o-l .0 I f .

15、I - dea lSI.STI. o-l lex.il ., a e 11 a-a .ai- a C ol ivs.e .I i -I o., fciBis a .d p.l f.-.Ie.-pdas - o. -p. I. . -.,. - -. lo.ce.-.I I .Iaev -I .W -1 I.-iyol .veI - f. Iep.v.- e d-1o. . dv -.I d-a., ole II. .,. W.I. a .d MCa J. . a .dCCe. J- .a- pa.C p i p.o. al o -.-0. - ll Ia. l_lcle. palliai .

16、la 7, .3 is-XX liy .-cai.if.ai.ad .-p.e.IC .Ie a lh. poi.sCooIIe _ . 0d e-i. olni. . paid olAipiiUi.q-ihee.i. spa of sCloI.aevCe a:-nr olp.ov >c la.-caiU.e.-cev.ICh.Ie. .-m: IH4a I ld-cain olaS I ICI.cleT.Ceo. .I-lIo.be.I . Iin y -iliysIIsi d-dll lIanjn pahi.l s: Is-aclUdi. I o ". ablv.u. -

17、lol .elove-U),i-. -00lile -.0 cUSal .a s aldsgd i: 0 .I .X-esl. l. Fi. Tyf. li. |. c.ol .0."Puli . aac lUsahaB .1. .0010.achel. pl -ai -V-A d-caUi)e1<ai fXi e mdB. 0. fa-.Sio. ol.Ca.ale c,a ycha1 . .e Ca ,.1.1v ylXi i. XXHylsIiam"na1i>gi.:C d"Ivs -I C amooIcIoungi. is ciyd-a,.-B

18、UaSoai II4 "cl,satdl -y II. J-1.I ayaidiv.-al)XX,a dv .0. ol acesaa dssai.i;. .f mzti DU.I 0. ly r-abli.a>de lesdiu.al -c. . - 2pvisio.vijC1, sc e. "i .;ihli I v.C.evl 3Aool |evyu::iva-z. .p e.,e atCllo.».| :|sm"ae. -|_Ub;oiaai . .1-.| O I |1.|SaI-ioomai1yi_nl,f|iS oei-. :, .:

19、.;:.":. i.pa .ladlool ve-I -aevop. sce.iifi, opaio.a e-cai.if.ai o. Se S la. ; .-I olid .aiapl cai.s By”. .06,3 cieipai iya . .day sc.oi a Iieie -cesia-ma-i-1 idni.oi-cs'e d-.Iolal.Clo1|yi.ofe.iyleS i .i ,Ai psei.ainiooia.a.-. Taa s.iai leal slooll- iie.a- d-iil e<des,if"ailleClo1.y

20、lclla -I Ismeacnuraigteymaentsssyesstsemmesnat is i nncdlmuedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdpla numbeermofenptrtahgemiatic,cnofmorbminaetionsedcupraitryt budg-teitmteowenorskufroericeednfuocramtiationon inforsmeactiuorint,ytohfeinvestmpernot.tecti on ofthedigBityalXcXa,me duca

21、ptiuosn incfoornmstrauticotnioanndandsustainabelequipment deveClentorepmXeXnt.nSeixtwBourrkeauantteatworksecuritcyheasndgrieatim npfoorrtamatinocnetsoeicnuforirtmy.atAiontcecchorndoilnoggtyo theinsfeocrumriattyi,oni tnformaetciohnnotlechongyolsoegcyusrietycurreitqyu,ierements,intrustssXuXedCaitydoCc

22、eunmteernftorreedquuicraetsionsaclhinofoolrsm(autniiotns)ainmdpleemequnit,pdmeefintndeeddtichaetiendfotormtationsechueritwy gourik. Netwdoreklinseecuritsy,lspecifieadincgwgorrokupprawasctice ss,etpruopc,e cdhuraierse,dabyntdreheqEudiruecmaeti notns.BureauChiefC,lehearaindustrdy,ifnofroXrmXaetionduca

23、tionsecMuertirtoy-innectiwde orkntasn(dacicnfiormadteint s) toodnetescetc,urreity emerpgoertnacynrdedsiposnpsoeslaelaprocesseds.erAshipcc.orDdienpguttoy grouspellefa-examinatdieornf,otrheXXscehool (dunuictast)iobnaal metropolitsainc aerstablisheeadnethwas noerktwaonrdk isnfeormaticuritymaonnagseemce

