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1、第五章 国际私法关系的主体Subjects of Private International Law 5-1 自然人 Natural Person 5-1-1 自然人的国籍 Nationality 国籍的概念 Definition 国籍冲突及其解决Conflict of Nationalities 5-1-2 自然人的住所 Domicil 住所的概念Domicil v. residence 住所的冲突及其解决Conflict of domicils5-2 法人 Legal Person 5-2-1 法人的国籍 Nationality of a Legal Person A.成员国籍主义 the

2、 Nationality of Members Doctrine B.设立地主义 the Register Place Doctrine C.住所地主义 the Domicil Doctrine D.准据法主义 the applicable Law Doctrine E.实际控制主义 the Capital Control Doctrine F.复合标准说 the Mixed Standard Doctrine5-2 法人 Legal Person 5-2-2 法人的住所 the Domicil A.管理中心所在地说the Headquarter B.营业中心所在地说the Business

3、Center C.章程规定说 the Regulation of Incorporation5-2-3 外国法人的认可Recognition and Permission of Foreign legal Persons A.一般认可制 general Recognition System B.相互认可制 Mutual Recognition System C.特别认可制 Special Recognition System5-3 国家 5-3-1 国家作为国际私法关系主体的特殊性 名义/平等地位/国库财产/豁免权 4-3-2国家豁免问题 A.绝对豁免论the Doctrine of Abso

4、lute Immunity B.限制豁免论the Doctrine of Restrictive Immunity C.废除豁免论the Doctrine of Abolishing Immunity D.平等豁免论the Doctrine of Equal Immunity F.我国的立场 Chinas Arguments5-4 外国人民事法律地位的制度 Several Systems of Civil Legal Status for Foreigners 4-4-1 国民待遇 National Treatment 4-4-2 最惠国待遇 the Most Favored-nation T

5、reatment 4-4-3优惠待遇 Preferential Treatment 4-4-4 普遍优惠待遇 Treatment of Generalized System of Preference 4-4-5不歧视待遇 Non-discriminate TreatmentGeneral Rules on Domicile It is a settled principle that nobody shall be without a domicile, and in order to make the effective the law assigns what is called a d

6、omicile of origin to every person at his birth, namely, to a legitimate child the domicile of the father, to an illegitimate child the domicile of the mother, and to a foundling the place where he is found.Second, a person cannot have two domiciles.Third, the fact that domicile signifies connection

7、with a single system of territorial law does not necessarily connote a system that prescribes identical rules for all classes of persons.Fourth, there is a presumption in favor of the continuance of an existing domicile.Fifth subject to certain statutory exception, the domicile of a person is to be

8、determined according to the English and not the foreign concept of domicile.The Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity One of the oldest principles of international law is the doctrine of sovereign immunity. Under this doctrine, countries are granted immunity form suits in courts in others countries. Origin

9、ally, the United States granted absolute immunity to foreign governments from suits in U.S. courts. In 1952, the United States switched to the principle of qualified or restricted immunity, which was eventually codified in the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act of 1976. This act provides that a foreign

10、country is not immune from lawsuits in U. S. courts in the following two situations: 1.the foreign country has waived its immunity, either explicitly or by implication. 2. the action is based upon a commercial activity carried on in the United States by the foreign country or carried on outside the

11、United States but causing a direct effect in the United States.案例5-1 美国空难家属在美向中国民航总局索赔案1985年1月9日,两位美国人通过泛美航空公司购买了中国航空公司从南京到北京的机票,但没有按原来购票的时间飞往美国,改乘同天5点第5109航班。不幸的是,该航班在济南上空发生空难,乘客全部遇难。家属在美起诉中国民航总局,要求赔偿300万美圆。中国民航于1980年获得美国民用航空局的许可,从事美中间定期载客航班飞行,但有一个条件:中国民航根据本许可从事活动产生的索赔,中国民航放弃以主权豁免来辩护。1986年10月18日,美国联邦地区法院认为没有管辖权。空难家属上诉,认为美国法院有管辖权;中国


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