24、unrittysyesmteermg;etnhceysrcehsopooln(suenictso)oraccordinati ond,incgomtomtanhdi.sTunits aheteamctuaasl,sisesttlaeablishdeedr anddhaepsuutnyiltesapdeersonnelmr,aresponsinagembelnetf,oir nentwfoorrmkationsXyX nesttwemorrokosme mcaunriatgyeame ndinfnotr,maantdioenq.u.ipmenetamma. Informationnagement

25、,asecunridtymweodrika maCnoangfeemreence hnetl,daenadchsemneetswteork securirt,yaconsntdrucdtieopnlomymaneantgeomfie nformation nt, andseshciuritpypoefddodicmuements insionmsasnuaegdemoena rengt,anduslaerrvibasisc.eIonfuotsrmouarticoinng,managementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork

26、 security responsibilityheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsibility;website of information management personnel isresponsibl eforconfidentia lmanagement, passwordma nagement, on computerenjoysindependentright,Usernameand password ofthecomputerforitspr oprietar y,andrelease ofprovisi on

27、s ispr ohi bited,sucha sleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.According to whois in chargeofwho' s in charge,who is runninga nd whois responsiblefor,w ho uses principles ofwhois inchargeofmanagementschools (units)definedt herole sand responsibil itiesofinformationse curit y,assurance responsibi

28、litiest oschools. XX city s chools (units)totalsite 20, 19 ofwhichwerenot classified securityprotecti on assessment,ofwhich 1 (XX educationand resource network) for classifiedsecurity protection levels,withoutthird-level i nformation systems.otaleducation information systems1(XXeducation cloud platf

29、orm),containsfeatures withe-Governme nt,resource library, test database, mailservi ces, such ase-books,allintranetservices.No for gradeprotecti ongrading record a nd evaluation ofschool (units), requirements theschool(units) accordingto information security gradeprotecti on a bout policyand standard

30、,organizati on carried outinformationse curitygrade prote ction securitymanagementsystem construction,and technologymeasures constructi onand gradeeval uation,implementation gradeprote ctionsystem oftherequireme nts,makesinformation system security management levelobviouslyfacilityupto 160 millionYu

31、a n,accor ding tot he standard, high quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWanZhaokua n to schools,hundredsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:Web,vi deo, audi o)tothe targe t,electronicw hiteboards,multimediaclassrooms,rem oteinteractivevi deotea chi n

32、g system of modern educati onalequipmentin t he classroom Wit h Intelcompa ny on XXEducation City domain netw orkoftopic ca sede sign, relie son Cisco compa ny thought Shu aid chuan proje ctstafffree provides has threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009began, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and high o

33、fwor kthought,a ndmanpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou reconstruction ofopportunities ,again pla nni ng eleme ntaryand mi ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain network,a nd local broadcasti ng network companycooperation, usi ng broadcastT

34、V network,will physi calfiberlayingt oeach school,to minim um ofcost a chieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Ea ch school construction standards of campus netw orkand netw orkaccessto all rooms;XXeducati on metropolita n area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipment inthe Mi nistryofeducation stan

35、dardization ma nagement platform,the Ce ntralLibrary of audi o-visualeducation re sources,setup a Chinese teachereducation cloud platform, implemented li nks thetwo platforms.At present,the city'sprimaryand middleschool studentst ocomputer 3198,vitalitythan 10:1;809 equipme ntclassest hroug h th

36、e classroom (primary andsecondary);36 ofthe campus network.T heesta bl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,the city'sschools have access to e ducationalmetropolitanare a netw ork,school s have computernetworks, closed-cir cuittelevi sion netw ork, broadca

37、st networks intot he cl assrooms,real ize the triple play.Schools share Internetba ndwi dth, canme etthe needs of teaching oftheschool officea nd ata nytime.Accordi ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull starte d impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitaleducationresource sfull coverpr oje ct of notificat

38、ion(taughttechnicalletter(2012) 74th,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on issue d XX provincetea chi ng points digitaleducati on resour cesful lcov er projectiomrgplaenmizaentitoant,ioinn vaiews ccorda onfcenotificwatiitohnth(echuaunnitfaie d arranuggehmtleenttteorf(t2h0e13w)h1o8lteh,p)rrequ

39、irements,oIvince,responsibleciftoyr6unaitveear chi snigtypeodinutcsaitmion digpliteamlreenstoatuiron teachingces coverinpgoints dpirgoijtealcetdmuacantaigemeon re ntsaonudrimces fpullemlecnotavetiropnr.oAjecccto,r codminbignteo dprIovciity spnecciefsicarra ngseitmueantits,on, IdeCevenlter opehads ia

40、srsruaendg haesmeXntXsCGitoyng Bureau on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover project of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX ,fullcoverage ofdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired t he Secretaryf oreducati on.E stablished,digitalre

41、 sourcesi n modern dista ncee ducation teaching ,XXfull coverageproje ct group, XX, Direct orofthe Centerfor educational i nformation a ndequipme nt chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordi stanceeducati on digital resourc escovering projectw ork. Projects inXXcity school digitalresour ces i n modern d

42、istancee ducation teachingful l-coverageproje ct leadi ng group, digitalresour cesi nmodern distance e ducationteaching, andXXfull coverage project group lea dershipa nd2 除了在非常有限的范围内,尽可能避免使用规则形式3 开阔的草坪要设在公园的中心地带4 选用当地的乔木和灌木制造浓郁的边界栽植5 公园中的所有园路应设计成流畅的曲线,并形成循环系统6 主要园路要基本能穿过整个庭院,并由主要道路将全园划分为不同的区域2 综合性公园

43、植物景观规划原则1 全面规划,重点突出,远期和近期相结合;2 突出公园的植物特色,注重植物品种搭配;3 公园植物规划注意植物基调及各景区的主配调的规划;4 充分满足使用功能要求;5 四季景观和专类园的设计是植物造景的突出点;6 注意植物的生态条件,创造适宜的植物生长环境。3 综合性公园植物景观规划布局( 一 ) 基本要求1 .形成统一基调:用23种树形成统一基调。北方地区,常 绿树占30%50%,落叶树占50%70%;南方地区,常绿树 占70%90%。在树木搭配方面,混交林可占70%、单纯林占 30。出入口、建筑四周、儿童活动区和园中园的绿化应善于变化。2 创造与环境适应的气氛:在娱乐区、儿童

44、活动区,为创造热烈的气氛,可选用红、橙、黄等暖色调植物花卉;在休息区assessme ntinformationw orkmorethanto cutw eight 10.Practiceisaregularroom supervisi on,e ducationinformati onsteeri ng,ste ering, steering with theend, principals ofeducati oninformationi nto performanceassessme ntand schoollevelm onit oringa nd eval uation,to deve

45、lop a scientific, operational educationinformati onste ering a ssessment methods,trackingmanagement ofeducationinformati ona nd appli cations. ByMar ch 2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipated ina nationale ducationaltechnologytraining forprimary and secondaryschooltea chers,the teachers havemadetocut80

46、 primaryand middleschoolteachers'e ducationaltechnologyproficie ncytest certificate. At present ,allschools havea ccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati ontrai ning ofteacher s,schooltea cher s,aca demicl eaders,informationtechnology,teachertraining a nd net workmanageme ntpersonnelf

47、romtheCounty,wit hintheschool backt oschooltraini ngonce training i scomplete.managementsystems and mea suresestablisecuritya ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnmanagementsystem;developedhascomputerand thenetworkofd part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the protecti on ofthe digitalcam pus cons

48、truction andsustainabledevel opment. SixBureauattaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nforsecuritybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.ByXX,e ducation information andequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation security.A ccordingto t heinformationtI

49、_ _ _一. |_ _ _ 一 _.I _ I11,1._.| . |_ _ _ _| 一 _ _一I_. . .一equipmentin t-I.he classroom.equpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatiWith Intelcompa- -一 -一necompa nyonn cloud platform, impleme-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lny on XXEducation City domain netw nted li nks

50、 thetwoheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informatiorkoftopic caces, such ase- platforms.At present,the city'ssede sign, relie son Cisco-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I 1-1a nyouguacuan pschool studentst ocomputeron management personne

51、l i sresponsibl eforconfidentiaNo for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval uation ofschool (units), requirement .-L - I - . _I .I . .1 |_chuan proje ctstafffree provides3198,vitalitythanhas threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009 L一 1.1I一 一一 I I _ 一 10:1;809 equipmesofnotification(chuantaught

52、letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 atea chi ng points im plementation teachingpoints digital educati on re sour ces ful lcoverproject,ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniversity education digitalresources covering proje ct manageme ntand im plementation.Ac

53、corlmanagement, passwordmanagement,s theschool(units) accordi-I . . L IL I on computerenjoysindepenormation technologysecurity,eechnol ogysecurity requirements,intclassest hroug h the classroom (primary andsebegan, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and 一一. II - -ngto information seentright,gog sanars,an

54、g owcondary);36 ofthe campus network.Thigh ofworkthought,a. I_ I-heestarity gradeprotectindmanpower planningcombine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XXCity Burea u on tea chi ng points digitalresources full dingto provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gongl ishmentllcover projectntrust XX City Centerforessued a document renameand pa sswo


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